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Lv 43,269 points

Vaibhav Great Sun Gazer of India

Favorite Answers34%

i am vaibhav saxena,i live in delhi my father is police officer,my mother is doctor and my sister is also doctor and i am philosophy honors 1 year student,hindu college delhi university i love to help poor needy and animals whole life i remove misconceptions of my religion hinduism i respect my elders as well as youngers i always raise my voice against injustice Brothers and sisters it is my request please practice sun gazing,it will make you free from all diseases and will make you a non eater and will led you towards englightment,i am doing it from 1 month and i will get benefits in future please watch these videos this lady is doing it from 1 year and she is an expert of it,check this site please god bless you all

  • HELP !!! How I FIND out my master ?

    (email) i loss my master;

    name Vaibhav Saxena,

    he live in "DELHI",have philosophy honors 1 year student,hindu college delhi university,

    father is police officer,

    mother is doctor,

    sister is also doctor ......

    Email ""

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Brothers and Sisters what Name you will give to your Future Son and Daughter after your Marrige ?

    Good Morning brothers and sisters

    how are you?

    how is life going on?

    My Son name will be SUN and my daughter name will be Sonya

    sun son name because it is symbol of power and energy and sonya daughter name because she will be as beautiful as gold

    i am waiting for my beautiful wife

    what name you will give to your son and daughter,give reasons also?

    God bless you all

    all the best for the future friends

    jai sri krishna

    jesus love all

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Brothers and Sisters,why the Colour of SUN is Green in this video,i am in confusion and tension? give reasons?

    good morning brothers and sisters

    how are you?

    all of you know very well that i love sun very much and i do sun gazing regularly

    but i does not understand why the colour of sun in this video is green?

    i am in tension

    give your answer in points like







    god bless you brothers and sisters and will give you,power beauty and knowledge

    all the best for the future

    jai sri krishna

    jesus Love all

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In This World of Guns and Weapons what is the Significance of Martial Arts ? Martial Artists your Views please?

    Good Morning Brothers and sisters

    how are you?

    near our home there is a karate black belt a bad boy was talking to him in ruff language he hit him and next day that bad boy come with his Gun and shot sanjay black blet sir and he died on the spot.

    there was also a case in chennai,a black belt was killed by 10 boys in group.

    so can we say the person who had patience will be live in more benefit

    or a Martial artist should also keep gun like weapon with him or her.

    give your answer in Points please like










    10 please give logical answers because this is very serious question.

    please write your name,location and your profession,if you will give answer in points it will be easy for me to understand the answers and please write simple english

    God bless you all martial artists and will give you power,beauty and knowledge

    all the best for the future

    Philosophy Honors 1 year student

    vaibhav saxena

    25 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • My Parents not give me Money for my Journey,i Stole 2,500 Rs from there Locker,does it is a Right Action ?

    good morning brothers and sisters

    how are you?

    my father is a police officer and my Mother is a rich Doctor both of them love my sister,they buy expensive things,my father spend his money on expensive cars and clothes

    but when it comes to my need they never give me single money actually till 12 class i had lived with my grand father in a small town,so they had not much attachment for me,they love my sister and also they love her because she is doing MBBS,she will be doctor and i go against there wish and i am doing philosophy Honors.

    On 12 October i had to go Mumbai 1400 km far away from delhi for MTV Roadies Audition,so i ask for some fare to my parents and they not give me a single ruppes

    so few hours ago i through a trick of knife open almira of my mother and take 2500 rs out of it

    i think i had done right they had thousands of money to spent on there entertainment ,few days before my mother buy a great dane dog of 15,000 rs,thousands of money on my sister dresses

    but when it comes to my need,they close there i had to do this for my need.

    friends i am a simple and honest boy ,i had not much demands,my sister go by car to her college and i go by cycle,i got no pocket money.

    my love my grand father most in this world and i love him only.

    give your answer in Points like










    10 My soul is saying that i had done nothing wrong by taking those 2500 rs out of the locker,that is for my need for the fare of train,i had to became mtv roadies at any cost.

    bye friends god bless you all

    please give logical answers

    jai sri krishna

    jesus love all

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Brothers and Sisters please Do Sun Meditation it is my Request to Remove all the mental and Physical Diseases?

    good morning brothers and sisters

    how are you?

    Brothers and sisters it is my request please practice sun gazing,it will make you free from all diseases and will make you a non eater and will led you towards englightment,i am doing it from 1 month and i had got many benefits

    please watch these videos

    this lady is doing it from 1 year and she is an expert of it and she had reached its higer stage

    god bless you all

    give your opinions in points please






    6 god bless you all

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I had Great Philosophical Knowledge but How i can Adopt that Knowledge in my Practical life for my Welfare?

    good morning brothers and sisters

    how are you?

    the problem with me is that i had good philosophical knowledge but i cant able to apply that in my practical life and knowledge is just like dust if you not apply it in your life.

    if someone study and not able to get good marks and get 000 in paper than what is the benefit same thing is with me?

    i suffur from negative thinking if someone talk to me in ruff language that hurt my ego and i think that thought day and night and burn my blood.

    i help others by my knowledge and they had apply what i had said to them and they had got success and happiness in there life

    but i cant able to apply my knolwedge in my own practical life,i always remain unhappy and in mental tension.

    please help me

    give your answer in points like










    10 please give logical answers and that answers which would really help me

    god bless you all

    all the best for the future all yahoo users

    jai sri krishna

    jesus love all

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • In this Cruel and Insecure World does a Man with Patience is Better than a Warrior and Angry Man?

    good morning brothers and sisters

    how are you?

    yestarday in new delhi 6 bad boys were abusing a girl and his old grand father and a boy raise his voice against all of them those 6 boys killed that boy.

    there was a karate black belt once he hit a boy that boy is talking to him in ruff language next day that that boy call 7 boys and killed that karate black belt in panipath and shot him with pistol.

    so if some one talk to us in ruff language than we should ignore that person or should fight against him

    this world is too insecure and daily lot of murders and happining in colleges and road rage fights.

    what is the solution if some one talk to me in ruff language how i can avoid i also fight on these mattars and get myself hurt

    do you think a man with patience is better than a warrior? how we can adopt patience in our life and can avoid such type of dirty humans who kill innocent humans or we should keep weapons with us?

    give your answer in points like










    10 please it is my request give me logical and serious answers.

    all the best brothers and sisters

    god bless you all

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • 2,413 points in 38 days and 122 or 36% Best answers it is a Good score? Friends any advice for me ?

    i had join on 25 augest and till now i had earned 2,413 points and 122 best answers

    did it is good score or not did you want to give me any advice,i always help others and give quality answers

    if i will answer in this speed how much points i will earn in a 1 year?

    god bless you brothers and sisters

    all the best for the future

    6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • This year i am not Selected in Mtv Roadies,how i can bulit myself Strong,bold and Powerful for the next year?

    good morning brothers and sisters

    how are you?

    this year i had gone ahemdabad ,chandhigarh for mtv roadies audition and not got selected there though i had gain the attention of judges by my manners and indian dress kurta which no one is wearing

    today it was delhi audition and foolish boys broke the gates of ncui auditorium which are glass gates and beat mtv crew.

    so this year i not became mtv roadie though i had done lot of struggle

    and i had also realise that i am also physically very weak as well as mentally

    so next year i had to became a roadie at any cost

    How i can make myself strong ,bold and powerful for next year mentally as well as physically,i also suffur from negative thinking and constapation?

    i am doing sun meditation from 10 days that is benefiting me little bit,should i join gym or yoga classes,how i can became mentally strong

    give your answer in points like








    8 i want to became strong mentally as well as physcially and next year i had to became a roadie at any cost.i will prepare myself for next year.

    your love and blessings are with me

    god bless you all brothers and sisters

    jai sri krishna

    jesus love all

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Did you know anything about SUN Meditation? ?

    Sun Meditation

    To practice sun meditation, beginners should start by looking at the rising sun early in the morning. You can also look at the setting sun, but it is not as effective as at sunrise because the energy is decreasing.

    If you feel any trouble gazing directly at the sun, you should focus your gaze a short distance above the sun. Try not to blink, but if you feel discomfort, blink several times, then start again. If you do this three of four times, your resistance power will be increased and it will be easy to look at the sun. Then, we can gradually increase the time that we gaze at the sun.

    Beginners should start looking each day for a short period, then day by day increase the amount of time so that the eyes can gradually adapt without any harm. It is very important to maintain regular practice, as it will allow your eyes to adapt properly. Some people may experience problems in the first few days, sometimes headaches or burning sensations in the eyes, or a 'sunspot' that affects your vision. This is quite normal, and the only way to overcome these problems is to continue practising. It is similar to any physical exertion that may cause stiffness or pain; it does not last long, and it is best removed by continuing the exercise.

    When you can continue staring at the sun for ten minutes, the sun will seem to disappear. The inside of the sun will appear as blue sky surrounded by a ring of light, it will sometimes appear as two suns, sometimes rotating clockwise or anticlockwise. As your concentration develops and you can gaze at the sun for longer, you will be able to see a 'black spot' in the middle of the sun. Sometimes this black spot will be bigger, at other times smaller. After practice, the black spot will remained fixed in one place. Suddenly, from this black hole, seven colours will emerge and move around the sun, sometimes clockwise, sometimes anti-clockwise. As your concentration increases, a powerful beam of light will come from the sun towards your body. In the beginning this beam of light will not touch the body, it will come towards you and then retreat back to the sun. Eventually, as your concentration improves, this light will touch your body and you will attain complete thoughtless condition. This is the start of the pratyaharam stage, and indicates the beginning of Sunyoga experience.

    After being touched by this light, a vibration will start from the heart, allowing us to control three negativities; shame, hatred and fear. With regular practice this vibration will increase and you will be able to gain control over four more negativities; anger, greed, narrow attraction, ego & jealousy. As the vibration increases you will be able to control sexual desire and lust. At this point, the pratyaharam stage is complete.

    The next step, as the inner vibration increases and extends from the muladhara chakra at the base of the spine to the sahasradhara chakra at the top of the head, the sadhak will experience sahaja samadhi during which he will be able to see a bright light, inside of which there will be a beautiful structure. This is the atmadarsanam stage, the 'who am I' stage, the sadaguru stage, the mukha stage. At that time the sadhak will feel, 'I know him but i have never seen' because it has always been within... our sagunabramha structure. This marks the completion of the dhyana stage.

    As the inner vibration develops, we'll discover that there are two more chakras, one above the head called the ultra chakra and one below the head called the ultra balance chakra. At this point, we will be able to hear a sound, which some people call AUM, others have called AMEN, while others have called it ALAM. This is the dharana stage. At this point we can receive divine messages from the universe.

    The final stage is nirvikalpa samadhi, at which point a further two chakras are discovered, one above the ultra chakra called the cosmos chakra, and one below the ultra balance chakra called the cosmos balance chakra. Our mental force will be more than gravitational force, our soul will leave the body and unite with the supreme soul.

    The Thirteen Stages of Sunyoga:

    1. Conquer all material desires (sexuality, anger, greed, narrow-mindedness, ego & jealousy, shame, hatred and fear)

    2. Develop Divine Energy

    3. Atma Darsanam - Discovery of Atma (or soul)

    4. Samadhi - Enlightenment

    5. Conquer hunger

    6. Conquer thirst

    7. Conquer diseases

    8. Paramahansa - Adjusting the mind to all situations

    9. Having no enemies - all enemies will be friends (including animals)

    10. Longetivity (this happens when the body's vibration becomes the same as the environment's)

    11. The body's vibration and earth's vibration will be equal

    12. The body's vibration and sun's vibration will be equal

    13. The body's vibration and the vibration of the Universe (Supreme Soul) vibration will be equal.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Happy Birthday to Mahatma gandhi he was Great but there are many Questions which are Raised on his character?

    Good morning brothers and sister

    how are you?

    happy birthday to mahatma gandhi there is no dout that he was great Human being but there are many questions which are raised on his character like

    Q1 when india was divided into pakistan,than what was the need to give 60 Crore ruppes to pakistan by forcing the governement through fasting?

    in pakistan muslims were killing innocent hindus and sikhs?

    sardaar patel and most of the great leaders speak against gandhi ji demads of giving 60 crore ruppes to pakistan. there is no dout patel was 1000 times more intelligent politican than gandhi ji.?

    q2 kushwant singh had wrote in his novel that gandhi ji during his fasting was fake he shows that he had not drink anything and eat anything but he drink orange juice inside the home so he show off most of the times his fasting?

    q3 it is also true that innocent muslims were also killed in india by foolish hindus but nathu ram kill gandhi ji and he give good reasons for it he was right in his place.?

    if a seprate of muslims are made paksitan than all muslims should be thrown in pakistan when they are not allowing a single hindu or sikh in pakistan?

    so i think nathram was 100% right in his place what do you think friends?

    q4 when bhagat singh was hanged mahatma gandhi can save his life but he not do it?

    mahatma gandhi was a great human being and he had a great role in freedom of india,becase he was the leader who bring millions of indians out of ther home for freedome movement.

    i love gandhi ji and recently i had also visited his home in ahemdabad and i love his teachings

    but when i read his biography these questions disturb me and most of the indians?

    and i should not speak there are many indians who hate mahatma gandhi very much and call him a traitar and they have there own reasons for it.

    give your answer in points like










    20 god bless you all yahoo users please give logical answers it is my request.

    god may give peace to the soul of mahatma gandhi and we should learn many things from the life of a great human beings like gandhi.

    " forgiveness is the attribute of strong not of weak"

    mahatma gandhi

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How i can became Master of my Own Mind and Thoughts ? As an Expert Driver is Master and Controller of chairot?

    good morning brothers and sisters

    i want to became master of my mind,

    i am a good human beings i help poor needy and respect all human beings,but i am slave of my mind and useless thoughts which disturb me and burn my blood all the times,how i can control my mind,so i can destroy all the useless thoughts

    i think useless thoughts all the time and cant able to concentrate on my main aim and burn my blood always by thinking negative thoughts

    so i want to control my own thoughts and i want to terminate useless thoughts

    as SRI Krishna had said in Gita" As a Driver control the chairot control all your mind,lust and became master of yourself"

    give your answer in points like and logical answers which will help me










    10 god bless all yahoo users and will give them strength power and


    jai sri krishna

    jesus love all

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How i can became Master of my Own Mind and Thoughts ? As an Expert Driver is Master and Controller of his Car?

    good morning brothers and sisters

    i want to became master of my mind,

    i am a good human beings i help poor needy and respect all human beings,but i am slave of my mind and useless thoughts which disturb me and burn my blood all the times,how i can control my mind,so i can destroy all the useless thoughts

    i think useless thoughts all the time and cant able to concentrate on my main aim and burn my blood always by thinking negative thoughts

    so i want to control my own thoughts and i want to terminate useless thoughts

    as SRI Krishna had said in Gita" As a Driver control the car control all your mind,lust and became master of yourself"

    give your answer in points like and logical answers which will help me










    10 god bless all yahoo users and will give them strength power and


    jai sri krishna

    jesus love all

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Brothers and sisters Do you like My pic of yahoo answers? give your views on it please?

    jai sri krishna

    jesus love all

    good morning brothers and sisters

    how are you?

    give your views on this pic of sun do you like it

    or tiger pic will look more good,i am in confusion

    god bless you brothers and sisters ,all the best for the future

    philosophy Honors 1 year student Hindu college delhi university

    vaibhav saxena

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How i can became Master of my Own Mind and Thoughts ? As an Expert Driver is Master and Controller of his Car?

    good morning brothers and sisters

    i want to became master of my mind,

    i am a good human beings i help poor needy and respect all human beings,but i am slave of my mind and useless thoughts which disturb me and burn my blood all the times,how i can control my mind,so i can destroy all the useless thoughts

    i think useless thoughts all the time and cant able to concentrate on my main aim and burn my blood always by thinking negative thoughts

    so i want to control my own thoughts and i want to terminate useless thoughts

    as SRI Krishna had said in Gita" As a Driver control the car control all your mind,lust and became master of yourself"

    give your answer in points like and logical answers which will help me










    10 god bless all yahoo users and will give them strength power and


    jai sri krishna

    jesus love all

    3 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • i want to give an Advice to all Philosophers and Philosophy students? please read it Brothers and sisters?

    good morning all of you

    the advice is that never discuss Philosophy with foolish and common people unless they ask you for knowledge,it can make your fun

    " intelligent Human is always insulted in the assembly of Foolish humans"


    i was going from new delhi to bombay there were few man they were calling there religion best,i was saying that all religions are best in there places, and there is not any evidence for the existence of god, i was speaing against the false priest in hinduism who make fool of innocent people.

    those idiots make my fun and insult me and there was going to be fight

    but i leave that seat and i had taken a pledge that i will never discuss philosophy in common public unless they ask something.

    this is my advice to all philosophy students,tomorrow same thing can happen to you

    give your answers and views in points like







    7 god bless you all brothers and sister all the best for the future

    4 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Do you like this Pic on My yahoo answers Box ? give your views?

    tiger pic do you like it does it is a beautiful avtaar or not

    6 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • i am Hindu i go to mosque to pray why Muslim old Man says you had make Mosque Impure? Muslims please answer?

    i love all religions

    i go to jama mosque to pray god. i pray for 15 minutes.

    than i told a muslim old man that i am Hindu

    he says you hindu do toilet by standing position and you have hairs on elbow,that is considered impure in islam

    he says we had to wash the whole mosque now ,you had make our mosque impure.

    i say to him that a person heart should be pure and these things not mattar much

    i feel little bit insulted

    give your answer in points like






    god bless you all

    when we will get rid of such fundamentalist

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago