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  • Best Product to cover a few grey hairs?

    I'm in my late 30's and getting a few grey hairs. Going to the salon is getting expensive and right now I have family coming to visit so not too convinent. I have long medium brown hair (it has been 4 months since I colored it at the salon) and I have a few grey roots coming in. I am looking for a product to use at home that is not messy, something I can wash out in the shower. I don't care if it is permenant or not, just something to cover the greys quick for our surprise family get together this weekend since I know a ton of pictures will get taken.

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Infection in mouth? years after tooth pulled?

    3 days ago I thought I might be getting a canker sore in the back of my mouth, where my wisdom tooth was pulled 15 years ago. Yesterday I started to feel run down and had a slight fever around 100. I asked my husband to look and he said where my wisdom tooth used to be there are 2 tiny white dots(like pimple white heads) and it is pink around them. The two molars in front of my wisdom tooth both have and tooth canals and crowns. Obviously there has to be some infection? but from what. It has been 7 years since the crowns, 15 years since the wisdom teeth got removed. I brush and floss 2 times a day. The last 3 days I have gargled with hydrogen peroxide solution as well. The nearest partciapating dentist on my plan is over 300 miles now. My primary care dr offered me some amoxicillin 500 mg, Should I take that? Pay the local dentist, who charges a fortune becuase he won;t take insurnace, or travel the 300 miles?

    I just don;t get what could be causing these white bumps and what could be infected?

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • Husband Job changing from employee to 1099?

    My husband has been with the same employer for 15 years. They started with over 50 employees and today they are down to just the owner and my husband. My husband has been managing the business and working and getting a set salary. The owner does not want to shut down the business but the overhead is getting high (the rent was raised 5 times higher at Jan 2009 which really hurt). The owner does not want to loose my husband and has offered to give him work and 1099 him, This would mean eliminating insurance, WC, and the high rent. He will lease my husband a company truck (for $1 a month) and refer the work to my husband and pay him has an independent contractor. My husband's employer gave him extra money to get a business licences. His job currently does not provide any sort of life/health/retirement benefits just a salary. I carry the health coverage and we have a retirement set up privately.

    Besides the tax (increased SS and Medicare deductions) is there anything else that is bad about being an independent contractor compared to the previous salary position he had.

    Local jobs are hard to come by and we have a disabled child and hate to move. The only other option is a job that is salaried which would mean my husband traveling 3-4 days a week out of town, which would be stressful.

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Lawyer charged after free consult advertised?

    My friends husband came home a few months ago and ask for a divorce. He said his lawyer would be writing it up. Her family encouraged her to see alawyer for a free consulation about her options. The law office had her fill out some basic information card, like name, addres phone etc. She spoke with the lawyer about her siutation and then she said the lawyer started talking about his kids and wife. My friend several times hinted she had to go since she had a babysitter, Finally she said she had to go because it was time for her son's soccer game. The lawyer sent her a bill for $300, stating only the first 30 minutes were free and since she stayed 1:15 she need to pay $300 for the next hour(partial hour).

    Does she have to pay? She was never given any agreement or rates. She was never told how long the free consult was. The majoirty of the time the lawyer just talked about his family (and church , he and my friend went to the same church).

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Texas divorce laws help?

    I have a friend whose husband left her and is moving to Texas (she thinks to establish residency in order to file for divorce). They have lived in Utah for over 10 years. Utah has one of the lowest child support rates (no cost of living increase in 24 years!) and has a cap on support as well as few alimony awards. He does NOT want the kids. Utah is no fault state and a divorce is granted unconestant in 30 days easily. What would be the benefit to filing in Texas? (it is the county that Houston is in).

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • MRSA? Contagious? long term effects?

    There is a family that my kids play with mostly at a park, but they did attend a birthday party at a resturant a month ago that is very sick with MRSA. First the mom had it but she has alot of health issues and was in the hospital so I didn't think too much of it. Then 5 other family members got very sick with it (all were cultured and confirmed). They ranged in age from under 1 year to 70. Now one children is very sick with MRSA, 3 surgeries, and 2 weeks in ICU. The child had no rash or outside symptoms just joint pain all of a sudden and the MRI showed fluids that were cultured positive for MRSA. Now the child is having these surgeries and iv treatments and is suffering.

    Is there any ways to have my kids checked? They have no rash but could they have the same fluid? Even though the family that has been sick with MRSA has not been in my house I gave the house a good cleaning. Is there anything else I should be doing?

    Also how serious is this for the poor child. The child is in isolation, high cell count, fever and the docs keep finding more fluid. Could this be fatal?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • How long should it take to get life insurance paid out?

    My father in law passed away and my mother in law seems to be getting the run around in getting his life insurance money. The policy was with Colonial Penn (and they paid in over the years more then she will be getting back). My father in law had been sick for years and money is very tight due to the huge medical costs. How long should it take colonial penn to pay her. She has sent in all the paperwork and death certficate. Is there a certain amount of time they have (legally) to pay. It has been 3 weeks now, and poor mom-in-law max out the credit cards to pay for the funeral.

    I just hope Colonial Penn is legimate and does not give people a hard time. When my father passed away my mother had her money in less then a week but it was with a large reputable investment firm.

    10 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago
  • Worried about being called to jury duty?

    I got a notice for jury duty (not in my town but another town in my county I was surprised they would make people travel, it is a small justice court). The notice was mailed to an old address (from more then six months ago and I did update my address with the dmv). I was first paniced because I had 10 days to respond and it has been more then 10 days. I called the phone number but it is a small justice court that just goes to voice mail.

    I have been very worried to get called to jury duty. I did not register to vote (I had heard this can cause you to be selected) just not to get called. I have a child with severe autism who requires full time care. The full time care is either my husband or myself, my child has never been left with anyone else. My husband works long hours these days and the hours are only getting longer with the economy (he is on a salary so they use him for everything). I also am disabled myself, having kidney surgery, heart surgery and a stroke on top of other medical issues.

    I know it is a duty americans shoudl atke seriously but I am so worried about not only my own health but especially what will happen to my child. Do you think they will dismiss me? I have to wait 2 weeks for an answer and I am sick worrying and trying to find options for my child. Both my doctors said they would write letters. Should I get this started?

    Thanks for any advice.

    2 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Do any Hotel Chains Give discounts for Funerals?

    My Father in law died and his funeral is saturday in salt lake city. He had 8 brother and sisters and 18 kids (some adopted) and more then 75 grandkids and all but 3 are traveling long distance. I am okay with the cost but I know some of the family members are struggling with our great economy. I pricelined my room but since it is spring break and ski season the rates are at the highest even on priceline.

    Are there any hotel chains that give a discount for funerals or maybe even a group discount because the number of rooms (I know they do for weddings)?

    5 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Social Security Widows benefits and divorce?

    My mother in law is trying to figure out her social security. She is 64.

    She was married from 1965-1990 and her husband died.

    She remarried in 1992 and is still married to husband #2 who is terminally ill.

    Her current husband #2 was married from 1965-1981 and was divorced.

    She has worked for about 12 years, so both her husband social security would be higher then hers.

    Does she get her first husband's social seciurity?

    Does she get her second husband social security and if she does, does she have to share it with the ex-wife (the ex wife remarried)?

    I hope I did not confuse anyone. I'm just trying to gether some answers since she is going through a rough time knowing her husband is dying and she is worried about money.

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Annulment or Divorce? BILneeds help?

    My BIL was in a serious car accident 3 years ago, which left him having to learn to walk again after multiple surgeries. He had a big wake up call, since he was almost 30 and had spent the last 10 years working his way up at work and doing guy things (fishing hunting etc) in his free time. Suddenly he announces he is marrying a women he barely knew at his work. She was from el salvador and had been very "motherly" towards him after his accident. The first 6 months seemed okay, then her family came up and they were less then good people. My BIL tried to work things out but deicded it was not going to work. He started to file divorce papers and I was helping him online, since they had such a short marriage, and few assests together. We have come to find out that his wife was married when she came to the US. She was married in el salvador, and her husband broke the law and was deported. She stayed. I do not think she was ever divorced from her first husband. Should BIl be getting an annulment or a divorce? Are marriages outside the US recongnized by the US?

    I know BIL can get a lawyer, but the divorce or annulment will be uncontested and we live in a small town with few lawyers and the minium retainer a lawyer wants is 3k. I feel like that is a waste if it is uncontested.

    Should he just do the divorce or should he pursue the annullment route (mostly to make his mom happy, she is a church going mom)?

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Club Penguin new clothes items missing help!?

    My daughter is really sad about missing items on club penguin. Yesterday I played a bunch of games and won her coins so she could buy the new 2009 clothes(she called them rio clothes, they were sombaros and fiesta clothes). She bougt all the new clothes last night. She was wearing a new apron and wig when she logged off. This morning she was dressed in some old clothes and the apron was gone, as well as all the new clothes. Her coins were not back. She has an active membership (I just paid for it a few days before christmas) and all her other older items are still there?

    I have never had any trouble with club penguin (tons of issues with the webkinz).

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • how long after buying a house can you refi?

    I bought a home in october with a 5.98% rate. I put 10% down and it was a foeclosure so the apprisal came back much higher then purchase price(30% equity). Now rates are more then 1% lower. I would love to refi and get rid of the mortgage insurnace ($117 a month based on 10% down) and the monthly payment savings would be approx $82. We have good credit and I would love to save $200 a month. Is 3 months to soon to refi? I know my loan does not have a pre-payment penalty.

    Also my loan was sold once already(in fact it was sold 10 days after we bought the house).

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What store is best to return a christmas toy gift at?

    My child got an eyeclops toy for christmas he already had. It was from his father (my ex husband who we have little contact with). It did not come with a gift receipt. My guesss is that my ex bought it at kmart or walmart, the only 2 places that sells this in his area. I have emailed him with no response.

    My child really wants another toy. I have never returned without a receipt. Is kmart or walmart better for returns, since I really think it came from their stores? The other store in our city that had these was target.

    6 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Is disneyland busy on christmas Day?

    We are going to be traveling over the holidays and have a chamce to go to disneyland on christmas day. I heard it was not busy on christmas day? True? Anyone been that on a past christmas day?

    4 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • Landlord won't return deposit?

    I rent a home and put down a $600 deposit. I had a 9 month lease, I then signed a new month to month lease after the 9 month had expired (it was a new lease not just going month to month). I moved out and it took the landlord a few weeks to do a walk through. He said everything was great (I had spent $250 have the carpets and house cleaned professionally). He has nothing but great things to say about us. I asked for the deposit and he said the depoait was money to hold the house (we gave the deposit 11 days before we moved in, since we were selling our home and moving long distance), the deposit was not for secuirty reasons just to hold the place.

    I was polite and said I believed deposits were for making sure the house was damage free and rent was paid up, he agreed the home was fine and the rent was all paid.

    I pointed out the second lease says the deposit we paid earlier would transfer to the new lease.

    he said he would get back to us, he was headed on vacation.

    It has been a week with no communication, how should Iproceeed. Is it worth fighting or going to court?

    I bought a home again so I won;t be renting again.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • should I be worried about custody?

    I have been divorced for 8 years, and had one child with my ex who has autism. During the last 8 years my ex has had verylittle, less then once a year contact (maybe an email or a short phone call) with our child. My ex spent the lasy 8 years building his career and is now very very well off, and I spent my time giving up my career and spending all my time and energy trying to help my austistic child suceed. I am remarried and my child has a normal middle class life.

    Out of the blue my ex calls and threatens for full custody and tries to say he has tons more money and he will win for sure. My child overheard and freaked out. I live in a small rural county with one judge who seems very old fashion and pro-mother.

    Should I worry? Does money matter? I am totally taken by surprise since for th last 8 years, since I have not had requests for custody or extended visits (my ex moved out of state) and my ex (though rich) is very behind on child support/medical (which Iet slide since my new husband makes okay money and my ex never bothered me for visits).

    He made it clear that he is not backing down. I just am a bit scared, I can't have any more kids, so I have put my whole heart and given up my whole life rasing my child, and my ex has had 3 more kids.

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • how to clean a jetted tub?

    We just moved into a home that has a large jetted tub. The home was vacant for over a year. The tub itself looks clean, but how can I clean the jets? Is it safe to place bleach and water in the tub and turn it on? What would be best to clean the parts I can't see?

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Need advice moving out no landlord present?

    I have just moved out of the house we were renting. I had the house professionally cleaned and the carpets cleaned. I have taken pictures and video. The house is in an association and I had 2 board members walk through. The landlord lives 300 miles away. He was supppose to be down when I moved out but could not make it. He has no idea when he will be down.

    I am nervous for several reasons. Recently some apartments were built behind the house. Kids/teens from the apartments constantly jumped the block wall and vandailized and did petty theft in the neighborhood. I worry now that the house will be vacant. Before the landlord sees the house, it could be shown to propective new tentants, what if the do any damage (like spill something etc).

    What else can I do to protect myself? This is a second home for the landlord and his first time renting it out (he thinks of it as HIS home not a rental so I am very worried about how picky he will be so that is why I spent $$ have it professionally cleaned).

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • My dr's office closed why? what to do?

    I went to my dr's office, and there was a a note on the door, that they had closed, and no real explanation (just a "poem" that said times change, the wind blows through...etc?).

    At first I was wondering why? the dr is not very sick or died, there was no warning (I have seen dr's say they were moving or retiring and over a few months help transition their patients). Alot of the patients are seniors that take regular meds so again why leave with zero notice. It kind of creeps me out that something was wrong with the dr now, did he have a licesnce? was he doing bad things?

    I called through the phone book and only 2 dr's are taking new patients and both are not taking them till 2009. What do I do in the meantime. I take regular meds? The urgent care clinic won't work with meds like blood thinners, high blood pressure etc. I don't want to be one of those people who goes to the ER for meds but what other options are there?

    I have my current lab work, and I only saw this dr for 1 year so I have all records before that.

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago