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  • Those of you who are divorced: what was the reason for divorcing your spouse?

    Was there a very specific reason for taking that decision or it just came over time? How did you deal with it?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • My 10-month-old baby refuses to be fed with a spoon. Any tips?

    For a week now my daughter is very hard to feed with a spoon. Many times she just refuses to eat and closes her mouth shut. Yesterday I tried to give her some bread and she really enjoyed it but at that stage she can't eat a full meal of bread only. She also refused formula about 2 months ago so we've been feeding her the milk as a solid food mixed with some baby cereals. Now she is refusing even that and soon I might be in trouble. I don't know what exactly is her problem. Is she tired of having the same food? Or is she tired of the spoon? What other solid foods could I feed her at that age that would not require a spoon? Any ideas will be welcome. Thanks.

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What are baby teethers filled with?

    My daugther will be 10 months in August and she has the two bottom teeth which are very sharp. She likes teethers so she chews on the them all the time. But today I found an empty one in her bed and I am afraid she might have drunk the liquid inside. Does anyone know what teethers are usually filled with? I don't know the brand of this one but it is about 5 years old and not used at all. I bought it for my first daugther but she didn't like teethers at all.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How do I teach my 4-year-old self-control?

    My daugther is 4 yrs 3 mo and I would say she is smart for her age. She is a reasonable child in general, even though she tends to be strong-willed. Recently she's been having screaming and crying fits which is not anything new - she's had them since she was born - but they had subsided for a while. It got worse after her sister was born 3 months ago. She loves the baby but we put more limitations on her now and she hates when she is not allowed to do certain things. She is active, intensive and loud-voiced and she needs to spend a lot of energy during the day. Sometimes when she hasn't slept enough and is tired at the end of the day, she gets so angry about things like having to pick up her toys and go to bed that she starts screaming with rage. Honestly, it's hard to listen to it. She also gets physical like thumping her feet and resisting if I try to take her to a different room. It's very hard to make her stop and my fear is she might get hurt or feel unwell during a fit.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Hepatitis B and family members???

    I just got the results of a blood test and found out I am testing positive on anti HBc. Also the level of anti HBs is 2640 and HBsAg is negative. I tried several web sites on the subject and what I figured out is that I had passed Hep. B in the past without even knowing it and am now immune to it. Danny 852 or Pippy, could you also tell me if my husband needs to get a Hep. B vaccine? He donated blood several months ago and his tests were all negative, that is he was not infected but I don't think he is immune as he was born at a time when HB vaccines were not existent. Also I have 2 children born in 2003 and 2007. They are both vaccinated at birth, the older one - at 2 months and at 6 moth, and the younger one at 1 month, the second coming at 6 months. I don't know when the infection happen and my older daugther had twice isolated cases of very pale stools when she was a baby. Do you think I should test her for HB too?

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Hepatitis B?! What does "full recovery" mean?

    Hi, everyone. I just got the results of a blood test and found out I am testing positive on anti HBc. Also the level of anti HBs is 2640 and HBsAg is negative. I tried several web sites on the subject and what I figured out is that I had passed Hep. B in the past without even knowing it and am now immune to it. Honestly I don't even have an idea when I might have gotten it as I have been and still am totally asymptomatic. They usually use the term "full recovery" for that condition but I don't know what it means. Am I still infectious? Does it mean that I have fully eliminated the virus from my system or I still carry it but it is not active? If that is the case, is there is chance for the virus to reactivate and to become infectious? Thanks to everyone that might help me figure that out.

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Talking openly about death?!?

    HI, everyone. My older daugther is 4 years old and recently she's been talking a lot without dying. I knew she had a vague idea about it like it consists of dropping down and not moving but somehow she thought after that a dead person would get up and be alive again. She would play with her toy and make them dead and alive again. She knew old and sick people die but she never thought about herself. Then yesterday she asked about somebody again if he was going to die and i said that everybody eventually dies. And then she asked the dreaded question: "Am I going to die?" I said: "Yes" because that's the truth but I did not expect her reaction. She got so scared and started saying beggingly: "But I don't want to die." Well, I am a believer in Christ but somehow I have been late in introducing her to the basics of my belief so she still doesn't know much about God or Christ or life after death. We talked some afterwards and she accepted the fact that people go to live with God after they

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for a baby to choke on its own fist?

    My girl is 2 months old and just started finding her fist. It's a new sensation to her and she obviously likes it. Only she can't find a finger to suck on so she opens her mouth wide and tries to suck the whole fist. Until now she hasn't got all of it in the mouth and the result is just a lot of licking and wet cheeks but I was wondering if anyone has heard of a case where a baby got the whole fist in its mouth and what happened. Is there any risk? Should I try to keep that fist away from her mouth or let her explore it to her pleasure?

    11 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • When a 40-days-old baby is considered constipated??

    My daugther is 40 days old and I am breastfeeding and formula-feeding at the same time. Since I started the formula, she's been having her bowel movements less and less often. First it was once in a day, then once in a day and a half. Now it's been two days and she hasn't had a BM yet. Her bowel-movements are not hard - they are yellow and soft, just like mustard, but I am still concerned. Is this normal or she is constipated? Do you think I should be giving her some water? I know juices help but it's too early for juices yet.

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Your experience with blocked tear duct...??

    Since my daugther was born (on Oct. 6th), her left eye has been leaking. It is a clear fluid and in the beginning it used to gather at the corner of the eye and was white in color. Later on it started getting yellow and looked more like an infection. I called my doctor and she told me to buy some antibiotic drops which helped some but not completely and I stopped them after 5 days. I read in a book that constant leaking of eye may be caused by a blocked tear duct which might unblock by itself by the time baby is 1 or 2 years old. Do you have any experience with that? What did doctors recommend in your case?

    By the way, she might be having some bacteria breeding in the fluid and hence the yellow color but I am going to ask my pediatrician again about that at the 1 month check-up.

    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • High blood pressure in week 35... Were you put on medication?

    I'll be into my 36th week of pregnancy tomorrow. A week ago I started feeling unwell - I would wake up and night and have vision disturbances, I would feel nauseous and twice got a horrible headache. I measured my blood pressure at home at the night when I had headache and first time it was 150/100, second time 160/100. A couple of days later I went to my doctor and my BP measured 170/100 at the doctor's office. I was put on medication immediately and it worked very well. I have been taking it for a week and feeling much better. Have anyone been put on medication for blood pressure and what kind? I was prescribed Dopegyt (Methyldopa). Do you know if it has a bad effect on the baby? And how did your birth go - did you have to be induced earlier or have a C-section? Did your blood pressure drop after delivery and were you able to breastfeed? I know it's lot of questions but if you have a similar story, I would be interested to hear it.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Does having lots of Braxton-Hicks mean I am going to have the baby early?

    I have had a lot of Braxton-Hicks with this pregnancy and they started really early - in the 4th month as far as I can remember. I get them so easily - every time I bend over or tighten my abdomen muscles or hurry when I walk or my bladder is full. I am 34 weeks pregnant and the last couple of days those contractions started getting longer and stronger and at night even painful. They used to last from 15 to 20 seconds, now are about 40 seconds. And they come so often I have stopped counting but I might be having at least 10 or 15 in 24 hours, maybe more. They are not regular and I do not have any discharge so I'm sure I am not in labor yet. But does having them so strong and how often mean that I am going to dilate early and have my baby prematurely??

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Just curious... who is expecting in October?

    I'm due in the middle of October (with #2)and I was curious who else is due during the same month. Maybe we can share some experiences...

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How were your children different from each other?

    I am 23 weeks pregnant with my second one and I am so curious about how she's going to look, what her temperament is going to be, if she's going to be a "picky eater" like her sister and if she is going to share some things with her sister or be completely different. Were you surprised when your second one was born or you said s/he was just like her/his sibling?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • When do Braxton-Hicks contractions start?

    This is my second pregnancy and I am in the 12th week. I've been having this uncomfortable tightening low down in my belly that resembles so much Braxton-Hicks contractions, only I think it is too early for those. I have no pains at all and no spotting whatsoever so everything seems to be going well. But it is normal to experience Braxton-Hicks so early? And if it's not that, then what is it?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do you raise a strong-willed child?

    My daughter is 3 yrs 4mo and very stubborn and defiant . She always wants things to happen the way she wants them. I don't allow that but it is a constant fight and sometimes I lose hope that the situation is going to get better. Is it just a phase? What age can I expect things to get better?

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What is life?

    If life just appeared naturally, why don't we have even one instance of that happening lately? And why haven't scientists ever succeeded in creating life into a laboratory? Isn't that proof that God is the one who put life into unliving matter?

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago