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I'm 26 and live in beautiful So*Cal a place where I can play in the snow one minute then catch a few waves the next and then if I'm not too tired jump on a quad and kick up some sand. Can't imagine why all these damn ppl keep moving here LOL. anything else you'd like to know hit me up ;-)

  • Why is it rude to have an adult only party?

    My husband and I do not have any children and we are not going to have any. We have had a few BBQ's at our home that we did not mind those we inviting bringing their kids, mostly because they were older or babies confined to their carriers as our house isn't "child proof".

    So please tell me why people get upset when we decide to have a party that is adults only? We understand that some people won't be able to make it becasue they may not be able to find a sitter and we totally understand that. But how dare someone tell me it isn't fair their children can't come. And then tell us we're rude and inconsiderate.

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Engagement announcement in the paper...?

    I was wondering why people announce their enagements and wedding in the local paper.

    Someone at work asked me today if I had announced it in the paper and I told her it had never even crossed my mind or his. Her reply was "Oh you better get to it then"

    I got a phone call I had to take so I couldn't ask her why she thought we had to announce it. It seems like a waste of money to me...

    Comments anyone?

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Destination Wedding duties??

    So my fiancee and I are having a destination wedding in Las Vegas in June.

    I've been reading about destination weddings and how the bride & groom sometimes block out rooms in hotels for their guests, arrange transportation, make out maps and many other little things.

    Is it expected that you do room blocks at a hotel for a destination wedding? Majority of our guests that we invited all have time share in Las Vegas and so I didn't see the point in blocking out rooms or why we would even have to.

    Some of our guests have asked where we were stying and I've done searching for them to help them find the best deal on a room in the area they want.

    All of them have been to Vegas so I'm not sure maps and all that are necessary. Though I will be printing maps to the ceremony and reception sites.

    Is there anything anyone recommends be done for a destination wedding? If you were attending would there be anything that would help you out?

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • No pictures at the ceremony?

    So the chapel were getting married at in Las Vegas does not allow outside pictures taken inside or on the grounds AT ALL.

    I'm wondering the simplest way to let our guests know they won't be able to take pictures at the ceremony.

    So far our immediate family knows and it didn't bother them at all, or if it did they didn't mention it.

    At the reception they can click away, any ideas? should we include that on an insert with the invitation?

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Bridesmaid/Groomsmen gifts?

    So I was just wondering if some people think it is expected that the bride and groom give their bridesmaids & groomsmen a gift.

    My fiance and I haven't really even thought about it, infact it didn't even cross our minds until I came across that section of The Knot. So what is everyone's opinion? Do you think it is expected to give a gift to them or not?

    Also do you think it would be bad if we didn't give them a gift?

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Fiancee's cousin announced their wedding is a week before ours?

    So last night my fiancee told me that one of his cousins (who he isn't close to at all) just announced their engagement. I was happy for her, even though I don't know her very well.

    Then he told me her and her fiancee are getting married the weekend before our wedding, now everyone else seems to bothered by this. such as my fiancee, my good friend who is also a bridesmaid, future sister in-law, future brother in-law........the list goes on.

    We announced our engagement at the end of December and sent out the Save the Date magnets the first week of January, a little quick I know but anywho......

    We'll be getting married in Las Vegas and so that's why we announced it well in advance so those who could attend could make the arrangements. I know not everyone you invite attends but we weren't inviting her then boyfriend and my fiancee doesn't want to invite him now. He also told me he isn't sure he wants to attend their wedding.

    I am happy their getting married but ....

    12 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Alcohol or No Alcohol at our wedding?

    We're getting married in Las Vegas. We're having a dinner at one of our favorite Italian restaurants instead of a reception. We can't seem to agree on the whole alcohol thing though.

    The only people having to fly in to our wedding our my mom, step-dad, dad, step-mom, grandma & my sisters. Everyone else lives close to Vegas like we do about 4 hours if even that.

    I personally do not want alcohol & since MY FIANCEE & I are paying for the dinner I don't see why we can't choose not to have it. I know how his cousins can drink it up and I'm not about to even imagine what that bill will be like LOL.

    I was thinking beer & wine only, or nothing at all. He thinks we just have to do whatever they want from the bar. I don't know what to do and I'm at the end of my ropes......and advice people?

    If there choosing to travel to see us get married and we're covering dinner I don't see what the problem is. It isn't written in stone u have to have alcohol @ your wedding

    34 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • What to do about the guest list?

    My fiancee & I decided to have our wedding in Las Vegas in June. Kinda cutting it close but my dad & step-mom offered to pay for the ceremony & my dress so we don't mind bumping it up a few months. All our immediate family mom's, dad's, siblings already said they'd be able to make it.

    So they chapel we're having the ceremony in only holds up to 70 people. Our list including us stands at 68, of those 68 we assume (lol i know we shouldn't but oh well) that 9 won't be able to make it.

    His grandma had mentioned all her family in texas being able to make it. They aren't on our list an we only have room for 2 more people. Any advice on how to deal with this one?

    I'm usually pretty straight up but I can't be that way with grandma even I'm not that mean LOL. Should we just not worry about it & hope it isn't brought up? Or should we plan ahead so we know how to answer the questions that might come up as to why certain ppl aren't invited?

    10 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Wedding in Vegas vs. Traditional Wedding w/reception?

    So my fiancee and I just got engaged on 12/16/2007. I always thought I'd have that wedding I'd been planning since I was five LOL.

    But now that I'm older and i've started scouting out places I'm thinking of tossing in the idea of a traditional wedding w/reception all together.

    I've been scouting the wedding packages of some of the hotels on the strip in Las Vegas & they are WAY more affordable. However, my fiancee thinks I am settling but the more I tell him how expensive weddings are the more he is coming around.

    My mother , step-dad, dad & step-mom think it's a great idea.

    I don't really need a foofy event anyway & I don't see the point in paying TONS of money for other people to have a good time when this is a day for my fiancee & I. Plus the money we save could be better used towards our honeymoon.

    Afterwards we could have dinner at one of my favortie restaurants & anyone who wants to join us may but they gotta foot their own who doesnt love to go to Vegas?

    14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • 2005 Chrysler light came on?

    My Co-Worker has a 2005 Chrysler 300 and when she was driving to work today a red light on her panel came on. she checked the manual and it doesn't show what it indicates. could it mean it is time for it to be serviced?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Key won't turn , steering wheel locked?

    I have a 2002 Ford Focus and this morning my darn key wouldn't turn at all. The steering wheel is still locked and I tried to turn it as I turned the key and the bugger won't budge. It was unsually chilly this morning and my car hadn't been driven in two days. I'm doubting that makes a difference but figured I'd throw it in there. Any suggestions as to what my problem might be? I don't have tons of things hanging from my key as I her that excessive weight isn't good for the ignition, pretty much all that is on there is my car key, house key and mail key.

    Would greatly appreciate any feed back I could get on this one...Thanks

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Legal Name Change??

    I want to legally change my name. My parents decided not to give me a middle name so I could choose it on my own when I was older, since they both dislike thier middle names. I've decided I want to use my grandmothers name as my middle name.

    In the State of California how would I go about doing this and is it a costly matter to do so?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Required to maintain the lawn of rental??

    I'm currently renting a home with some roomates. The property manager came by today and said the owner of our house was upset because we haven't been water and maintaing the front lawn and the hill in our back yard.

    She stated if we can't keep it up they would hire a gardener to take care of it and we would have to foot the bill. I understand that the owner would be upset and we all have such hectic schedules between work and school that we have to hire someone come in and do light cleaning because we just don't have the time.

    I'm not too familiar with rental/lease agreements and I'll be obtaining a copy of the lease this evening.

    Would it stipulate in the Lease wether or not we are responsible for the upkeep of the lawn and wehter or not we'd be responsible to pay for a gardener should they hire one??

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • The Bible was written......?

    forver and a day ago. Passed down over the centuries and so on and so forth.

    Did anyone ever play that game telephone as a little child?

    You take 6 or so friends and you get in a circle.

    One kid starts it off and tells the first kid to their left something in their ear. Then the first kid tells the second kid and the second the third etc.

    And then the last kid to get the message says it aloud, and it is not what the kid who started it said....????

    So here is my question do you think (not feel but think there is a difference) that it is very likely that over the years the bible's true messages has been completely altered from its orginal version??

    Do you think certain teachings within it were made to suit people of the itme??

    Just curious...

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Wedding suggestions??!!?

    Neither of us are very religious I was raised catholic and he jehovah witness. We both left the churches we grew up with years ago and though we believe in god we both agree neihter one of us want belong to an organized religion.

    So I'm trying to figure out what kind of ceremony to have...we both believe taking vows before god is important we are just unsure how to go about it.....I was thinking doing an outside ceremony with a minister keep it short and sweet focusing mainly on our vows and promise to eachother.......(some cremonies can be soooooo long & boring I don't want that AT ALL)

    Any suggestions??

    17 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Student Tax deductions??

    what are the things that I can claim on my taxes as a student..?? Can it be along the lines of books, supplies, gas etc.??

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Vegan couple who negelcted their baby....?

    So I decided to answer one of Angels posted questions on the couple who's baby died as a result of their negligence.....and this is how she responded....

    From: angel

    Subject: thanks

    Message: thanks for your opinon on the vegan couple that went to jail for life for "neglecting their baby" , they did what they thought was right, and there is nothing wrong with me just because i dont think they deserve jail time, people that contribute to the killing of thousands of innocent animals should get jail time, it's not like the baby felt pain that animals feel when they are slaughtered for you to eat them, and btw , there is no comparison about us eating animals becuase they eat each other, they dont have a choice, they can't cook, so of course they have to eat each other, we on the other hand have choices and so therefore there isn't a reason to eat meat, its sad your ignorant

    9 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Don't get the whole Vegetarian and Vegan thing??????

    I'm not trying to disrespect anyone's choice but I am curious why people advocate so adamently for people to not consume meat and or anything that comes from an animal.

    If we were to go back to the earlier the native americans for example wouldn't we see a group of people that respected mother nature and gave thanks to her for the hunt??

    My roomie is a vegetarian so I have no problem with the Veg Heads :-)....just curious to the different reasons why some of you came to the conclusion that you did??

    9 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • I'm "shacking up" why do people view it as wrong??

    As Dr. Laura would put it....My boyfriend and I are shacking up.

    I hear so many people talk of studies done & how it decreases your chances for a successful marriage should you choose to marry.

    I'm curious what other people think about this subject. I personally dont see the problem...I think it is a better way to get to know someone & wether or not you'd be compatible IF your considering getting married.

    My mom & step dad have been together going on 19 years & the still have never legally married or done so within a church. My father & step mother were together around 15 years before they married about 4 years ago & even then only for tax purposes.

    I've heard people tell me that it shows a lack of respect on both out parts, or I am just an unpaid whore "my personal favorite"

    I'm going to do what I want with or without the approval of society & right wing morality police......I'm just curious what some people's opinions are for the sake of seeing different point of views

    45 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Would I be violating any copyright laws ......?

    If I were to print images from the internet.........use them as stencils and transfer those images to the item of my choice such as a t-shirt's, pillow cases, hand made purses?? And is it only a crime if I in turn were to sell the items??

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago