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Double Dachshunds Owner

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  • Yahoo Bookmarks - unable to edit?

    Yahoo Bookmark & Toolbar issue:

    Since the Yahoo Toolbar upgrade in Summer 2013, which included an update to Yahoo Bookmarks, there is no way to delete an obsolete bookmark in the Yahoo Bookmark menu nor in the settings panel.

    I can edit any given bookmark in my Yahoo Bookmarks collection to change its name, but I cannot delete it, nor can I remove the URL for it in the edit panel.

    There seems to be a programming omission here. I have Win 7 Home Premium 64 bit OS and my browser is FF 23.0.1. Any ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products8 years ago
  • Did you know 2010 tax refunds will be paid in savings bonds unless...?

    This has not been announced on any television or radio news station as far as I know. Has anyone else heard about this?

    I just found this out last night in Money magazine Jan/Feb 2010 issue, page 22, Article "Help Consumers Save More of Their Dough" in the second and final paragraph. Stated by Michael Barr the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for financial institutions.

    According to this very small article, the current administration has changed the law so that [quote] "the IRS will automatically issue refunds as savings bonds unless you opt out."

    If this is true, a lot of people will be caught by surprise come 2010 tax return time.

    - - -

    It is also stated again in this online article, 5th paragraph:

    6 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Healthcare: There are different bills. Have you read them?

    The senate has a bill: 615 pages:

    The House of Representatives has a bill: 1017 pages

    - - -

    From reading these two separate bills, it sounds like the Senate wants to take the system we have and augment it to get people more involved in their own health care by increasing access to clinical preventative services. It also talks about school-based clinics.* It also talks about dental health. It also proposes community based health activites.** This bill actually doesn't sound too bad. There are still questions as to where the financing will come from and there are fine points to work on.

    The House of Reps. bill, on the other hand sounds like it wants to revamp the entire system (throw the baby out with the bath water, if you will) by putting the cost of services ahead of the value of the people it is treating. This appears in several parts of their proposed bill. (see *** below) Frankly, this bill speaks of limiting our current medical options as we know them. I believe this is the bill that is causing the most controversy. For example, I think the "death panel" rumor comes from this bill page 430 lines 4-17*** where it talks about [paraphrase] if a person is apneic, pulse-less or has cardiac problems that the level of care may be full range or limited depending... There are numerous red flags with this bill.

    - - -

    In any case, I urge everyone to read the bills and to contact their representatives and senators via phone, email, meetings (some are offering private meetings on their websites), etc. to let them know your thoughts and ideas. If we don't get involved, then we will have to settle for what we get, even if we don't like it.

    - - -


    Congressman Connolly (D- Va) for the House of Rep. bill as posted on his website.


    *When I was in elementary school in Minnesota in the 60's each school had a dedicated nurse on staff who worked at that school exclusively. She recorded annual height, weight, vision and hearing in addition to dealing with daily medical needs as they arose. It would be nice if this type of care returned to our schools and not just an itinerant nurse who had to go from school to school as I observed while teaching first grade in the Washington, D.C. suburbs of Northern Virginia.

    **I grew up in Minnesota in the suburbs of Minneapolis. We had abundant access to public parks and pools. There was a park, on average of every 6 miles and they often included public tennis courts, trails, basketball courts and, in winter, hockey & free public skating rinks. When I moved to the Washington, D.C. metro area in Northern Virginia from 1990 to present, I noticed there were fewer parks, nearly no public pools (95% were private HOA run pools) and less sidewalk access for citizens to pursue daily exercise. The contrast in availability and free access to parks, pools, sidewalks, tennis courts, etc. was a shock for me. To obtain this level of fitness here one was encouraged to join a club. Many families cannot afford a club. I think that promoting community based health activities could be a good thing.

    ***Here is a line-by-line list of issues that others have found with the House of Representatives bill:

    - - -

    Bottom line: "We the People" will reap what we sow. If we get involved in the decision making process, then we will have a plan that is more user friendly. If we do not get involved, then we have to take what comes, even if we don't agree with it.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Have you read the actual healthcare bill?

    Read the bill. If you read it carefully and in its entirety, you will see the gravity of the situation:

    It is available in a non line by line format at the Library of Congress website: type in H.R.3200

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why are there no town hall meetings scheduled in Virginia? (third try)?

    (First two postings did not I removed all web citings...see edit below...I will attempt to post them there.)

    - - -

    I have written to my congressman and senators with my concerns. None of them are having town hall meetings in Virginia. (I have checked individual websites.)

    Both Connolly and Webb sent back a generic reply which basically said, they are going forward as planned (without any input from their constituents). They had already made up their minds. Do they really represent the people when they don't really want to hear our ideas?

    If they don't read their emails and won't have town hall meetings, how do we know they are actually reading this healthcare bill in its entirety and understanding its implications line by line?

    I am concerned about the future repercussions of this bill going forward as is. I have lived in Europe for two years (2000-2002) and have seen firsthand some of the pitfalls of government-run healthcare. One woman I knew had a mother in Great Britain who was all scrubbed and prepped on the gurney outside the operating room for bypass surgery. Her surgeon came to her and told her that there were no beds in the hospital that day and to return in 3-4 months for BYPASS SURGERY!! At that time, Great Britain was sending its overflow patients to France and Belgium for surgeries, because it could not keep up with the demand. Where will we go? Canada? Many Canadians come here for care they cannot get in a timely fashion. This is just one of many concerns about this bill. I do not want this kind of government-run health care.

    In reading this bill, all of these concerns are in there. How do we get through to legislators that do not really wish to hear from their constituents?

    2 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • Irony: Cost of Obama's date in NYC vs. corporate execs jetting to Las Vegas?

    Even though he paid for the tickets to the concert and for dinner himself, it is ironic that the same President who chastised the corporate world for taking expensive jet rides to Las Vegas, took a $24,000+ (likely more) trip on Air Force One at taxpayers expense for an evening in NYC.

    While the President must travel with all these precautions, was it a necessary taxpayer expense in light of these tough economic times? What message does it send to those struggling to make ends meet during this recession?

    - - -


    Washington Times:

    "In February, Obama scolded corporate executives (while also costing Las Vegas some $130 million) when he said: "You can't get corporate jets. You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas, or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers' dime." ...

    [Cost analysis of Obama's weekend getaway - Washington Times]

    "First, the First Couple (and entourage) flew from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base — three choppers (two decoys), if the Marines stuck to standard operating procedure (and they are sticklers for SOP). That means dozens of men and women — radar, communications, mechanics, crews, everyone, perhaps 100... were involved."...

    Second, the president moving on a Saturday takes a full operation at and around the White House, dozens and dozens of people. Maybe they're all on salary, so that didn't likely cost much. But all the cops involved — D.C. police, uniformed Secret Service officers, Capitol police — were probably paid overtime, even double time. Probably, again, 100 personnel or so.

    Then there were the jets — at least $24,000 for the three aircraft used to ferry the Obamas, aides and reporters to New York. The Obamas' jet, a Gulfstream 500, served as Air Force One. "...

    "One thing is known — The Obamas picked up the cost of dinner costs and their orchestra seat tickets, which cost $96.50 a piece. So if the whole thing cost $250,000,"...

    - - -

    Full Article:

    - - -

    What is your opinion? Should our tax $$ be spent this way? There are local events he and his wife could have gone to see and it would have saved thousands of $...

    18 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What do you think about kindergarteners being snubbed by the White House in favor of the Pittsburg Steelers?

    A tour group of 100 kindergarteners and their parents were turned away from their pre-planned tour of the White House because their charter buses were delayed in traffic and they were 20 minutes late. (We do have the second worst rush hour traffic pattern in the country.)

    Poor things. They cried. This can't be good PR. Even though there is a reschedule effort, it will be too late. The impression was made.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why did 'Sexii Lady' block my math answer? I was working on it....?

    I was working on a math problem for 'Sexii Lady' and was looking up some references to help answer the question. I had entered the first problem. I also put in a message that I was still working on it. I was paused for a while, during which time I was looking up a reference tool. When I returned to add what I had found to the page, I found out I was blocked? How am I supposed to return and solve her math problem if I am blocked? Any ideas?

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else noticed YA is disallowing postings from today?

    I was answering two different questions and attempted to post a reference to and the 999 error message came up both times. I even tried not hotlinking it and just typing in the link in plain text and the same message appeared. This happened to Wikipedia a few weeks ago too.

    However, when I post the same material from it goes through as normal.

    Do they do a periodic keyword ban on certain sites?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Please explain algebraic matrices and how they solved this problem:?

    A math quesiton was posted (which I already solved correctly the old fashioned way). However, one clever answerer, named 'Cool Inferno' answered it with matrices and came up with the same answer as I did. What I want to know is how do matrices work step by step in this type of question please:

    Question was:

    Scott has to purchase tickets to a baseball game. There are 3 types of tickets available... $25 a piece, $35 a piece, or $50 a piece. He has to buy a total of 40 tickets and he can spend $1670. He wants to buy twice as many $35 tickets as $25 tickets. How many of each type of ticket should he buy?

    Answer is: a=12, b=6, c=22

    - - -

    'Cool Inferno' answered:

    A = $25 ticket B = $35 ticket C = $50 ticket

    25A + 35B + 50C = 1670

    A + B + C = 40

    B = 2A

    Use these three equations. I would use matrices.

    [[25 35 50 1670]

    [ 1 1 1 40 ]

    [ -2 1 0 0 ]]

    rref that:

    [[1 0 0 6]

    [ 0 1 0 12]

    [ 0 0 1 22]]

    A = 6 B = 12 C = 22

    - - -

    Please explain how the matrix deal works.

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • How do you train a 5 yr. old pair of mini-dachshunds NOT to have potty tantrums?

    We have had a pair of miniature dachshunds for 5 years now. We had one previously for 16 years, same problem. They are potty trained and will go outside to potty on command.

    However, I have caught them, each in turn, mind you, casting a retaliatory strike (#1, #2 or both) after I have just let them out and have watched them do their business.

    It seems they have separation issues and their spite is intermittent. On occasion when I leave the house and come right back in after something I forgot, I will catch them in the act of peeing or otherwise, as if to say, "Hah! I am mad that you left me!" They also do this occasionally if I leave the first floor of the house to go to the second.

    We have tried gating them off to a single room WITH a doggie door. They get treats when they do go potty outside. It is spite, not lack of know-how.

    Is this a stubborn dachshund thing? After all, our previous doxie did this too, to a lesser degree. Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do i deal with my mooching parents????

    I am 40 and i need some serious advice about my mooching parents

    they walk all over me ! what should i do???

    ps they never listen to me!

    5 AnswersFamily1 decade ago