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I am interested in submitting research papers?
I am a student of an affiliated college and I am studying MBA.After completing ti I am aspiring to leave to America for my further studies for which the research papers have to be provided and unfortunately no professor in my college is really interested in helping me out with it.Even if I do some research and submit to them they will not be in a position to even check it.In that case I need to contact some professors outside in order to certify my research papers.Are there any websites of that sort which can help me out?Will the certificates received on really help me?
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)7 years agoI wonder what is running in his mind.?
He is a professor in my college and very handsome too.He is almost like the most adorable geek and he was the gold medalist of his batch in our college.I really liked him since the first day but didn't express that to him or to any of my friends.Then in between I told my ex- best friend about it and from then on slowly this started spreading to the whole college that I have a liking for him.We are of the same caste and most often I would mention this to my friends.I started to closely observe him. Once when I was talking to my senior he interrupted me twice saying that he has something to tell me about the presentation and stuff about his subject and then when I went to his cabin reminding him that he wanted to tell me something he acted cold.He behaved as if I was the one who wanted to talk to him not him.I didn't mind that.Then I got to know from my seniors that he already has a girlfriend but couldn't get over him.I still hoped that someday through the true love I have for him, I may get him.I started praying to get him, I started feeling bad whenever he felt bad about something, I started feeling happy whenever he is happy with something.I was always extra bothered about him in the class and always used to look at him with eyes of love and admiration but then I never expected him to reciprocate.I saw him feeling discouraged due to my classmates in the class so I used to send him greetings everyday reminding him how special he is so that he would have a special place for me.He even replied back that he appreciated those greetings but those were sent to his official mail so he blocked them.He never used to leave my email without being replied but all of a sudden he stopped replying to my emails.Once I visited his cabin to ask something but then he was getting irritated that I was asking it.He wanted to send me away soon.He used to be more like a friend whenever I visited his cabin for anything but then he was different and that made me angry.I started paying less attention in his class.Usually I used to sit in the front bench but I sat in the back bench that day. I was also not well.He began paying special attention to me.He didnt like me sitting with one more guy of the class so he changed our places.He even slammed the door on the boy when he went to buy medicines for me.He was very unhappy that I was not heeding to his advice when he asked me to take a break.He was sad that I was behaving indifferent towards him.He asked for a class feedback and I gave the most discouraging feedback he would have ever seen.He even expressed his disappointment on that feedback by saying that he values each and every word written in the feedback and would change accordingly.I used to stare at him whenever he was around and that was both enjoyable and disgusting to him.I talked about him everyday in the hostel and may be my hostel mates told him about what all I talked about him to him including the bad words I used for him.Now he started his indifferent behavior towards me.He insulted me thrice in the class without taking my name and is also insulting the boy who is talking to me.When confronted he is saying it is not us who hurted him.He complained against me to the administration and they warned me to stop having feelings for him and talking about him and approaching him in any way.I wonder what is running in his mind.He tells that he is not interested in me but whenever I praise him he feels happy from inside and whenever I move with some other guy he feels annoyed.I wonder what is running in his mind.I am not running behind him anymore now but I need an answer to this question that was he really liking me but couldnt come out as he is a professor and I am a student or was he not liking me personally.He is the most confusing individual anyone comes across.It is very hard to read him.
3 AnswersRunning7 years agoHow to make boys run behind me for seeking my attention?
Whoever sees me calls me a very talented, gifted and strong personality but the only defect I have is I am overweight.I still believed that being overweight is not a problem in love but I rarely find any guy looking up to me.They want to either be good friends or treat me lid e a sister nothing more than that.I want to be followed by guys too who like to seek my attention, kneel on their legs just to talk to me and strive hard to gain a place in my heart.I was in love with a handsome guy sometime before but the only reason he never liked me was because I was not at par with him, he was very handsome and had a perfect dressing sense but I , I was overweight and over traditional.Whenever I see him I feel like making him go gaga for me leaving aside his world but the only reason I am not likeable to him was that I am not as beautiful as he was:(:( I really want a makeover.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years agoHe hugs everyone else except me?
He is my college senior and this is happening since the first day i met him.He maintains physical touch with all the girls he is talking to like hugs, shoulder hugs, etc but when I sit close to him he moves away acting as if he is feeling uncomfortable.I am an overweight person is it because of that? From the first day he tries to move away when I go near him.He talks to me nicely and even treats me like his sister but whenever I wish to hug him he moves away.He once told me that being his sister he cannot talk to me in the same way he talks to his friends but he hugs the other sisters of him in the college too.Its like he is only avoiding any physical touch from me,I wonder why? Why is he hugging his other sisters but not me when he addresses me too as his sister? Why is he being indifferent to me since the first day?Is it because I am fat ? Is it because I am not beautiful in his eyes?
8 AnswersFriends7 years agoI am farting in the night while sleeping?
I used to fart when I was at home but when I am in the hostel the same habit continued without my conscious and it happened thrice in my sleep.I am trying my best to control it and drinking loads of water.I am also trying to do stomach exercises but my room mate is visibly facing problem due to me.Its not smelling that bad but when it comes out without my notice I am visibly helpless about it.I know problems like this is quite normal and I am no perfect that such a thing should not affect me but somewhere I am feeling guilty
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years agoRegarding business news 2013?
Please suggest some eye catching , informational and unique recent business news 2013 related to the banking sector.The news must be a uniqye concept but easy to get the matter
4 AnswersCurrent Events8 years agoDoes wearing leggings and jeans increase weight?
Is it safe to wear jeans and leggings everyday.I have seen uncountable no. of people doing it without increasing even a slight amount of weight.Why is it so that wearing leggings and jeans are believed to increase weight?
11 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years agoAre the chances of gaining weight after a GYM regime is more?
People get the shape they dreamt of once they start going to the GYM.Going to GYM adds many more additional health benefits too but thanks to some stupid people who spread all these there are doubts being raised on this issue that once we stop going to GYM we will gain weight fatser than the weight gained when one stoips doing yoga, aerobics, dance, etc.Is it true? If so why? If not why it is not true?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoAny question bank books for Mysore University MBA course( question for Indians)?
We generally have question banks called as all in ones for JNTU university and OU university.Does Mysore University have such an all in one or atleast question bank? If so please tell me
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoWhy do people say fat people dont get married?
My own relative was overweight and 12th fail but she got married and is living happily now.Not only her there are a lot of examples which I can show are living happily in spite of being overweight.They even got good looking partners too.Why always people are behind me warning me that no one will marry me with my physique and if they marry they will be afraid of me? I am overweight and so people find it a golden opportunity to say all this rubbish. I need a way to not lose my self esteem hearing this.
1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years agoDon't know what problem she has if I go to GYM?
I have one irritating classmate I don't know what the hell her problem is.She has this PCOD and thyroid so she was persuading me to get them tested just because I was overweight.She became visibly disappointed when I told her that I do not have thyroid, she was pushing me like hell to test for PCOD and the result came out normal.She was behind me asking me to reduce my weight as if she wants to take my weight as something discouraging and when I answer her coolly that yes I need to search a GYM for that she immediately starts off saying prefer yoga and aerobics over that. I do have knee sprains and foot sprain so she links those ligament tears to my body weight and taunts me to bend a little stop non - veg food and start reducing weight as if I am one silly person who does not do all those and just sits.No one knows how much she eats at home but she keeps on scolding me for my eating habits.I find GYM suitable for me to workout and shed my extra kilos.Why does she have to interfere with it.Somebody please suggest a way to get rid of her.
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agoAdvantages of GYM over yoga and any other form of exercise?
My question is simple. I want to know the advantages of gym over any other form of exercise.Please mention them
3 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agofor all those who are King of Pop Michael Jackson's fans:)?
Michael Jackson sir was always accused of some or the other thing he never did but still those evil accusers are breathing the fresh air of the world.Why arent they booked under defamation cases? Why all the people in the judiciary are so much interested in only accusing him but not taking proper action against the wrong accusers? Why is it that always these people get a chance to keep on accusing him all through their lifetime and get away with his compensation money:(:(:( Please answer this because being a Michael Jackson fan I want to know why?
2 AnswersCelebrities8 years agoDoes GYM help me reduce my extra weight?
I am overweight almost weighing 86.6 kgs.Does GYM help me reduce my weight considerably?
46 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoI have very small hand nails?
I do have the habit of biting nails.Want to grow them.What kind of ointments and supplements should I use?
4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years agoREGARDING TOEFEL AND GRE?
I have written my GRE exam yesterday and got a score of 142 in verbal and 143 in quant so a total of 285. My mother advised me to apply for some safe universities with that score.Is it mandatory to write the exam again or is my score enough for getting me into some good universities.Also I am yet to write my TOEFEL and IELTS exam so please suggest me the best books that have to be referred to get a maximum score in both of these exams.I referred ETS Big book, Princeton review official material for GRE but the type of questions asked on the actual GRE exam were totally different.Is there any best reference book for GRE?
2 AnswersStandards & Testing8 years agoAll of a sudden I want to be famous?
As a girl most often I start feeling jealous of someone getting extreme attention for his/her abilities and performance. I start analysing what are the extraordinary talents I have
3 AnswersCelebrities8 years agoFor those who watched Raaz 3?
I watched Raaz 3 completely but I always wonder why did Aditya leave Shanaya for Sanjana.Didnt he really love her?Infact Shanaya had some serious mental issues but he just left her like that.Who was better for him? sanjana or Shanaya?
1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years agoI do not like to change for anyone?
Actually in the past I was a very silent person who used to immediately cry when she faced any difficult situation.I used to never back answer and if anyone would try to tease me and point out at all my negatives not because I have to improve them but because they feel it is a source of fun, I used to wonder for days together as t what is lacking inside me that makes them feel like that.Later when I joined GYM I met one girl.She was somewhat elder to me but had almost the same bad experiences I had in my life.As a part of common discussion, she referred to a point that " People often forbade others by doing those things they feel jealous about".She used to wear large earrings to college for which she was given a big lecture everyday by her college students saying that" You cannot wear all this in college as we came here only for studying nothing else" merely because they were not alllowed to wear it and she understood that.From then on I sternly decided something, no one can affect me in what I feel about myself,I will be the way I am come what may. Just because someone is feeling uncomfortable I will not change myself.But recently I started meeting a few people who are pointing out some or the other bad quality of mine and asking me to change.They call me hyper and arrogant but I care the least because there are two factors to consider: firstly they dont know what made me like that and secondly if the situation comes upto them they will behave in the same way.What I have observed is they always try to mould me the way they want to and I have to either patiently listen or just forget about them.Believe me such people care the least about me and I also have another group of friends who accept me the way I am not because they feel they are slaves to me but because they are genuine people and you know what they really wonder why I am so formal to them when I got to ask something not because they need to falsely make me feel comfortable.There are uncountable number of times when I was irritated on them not because I hated them but because I was preoccupied with something else in my mind that made me agitated for a while but they never took that to their hearts.They loved me more than I could ever love myself..They are always very warm and welcoming to me and even after closely observing them every day I don't find even one single trait that shows that they are deceiving me.Such people are always around me and they came into my life only after i stopped caring for what others feel about me and start thinking of how I feel about myself.I dont want to change myself for those few bunch of people whose intentions are never known to me and who thinkt hat they are trying to help me out in the name of constructive criticism.I think I am right in what I do.
1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups8 years ago