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What to do about 12-yr old step-daughter? ?
I have been taking care of my step kids for over a month, two of them went back home but the oldest one came back. I am 35 weeks pregnant and exhausted. I stay at home. The only chore my step daughter has been given is to wash all the dishes every day and clean her room. That's it. She still won't do it. And when I remind her she will say yes and turn around and do the same she was doing. She disrespects my kids, doesn't like them...and eventhough she is nice to me, she will play it like I never told her about the dishes. Her dad already told her I shouldn't be telling her but last night I ended up doing dishes. I don't have a problem with it because it's my responsibility anyway but that's her only thing to do, I do everything else!! And on top of this her mom calls to ask what I have had her do, as in activities outside the home, i.e. soccer, reading, library, pool, lake, etc....Im tired.
2 AnswersParenting9 years agoCNA's, LPN's & RN's: Could you tell me what motivated you to be a CNA, LPN, RN?
I have never been very clear on what I wanted to do. I graduated high school in 2004, went to college, took general college credits, left school, had 2 kids, I'm due for my 3rd baby in August and I am determined to finish school whatever it takes. I just want to know what motivated you to go into this field.
Personally, I am and always will be a caregiver. I love taking care of others, mentally, physically, sentimentally, etc...I just have not believed in myself enough to believe that I can make it in a career like this. I know it's difficult to be an RN but ultimately I think I want to become one. I have worked at a hospital before registering people into the Procedure Center and I loved the idea of working in the PACU as a nurse, but in the past I didn't have the support system I needed so I got discouraged. Now my support system is stronger and I have a good partner who will help me go through school and with the kids.
I want to know what motivated you, what being a CNA, LPN and RN is like (not their job duties) but how you feel as you do your work every day. How was it going to school? TELL ME ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE!! I WANT TO KNOW IT ALL.
1 AnswerHealth Care9 years agoWhat to do about my doctor?
I'm 30 weeks. Second pregnancy, which has been horrible compared to my first. Never had a problem with my first and this one I have high blood pressure, I get spots, stars and circles in my sight that won't let me see well, at the same time I get dizzy & pressure in my head, I get blurry vision and afterwards I get a migraine. I cannot function when this happens. I almost went into pre-term labor a couple of weeks ago. Last week I was really sick one day and had vomiting, thought my water broke, went in, everything was fine, but I am not feeling well. Every day is a new thing, pressure in my head, spots in my eyes, migraines, contractions if I walk too much (too much meaning 30 min or less) or sit too long (1 hour)...or if I stand too long (15 min) I will get contractions, pressure in my belly, and cramps...cramps cramps...
I called my doctor today again and they said they would return my call and I never got a call back!
What am I supposed to do? I keep calling in at work because I am not feeling well!
Should I quit? I don't ever know when I'm going to be okay to work. I missed work twice this week, twice last week and I came in late today.
Now I'm just calling in but before I would just come in and get sick at work...until I almost went to labor two weeks ago, that's when I just started calling in because I want to try to go full term.
I have talked to my doctor. He wants to see me every week now after seeing my cervix. He said it looked fine, but wants me to be prepared to have this baby early. (!?!?!?)
Should I change doctors this late in the pregnancy? Is he not saying something?
6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoIs this the ONLY category where I can get good answers? Moms definitely know it all...PLEASE HELP?
I bought my house on Nov 28, 2009 from a private owner. This is a lady that finances when people have bad credit. She is financing, I pay her mortgage every month, we signed everything with a lawyer (her lawyer) but there wasn't any agreement on the home property taxes. She did lie about the amount I was supposed to pay every year. She said they were $1200 and it's $2000 a year. She also said they were paid up til April of 2010. Anyway, taxes are due for the year of 2009. I bought the house at the end of the year and I told her she needed to pay until the day I bought the house. She denied and said now the house is on my name and taxes are due and I have to pay them completely. She is getting her lawyer to write me a letter...?? that's what she said. I have no idea what the letter is about. Can I get a lawyer to go over this and make her pay to the day she was the owner of the house?
We are in the State of Nebraska and we have to pay a year behind.
I'd appreciate anybody who could help me figure this out...
Pregnancy and Parenting seems to be the ONLY place to get a good answer for almost anything...we MOMS know it all huh! ha ha ha THANK YOU
5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade agoHome Taxes? Who's paying if no agreement?
I bought my house on Nov 28, 2009 from a private owner. This is a lady that finances when people have bad credit. She is financing, I pay her mortgage every month, we signed everything with a lawyer (her lawyer) but there wasn't any agreement on the home property taxes. She did lie about the amount I was supposed to pay every year. She said they were $1200 and it's $2000 a year. She also said they were paid up til April of 2010. Anyway, taxes are due for the year of 2009. I bought the house at the end of the year and I told her she needed to pay until the day I bought the house. She denied and said now the house is on my name and taxes are due and I have to pay them completely. She is getting her lawyer to write me a letter...?? that's what she said. I have no idea what the letter is about. Can I get a lawyer to go over this and make her pay to the day she was the owner of the house?
We are in the State of Nebraska and we have to pay a year behind.
I'd appreciate anybody who could help me figure this out.
1 AnswerOther - Taxes1 decade agoCould you help me figure out if I'm due to pay my home taxes?
I just got my first home at the end of November of 2009 and I got a bill to pay my property taxes for CALENDAR YEAR 2009. The first portion was due by March 31st for $1,000 and the lady who sold the house to me told me taxes were paid until April. The second portion is due July 31st and it's also another $1,000. I am ready to pay them in full, but I am confused because the lady told me they were paid until April...and because my bill says CALENDAR YEAR 2009 and I got this house at the end of year 2009. Do my taxes have to be prorated?
How do you pay your property taxes? Do you pay them for the year that passed or for the current year? I am confused...
I am going to call them tomorrow morning to figure this out and then I am calling the lady who sold the house to me.
The taxes aren't included in the loan so I have to pay them separetely.
Thank you!!
7 AnswersUnited States1 decade agoWho is pregnant and single?
I am prengnat and single. Wondering who else was in the same situation.
8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoIf you already told someone to STOP CALLING YOU and they won't..?
What do you do?
This morning I received a text saying : "My love, I'm home I swear I am home".
I answered: "LOL what? I'm glad you're home but I am not your love"...from there this girl has been calling and calling non-stop, texting me that she knows it's "Julio", her boyfriend I guess. She keeps insisting I answer the phone and I told her I won't answer, I already told her I'm a girl and I won't give her my name and info. She keeps calling and texting. What do I do if I already told her to STOP!?
I mean seriously, I have received more than 20 calls all day and more than 20 texts. In fact she is calling right now!!!
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade agoBrother has schizophrenia, what to do?
My brother was told by a doctor he is schizophrenic and I just started reading about it. All the characteristics define the way he acts. He doesn't have a job and, when he does get one he stays for a month or so and leaves. He will have days of craziness that I can't even recognize him, other times he will just disappear for a day or two and come back like nothing's happened. I'm worried about him and we have had fights over him not working or helping at the house, but nobody is paying attention to what's going on to him so I have been helping him out. Anyway, I have tried to get him out of my home everytime he gets crazy on me but he says "MAKE ME" and can get verbally abusive, one time he got physically abusive and broke stuff (didn't touch me or my son). He won't leave. I'm 23, a single mom of a 2 yr old boy and one on the way. My brother helps me out with taking care of my son but keeps arguing about it so he doesn't have to take care of him. I pay for everything, he lives at my house and the least I ask him is to care for my son while I work because childcare is so expensive and he does a good job with my son. So...How to get him to therapy or to at least understand he can't live off people? I have arranged someone else to take care of my son so he doesn't use that as an excuse to not look for a job, but he is using other excuses now.
He will have to leave toward the end of the year anyway because that's when I plan on starting my own daycare at home and he can't be there with his record, but how to help him get a job now? to get him to help me at home?...or how to make him leave since I have tried for him to change for so many years?
Thank you...please no rude comments.
1 AnswerPsychology1 decade agoDo you think we should get more points for answering a question FIRST?
When a question hasn't been answered by anyone else and you are first to answer, don't you think we should get more than 2 points for being the first ones? I think so.
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat name would you use for your own home daycare?
I am a mother to a 2 yr old boy and will be having another baby boy in July. I am getting ready to get my childcare license to start my own 24 hour home daycare about 2-3 months after my baby is born. I am not sure what to call my daycare...but I am so excited I am starting something of my own to be close to my children that I can't think of a name! lol
My name is Diana and I was maybe thinking Di's or Dee's Childcare...but I also want it to show it's a 24 hour care place and I was thinking maybe the logo should have a smiley sun and a happy moon ?? and maybe call it something that has to do with the sun and the moon?
Could you please give me IDEAS? I'd really appreciate it!
Could you think of THREE names? I will choose BEST ANSWER to the one who has the best 3. Think..THink think! Thanks!!!
3 AnswersParenting1 decade agoCould you help me choose a name for my second baby boy?
I had a hard time naming my son. Girl names are easier to pick but I am blessed with another baby boy :) is the thing I am Venezuelan-Cuban, so I have to choose a spanish name that sounds good in English. My son's name is Andrés Leonardo (Andrés for my middle name Andreina and Leonardo for his grandpa's name). Sometimes it's hard for people to pronounce his name correctly but they will do fairly close and when he gets older they will probably either call him Andy or Andrew so I'm not so worried because it's not a long long extremely difficult name. I also live in an area where there's not a lot of latinos so the community isn't used to these names like let's say in Florida or California.
I thought it was best to ask this community to help me pick a nice spanish name for my second baby boy since you guys will know best what spanish names sound good to you! The most original one gets 10 points! THANK YOU...First and Middle names.
Thank you.
6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade agoIf you like to read books...what kinds of books do you like to read? you like thick or thin books? Are you the kind of person that likes to read a book forever or get done with them fast?
I'm planning on writing my first book, it's been my dream forever and I have a true story that I'd like to share with people through my's pretty much about my ex-fiance stealing my dog and dropping her off in another city because he didn't want to move in with the dog in my's about the time that she was lost, how we looked for her, where we looked, how people helped, how hard it is to go through losing a dog (can't imagine how it would be with a family member) and how we found her...and what she went through and how she came back home. There's a lot of details to my story but it's made a lot of people cry on this website where they led me to find her in the city where she was lost. Anyway...besides answering the questions you think it would be a nice short book?
Thank you!
8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoIf you like to read books...what kinds of books do you like to read? you like thick or thin books? Are you the kind of person that likes to read a book forever or get done with them fast?
I'm planning on writing my first book, it's been my dream forever and I have a true story that I'd like to share with people through my's pretty much about my ex-fiance stealing my dog and dropping her off in another city because he didn't want to move in with the dog in my's about the time that she was lost, how we looked for her, where we looked, how people helped, how hard it is to go through losing a dog (can't imagine how it would be with a family member) and how we found her...and what she went through and how she came back home. There's a lot of details to my story but it's made a lot of people cry on this website where they led me to find her in the city where she was lost. Anyway...besides answering the questions you think it would be a nice short book?
Thank you!
9 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade agoI'm feeling horrible!? please read!? How should I handle this situation at work?
I'm at work, not so busy so I'm asking you guys what to do about this...
Housekeeping lady seemed very nice, she just started working in the surgery area where I work and just today she comes up to me after we have built a nice friendship and said to me her son is getting married to this lady who has two girls and she gave them up to the father because "she didn't feel like handling these girls", she is also getting married to her son because she is pregnant. I'm not sure if she's upset about her situation, but she says that she is just sick of all these young girls here in the U.S. (she's from Asia) getting pregnant and that have millions of babies without being married. She added she had 3 abortions because she wasn't married, then she married her husband and had her daughter and son (she also has gone into some detail about how abusive this relationship has been over the years). I said I do not support abortion or staying with the father if he is not mentally ok and the relationship isn't healthy and I'm glad I had my son and also glad I'm having my other boy and not just aborting him. She said I'm stupid to have my kids because I'm not married and I'm an h*o*e* for having two kids from different dads. She also knows that I was supposed to get married in December with my second baby's dad and it didn't happen because he turned out to be a psycho. He stole my dog from inside my house and dropped her off at a city an hour away from my city in the middle of the worst winter we have had. I found her (thank God) 15 days later. He did this because he didn't want the dog in the house when he moved in there with me. Well she recommended I took him back even if he didn't admit it was him, just for the sake of looking good in the community and not just jumping into another relationship and having another baby with another man. I told her "I'm not having more babies, I'm thinking about getting fixed and no I won't take a man back to look good in front of other people!"
She just made me feel like the worst piece of sshhh ever! Do you have anything good to say to me? whoa!!!!!!!!!!
11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoIsn't this amazing? What do you think about the earthquake and hot it changed everything?
I'm an ignorant when it comes to a lot of things, but it's amazing how this earthquake made more changes to the earth than others that we've had in the past...
What do you think about this? plus it's been devastating how Haiti first got the earthquake and then Chile not too long after!
1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade agoShould I feel contractions at 21 weeks?
I had cramps yesterday all day, they were strong and I couldn't walk for too long. I also felt my belly tightened up and my back pain was killing me. Today I am going for number 2 too many times and I am feeling my belly really tight again since I woke up, stronger than in the last week. No pain, but I feel the contractions and I'm more out of breath. Is this Braxton Hicks or should I call the doctor? I haven't spotted or anything like that. It's just been what I described above. Well, and I couldn't eat well yesterday...I also feel my ribs are getting tighter and hurt a little sometimes. I know the baby is getting bigger but why the on-going pain yesterday? I couldn't even go to work.
I don't remember feeling pain at 21 weeks with my first. That's why I'm asking. Thank you!
2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoWhat are the kinds of questions you avoid answering on the pregnancy category?
When I see someone asking questions about AM I PREGNANT?
DOES THIS MEAN I'M PREGNANT or any questions like that I try to avoid answering them because they are kind of silly. It's as simple as getting a test and you will know if you are pregnant. Unless their questions are a little more complicated...or need some kind of help or explanation.
Or for example questions that girls ask about Plan B...and C and D or whatever. They want to know when to take the pill, what pill to take, etc. I don't know if I have the heart to answer those questions. I did that a long time ago when I missed my pills once in a while, but I honestly don't have the heart to answer them and I don't know why! I've become very sensitive to those questions during this pregnancy. LOL. Don't know why.
What are the questions you avoid answering? (for whatever reasons)
9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoHow will I know I'm in labor with this pregnancy?
It's my second pregnancy and I'm 21 weeks. First time I was induced, went in at 7am and had my son at 9:43pm same day (March 3rd 2008). I don't know if I should count labor with my first son from the time I got to the hospital and hooked up to everything or if I should count since I started feeling pain and they got my water broke. Anyway, I am wondering about the ladies that went into labor naturally and on their does it feel like?
how did you know you were in labor?
what signs should I look for this time? since I am not getting induced...
Thank you ladies.
P.S.: I got induced the first time since I was scared and wasn't sure what to expect and my doctor recommended I'd go in.
7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoToday, I feel PREGNANT! How do you feel?
I just feel PREGNANT, heavy and uncomfortable. I'm 21 weeks now and I just feel grumpy and in a bad mood and full of cravings...just want to be home, relax...go shopping, do something fun...get a pedicure or something!
Like I said I'm just feeling way too pregnant today lol. I can't even stand myself. How are you ladies feeling today?
1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago