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  • what else could cause a delayed period? aside from stress and pregnancy?

    my last period I believe was January 1st of this year and so far I have not had my period yet and I have tried everything to get my period to start including taking a mass amount of vitamin c (1000mg Friday 3000mg Saturday and sunday and at least 10,000mg yesterday -I m beginning to flip out) and usually taking 3000mg for a couple days starts my period up with no problems but it isn t working this time. I did have sex on the 15th but it was protected sex (with a condom) I did have a similar incident back in October and my period was 13 days late and then it started and all the circumstances in this current situation applied to that one I don t keep track of how many days apart my periods are because I am slightly irregular but not extremely. I just want to know why my period is late >.< does anybody know what else could cause delayed periods?

    1 AnswerWomen's Health6 years ago
  • Rental car estimates?

    I know every place differs but roughly how much do you think it would be to do a rental car from Grand Junction, Colorado to the coast of California (I haven't decided exact locations yet) it would probably be rented for 4-5 days (1 day drive to and 1 day drive back and about a 1 or 2 day stay that I want to do somewhere where I can walk as opposed to drive around a bunch) I have never rented a car before but I need to because I know my car wont make it so any and all answers are appreciated!! :)

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation7 years ago
  • am i in a manipulative/controlling relationship?

    When ever we fight its always my fault he always calls me a slut or says that I have cheated on him but *he only says it because he is upset* I have tried to break up with him but every time he says how much he loves and cares about me and runs me in circles about how I am feeling

    I work night shifts so I don't usually get up till around 11ish and I usually wake up to 4-7 missed texts and 1-2 missed calls and if I don't text him back within 10-20mins during the day I get an *r u there babe?* text even if I'm busy or driving

    If I cuss when we fight I am being mean even though I curse often he always does things that I tell him I don't appreciate right after I tell him he will get upset with me for something and then do the same thing but hold it against me

    I really truly don't know what to do I am legitimately scared I have been in a physically abusive relationship before and this reminds me so much of it I don't think his name when I see a text from him I think my exs name and to top this all off we have been together about a month

    Any and all advice helps and is very much appreciated I am sorry this is so long

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • how to hide or get rid of hickeys asap?

    They are about 12 hours old super dark (almost black) and I am sooooo white I make Casper look tan lol I need to cover them from work so I don't get written up because my boss is super strict but also from my parents so yea I go in to work at 2 so any and all answers appreciated thanks!!! :)

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • can you get pregnant 5 days before your period?

    if there was no protection a couple missed pills he came inside me would it be possible I was supposed to have my period on the 18thand its the 21st I have taken 2 tests one was definitely negative and the other one I couldn't really tell I think it was faulty is it possible though? I don't keep track of my ovulation and my period was all screwed up last month and I ended up having 2 periods last month I don't know if that has anything to do with this or not all answers appreciated thanks! (p.s. I am not trying to have a baby it was a spur of the moment thing)

    3 AnswersPregnancy7 years ago
  • Can a 16 year old buy Plan b without a perscription or a parent?

    please no lectures I just need to know and is it only specific stores or any store all answers appreciated thanks!

    3 AnswersParenting7 years ago
  • please answer quicklky!!?

    how do you get rid of dirreah fast? I know its disgusting and I work at 4pm and I cant find anybody to cover my shift because my work is so understaffed that everybody always work so I need to get rid of this quickly I cant call in sick any and all answers are appreciated thank you!

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • is this normal hedgehog behavior?

    I know that puffing up is normal when you first go to scoop them up but then after wards I hold him and everything is all chill and people are like oh you guys have a special bond but when I go to put him back in his cage he runs and hides under his wheel or in one of the corners is this normal? will this last forever if it is? what am I doing wrong if it isn't normal? all answers appreciated thanks!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • Wig vs. Extensions?

    based off of personal experience which do you like better I currently have microbead extensions that I love but due to work I consistently have my hair in a bun making it all dry and I cant afford to consistently change them out (plus I don't have the time because I work and go to school) I was thinking about wigs because I like doing new things with my hair but I am trying to grow it out so I'm trying not to cut it or dye it so any personal experience or pros and cons between the two are greatly appreciated thank you!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • should i go up to a 00g?

    I am currently at a 0g and was considering stretching my ears to a 00g but I was wondering if this stretch is going to be easier and all that stuff because my stretch to a 0g sucked and it got infected and wasn't very pleasant so to those who stretch their ears is it easier to go up to a 00g or does it suck just as bad and was it worth the stretch in your opinion this is an opinions question so all answers are welcome!

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • would this be ok? (slight moment of supidity)?

    So I am getting a hedgehog at noon today and I thought wouldn't it be cool to make a house for him out of an entertainment center so I've spent the last couple days making it and just realized that plywood is made out of pine which is toxic to small animals but since entertainment centers are covered in lament would it be ok to use if I doubled that layer of lamnen or would it kill my hedgehog in 6 months? All answers are appreciated thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • Good art colleges?

    I want to get some ideas for art colleges I want to study music, design, fashion, and writing (I know I'm all over the place) I don't have a designated place I am wanting to move to because I want to find a few schools first and go off of that so if you know any good art colleges with these programs please share this with me it would be greatly appreciated thanks!!!

  • cute hedgehog names?

    I'm getting a male cinnamon African pygmy hedgehog on Friday and I was wanting some ideas for names all ideas appreciated thanks!!

    4 AnswersOther - Pets7 years ago
  • name ideas for a cinnamon african pygme hedgehog male?

    Any ideas aside from sonic please all ideas operated thank you! :)

    1 AnswerOther - Pets7 years ago
  • how to become an alternative model?

    I would like to know any information on alternative modeling that you have to offer. Which alternative modeling agencies are better than others. I'm 16 can I start now or would I have to wait until I am 18? any and all answers are greatly appreciated thanks!! :3

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • Cars that are good for lots of highway travel as well as good on gas?

    I currently live in Colorado but I want to travel and will eventually settle in California for college so I was wondering what cars are good on highways while also having good gas mileage and a decent amount of room so I can pack things I am looking towards newer car so that way its 'safer' to go with as opposed to a used car but I was wondering what brands are better all answers appreciated thanks! :3

    1 AnswerCommuting7 years ago
  • Approximately how much would this tattoo cost?

    I want to get pretty much my entire upper back tattooed I want one shoulder to have a skull w/a butterfly purched on it a rose and a cross necklace and on the other shoulder to have a gypsy/native American girl with a caterpillar on her finger and the quote "the world is just the same it's you that's changed" in between the two I was also want it to be in color which I know will cost more

    2 AnswersTattoos7 years ago
  • how to fill in the sides of your breasts?

    Lol I know this is weird but you know that like side boob that is more like fat between your armpit and chest how do you fill that in lol weird question I know all answers appreciated thanks

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years ago
  • crochet weave vs. sew in?

    what are the pros and cons to both of them and all over which one would be better to use

    I have shoulder length thinner hair and I have a deep side part I have had short hair for almost 6 years now and want to remember what I look like with long hair again hoping I give myself a reason to grow it back and not get frustrated and chop it all off (again) also I have to wear my hair up for work so which would be easier to conceal all answers appreciated thanks

    4 AnswersHair7 years ago