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Any lawyers out there - Procedural Law question? Urgent!?
I'm helping out the 'defendant' in a hearing presided over by a disciplinary committee with powers conferred by statute (jurisdiction: New Zealand). It's a multi-stage hearing, which involved the committee firstly arriving at a preliminary finding that the complaint was not frivolous, vexatious or trivial; then a different group of investigators compiling an initial report as to its views; then a more detailed report.
Now we're about to enter the final stage of the investigation, whereby the committee will investigate fully.
We're concerned that over the past three stages, the committee has been 'contaminated' by the erroneous findings it made at the previous steps. This is apparent from the fact that the errors it made in the preliminary findings have flowed through to the subsequent reports, in spite of the defendant's repeated requests that the errors be corrected.
My question is, is there a head of judicial review which would address this 'contamination' factor? That is, is there any principle in administrative law that militates against the decision-maker being 'influenced' by the findings made at the preceding stages of the investigative process? In other words, is there a requirement that in a multi-stage investigation, the decision-maker approach the issue with a clear/fresh mind at every stage?
I'm helping out a family friend here, off the record, which is why I can't really ask my supervisor at work.
Thanks in advance
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years agoHow is MH370's FDR signal being searched for?
Essentially, I'm wondering whether the same search vessels/aircraft that are currently searching for physical debris are also on the alert for the signal being emitted by the FDR? Do they have the technology on board to detect it? Or is the FDR-signal search a separate one?
5 AnswersAircraft7 years agoHow likely is it that the CVR was turned off on MH370?
Since the pilot seems to have been so adept at manipulating many of the other vital instruments/systems, isn't it logical to assume that he'd also turn off the CVR?
So if/when the wreckage is found, is it possible/likely that there still won't be any conclusive answer, perhaps ever, as to what happened?
2 AnswersAir Travel7 years agoIs there any chance of finding MA370?
I'm hoping for some insightful answers here.
Assuming the worst-case scenario, namely that the plane crashed in the Indian Ocean, probably (logic suggests) coming to rest in some 4000m of water, what is the probability of it ever being found, and hence of an investigation discovering the true cause of this incident?
[I'm making the above assumption because that now seems to be the general consensus, right?]
For example, how thorough/methodical is the search effort covering the area in question? Will they actually in time scour every sq/km of the area, or do they sort-of "spot check" here and there? Do they map precisely where they've already searched and make sure every part of the area has been covered? Or is it more arbitrary than that?
If there is debris floating on the sea, is it likely to sink after awhile?
If any debris drifts and is eventually sighted or perhaps washes up on land, is there any way of deducing from its appearance/state the initial impact location? [and hence the approximate whereabouts of the submerged wreckage?]
Assuming no visible debris, is there any technology in existence that would enable wreckage resting that deep to be located? And even if there is, would this be feasible at all, given the need to scour every kilometre of the search area for fear of overlooking the wreckage?
Does the FDR have any kind of 'locator'/'gps' function at all?
And failing all else, is there any way for investigators to undertake a meaningful investigation without being able to inspect the plane, or knowing its impact location?
Sorry if my questions are pedestrian. For me, the most frustrating thing about all this is that the media coverage is proving so damn incomplete and oversimplified.
4 AnswersAircraft7 years agoDuties IN / UNDER / WITHIN the role?
I'm drafting a contract for a Law Profs assessment. Here's the clause I'm worried about -
2.1. Catherine will be employed as a Sales Executive ('the role'). Her duties and responsibilities in the role are described in full in the job description contained in Schedule 1 of this Agreement. Catherine must carry out all the duties and responsibilities contained in the job description.
I'm wondering whether "duties and responsibilities IN the role" is correct. Should it be UNDER the role, WITHIN the role, or something else...?
Thanks :)
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay7 years agoWhy is "Applebee's in Virginia" so absurd?
I was watching a film called Arbitrage (a relatively new release, I think, with Richard Gere). He was having a conversation with another character, who told him "I've bought an Applebee's franchise in Virginia."
Gere's character responded, "You bought an APPLEBEES in VIRGINIA?!?!" accentuating those two words, as though there was absurdity in the notion.
Why is that? I'm not from the US so it's not immediately apparent to me. My best guess (from googling both terms, haha) is that Applebee's serves deep-fried dishes, for which Southern states, incl. Virginia, are renowned? So it's a case of a chain restaurant directly competing with local cuisine?
Or is there a different undertone to the sentence?
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years agoTradeMe - should I write my address on the back of the package?
I use a screen name/alias on TradeMe. So should I leave my address off the package when I send it to the winner of my auction? Does anyone know what the usual practice is in this regard?
Alternatively, can I write my address (in case the package needs to be returned to sender) but not my name?
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture7 years agoA steak - "more well done," or "better done"?
A thoroughly-cooked steak is "well done". But if you're referring to one that's more so than another one, would it be "better done," or "more well done"?
I'm leaning towards "more well done," since the "well done" here seems to function as a 'single' adjective, rather than the 'well' operating separately...
5 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years agoAdobe/Acrobat - which programme will allow editing?
I currently have Adobe Reader X, which doesn't allow editing.
I urgently need to download a version which will allow editing of PDF files. I'm doing my Profs course for law and I have to complete an online assignment by Monday which requires completing PDF files, among other tasks.
Can someone tell me which version of Adobe/Acrobat (I believe they're similar, or maybe even the same thing??) it would be best to purchase for this purpose? I.e. which version will allow editing of PDF files?
And also - once I download this programme, will I need to convert my existing PDF files to a different format? Or will they open with the new programme as they are? I.e. is there an "open with..." function on the PDF files which will allow me to use the new programme to open them, and hence use the editing function included in this programme?
1 AnswerSoftware7 years agocover letter - feedback please?
Please read over my cover letter and give me your honest opinion!
My father says it's awful. I think it's pretty good, it reads well and makes a good impression and gets all my attributes and skills across.
I'm desperate here. 5 months since I finished law and still no joy on the job front! At least not in the legal field. I'm honestly at the end of my tether, so ground down and my confidence has taken a massive hit.
I'm dead-keen on patent law, and I thought the IP firms would snap me up, what with my duo of quals etc... but apparently the ratio of openings to applicants is something like 1:100 at the moment across all fields of law in this country.
I've responded to about 60 ads so far, tailoring my cover letter depending on whether it's a specialized or general field of law (I'm willing to take any legal job at the mo, doesn't have to be IP). I've had a few phone interviews and a few in person. I've also made myself known to many firms that aren't hiring as such. They've given me positive feedback and added me to their database.
Anyway - here's my cover letter...
Dear Mr. [Name],
I would like to apply for the advertised graduate-level position of [role] with [firm].
I recently completed my LLB at [University].
In 2010, I graduated with a BA/BE (Hons) in Engineering Science from [University].
My goal is to pursue a career which combines both my legal and technical qualifications. I am very keen to engage my skills in a role that requires analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as a legal background.
In the course of my LLB I have been introduced to many different areas of the law. I have taken and performed well in a diverse range of subjects, including commercial law, property law, equity and civil procedure. In my final trimester of study I also developed an interest in tax law, having taken and enjoyed an Introduction to Taxation paper and been encouraged by my swift grasp of the principles. I have also developed valuable research skills, and the ability to efficiently inquire into and understand new legal scenarios as I encounter them.
The Engineering Science degree equipped me with advanced mathematical and computer programming skills, as well as developing my problem-solving, analytical and lateral thinking abilities. In the final two years of the degree I focused primarily on mathematical modelling techniques, both from first principles and using computer programmes such as Matlab and Visual Basic to model the theoretical solutions I arrived at.
Throughout the degree, there was a strong emphasis on developing our ability to think independently and arrive at solutions that were not immediately obvious. We were given the mathematical tools, and were then tasked with applying them in complex problem situations. This required not only a sound understanding of both the underlying theory and the technical situation, but also the exercise of logic in applying one to the other. Often, arriving at a solution required a ‘quantum leap’ that went beyond the mere application of the mathematics we had been taught in class.
Cumulatively, one of the most valuable skills I have gained in the course of my studies is the ability to approach a given problem logically and methodically. This skill is as essential in an engineering problem as it is in legal applications. Both fields require the ability to intuitively glean the ‘big picture’ aspects of a problem before delving into its specifics. My studies have developed in me the ability to approach problems in this way. Equally, I have gained the necessary skills to see this process through to its completion by researching, analyzing and coming to understand the intricacies of legal as well as technical situations – or situations which contain both mathematical and legal aspects.
I believe that my combination of mathematical and legal skills and abilities would be an excellent fit for your advertised position. My studies have shown me that areas such as tax law and commercial law require sound logic, and the ability to grasp not only legal principles and concepts, but mathematical and numerical ones also. Thus my wide range of abilities would give me a sound foundation to analyze and understand the various aspects of insolvency cases.
I am fluent in English and Polish and have a functional grasp of French.
I would be very grateful for an opportunity to meet with you to discuss whether my set of skills and abilities would be compatible with your expectations from, and opportunities and challenges available for a highly motivated graduate lawyer and engineer keen to learn and gain experience.
Please find attached my CV and academic transcripts.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely,
[Name, Name], BA/BE (Hons), LLB.
Any feedback would be much appreciated!!
2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance7 years agoeach other's vs each others'?
This isn't a homework question, just to be clear! I'm just curious...
When there are two people involved, clearly the correct formulation is "each other's", since each is doing it to the (single) other. Like "we felt each other's pain".
But what if there's a group of people?
Would it be each others', as in each one felt ALL of the others' pain? Or would it still be each other's, as in each of them felt each other member's pain, individually?
I was writing this in a blog post right now. I couldn't decide which one is correct. I wanted to say -
"The mood in the group was sullen. We all felt each others' (?) pain."
2 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years agomust I attend my art exhibition's opening night?
I'm keen to exhibit a selection of my art. But it would have to be a) under a pseudonym, and b) I'd really rather bypass the opening 'festivities' altogether, or not attend opening night if there is one.
Will art galleries agree to this? Are (a) and (b) above acceptable to them?
2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities7 years agoslang term for 'wasn't'?
It's for my blog. I want to write the following tongue-in-cheek phrase -
"... so I checked my account and - hello! Two grand where there [wasn't] no two grand before - thus inflating my worldly riches to the princely sum of $2008.73."
But to make it read well, I need a slang term for wasn't! I thought "wan't" was one word for it, but on searching various databases, it seems that's just a common misspelling of "want" and "won't".
Anyone got any ideas of a slang term for 'wasn't'?
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay7 years agoWhich song are these lyrics from?
There's an ad for a 4WD car showing on tele at the moment. It's set to a great song for which the lyrics are [in part]:
No matter where our spirit roams
It always feels like home
[and then an 'echo' voice goes]
Love to live
Live to play
I googled the lyrics but nothing comes up. Does anyone know this song? I'd love to download it, it's so catchy!
1 AnswerLyrics8 years agoVirus detected, coming from legitimate website?
I have anti-virus protection, and this morning, every time I try to open my Blogger page, it pipes up with a warning message saying it's "blocked a virus". It does this every time I try to open that particular page, so I've inferred that my blog page must be the culprit - even though, when I try to open the 'details' tab to see the offending URL, it doesn't show 'www.blogger..." etc. Rather it shows some other URL which is unfamiliar to me.
How do I get rid of the virus on my blogger page?? I'm a passionate blogger, I use the website all the time and am keen to restore safe access to the page.
Is there any way of fixing the problem quickly, on my own?
Thanks :)
3 AnswersSecurity8 years agoIf I log in to Facebook, will it show up on my wall?
I want to log in to my Facebook account, which I haven't accessed in over a year. When I used to use FB, I seem to recall that every time I logged in it would show up on my wall.
Is that still the case?
Is there any way of logging in without anyone 'seeing' that I've done so? i.e. any of my 'friends'?
4 AnswersFacebook8 years agoDoes zopiclone affect the thyroid?
I've been given zopiclone. On a few information pages I found online, and wikipedia also, it's suggested that zopiclone isn't safe to use in patients with thyroid problems. I am hyperthyroid. The warning on the information sheets is so vague that it's impossible to tell whether they mean not to use it because it enhances or inhibits thyroid function.
Does anyone know?
3 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years agoLoading a page - what info actually loads?
My internet 'stick' thing has run out, and I only have my iPhone hotspot as a source of internet.
I want to log on to my blogger page on my laptop, but the blog contains about 300 posts, most of them with large photos.
My question is, will all the posts be loaded, in their entirety, when I open my blogger page? That will correspond to a huge GB value, and hence be very expensive on hotspot.
Or conversely, does only the page you're actually on at the time load, such as the 'new post' page?
Thanks :)
1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years agoBlogging - how many pageviews is 'many' pageviews?
I keep a blog, which I started about 7 months ago.
To date, I've had about 38,600 pageviews.
Does that count as a lot, or not?
How many pageviews do 'popular' blogs get, in a given time frame?
1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years agoTo what extent can sexual frustration affect personality?
I am 23, female, a virgin. Not to get too detailed, but I am so sexually frustrated that I can hardly bare it. That would figure, given that I am in my 'fertile' time of life and all.
But my question is, is it posssible for chronic sexual frustration to have an effect on one's personality? I am pretty much a train wreck, emotionally: nervous, jumpy, emotional, vulnerable... social phobia, eating disorder, addictive personality. And I am constantly becoming infatuated with men my father's age.
I am wondering if those aspects of my character which I thought were just my 'personality' could in fact be manifestations of sexual frustration? Is it possible that some of my emotional problems would abate if I had a normal sex life?
Sorry about the detail :0
1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago