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stephanie n

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I am a 40 year old mother of 5 children

  • silly excuse ?

    so say your a man and your wife kicks you out basically because you consistently put work before family to a ridiculous level .some examples are refusing to leave work when your pregnant wive (20 weeks) is in hospital and a nurse rings you three times asking you to come now ( lost the baby alone while worrying about the kids at home and had to ask a neighbor to watch them) .or working an extra weekend shift when your wife has just had surgery and is home taking care of five kids and says she needs you .

    you have another argument about the same type of thing ,,and you leave ..when you next talk she says its over ,you say you dont want it to be ,she says but you have not called me for more than a week to work it out so I assumed you wanted it to end also say.....and this is the good bit "..I WAS TOO BUSY AT WORK " would you wonder why your now getting divorce papers

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • he chose to break up too?

    If you fight and you both yell and one says get out ! ,do you think they mean it or come back and try to talk it over ?If you choose not to talk to them again or make any effort to talk to them you have chosen to break up to .You can not do nothing and then pretend its not a choice .right ? ..I chose to not try because I was done I assumed it was mutual since he never called but he says he was just too busy at work 24/7?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • would you invite close relitves children ?

    my mother in law is having a commitment ceremony with her boyfriend .she has not invited any of my children including grown children and her younger grandchildren I feel offended by this .she says she only wants ten people there and had to choose ,ok so she chooses not to include her grandchildren and step grandchildren ? fair or rude ?

    3 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • why a commitment ceremony?

    My mother in law is widowed and is dating a man who is also a widow .They have announced that they are doing a commitment ceremony .I don't get it ,they are not gay so why not just get married if they want a ceremony ,why this ? has anyone else gone this way ? if so why .Im just trying to understand .

    7 AnswersEngagements & Weddings8 years ago
  • my husband did not seem to care .?

    I have a mild heart condition I am medicated for .I had some strong pain in my left shoulder one day ,I know this to be a spot women often get pain when having a heart attack and since I know my heart is not great it seemed a bit of a concern.MY husband said it was a pulled muscle even though I had been sitting watching TV when it started ,not doing anything to pull a muscle and dismissed it so I did nothing about it and the pain went away in time ..My doctor told me I could have died that night because I was an idiot not to get medical help.I really feel that if my husband cared about me he would want to be sure I was OK ,not just dismiss it like that.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • I feel like no one cares?

    I have a mild heart condition I am medicated for .I had some strong pain in my left shoulder one day ,I know this to be a spot women often get pain when having a heart attack and since I know my heart is not great it seemed a bit of a concern.MY husband said it was a pulled muscle even though I had been sitting watching TV when it started ,not doing anything to pull a muscle and dismissed it so I did nothing about it and the pain went away in time ..My doctor told me I could have died that night because I was an idiot not to get medical help.I really feel that if my husband cared about me he would want to be sure I was OK ,not just dismiss it like that.

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • how do people react to your cancer ?

    I have a heart condition and I find no one cares ,it could kill me just as dead as cancer ,so Im asking is it the disease they are ignoring or do people in general just not care if its not happening to them ?

    7 AnswersCancer9 years ago
  • my mil ..WTF was that supposed to mean ?

    I had a birthday dinner for my husband the other night .My mother in law came with her new boy friend and spent the whole night criticising me ,saying over and over how I cook too much food and I over do it and so on.Then I hear her say to the BF "How are you coping ,I know they are strange ! he says "I think they are nice She says "no they are Different that's for sure ! .Then she says " you know Im not related to the three older kids they are hers from her first marriage " .I was sitting right next to the BF at the table and heard all this clearly .I slammed something on the table and walked out .I heard MIL yelling to my husband that there was something wrong with me .The only reason I did not run back and slam the ***** is because my husband has always asked me to keep the peace ,not upset his mother but clearly I am upset ! .I have five kids ,three are grown and while they have strong personalities they are not hippies or into drugs or anything or strange in any way .just normal nice young people .I may be a little strange I guess but she was talking about my whole family ! .I am now refusing to cook for this woman's birthday at the end of next month and my husband is worried this will upset HER .Why would it when we are so strange and I always cook too much ! .

    1 AnswerFamily10 years ago
  • is there anything I can do to make it stop?

    I have had a problem with a neighbor for many years but its just been fingers up and yelling abuse now and then from him ,loud music and so on that we never bother to complain about .But a few months ago he moved a girlfriend in with her five kids .My husband complained to the police once about the motor bikes the kids were riding around in their yard in a dangerous and noisy Manner .Police told them to stop and they did .But from that day on the FG and her kids started abusing me ,calling me names yelling and screaming at me every time they saw ,e .And I did not respond .not once .But now they started on my young children ,calling them names swearing and so on ,all five kids at the fence every time my kids are playing .I moved my kids to the other side of the yard and her kids go around onto the road so they can still see my kids and keep it up .I have aruged with the mother asking her to stop them ,she says they are just playing .I have called the police ,they say because its the kids they can do nothing .This is becoming unbearable ,my kids can not play or have friends over because they are being harassed .what can I do .

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • this is not private .?

    I just googled me and my questions on this site came up ,its a bit scary .So I just wanted to warn people be carfull what you write in your own name here .

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • how pissed off should I be ?

    I had a family emergency on the weekend ,I heard my eldest daughter was in a car accident ,no more details just get to the hospital .My friend came by to "help" but when I said I was ready to go my husband ,friend and her husband just sat looking at me ,all obviously not wanting to come ! ..I was highly distraught but I just stood there looking at them waiting for one of them to say they would come ,finally my husband says ,he has to stay with the kids friends did not offer to babysit (the kids were in bed asleep) my husband did not ask them too and I ended up driving alone at night to the hospital to find god knows what ! my daughter had a bad head wound and is ok but what if she wasn't ? ...My husband should have asked the friends to baby sit and came with me ,my friend should have offered to babysit or came with me her self .I don't understand how they let me drive in that state .

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • am I right to feel I did nothing wrong?

    I have a friend who is upset with me over a friend of hers who i do not like but have been friendly too.,this woman has lied a lot and has been caught out ,a lot of criticism of her has been put on face book but in respect for my Friend I said nothing and stayed out of it other than to say on my page that this woman blocked me ,I did not say why she blocked me or how unfair it was just a statement of fact that I was blocked ...My friend feels that I got into the fight with this statement and was stirring it up more ,I feel I did not and I had a right to say something because it directly affected me but still I kept it to an Absolute minimum.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • how to take this friend?

    I have a friend who recently became friends with a woman who has been caught out telling some huge lies (saying she is pregnant to keep a man) I have made it clear I never believed this woman but because of my friends involvement I did not say much to the woman her self or talk about her on face book as many others have but this woman still blocked my face book page so I stated on my page that I was blocked ,that's it no criticism or anything but my friend has now accused me of getting involved in the fight and she is upset with me for that one statement .I feel I did nothing wrong and did stay out of it.Stating the fact this woman blocked me was not commenting or taking sides at all.Anyway I came from a very dysfunctional background and have trouble working out this friend thing ,am I right or should I not even mentioned the fact this woman blocked me ,I actually wanted to say how unfair that blocking was since I did nothing to deserve it but I did not say any of that ...

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • what is your kids grandmother like?

    My MIL has not had much to do with my kids ,she has had the opportunity's but has not bothered ,now she is alone ,(her husband died )she says she wants the kids more ,she throws out these suggestions like " I will have the kids once a week" but that's the last we hear from her ,she never rings to follow through and I never chase her because my kids do not actually want to go with her ..Its never about me needing a baby sitter or the kids enjoying time with her ,the kids do not like her much at all ...last time I was guilted into asking her if she wanted to watch the kids she carried on at them about not Bothering her !...its like "I love the kids and want them ,I don't want the kids they are a nuisance ! ..."Do your grandparent organise time with the kids or do you have to ring them ??...tell me how your kids get on with GM...

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • grandmothers What is normal ..?

    Hi ,I come from a very dysfunctional family my self so "normal" is something I always struggle with a little ,So what is normal for a grandmother ? own mother is a right off but I had hopes my MIL would be a good grandmother but I find she is not at all ..My kids do not want to go to visit her ,they do not enjoy her at all so I have been reluctant to leave them with her ,by now at the ages of 6 and 9 shouldn't they have developed a relationship with her regardless of me ?? ..I mean its not like I kept them apart ,I always included my MIL in every party and family thing and I used to drop in to see her often ...But the kids never took to her they have never wanted to be with her and she has never offered to baby sit very much at all...When I visit she would talk to the grown ups and have very little time for the kids ,they would go watch tV or something .The kids were fond of their grandfather but he died last year and now MIL is saying how she wants to be closer to the kids but I never let her my question is ..with all the time she did spend with them isn't it her fault if they did not bond ? I mean if she had got on with them when they were baby's I would have been happier to leave them with her (not that she offered anyway)...Its pretty hard to leave your kids when they cry and fall asleep the whole time and you come back to find kids unhappy and MIL with a glass in her hand at 3pm !1!..who would want to leave their kids like that ?? who is to blame for the lack of closeness ,me for not leaving them (even though she never asked to have them ) or her for not bothering to have fun with them ever ...and is this any were near normal ??...doesn't seem so to me ...but I am told what would I know with a mother like mine ..(crazy ,never would trust her for a second with my kids )

    2 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • how serious is a warning letter from a solicitor?

    I received a letter from a solicitor warning me to stop harassing a person .I never did Harass this person ,I rang her once to ask her something important to do with my mother and then after she was rude and hung up on me I left one message on her phone asking her to please forgive me if she took offence to my question but it was an important issue and I was only concerned for my mother .I then left one more message asking her to please ring me ,that is it ...what should I do in response ?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • rabbit ! .blocked eye duct ?

    My rabbit has a little swelling on his eye duct ,and some redness ..what is the treatment ?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • what is Tomothy hay ?

    I asked a question about my rabbit and was told to give timothy hay ,I am australian and do not know what kind of hay that is ..I give wheaten hay it the same ?...

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • how to fatten up rabbit?

    I got a new rabbit a week ago ,when I got it home and picked it up I realised it was very thin ,I am assuming he just could not get enough food while in the pet shop question is what is the best way to fatten him up to a healthy weight .I feed him lots of fresh veggies as well as the grain mix the pet shop sells ,any other ideas ...

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • how did you feel when your youngest child started full time school?

    My little girl went off to school today for the first time ,well other than part time kinder last year ..I have five kids aged between 22 and 5 and other than a one year gap between my third starting school and my forth being born ..I have been a stay at home mother for 22 years with at least one child home under five the whole time ,I should be jumping for joy to get the last off to school and part of me is but the other part is really sad ...

    4 AnswersPrimary Schooler1 decade ago