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Is July 28, 2009 the date Bermuda is celebrating their 400th anniversary?
Can't find the actual date of this anniversary
2 AnswersBermuda1 decade agoCan vet tell difference between cyst & tumor by feel? Vet said to watch if it grows & to come back in 2 wks!!!
Very disappointed with vet. Had last appointment before Memorial Day holiday. Found lump on guinea pig night before & rushed pig in next morning. Vet very casual about it. Said could be tumor or cyst. Tried to aspirate. She said try was unsuccessful. Said lump wasn't attached to spine. Said to watch if it grows & to return in 2 weeks. I rushed precious piggie in so we'd know what we were dealing with, as guinea pigs can expire quickly. Also, it seems tumor, if cancerous, will eventually kill them, whereas cyst can burst internally & cause death. When got to desk to pay bill, paid $85.00, & for what? No diagnosis or prognosis. I didn't know anything more than I did before going there! Asked to speak to vet - she'd already left. Receptionist said she'd leave message for her to call, but she never did. Trying to wait the 2 weeks like she said, but very nervous about it. This wasn't usual vet, they said she did exotic pets, & got charged for exotic, but makes me wonder. Opinion?
5 AnswersRodents1 decade agoNeed interpretation of worm/snake dream?
Had a dream last night. Something was sticking out of my belly button. I thought it was fuzz from my sweatshirt. Reached down to pull it out and it disappeared back into my belly. It also felt squishy. Not good, I thought. It popped back out and I grasped it and pulled. Slowly I pulled and it came out. And came out some more. Egads, I thought - must be an intestinal worm. No wonder I havn't been feeling good. Even though it tried going back in, I got it all the way out. And it looked like a snake, not a worm. It was beautiful though - for a snake, if you like those things. Which I don't, but I still had to acknowledge it's beauty. It was pink and white. I called my brother to come and dispose of it. (Don't live with brother - live with estranged husband) My brother went away with the snake. Later he told me he flushed it down the bathtub drain. Oooh, I thought with a nagging feeling - it's not dead - it could come back up out of that drain & find me again. Thanks all
7 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agoShould I get a Divorce?
My husband spends half the year with his mother, his Sweetheart. He's disabled & when he's here I take care of him. I don't work outside of the home. When he's not here, I take better care of myself & work more on a slowly starting 2nd career. Last night I asked him when he was leaving again. He said after his next dr's appt. on Nov 6. Our 25th Anniversary should've been Nov 18, so he won't be here. It shouldn't matter to me, because he hasn't celebrated my birthday, anniversary, or Christmas since the last Milennium. I am this horrible person & don't deserve a card or gift. Tee Hee. For some reason knowing the 25th didn't even exist for him really affected me. I've been very hurt & very angry & thinking of a divorce. He's convinced me I can't survive financially without him. He's right as I'm an emotional wreck. 10 years ago I was a paralegal but stress (work & husband) got to me & I can't do that again. I started my own small business but I'm not self-supporting yet.SOS!
15 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoHow do you know who is right in a situation? Everyone, even myself, is messed up. How can I find the truth?
In the last few years I've had a lot of devastating experiences in relationships. People I know are any of the following: narcisstic, bipolar, paranoid, multiple personality, and more. Myself, I'm depressed, co-dependant, suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and anxiety/panic attacks. Out of everybody, I've sought out treatment via therapy and self-help options more. Even hypnosis. I'm trying to come to grips with the pain that has been done to me, and pain that I have caused others. In a lot of situations I've come across as the bad guy, mainly by sticking up for myself. In retrospect I'm thinking, was I really to blame? If I was, I'll own it and try to correct myself, but what if it isn't really me? What if it's others that are wrong? When in situations where everybody is mentally damaged to one extent or another, and a situation heats up, how in the name of Heavens can you tell who is right. (And I don't believe it's whoever keeps their cool the best.) Help! Thanx
1 AnswerMental Health1 decade agoHusband takes a lot of pills. They constipate him. If he chews some, will it help his constipation?
Husband takes a lot of pills for physical and emotional conditions. Some of his pills can be chewed, others not. If he chews the ones that can be, will that alleviate his constipation somewhat? Does chewing bypass the binding effects of pills on the bowel? Will peristasis eventually return if pills chewed?
As baby boomers age and have problems with this, do you think they'll develop more liquid medications?
4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoWill plum wine work as a laxative?
It's a red wine, right? Which is supposed to be good for you, right? Plums are related to prunes, right? Can I get the antioxident benefits as well as laxative benefits from plum wine? I was maybe thinking the soothing quality of the wine would also alleviate abdominal cramping.
7 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoIf someone writes you an e-mail, can you tell their tone and attitude?
I think tone and attitude can be deduced from an e-mail. Just like authors can project tones and attitudes by their words, I think the average e-mail writer can do the same by their words. This is words only, without using smiley faces or other emoticons. What do you think? Do you think tones and attitudes are more genuine in phone conversations, or can what you really think be disguised by how you say it? Which are more genuine, reveal the true person, phone calls or e-mails?
8 AnswersFriends1 decade agoIs there a difference between a friend and an acquaintance? What is it?
Someone said it's splitting hairs as to whether someone is their friend or their acquaintance. Without going to the dictionary, I think there's definitely a distinct difference. What do you think? What criteria separates someone from being your friend or your acquaintance? Would you be hurt if someone you thought of as a friend, only thought of you as an acquaintance?
3 AnswersFriends1 decade agoHow do I prevent an N from worming her way back into my life?
She is using my weak spot, Nicky my guinea pig. She has vegetables for him. She's never visited before and now that I am breaking free, she wants to come over. I wrote her thank you, but we have veggies here. I won't call her because she is soooo very good and sweet and caring when her husband is there and can hear her and I come off looking like the bad guy.
She doesn't like e-mail because if she goes off, there's proof in black and white. She ignored me while I was in a crisis and she knew it. Grew cold and contemptuous to me. Upon reading N literature, I had a refresher course. Why did I not see all the red flags? But once I realized she was an N, I had flashbacks of stuff she did or said that was like an N slide show. I actually lied, told her my husband was on his way back from another state, so she wouldn't come over here. Now I feel guilty about that and how I'm down on her level. Don't want to get her angry, just don't want contact any more.
Advice please! - Bunny
5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago