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  • I need help from a medical professional? (doctor, nurse, etc)?

    My friend got a few cuts a week ago, and they still haven't healed. She said that they've darkened, and the area surround the cuts is red. She also said it still hurt, and from what I know they shouldn't since, well, obviously they should have healed by now but not only that they weren't that deep, and I know they arn't infected. Also, she said that she has recently been feeling cold on the outside and hot on the inside as well as getting headaches, stomach aches, and often feeling dizzy. Now, from what I know, I was thinking a possibility could be diabetes, since that would explain why her cuts were taking a long time to heal. Also the fluctuation of her blood sugar could be affecting her body temperature, and causing her dizziness. Since i'm not a medical professional, or even close to being one since i'm only 15, i'd greatly appreciate any advice I could receive.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • i need a clear explanation on occupy wall street?

    ok so ive heard about occupy wall street and have seen it on tv and i was thinking that i should do my current events on it since its pretty big, the only problem is that im confused on what they're protesting about. is it that the government isn't giving us all r money; that they're taking are money away? i need a clear yet simple explination

    5 AnswersCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Need Help on witch hunting!!!?

    Did all 17th century people hunt for witches or was it only puritans?

    2 AnswersHistory10 years ago
  • I need email helpl!!!!?

    Can I find out if someone opened the email i sent them!!

    ps. i use gmail

    3 AnswersGoogle10 years ago
  • i need ideas!! for witch hunting hmwk!?

    so i have make a poster board and it had to be about witch hunting. so i thought that i could cut the poster board into some shape. the only problem is it cant be like the "classic" witch things like a black pointy hat or a cat. so what other shape could i cut it into!?

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore10 years ago
  • tres facile devoir de francais?

    est-que un personne corrige cette devoir s'il vous plaît et ajoutent les accents (as you can notice i cant speak french that well)

    ntro : voici francois . il est le copain de daniel , helene et marc. tout le monde c’est tres joyeux , mais un jour francois disparu .

    helene : salut daniel ! ca va ?

    daniel : oui ca va tres bien , et toi ?

    helene : je suis tres bien aussi.

    marc : salut helene , salut daniel ! ou est francois ?

    daniel : salut marc! je ne sais pas

    helene : peut - etre il est fin. il aime dormir beaucoup .

    francois eu ne pas arriver a l’ecole . ne personne connaitre ou il est .

    *next day *

    reporter on television : Attention ! il y a un petit garcon a disparu de sa maison !

    daniel : mamma,mamma! regarder la television ! vite vite !

    mom : qui pas Daniel ?

    Daniel : mamma , regarder la television ! francois a disparu de sa maison !

    mom : c’est vrai ?

    reporter on television: attention ! un petit garcon a disparu de sa maison. il s’appelle francois et il a neuf ans.

    daniel : nous avons besoin aider trouver il ! vite vite

    *go to streets *

    daniel : parodon ! est-que vous connais le petit garcon que disparu a la maison ? il s’appelle francois et il est neuf ans. il est brun et il aimes jouer au foot et surfer sur la net , mais il adore dormir, manger pizza et boire lemonade . il a aussi un etudiant de secondaire bluehill.

    stranger : je suis tre desole , mais je ne sais pas.

    daniel : zut, zut et zut! (hmmm ou peut-il se......)

    *2 hours later*

    ring ring!

    daniel: (picks up phone) bonjour?

    francois: daniel?! ah! je suis tellement content tu pick up the phone! je suis tres perdue parce-que je ne savait pas ou aller apres le joue au foot , mais, je ne connais pas ou je suis

    daniel: il ne se important parce que vous avez un gps dans tu portable!

    francois: ah! j’ai oublie de le gps dans mon portable! ….. ah j’ai decouvert ou je suis! je suis dans le parc d’amande.

    1 hour later

    francois: daniel! daniel! regarde ici!

    daniel: francois!! je est tres content qui je je t’ai trouve!

    francois: mais je est tre contant qui tu pick up the phone!

    (they laugh)

    end: francois est daniel aller a la cafe et doire un peu de lemonade . Apres, ils parlent de francois aventure.THE END

  • For anyone whos been or lives in Jakarta Indonesia?

    What are some malls or shopping centres that are near the Mulia hotel in Jakarta?

    8 AnswersIndonesia10 years ago
  • Really easy french work. please help!?

    ok so in french if some one is talking about someone that they are going with would it be son or sa.

    guillaume voyage avec__soeur

    and can you help me fill this out. im so confused

    wat i have so far is

    1 leurs raquettes

    2 son mobylette

    3 ses radio

    4 sa ordinateur

    5 leurs voiture

    6 leurs stylos

    7 sa portable

    2 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • I need help with microsoft word?

    i know this is a stupid question but im using microsoft word 2008 for mac's and im trying to add a second page and i keep clicking the enter button but once the cursor gets to the bottom of the first page it stops and wont do anything no matter how many times i hit enter

    1 AnswerSoftware10 years ago
  • can I eat T Bonz (dog treat)?

    So i bought tbonz dog treats for my dog and she doesn't want to at them and they smell really good and look appetizing. i was wondering if it is safe for me to have just a small taaste?

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • Whats wrong with him?

    I have a teddy bear hamster thats 2 yrs old and he keeps his left eye closed and won't open it. he's been like this for a week, whats wrong with him?

    4 AnswersRodents10 years ago
  • any good recent movies?

    what r some good new movies??

    4 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • Why does my computer keep doing this?

    I have a macbook pro that's not even a year old and when im using it, it sometimes shuts off automatically even though its connected to a power source. Its really starting to bug me too since it's done this about 12 times this past week

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware10 years ago