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  • What do you think about the new John Mayer CD?

    I've been a fan for years I actually switched from bass and started playing guitar the day I saw the John Mayer trio live at the house of blues. I just don't seem to like his new album though. Ugh it almost contemporary BS country or alternative sounding in a way. And he put Taylor Swift on one of his tracks WTF? Of course she only does backup vocals and never sings a line in the song unaccompanied but why Taylor Swift? His songs are deep and emotional or ******* badass and bluesy not. Omg I hate the Jonas Brothers ooo twilight is so awesome blah blah blah. The songs seem to be really bland though apart from heartbreak warfare and I like "who says" because of the back story of it that I know and for the fact that "who says I can't get stoned" is being said all over US media lol. But I dunno it just didn't seem as musically inclined and genius as the rest of his work. It seemed to be more just I dunno plain sounding I suppose. What do you think? maybe I need to give it another try.

    2 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • Should I join the navy?

    I've been through alot this year and feel as if its really my only chance to get out. I'm an extreme liberal and disagree with about everything the US does. So I feel as if I would be used and be uncomfortable with it. Mind you I am one to take orders and I would never argue with a supperior. I'm just scared that someone who enjoys their freedoms so much would be upset of the idea of a binding contract. But then the other part of me says your a man and you should do your work and get the **** over it because it will shape me. I guess my real question is will the government really own me? Or will I actually "become a man". Should I stay in wilmington and just find a job and pay rent. Or ship out and make money? I turn 20 this month if you are wondering my age. I'm going to talk to recruiters for the air force and navy on tuesday. And if noone gives me a reason not to I just mind sign the papers.

    4 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Would it be possible for a bill to be passed through congress that legalized weed as long as it was taxed?

    Because I expect if weed was grown in the mass production tobacco is. It would be just about as cheap and since I know about the same number of people that smoke weed that do ciggarettes. I think the tax alone could pay for very valuable programs possibly Healthcare? or just education? I think that would be an interesting bill if a member of congress supported it and brought it up for vote. But they would specifically have to strain the thought of using the tax money for those programs. Hopefully this isn't just another cliche legalizing question but hell. I smoke weed everyday i drink occasionally on the weekends. I've done this since i was 16 I am a sophomore in college and still pretty successful and fulfilled. So how could we get this done?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I’m proposing that the United States should look into giving tax benefits to those that have one child?

    I’m proposing that the United States should look into giving tax benefits to those that have one child for a college paper. And not give tax breaks to those who decide to overpopulate our cities, destroy our education system, and act as if it’s their right for us to support their children. The aim would be to make it socially unacceptable to have more then two children. Instead of implementing cruel policies of forced sterilizations and such, although government sponsored sterilizations and birth control wouldn’t be a bad idea. I’m having trouble finding a primary source I was thinking about using China’s popular one child act, which I would criticize but also encourage some of it at the same time. The only problem is, I can’t find the actual document any help? No I am not looking for anyone to argue my point of view its not even properly established at the moment so please don’t bother all those wanting to yell fascist.

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • (2x-3)(2x+3)= Whats the answer?

    (2x-3)(2x+3)= Whats the answer

    A 2xsquared - 9

    B 4x squared - 9

    C 4x squared + 9

    D 4x squared - 6 - 9

    Also tell my how to go about doing it. Tryin to reteach myself basic algebra and this really simple looking problem is pissing me off.

    16 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • At what age do you need a workers permit in NC?

    I'm 17 and will be 18 in July I just started a new job and am not sure if I need a workers permit. Of course I will just call social services on monday to check. But if any of you know if I need one or not it'd be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How do I add addons with firefox?

    I'm trying to make it so I can download videos from youtube and I got the .xpt files that supposed to let you do it where do I put it and how do I get it working.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What do you think about this view on religion from Douglas Adams?

    I was watching a commetary of the hitchikers guide. And douglas' colleage started talking about all the interesting view points ould hav eon religion and this is one.

    The world is a tricky place I think that people are like puddles. We find are ourselves in a hole and go wow this must of been made especially for me. But the truth is we will come and go like everything else and will be dried up the next morning.

    It's one you need to think about for a while to really get what he was saying I thought about it all this morning. I couldn't remember exactly what he said but that's mostly it. He obviously did it with more charisma and charm but I tried my best.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there anyone who regrets becoming a doctor or lawyer?

    Yes they are the two professions you hear every kid in America say they’d like to have. But I've actually given them serious thought and am more in the direction of medical. I think I would like to become an anesthesiologist or perhaps a radiologist both seem interesting to me. But I am a superb debater and have always been good at bringing my point across and defeating others arguments. Well at least in my view I'm sure everyone thinks that about themselves but anyway. I was just wondering if anyone in these fields could voice there opinion on their job. Well I'd truly love to be a writer but that's very laughable and a very unrealistic dream. So I'm trying to find something that makes money and also intellectually stimulating.

    2 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • I’m trying to do my FASFA but my mom does not have her 2005 tax information what should I do?

    I know I can probably order it or something but I'm afraid it will take a long time. Which I asked my mom if she could do that but she’s such a procrastinator and keeps saying it will take a long time. She really frustrates me giving me a little bit of help is to much of a pain for her. Is there somewhere that would keep it on file locally or something ?

    4 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Do any of you atheist's have atheist shirts or apparel? What kind of reactions did you get with them?

    I'm thinking about getting a shirt but not sure if it'd be smart. Because I don't want to draw to much negative attention. But then I would like to piss off alot of religious people haha. Tell me about the reactions you’ve had wearing any type of atheist apparel.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What program should I use to seperate the audio of a video into a seperate file?

    I videotaped a performance and would like to use it as a seperate audio recording also.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • How do I find a side of a triangle using pythagorian therum with an angle?

    For example lets say the question is this:

    A equals 6

    B equals 9

    And the angle of b and c is 30 how do I solve this problem? It confuses me I am not sure what equation to use.

    8 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Why is it that people call eating disorders diseases?

    Someone called me an intolerant asshole after saying eating disorders and alcoholism is not a disease. Now I say this because I thought a disease was an illness created by the invasion of pathogens into the body. Now I thought these are only biological, if someone decides to throw up it is not a disease. Now I believe that it can start a cycle where your body starts rejecting food. But I do not believe it is an actual infectious disease. That is completely ridiculous. And I'm willing to say the same about alcoholism. One chooses to drink your genetics have nothing to do with you choosing to be an alcoholic. Now I believe one can depend on it but still it is not a disease but a psychological issue. I do not think these should be worded as diseases. Because it takes the blame away from the idiots making themselves sick. Basically my question is if something is brought on psychologically how can it be considered a disease?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Since hitler was a devout christian does that mean all chritians want to kill the jews?

    lol this wasnt a real question I just wanted to call attention to a previous one I asked please answer it. Sorry If I offended anyone.;_ylt=AuJRd...

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If god is so a knowing why would he sudlldenly change his mind on the genocide of every known species?

    Why would he wipe out entire ecosystems with the flood? And then suddenly go oh maybe that was a bad idea. It amazes me that people hear this story everyday and it's somehow a nice one to tell to the kids. I heard it when I was little and thought it was delightful myself. But I mean think about it he murdered every living creature on earth. And then decides to suddenly change his mind. I think this sort of proves how the bible was written by people and not god breathed. God would not be so different he would be the exact same if he was all knowing. Especially having the millions of years it took for us to be created. You would of thought he decided murdering every creature on earth was a good or bad thing by our arrival. Abraham who was the father of all major religions started the stone throwing. But somehow god decided that was also wrong to in later times. How do people not see this obvious problem with the scriptures?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Chrysler will offer 49,600 workers $100,000 to leave. Doesn't that destroy the point?

    Wouldn’t offering them that much money just destroy the point of laying them off? I'm not that old so I don’t fully understand business. But that seems like it would be alot more then the workers actually made. I don't see how that is going to help them business wise. I'm not saying the workers don't deserve it but just how does it work business wise.

    7 AnswersCorporations1 decade ago
  • I think I would love to be a philosophical major. Is that a good choice?

    I just saw a phd philosophical major teaching a class. And I really would love to have his job. I've always been one to think outside of the box and instead of picking one side usually have a little of both. I'm not sure though because even though I love it. It seems like it would be hard to get a job as one. I've been thinking about becoming a radiologist. Because I could help people and the money seems to be great. But I keep having desires to do something more artistic. Such as the above or writing things like that. Choosing what to do with the rest of your life is soo frustrating. I'm passionate about science and philosophy both which go hand in hand. What do you think I should do?

    11 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Do you know the name of a movie with rachael leigh cook where she plays a mentally unstable musician that?

    falls in love with a guy in some kind of military position.

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Why do people not talk about Chris Dodd among other democrats for the presidential election?

    I'm seventeen so I can’t say I know that much about the history of other politicians. But Chris Dodd seems like someone I would like to vote for. I just saw him on a news program where he actually spent time talking about the issues at hand. And not giving the rhetorical speech on how he is going to lead the country in a new direction. Give me reasons why Hillary, Barrack or John are the better vote.

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago