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Lv 43,759 points

laurel p

Favorite Answers31%
  • Why do pens and printer ink dry out quickly?

    We moved to the South from the west coast 16 years ago. All this time we have had a problem with pens drying out within a few weeks. All pens, all types and brands. I just realized the same thing happens with our printers. They work fine until we replace the ink, and then the old ink is so dry the new cartridges don't work. All printer types and brands do this. We actually switched to laser from ink jet for this reason, but the problem continues.

    Any ideas?


    2 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • Help me identify source of mercury poisoning?

    My daughter tested with mercury in her system. She has never had a filling, does not eat shelfish, rarely eats any fish (perhaps a can of tuna amonth, salmon once every two months) wears very little makeup, has not handled a broken thermometer or light bulb, and we have copper pipes. I've researched and fond no incidents of mercury in local groundwater. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • If you find evidence a person may have been wrongly convicted, how do you report it?

    I know the man's name but not where he is in prison. A relative of mine accused her stepfather of molesting her about 5 years ago. I have learned she is a master con artist, with no conscience. At the time we were floored- nothing about this man fit the crime. He was an amazing stepfather who gave this out of control child and his own child appropriate love, plus the structure and limits she needed. Last year my dh chaparoned a trip she was on, and set limits too, so she accused him of physically abusing her. Fortunately he had witnesses, so it went nowhere.

    I am haunted by the possibility a good man is in jail and this con artist will hurt others.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • kittens missing fur on their toes?

    I foster kittens and just got a litter (6 weeks old) with something I've never seen before. Two of them have what look like filthy toes - some sort of black gunk is on them and it does not wash off. Plus there is very little fur on these toes. It also looks like the skin is peeling off with fur - though I am not certain of this - they're squirmy and I didn't want to distress them too much as they just got here after an ordeal.

    I can;t decide if they got into in something sticky or if they have some auto-immune disorder like sticky fur syndrome or if there is a parasite or some such that would only affect the toes. The third kitten had a dirty face, and red rimmed eyes, I washed his face, and the redness cleared up, but it was difficult to get the dirt off him too. It's almost like rubber cement, but just in streaks.

    Anyone seen this?

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I picked my car up from the dealership after a repair. They had removed my political bumper?

    I'm shocked and feel disrespected and defiled. I am a long time customer and have always liked and respected the staff there. I picked my car up after closing (by prearrangement) and noticed it as I pulled onto their lot. I also have an Eagle Scout magnet, which was next to it and was not bothered.

    I plan to visit the manager in the morning. What would you say? What kind of resolution would you expect them to make? Would you contact the parent company?


    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why would the post office refuse to attempt to deliver a package?

    It is a medium sized box, clearly addressed and the address has been confirmed by the recipient and my own post office as her correct, real address. My PO confirmed the label is legible, the package is well wrapped and the address really exists.

    I've sent the package twice and both times the PO refused to even attempt to deliver it - just immediately sends it back as undeliverable. The second time I tracked it and let her know when it arrived in her city ( San Diego). The tracking notice said they attempted to deliver, failed and left a notice saying she has 15 days to pick it up. She ran to the PO to collect it the next day and it was already gone. They told her they never even attempted a delivery.

    Why would this happen and to whom do I file a complaint?

    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • How should a kid diplomatically refuse a gown at Dr's office ( respiratory infection)?

    Alternatively can you give me a convincing argument for why she should wear a gown ( I learned that no other county but the US uses them, but could not find out why we do).

    My 15 yo dd has an appointment with a new pediatrician tomorrow. She's livid ( madder than I've ever seen her) because they (Kaiser) won't let her see an adult doc. She feels her patient rights are being violated so I'm petitioning on her behalf. Meanwhile she's sick and whatever she has has made her really surly, so she's decided to make an issue of the gown, and the more I tried to get her to reconsider, the worse she got. Kaiser has us gown up for everything (why?) DD is not a confrontational person normally, so this is new territory for me.

    I want her to give this doc a chance (in case we're stuck with a pediatrician) and see if he will help advocate for her before she gets in his face over this. Is thre a way of declining that won't antagonize the staff there?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Are old injuries (ie: a broken toe) likely to be painful?

    I'm talking about an old, untreated injury, not a fresh one, here. This is a question for people with professional knowledge only, please. We have a cat that never lets us pick him up, so we have to wrap him in a towel if we need to examine him, or give him medication, etc. He is a British Shorthair, a breed that is known for its dislike of being picked up. We respect that as much as we can, and he's a sweet affectionate kitty so long as we go to him and just pet him. My guess is that this injury happened some time when we had to wrap him in a towel to give him medicine, because sometimes he really fights that, and has kicked holes in thick towels before. This week I was giving him medicine and noticed one of his toes was not inline with the others. I wiggled it and it is definitely either a compound fracture or dislocated, but not recently enough that he is in terrible pain from it ( I've had a compound fracture on a toe, so I know how it feels). Should I assume he is in no pain now, since he didn't wince when I examined it?

    I need to decide what would be in his best interest. Taking him to the vet for even just an exam would be extremely traumatic for him, or I'd have taken him right away. I also know that there aren't a lot of options for treating broken toes, and when they are treated it's treatment this cat would probably have trouble enduring ( I was in a cast for 3 months with mine). I have a lot of experience with cats, but this one stumps me. Can you help? Thanks!

    5 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Do cats with one fur color behave differently than cats with another fur color?

    Black cats are so hard to adopt out that many shelters automatically euthanize any blacks that come in. I've long wondered why so many people hate black cats, so after fostering an exceptionally sweet black kitten, I began researching personality and color.

    I ran across this article, which cites several studies on the subject. I'm curious what you think. Please think about this, then read the article and give both your own impression and what change, if any, the article made, in what you think. Thanks!

    11 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about people who lie when they answer pet care questions here?

    Like this one:

    "Poor fellow. When our cat got declawed she was perfectly fine that very day, no pain at all and no collar needed. We wouldn't have gotten her declawed but the Humane society she came from required her front paws be done. "

    I work for the Humane Society, and can prove this is a malicious lie. Here is the HS website page on declawing: Does it infuriate you to see someone post advice like this ? She has libeled the Humane Society, which is against the law as well as just plain disgusting.

    If you want to see the original question, it is "recently declawed cat - what can expect?" by tkandag.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why do people refuse to turn orphaned animals in to people with the experience to properly care for them?

    I see this every day in my work, and it's a frequent topic on this board too. MANY MANY of these orphans die that do not have to. Currently a member is saying she ' just can't' take a kitten she's injured to a vet or give it up. Can't? The truth is, she won't, until it is at death's door, and then it will be too late.

    What is wrong with people that they are this disconnected with humanity, and why are there so many of them?

    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Why don't people adopt black cats as often as other colors?

    I foster with the Humane Society and we always wonder about this Right now we have cats of every color, but the two sweetest are two blacks. They are rapidly approaching adulthood ( even though we've had them since they were 5 weeks old) and NOBODY wants them. They are beautiful with shiny coats and laid back personalities yet playful. They were the perfect choice for two little girls who came in last week, and wanted a kitten they could rock like a doll and that would get along with their large dog. These two were by far the best choice, but the next day I came in and learned they came back and adopted a very unfriendly white kitten that will hate them and their dog. This was a Black family, BTW, so I don't think it's about race, at least not very often. I have asked when I show the cats and most people say it isn't about superstition - they just 'don't like' them.

    Got any ideas about the why, and how to change the tide? Black cats get euthanized far more often than other colors, so if you are looking to adopt, please consider that your kindness will be even greater if you are willing to adopt a black kitty.

    Thanks in advance

    17 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I'm looking for very tiny sock monkey socks?

    I've seen these in a doll size, and in a newborn baby size but can't find any to buy. Can you help?


    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago