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Well if you haven't guessed yet I am a female and from NY. I like to read manga and watch anime, as well as listen to music and most important I am a big science nerd. lol I love to analyze things and learn..thank God for education and Yahoo Answers! I am very inquisitive, honest and love to have fun. I can come off a bit shy when you first get to know me but once I warm up to you I'm pretty comfortable and funny. Oh and one more think LP, MCR, and HIM rock! ╔╗╔═╦ Paste this in your profile ║╚╣║║ if you like Linkin Park ╚═║═╝

  • Korean music help! Need to expand library?

    Hey there, looking for some new Korean good artist/ songs. Im African American.....but love the music. I have a few songs from MC sniper, Dynamic Duo, 2NE1, SG wannabe, Rain, Tay Yang, and Weesung but most are old. Please list the artist name and the genre if it is k-pop, r&B..etc and the name of the current album or song I can download. Thanks so much

    1 AnswerOther - Music7 years ago
  • Help! My therapist is going on maternity leave.?

    I've had the same therapist for about 4yrs and feel extremely comfortable with her. She is pregnant and I couldn't be more happy for her but alot of anxiety is coming up now that her maternity leave is coming up. I don't know what I am going to do when she is gone. She will be gone for three months. should i just wait for her to return and go solo, or get another therapist until she comes back. I don't do well with new people, but I have a lot of issues surfacing, then again it can be a test for me to see how good / strong I can be on my own. But will I be able to find a therapist who will be ok with a temporary patient?

    Ok so I don't know what to do any advice?

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Which has better pizza?

    Out of these five which do you think has the best tasting pizza?

    Pizza Hut


    Little Caesars


    Papa Johns

    Please list one of the five but also indicate if you think your neighborhood pizzeria is the best.

    ME: Papa Johns hands down but the pizzeria not to far from here is a no contest.

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Poll: Lap dance on a birthday?

    Guys: If a girl you like gives you a lap dance for your birthday what would you think of the gift and the girl.

    Girls: What would you think if a girl you knew who liked a guy and the guy liked her and she gave him a lap dance on his birthday?

    Do you think it is too much?

    Would the guy like it?

    Would others think less of the girl?

    background: both are adults, not in a relationship with each other nor with any one else and they are co-workers, and it will be done privetly.

    what do you think and let me know what gender you are and how old thanks my friends and i are taking a poll on this.

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many e-mail addresses do you have?

    Quick poll

    How many do you have?

    How many do you still use?

    How many have you forgotten the password to?

    I just realized I have way too many because I started forgetting all of my passwords, but wanted to compare it to you guys. ;p Thanks.

    19 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who is going to see Transformers tonight at midnight?

    I know I am I can't wait, bought 4 tickets last night for the premier. If you are going to see it, after answering come back later on during the week and tell me what you think of it.

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • SIMS 2: How to open the cheat box step by step answer please?

    I have the double expansion sims2 and I know you have to hold down shift ctrl and c at the same time but it is not working for me maybe I'm doing some thing wrong.

    When do you press these keys in the neighborhood or a lot

    how long do you hold on to it

    and why does it keep taking snapshots when I press down the keys

    HELP please thanks guys!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Where can I find out how many albums were sold from a music artist?

    I'm trying to find a site where I can get estimates or exact amounts of record sales and how much the artist made from sales each year on each album.

    I've tried billboard but can't find anything.

    If anyone knows please help!

    btw I'm trying to find this info regarding Disturbed ( rock band)

    thanks in advance to all my inquisitive minds.

    5 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Code Geass fans please help?

    I was watching episode 18-20 and i'm so lost. How did they get to that island and what happened to make them fall and be reunited with the other soilders? Can any one explain what happened in these episodes?thanks

    5 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Do you have schizophrenia? Can you discribe some of the symptoms you feel?

    I know during an episode you can feel paranoid and have delusions, but I want to hear actual experiences. I have a family member who has schizo and I just want to better understand what they are going through. Thanks.

    7 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Therapist refusing to see me if I am not taking my meds...?

    So my psychologist told me that she will not see me if I am not on my meds. Can she do that? I understand if she thought I was a danger to her or myself and it was extremely necessary to stay on them but I'm not. I was diagnosed with bipolar II and have only once had an episode of hyper-mania and it wasn't even that bad, my depressive episodes do get bad but not in a way that I believe gives her the right to say that.

    Does this mean that i do not have the option to make choices and get off the medication if I wanted to? And is that some thing a therapist says to a patient? Should I find another one?

    oh and I only stopped it for about two weeks because of the side effects and because I didn't think it was helping nor was needed but I have been back on it ever since.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Which category do you think most Y!A members ask questions in?

    I think mental health what about you?

    37 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you look for in a therapist/psychologist?

    I've been seeing the same psychologist for a year now but am not too sure of how she is helping me besides being an ear to talk to. So I'm reevaluating and trying to figure out what makes a therapist a good one and what should I look for when finding a new one. I might be wrong and maybe that is all she is suppose to do but I believe there has to be more.

    extra: Any time I have a major issue I feel as if she does not help with advice or just tells me things I already know, and never really brings up unfinished topics that are problematic for me.

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • I always fear some one is out to get me what is wrong with me?

    I don't mean lurking on a corner and getting ready to jump at me but for as long as I can remember I always double think things and fear that every thing some one says to me has an alternative meaning and motive. I know I have trust issues stemming from not having a father in my life, having a mother who was abusive & emotionally absent and having encounters with many abusive people but I want to get over it if that is the cause.

    I want to be able to relax and not think constantly that some one is talking about me, or planing to get me in to some type of trouble. Can anyone relate and how do I help my self this is really ruining my life.

    It's gotten to the point where I will rather be by myself than enjoy time with others or get close to people because I feel in the end it will harm me.

    I'm lonely and I know this is not healthy. Help!

    10 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Help can't remember name of the anime that aired on the sci-fi channel?

    Maybe about less than a year ago there were two that aired and I really liked them. One was about a guy who was able to see little monsters/ghost that were invisible to every one else and no one believed him but it was his duty to help them get back to where they belonged. He would get called on by people to help them with these spirits and there was another group of people who would go to these sites to prove that there were no such thing as the spirits people were complaning about.

    I know its a bit confusing but that is all I rememeber about that show can you help. I remember both shows use to show back to back?

    Any one remember any animes that aired on G4 network?

    3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Where can I watch Vampire Knight episodes 9 and 10 for free?

    many sites like have removed their videos due to infringement but I want to watch it. Any suggestions?

    I prefer a streaming site than downloading.


    8 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Need help remembering to take my medication.?

    I'm currently on Lexapro and Lamictal for Bipolar II but I seem to keep forgetting to take my meds. I'll be good and take them for a week then forget for a couple of days which causes me to go through withdrawal symptoms like dizziness, shaken, and nausea. Then before I know it my mood shifts and its back down hill for me especially this time of year. Then once I start taking it again my body goes through more trying to get use to it. I know the only way to help myself is to take it every day but I keep forgetting, any tips? I really can't keep going on like this. Am I alone does anyone else forget? Please help!

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • At what age do wisdom teeth fully grow in?

    I'm 24 and mine just started growing in. I've talked to many other people who have said that theirs grew in when they were teenagers. Is something wrong with me?

    Also mine don't fit so I have to have them removed any advice?

    7 AnswersDental1 decade ago