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Lv 31,740 points

Moe J

Favorite Answers20%

Skills a bit rusty these days along with the physical machine I live in. Time seems to gallop by with each passing year. (and I've passed a few!) What interests me is art (particularly design & color) I used to paint but AMD has curtailed that hobby. Now enjoy researching some of life's deeper mysteries in my quiet sanctum. Also love to write, love nature & my red-striped cat, Jazzy. Computing is my primary source of communication since I'm not much on phone chatting.

  • At 77 I'm drawing Social Security/disability on my 80 y/o ex's record. If he dies before me, will I lose out?

    I became disabled in '92 at the age of 58 and began drawing my benefits. At at 62-65 I began drawing off my ex's benefit record which was higher than mine. If he dies before me, does my benefit decrease back to w hat it was before I started drawing on his record. In other words, do I take a hit moneywise?

    Also, we divorced and he remarried and again divorced. Does his second divorced wife upset my benefits in any way in the event of his death before me?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Can anyone tell how to get from zipcode 29180 to zipcode 11953 on the cheap?

    Hi all,

    This forum has been especially helpful for me so I thought I'd ask here. I've been knocking myself out looking for a fairly direct yet inexpensive way to get from Winnsboro SC to Middle Island NY where my son in rehabbing after a stroke. I'm a senior lady and not got much to spend, especially for his upcoming birthday on 5/20. The visit would do us both the world of good.

    Thanks all & Many Blessings

    Oh, if it matters, I'm partially blind and would be travelling alone. Yup, I got chutspah, but also a real need to see my son!

    1 AnswerOther - Education1 decade ago
  • How can I eliminate nighttime foot & leg cramps?

    Perhaps cramping feet & legs only occur in an older group of folks (like me!) and maybe it happens day time as well for others, but I've been using a homeopathic under-the-tongue tablet (Hyland's) with quinine that seems to help temporarily. But...these cramps keep coming back. Have any of you had this experience and what causes it - what else can alleviate it?

    Thanks all for your help.

    Many Blessings

    5 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How can we get YAHOO! Answers to show us DELETED Q's BEFORE we answer them?

    I'm royally p*ssed off! I like this site, but having chosen questions to answer and having taken my time and energy to answer them only to find out when I click SUBMIT that the question has been deleted is most annoying. For the past 3 questions I answered, this was the case and it SUCKS! Do Something About It, Yahoo! Also, while I'm at it, I don't mind being told that spell-check notices my misspellings, but I DO MIND IT when told that I have a lot of punctuation. I use punctuation to clarify my answers. What's happened to our language skills?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Are there credit unions in Riverhead NY?

    Am planning on relocation to this place and need a local credit union from which to do my banking, etc.

    If any readers can give me names, addresses and/or phone numbers for Riverhead branches ONLY, I'd greatly appreciate it.

    Many Blessings

    1 AnswerNew York City1 decade ago
  • Is there a busline running between Riverhead NY and Middle Island NY (Suffolk Cty)?

    Am moving to Riverhead LI - NY but need bus to Middle Isl. NY to see son who suffered stroke in Jan. '11. Any help, please???

    1 AnswerNew York City1 decade ago
  • I use my USB port for my Magic Jack phoneline, but they say NOT to install IE-9 cause it won't work with it?

    While i love my Magic Jack and all its freebies, their customer service is sorely lacking and this sort of clarification on why not to install IE9 is nowhere to be found.

    Anyone out there using Magic Jack, too, have you gotten this same warning and what are you doing about it?

    Thanks all.

    Many Blessings

    3 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • Social Security advises it will no longer pay my Medicare and cuts my benefit check by $116?

    Am a blind & disabled senior in SC & have just gotten a notice from SS that they're no longer paying my medicare and as of March 1 will reduce the amount of my benefit by $116.00. I really don't understand how this can happen. Please answer only if you KNOW the correct answer. Since it's the weekend, I'm unable to reach SS directly until Monday. Thanks much

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Am legally insolvent. Have had counselling & got certificate pre-bankr. Have advised creditors but...?

    Have advised creditors with CPA's help and mailed each a CEASE & DESIST request. I keep getting my monthly bills from them with added interest & payments for non-payment. (I stopped paying altogether per legal counsel in Dec. '10) but now am unsure whether or not these creditors have a cut-off date after which they can't collect from my estate (my children). I'm 76, blind & disabled, but don't want the burden to get foisted onto my children or theirs.I live frugally on my social security only. I can't afford to declare bankruptcy 'cause it's gonna cost $2000. Please...please help & answer this a.s.a.p.

    Thank you so very much. Many Blessings

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • Anyone have experience with theraputic value of tuning forks for stroke victims?

    My son, age 51, recently suffered a stroke. He can see, hear and move his left side but can only utter sounds, no words. I'm a firm believer in alternative medicine and want to know if anyone has any info on tuning forks to realign the chakras or meridians to help him heal. Also, if you do know of instances, kindly reply about tuning the appropriate fork(s) OVER THE TELEPHONE. He's in Long Island NY and I'm his mom (disabled) in SC.

    Thank you all so much & Many Blessings

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What causes stage 4 pitted edema and how is it treated?

    This is the second bout of edema for me. My doctor suggested support hose and gave me script for relieving water retention. This pitted edema is itchy and I can actually scale off skin on my calves. I am 74 and in not terrible state of health for my age, but this has me curious about its cause and treatment.

    Anyone out there with a modicum of nursing background, please jump right in.

    Thanks to one and all and may you have MANY BLESSINGS.

    4 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone out there who can guide me? I'm computer newbie & need laptop info quick.?

    Please bear with me; I'm partially blind using touch typing and read either bold or large type slowly. Thanks.

    Here's my problem. I'm a real greenhorn, a senior, too, but am willing to learn.

    On a whim I bought an Acer laptop that's running Vista. I've had the darndest time using my finger to navigate. Also later bought a wireless mouse for it. Much of the time I've used it I've watched DVD movies and played card games, Mahjongg, but suddenly while watching a recent movie, the unit just quit-dead. I couldn't get it to run any more no matter what I tried. The movie DVD is still inside the CD Rom drive.

    Anyway, I decided to sell this and am willing to practically give it away but since it's stopped working from the power cord plugged in, can it be the battery is useless? I only used this about 5x at most. Since I'm partially blind, I can't get the battery out of the unit. Is there a special way to test the battery if I do get it out? & how much is new battery? HELP PLS.


    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Are personal stun guns legal to own for self-protection in South Carolina?

    Are personal stun guns legal to own for self-protection in South Carolina?

    As a disabled senior living alone, owning one for my personal protection would make me feel more secure. I would have no problem disabling an intruder, but definitely would not own a gun except for target (inanimate) practice.

    I did post this question under another title, but only got one ambiguous answer. This seems to be a better place for the question anyway. Sorry I didn't use it before. Please answer. Life is getting just a little bit scarier for me these days. Thanks a bunch to y'all.

    A Fairfield County senior

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Are personal stun guns legal to own for self-protection in South Carolina?

    As a disabled senior living alone, owning one for my personal protection would make me feel more secure. I would have no problem disabling an intruder, but definitely would not own a gun except for target (inanimate) practice.

    A Fairfield County senior

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Who of you ace programmers has worked with RFID Systems and what kind of application was it used on?

    How many other projects have you worked on using the RFID Systems and what type of applications were they? If I asked you to explain what RFID Systems are, could you explain in lay person's language? Please do. Thanks

    Also, would like to here apologize for not voting for previous answers you may have given my last questions--My computer was down for over 2 weeks and only just got back online. I would have chosen best answer differently & thanks to the last 2 replies I liked and would have have difficulty deciding which to vote best. Anyway, thanks--I very much appreciate your taking the time to answer & hope I'm forgiven for my absence these past weeks.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Hiring a professional programmer-what questions to ask before hiring?

    I'm working on a project that needs a professional programmer to assemble the software package--please give me a list of questions I should ask in interviewing them for same so I can make the right informed decision.

    5 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Need COMPLETELY FREE duplicate file locater and remover software to download?

    No NAG SCREENS, Please and no viruses either.


    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Sect. 8 Rental due 4 renovation. I'm a disabled senior and am housebound, worry about noise & upsetment?

    I'm very nervous about an upcoming inspection to see what renovations are needed in my Sect. 8 apartment.

    I'm a shut-in, am disabled with several disabilities--not the least of which is AMD blindness, & Vertigo that can't take noise and vibration without it setting me off and off-balance. Talk around here is they'll be tearing out walls (oh, the noise!) and all my precious artwork could be ruined. Who will put things back the way I both need them to be and decorating-wise, the way I need to "see"? Thusfar this housing complex has been relatively quiet but now with the renovations coming, is there anything I can do "within the System" to keep these changes to a minimum? My home is furnished with rooms full & precious little extra space in this 1-bedroom apt.

    How in God's name will they work around both me and my stuff? I'm also going blind and _need things orderly in order to function at all_. I walk with canes.

    Please help if you can, & please make it QUICK.

    Thank you so much.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Sect. 8 Rental due 4 renovation. I'm a disabled senior and am housebound, worry about noise & upsetment?

    I'm NERVOUS about an upcoming inspection to see what renovations are needed in my Sect. 8 apartment.

    I'm a shut-in, am disabled with several disabilities, not the least of which is AMD blindness, a case of Vertigo that can't take noise and vibration without it setting me off and off-balance. The talk around the complex is that they'll be tearing out walls (oh, the noise!) and all my precious artwork could be ruined. Who will put things back the way I both need them to be and decorating-wise, the way I need to "see"?

    Thusfar this housing complex has been relatively quiet but now with the renovations coming, is there anything I can do "within the System" to keep these changes to a minimum? My home is furnished w/rooms full & precious little extra space in this 1-BR apt.

    How in God's name will they work around both me and my stuff? I'm also going blind and _need things orderly in order to function at all_.

    Please help if you can, and please make it QUICK. Thanks

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Can you please tell me what you know about "walk-ins?"?

    I recently heard the term "walk-in" and I'm curious about how to tell who is a walk-in; what characterists have they and were they always walk-ins?

    This, I believe, is some terminology found in metaphysical circles.

    Can you please give a link to an internet site that describes walk-in experiences?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago