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  • How to deal with an unwanted crush?

    He confessed that he loves me, and I’ve briefly told him that I don’t share the same feelings and that I only consider him as a colleage. I kept talking to him as if nothing happened since we meet almkst everyday in uni. He keeps texting me more than ever and sometimes I get drifted... I told him to stop texting me unless it is something urgent. He apologized and said that he couldn’t control himself and he will only text me things related to uni. He begged me twice to remain his friend and that he’ll not bother me anymore. I thought he got it that I am not gonna be into him no matter what, but I was wrong. I feel that he thinks I’m concealing my feelings or he is just trying to gain my attention. If he wasn’t a good friend and I didn’t know him for that long I would’ve neglected him altogether, but it would be rude to do so. I’m lost, so what do you think I should do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • how to deal with jealous people?

    my bestfriend is either jealous or just starting to hate me. I can feel that it all has to do with our grades. We're taking the same courses and working hard throughout the semester but my grades are higher. Everytime i get better she becomes depressed, and whenever she gets better she flies from happiness and keeps joking and laughing the whole time. If we both get low grades but she is still better than me she'll be content. She even told me that she once heard that someone has barely passed in uni yet he is now very successful and that grades don't matter and that gave her hope as if trying to tell me that I'm nothing or putting me down. She've thrown some hurtful words as she is "joking" but I know she means it and she is always against me when we're with group of friends as if I'm her enemy. She is speaking to me in front of others in a sarcastic way though I am always trying to be kind and whenever i do anything wrong toward her i apologize. i used to be the first one to know about what's bothering her but now she'd prefer to talk to others... she can go days without asking about me and she is not sharing with me anything that's going in her mind as before. I am sick of this attitude especially that I'm not the only one in our group who has better grades yet I'm the only one being treated badly. I don't know how to help her out of this or help myself out. I want our friendship to last. She thinks I lie when I say I didn't prepare for a quiz and then get a good grade

    8 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Should I drop out from dental school?

    I've been lately thinking this way out of continuous stress that I'm living everyday all year and our curriculum is so messed up or indeed the whole university is a chaos. I don't hate nor like my major, but I profoundly hate the uni and most of its staff and students. I'm third year now and I still have two more years until graduation... Next semester I'll start clinic and I'm already very anxious that it'll add more to the unbearable struggles. I'm lost whether to drop out and achieve nothing in my life after having so many goals or just keep moving on and live on my nerves...

    Is what I'm feeling normal? Should i consider dropping out a solution? Can I do something to stop me from stressing out especially that at least every week I've almost one exam throughout the semester (we don't get breaks)...

  • how to treat university depression?

    I keep studying all the time and seldom hangout and socialize. My degree requires a lot of hard work and commitment and that's exactly what I am doing. I'm losing motivation and am always exhausted. My GPA is high but I'm feeling my grades are deteriorating ... Other students are competing me and this is adding to my stresses. During exams, I get so anxious that I want to give up and just drop out though only two years are left for my graduation ... I can't find any solution to reduce my stress, fears, and depression ..

    5 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Dentistry: How to prepare the distal surface of a tooth for a crown?

    I m always having a problem with the finish line at the distal surface, and I ve tried a variety of sitting positions, using indirect vision... I can t find the best method to get a perfect preparation.

    Any tips that could help me solve this problem? I would be more than happy if I receive advices about crown and bridge preparations in general and how to become faster.

    Thank you in advance :)

    1 AnswerDental4 years ago
  • Can a boy like two girls at the same time?!?

    My friends and I think that a certain guy likes me because of the looks he gives me and the way he treats me, yet one my of my friends told me that he once made her feel that he has a crush on her. He changed the time he knew though this is all still assumptions. This made me feel like I m a plan B ... if you were put in sucha situation would you give such a guy a chance?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Guys: do hyper girls catch your attention?

    Bonus Q: Do you feel less or dislike a girl just because she is better than you in something (grades, job...)

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Is it rude to disapprove or neglect a follow request from a friend on instagram?

    He is one of my guy friends at uni and I don't feel comfortable accepting him... I'm the type of person who doesn't like to expose my private life to everyone ...

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Is it rude not to approve a follow request on instagram from a friend?

    My account is private and I don t like to accept all the ones I know especially if I don t feel comfortable toward that person. The guy is somehow trying to get closer to me and I don t want this to happen. However, I don t want to be rude because we are together in almost all classes..

    4 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • May you pray for me?

    I'm about to transfer to another university in a another city that I've never visited before with a new language... I'm so worried especially that I don't know if they're going to make me repeat a whole year... Pray that God make it easy for me, enroll as a second year student, and grant me happiness and satisfaction.

    May God bless you all!

    Thank you :)

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • How to start a conversation with my crush?

    we don't usually speak to each other except "hi, how are you" as we walk past each other.. We only share one class. He will notice that i like him if I keep sitting next to him everytime, so I avoid getting too close. I feel that he slightly likes me because I caught him several times starring at me. I tried once asking him a question in order to get closer to him, but he seemed shy. I want to talk to him again, but I don't know how without looking nervous or weird. I'm shy in front of boys in general so how about my crush?! Any advice please

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Which should i get iPhone or HTC?

    I'm already using iPhone, but I'm thinking of getting iPhone 6. Which is better?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Who loves more a man or a woman usually?

    I feel women provide the man with more care, try harder to build the relationship, and sacrifice a lot

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • I'm always crying and feeling insecure...?

    I had to travel to a new country and stay away from my parents to study in university. It was actually my choice, yet I spend some time everyday crying over being far from my family and having to take responsibility of my own self. I'm feeling terrified by the idea of living alone! My new friends are good but still not close to me, and it's a little difficult to visit my relatives weekly. I'm not content with my uni nor the country I'm living in. What's making it worse is that I have a crush on a boy whom I know him since childhood. Every time we meet, which is rarely, I get too excited that when he leaves I get so depressed for few days. I keep thinking of him all the time. I always wonder if he likes me or just counts me as his sister. Everything is complicated. I want something new; I want to escape from this world :(

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • Which of these majors is better for me?

    I'm lost among medicine, pharmacy, or dentistry.

    I'm also interested in architecture, but I believe I'm better in science than in math- I like it more.

    Medicine is a long way, but it has always been my dream to be a pediatrician because of my supporting father. Now especially if i want to have kids and be a housewife it's going to be so challenging. While studying medicine I might dislike pediatrics. I'm so hesitant.

    Dentistry is disgusting. I can't imagine what's going to be fun about working all day in people's mouth, but what I love that it's a mixture of working using your hands, being creative and artistic, and scientific. Less years and if i wish, i can skip masters or specialization and work with good income.

    Pharmacy is all about chemistry. I prefer biology over chemistry although i have high grades in both in my high school. The idea that it's all about chemistry is terrifying me. If I'm going to choose it it's because much less work and flexible- not as exhausting as medical fields.

    I've applied to three different universities in three different countries for each of these three different fields and got accepted in all the three. I have no idea which is the most suitable for me. Help me know more about each ,.. I'm a person who love to meet people, work using my hands, gets disgusted from anything, neat, good at analyzing, prefers biology, hates too much pressure, and love to stay sociable and spend time with my family.

  • Should I apply for pharmacy in college?

    I do not like chemistry and i suffer in studying it but i get good grades at school. I love biology and want to enter medicine but I'm finding it a long way. Should i enter pharmacy even if i dislike chemistry? Is it full of chemistry?

    Thank you

  • How to have a better and more entertaining senior year?

    Everyday I've to come back home angry because of school. Even at home i get angrier because of college conversations that i have with my family. Too much pressure and instead of having fun we all, my friends and I, are waiting for the graduation eagerly. I'm even feeling worse just wanting to finish this exhausting year!

    1 AnswerEntertaining7 years ago
  • Give an advice to this miserable senior..?

    So that miserable one is obviously me! We r now in the second term and very close to the end of the school year.. (3 to 4 months of school maximum). In the city I'm living in, the colleges rn't that good.. My parents r not accepting to let me live alone in a different country because they're worried. I'm not against this.. At the end, i'm their youngest daughter. I want to enter medicine college, and here it is 7 years including freshmen year .. Many people are advising me to find a university somewhere else, but again my parents do not accept .. My brother, not for sure, might travel to germany for masters; in this case, they'll take me to germany with him. Now the problem is that i have to do several entrance exams And this is all because i still dont know where i will study. The entrance exams and the admission deadline do differ from country to another and from university to another.. My parents r not understanding me and i always end up fighting with my mother. I'm lost!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Where in Jeddah can I find school bags?

    I want a one shoulder school bag from a good brand...

    2 AnswersSaudi Arabia8 years ago
  • Tango app on iPhone: Does it send a message that I, now, joined Tango to all my contacts?

    Even those who I've their numbers but they don't?

    Please it is important for me to know... How could I make sure?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago