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If you have any cat, dog, or horse problems feel free to email me or post a question and let me know when it's up. I will be happy to answer anything you have to ask. If you have a horse problem I can gaurentee I will give you the best answer I possibly can. I was raised in a saddle and I am an experienced trainer, gentler, and vets assistant. Dogs and cats I also have experience with. I personally have helped in vets office and I have owned several rescue cats and dogs. When three pregnante cats showed up on my door step I took care of them and their kittens. I found homes for the kittens and I kept two of them myself. PLEASE email me or let me know when your question is up! I will be happy to answer it.

  • Room re-decorating ideas!?

    Okay so my New Year's resolution is going to be... to keep my room clean and nice. I'm kind of a neat freak... or I'm turning into one. (I'm 13 years old)

    I moved the furniture around a lot two years ago and I got new bedding... put a really cool looking canopy over my bed but... I want to re-do it again. I have a bunch of furniture that I could probably get rid of. I have a bunch of book shelves that I would like to empty out and take out of my room. (My dad always needs new book shelves and I don't need them or use them.)

    I love the canopy but I am not sure if I will be able to keep it... I think I'm gonna have to talk my mom into making it a double sided canopy (it has curtains that open on one side but not on the other because my bed is up against the wall now.)

    I have a bed side table that has a lamp on it... I'm thinking about going back to how I had it before with my bed under the window. My room is small (10 by 10 maybe) and so bed placement is limited. Any ideas on how to cut down to like... four pieces of furniture?


    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling8 years ago
  • Where can I get gold eyeliner?

    I want gold eyeliner! Pencil or liquid works. Where can I get it? What brand?

    2 AnswersMakeup8 years ago
  • Girls: What is your daily make up?

    BQ: When did you start wearing make up?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • How to get rid of belly fat and get abs?

    I'm 13 years old... I'll turn 14 in about 5 months. I run cross country and track and during the winter I don't do anything... so this year its really cold and I can't go running. I'm wanting to get rid of the belly fat that I have, work on upper body strength and gets abs. There are two girls in my school that have abs, they are small but the two girls have abs because of how naturally skinny and small they are...

    First... how do I get rid of belly fat. If I flex my stomach muscles they get hard and I have these little ab things between where my ribs end... but I want them down past (or near) my belly button. (lol)

    Second... I have no upper body strength. Okay... not none. I can lift 75 pound hay bails but real push-ups are hard for me. I can do "girl" push ups.

    Here is what I've been doing every day.

    40 crunches

    1 minute planks

    30 second side planks on both sides

    15 "girl" push ups

    3-5 "guy" push ups (lolz)

    Lifting 5 pound weights 25 times on both sides.

    I'd like to work up to:

    100 crunches

    5 minute planks

    2 minute 30 second side planks on both sides

    30 "girl" push ups

    15 "guy" push ups (lolz)

    Lifting 10 pound weights 30 times on both sides.

    I want to work up to that by the time Track season starts in late January to mid Feb. I also want to have abs by that time... I don't go swimming so thats not my problem. I just want a lean, fit body.

    Current Height: 5 foot 4.5 inches

    Current Weight: 107.5 pounds

    I also don't drink a lot of water... would that help if I drank more? If so how much?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Guess this song.... (5 of 5)?

    The person to guess this song correct gets 10 points... You HAVE to include the writer in this one... and who they are known as now.

    A-one, two, three four

    Bubbles, bubbles

    I wish my name was bubbles, bubbles

    I wish my friends were bubbles, bubbles

    I ride my car on bubbles, bubbles

    I go real far on bubbles

    On bubbles

    Bubbles, bubbles

    I blow a lot of bubbles, bubbles

    I show a lot of bubbles, bubbles

    I ride a plane on bubbles, bubbles

    I go insane on bubbles

    On bubbles

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Guess this song.... (2 of 5)?

    First person to guess the name of this song correctly gets ten points.

    I probably owe it to y'all, proud to be locked by the force

    Tryin' to hustle some things that go with the Porsche

    Feelin' no remorse, feelin' like my hand was forced

    Middle finger to the Lord, ***** grip I'm a boss

    Stab the ladies, they love me, from the bleachers they screamin'

    All the ballers is bouncin', they like the way I be leanin'

    All the rappers be hatin', off the track that I'm makin'

    But all the hustlers they love it just to see one of us make it

    Came from the bottom the bottom, to the top of the pots

    ***** London, Japan and I'm straight off the block

    Like a running back, get it man, I'm straight off the block

    I can run it back ***** 'cuz I'm straight with the Roc

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • What are some nicknames you've gone by...?

    Is there a back story to it?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Have you ever created your own language?

    I started creating a new language called "The" its really simple to understand after you get the rule. I'm still trying to be able to talk in it "rapidly" like... we would normally talk, but sometimes I still have to stop and think about it.

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Taking Advantage Of...?

    Okay so I've noticed this a lot lately... and a particular incident here on Y!A has brought this to my attention:

    Have you noticed how some (NOT ALL) gays take advantage of the fact that they are gay. If you say that you don't believe that being gay or lesbian is morally correct they blow their top and say you are discriminating against them, when in fact they asked for your opinion in the first place.

    This has become a problem for me because I don't think that being gay is morally correct. There are many people who agree with me and many who are not. My two closest friends are BI and are attracted to both girls and boys. I don't have a problem with people who are gay... I have a problem with people who take advantage of the fact that they are gay. If you say one thing against people being gay, they blow their top... I don't like gays who are like this. NOT all are like this... one of my favorite uncles is in fact gay and I think its fine.

    What are your thoughts?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • *Disgression Advised* Suicidal at 13! I want to kill myself!?

    I am 13, and I have thought about killing myself several times. A year ago I held a knife to my wrists but didn't slash.. I had second thoughts that saved me. Now a year later, I wish I would've done it.

    My dad has been married 4 times. He treats all of his past wives like **** and I get caught in the middle of it because my hate for him compells me to tell my mom and my previous stepmom about all the **** him and his new wife say about them. I am adopted and I, have for the longest time, wanted him out of my life.

    Recently I started hating my stepfather as well. He is always there finding fault in me, as though I don't already see it. As though it doesn't already nag at me. He is cussing at me day in and day out. Calling me a brat, a *****. It seems as though he doesn't care and then he turns around and says he loves me.

    He leaves me after these fights for like 5 minutes and then comes back when I am in tears and gives me the guilt trip. Saying how he loves me and how he and I have a connection. Saying that I wishes the best for me and that he hopes I will grow up to be a great person and on and on and on.

    He calls me a liar and acts as though it doesn't hurt me. I am treated like ****. It hurts.. sometimes I wish he would burn in hell.

    When I think those thoughts it hurts me as much as it would hurt him if he heard them. But our most recent fight didn't hurt when I thought those things. I wanted the ***** to burn, to hurt for all the times he hurt me and it didn't hurt me when I thought these things.

    He is older than most stepfathers and was hospitalized. He yelled at me saying I didn't care if he lived or not and that I didn't give a **** whether or not he was going to make it out of it alive. I started cussing. I wanted him to die so bad and now that he's getting better and yelling at me more I wish he would've. I feel like its wrong but the thought just keeps coming back.

    I am 13 and I don't want my life to end but in the second life I do. I want so bad just to die and see what happens. I don't want to go on. I don't know what to do. I need help. Even if it's just words of advice.

    I escape everything by messing around on the internet, by listening to music they would hate to know I listened to. Maybe it's a form of rebelion but it keeps my mind off the life I know. I want it to go away. I am a christian so that hurts more. I know that killing myself would be wrong but would GOD really want his "child" to go through this hell?

    If I kill myself hell would be just as good as this ******* life.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Is he flirting or is he just being stupid?

    LOL... I had to add in the stupid part. Anway.... there is this guy I have known for a while. I kind of like him and I know of don't. I think he likes me.

    Yesterday I was at a track meet. Two of my friends were flirting with our coach... who is like 28 or something like that. (We are all 12-14) And when they got back from flirting with him they sat down next to me. I was sitting next to this guy and he was flirting with me (I think)

    The turf on the football field has rubber underneath and he was digging it out and throwing it at me... I was throwing it back at him... then he put it down my shirt. (First the front and then the back.) I did the same to him (but it down the back though)

    Then my friends went off and started flirting with our coach again. When they got back this time I rolled my eyes and told them to stop flirting with the coach. Then they told me to stop flirting wtih the guy. (who was throwing the rubber)

    Then before I could think I was just like, "At least I flirt with somebody my age."

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Is it just a "School Girl" crush... or do I acctually LOVE him?

    There is this guy I know and I have known him for as long as I can remember. He means a lot to me. He always has. We flirt a lot and sometimes it seems like he knows what I am going to do before I do it, or how I feel before I do. It's just so weird. It wasn't until last year that I really decided that I liked him.... like, really liked him. Now he's all I think about.

    Everywhere I turn something is there to remind me of him. I stay awake at night, wondering if he ever thinks of me. My parents know I like him but they don't know it's a sick obsession. I like him because he's nice, he makes my laugh when I am upset, just seeing him makes me smile.

    And then, something I feel guilty about, is that..... last night I had a dream that we had sex. We did it all night long... and then right before I woke up the dream had continued to me being pregnant... and he and I were getting married. I was kind of freaking out though... because I am only 13.

    Do I really love him or is it just a crush that has turned into an obsession, for nothing.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • POLL: How often do you have sex?

    I just wanted to know because I read somewhere that:

    The average human has sex 3,000 times in thier lifetime and spend a total of 2 weeks in thier life kissing.

    11 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • POLL: Did you like the ending of the Hunger Games Series?

    I really didn't. I think it was rushed and I don't like how some of the stuff turned out.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • How should I ask him for a hug?

    Okay so I like this guy and he knows it. I want to ask him for a hug because I want him to know that I really like him. Anyway... I see him everyday before Track Pratice. I may have to give up track because of my asthma... so I thought maybe I could say...

    "You should give me a hug."

    Then he will ask why...

    "Because I'm sad."

    That or...

    "You should give me a hug."

    Then he will ask why... and I will quote him.

    "You said you were the kindest person I have ever met... and because I'm sad."

    (He told me when we were flirting... I told him he was mean and he said no that he was the kindest person I will ever meet.)

    Which one do you like better... which one is cuter? Any other ideas?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Why are my breasts so "firm" and sore?

    Okay.... so I am 13 and I haven't had sex. I am a virgin. I wear a 36A so my breasts and quite small. I got done having my period about a week ago and now the area around my nipple is a little bit firmer than normal. My breasts are also sore when I touch them and they hurt if it touch my nipples.

    Is there anything wrong with them?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • POLL: What's your favorite song? (Ez ten points!)?

    I am bored and I need ideas for music to listen to. :) LOLz.

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago