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  • Is starship troopers 3 one of the worse movies ever?

    I'm glad I only caught the second half. The first one was so cool...what happened?

    2 AnswersMovies10 years ago
  • what if atheists and religious folk could just agree to disagree for the most part?

    or maybe even respectfully debate the issue like friends, as we do politics or philosophy. Yes, I realize this would mean humility and open-mindedness on both parts. I wonder if either side could actually handle that.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does a police officer have to have a legitimate reason to initiate traffic stops?

    Please don't say they must have "reasonable suspicion". I am asking if they can pull you over when you are just driving down the road not breaking any laws.

    9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Are animals smarter than humans?

    I believe they are, and that's why they stopped talking to us.

    Yes I am serious.

    7 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why are Christians the only ones you are allowed to offend?

    Recently, the Department of Justice made it so all jails and prisons now serve turkey based foods only, so as not to offend muslims. People are building a mosque over ground zero of a terrorist attack based in Islam. Whenever someone posts an anti religious comment on here, it is always directed towards Christians. Why is Christianity singled out when:

    Islam has left the middle east in shambles and poverty (the common man, not the oil rich governments).

    Hinduism has left India without a sufficient female population, as many women are aborted because Hinduism promotes a male driven society.

    Everyone hate's the Christians though.

    You know what they say, when people are hating, your doing something right.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • is it any surprise teens today are out of control?

    Every time I get online there are these ads showing 18 year old girls asking me do I want to find a flirt buddy. Or a half dressed mom with an ad that says "find wives that want to cheat". or a picture of a dude holding his dick and saying "want 6 more inches"???

    If I fall asleep watching a movie on cinemax then wake up at 2:30 in the morning to use the br, it's almost always softcore porn that I wake up hearing.

    We censor God out of our society, but we market sex and violence. And people think that our country is messed up because "these damn kids just don't have any respect". I really don't think it's our fault personally.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Hey, if I get a medical marijuana card...?

    that says I need marijuana to help me to stay cool-headed much like others need harmful drugs and alcohol, then does that mean the government will take back the mean things they put on my criminal history and give me back my money they extorted from me? I guess I can hope right?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Would American citizens have been better off had Jefferson defeated Marshall's judicial review precedent?

    judicial review has allowed the judicial system to become a means for the wealthy elite (judges, politicians, and the like) to extort money from the lower classes and to create many more social and economic problems than they could ever hope to (or supposedly are trying to) solve.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Were the anti-federalists right?

    Did creating a large scale republic lead to inevitable despotism in American politicks? Would we have been better off if we had revised our articles of confederation into something that left the states with their individual powers being checked rather than usurped by federal power?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Ok, so I been thinking, can you ever really be unbiased?

    I don't think its possible for people to be unbiased, especially for people who can't admit that they are biased like everyone if you agree with this, doesn't it seem redundant to accuse others of being biased whether dealing with debate or research or whatever? Just a thought.

    I understand that people can attempt to make unbiased decisions, but if it were strictly a matter of conscious choice, then is that really bias by definition?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • I'm sorry, but why do all you cons keep calling out obama for increasing the national debt?

    that your republican president created to finance his make daddy happy campaign and to line up more overseas work for his corporate affiliates? I mean, I don't affiliate with any political party, but I would rather have the guy who creates debt by spending on our own country than the guy who funnels our tax dollars into his own pockets.

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How do you petition the government?

    The first amendment guarantees the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. I looked around, curious how I would do this, and was unable to find anything on the web related to this. How could you file such a petition?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • can you play Ace, King, Two in rummy?

    I have always played that you can but my friend said ace has to be either high or low but that makes no sense to me because if ace is after king and before two then that should be a straight in rummy but I looked it up and it says there are no official rules of rummy only many variants and none of them dealt with this issue except gin rummy in which ace is always low so I am wondering what yall think now

    5 AnswersCard Games1 decade ago
  • Is there a connection between the laziness of people today and our love for 3 chord catchy tunes?

    I didn't know I liked classical until I started majoring in music. Now I love it, and realize that it is a whole different level of music compared to what we hear on most FM stations today. I can pick up a guitar and play almost anything that plays on the pop stations, but classical music is challenging to listen to even, and engages your mind in an almost educational way. Just wondering what others thought about this?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • How many beers do you have to drink before Sarah Palin is hot?

    for me it's about 6 beers or 2 jooses. after that, shes like a hot librarian. lovin the glasses babe!

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Can you learn flamenco style on a classical guitar?

    I have been looking for a flamenco guitar but have been unable to find any locally. I have found a few classical guitars, which my friend says are pretty much the same other than visually. I was wondering if there were any other differences between the two (other than playing styles).

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Why is it ok for people to complain about things like the new health care policy and corporate bailouts...?

    ...but the people who have been complaining about the greed and corruption inspired government policies that have been ruining peoples lives for nearly a century (such as Marijuana laws and drivers license issues) are met with sarcasm, indifference, and/or overall ignorance?

    And even funnier, the same people who criticise these kinds of remarks are the same ones doing the complaining whenever some new policy like this puts a small dent in their bank account.

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • How accurate is the "pregnancy wheel"?

    Ok, so we did it the week after her period (a month ago), and I didn't pull out. She did it with him 2 weeks later and he did, we thought it was mine. today the doctor suggested it was his because of her pregnancy wheel. Now its driving us both crazy. she is my ex, but we want to know what to expect, and I don't want to wonder for the next 5 weeks til she can get the paternity test. What is more likely? And hw accurate is this "pregnancy wheel"? Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Help please!!! Issues with PENNDOT (Pennsylvania DMV) and license suspension?

    Hello, I temporarily resided in PA 4 years ago, and received 9 tickets (in one day, from the same officer) which I went to jail for and paid in full (small town, no hope). I haven't even lived in PA since 2006. I just finished paying thousands of dollars in fines here in my home state, and when I went to get my license, they said that it showed me as suspended out of PA. I called PENNDOTT to see what was up, and they said that I had never served my suspension time. I asked them how this was when I paid everything years ago, and they said that I never sent them an affa davit acknowledging my suspension.

    Ok, so 1: Nobody told me I had to send in anything like that. I have never heard of anything like that in my life. Ya they said they sent out a thing in the mail; I have received several suspension notifications in my life, and never did I have to reply to any of them.

    2: I never even had a PA license to begin with.

    and 3: I paid over 3 grand in fines, over 3 years ago!

    Now they are telling me that I have to send in the affa davit and then my 3 year suspension will start? There has to be something I can do! This is past the point of rediculous. I am a full time student, and have worked very hard and paid alot of money trying to get my license back. Now this could even get me locked up, because I just got a driving with no o.l. which would be my third, which they would drop if I could show up next month to court with my license.

    I am really curious to know if I could sue the DMV. I know it sounds crazy, but I think alot of people(especially those residing in commonwealths) would agree that the way our DMVs and traffic courts ruin peoples lives for profit is rediculous. I know alot of people can't even understand until this happens to them. Really, I am wondering if there were any way I could try to make some noise about it. Are there any grounds for a lawsuit? Would any lawyer take this type of case? Are there other legal avenues I could try to lift the suspension? Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated. I am a full time student in VA, so it is very hard for me to try to contact an attorney in PA, let alone setup a consultation. Thank you in advance for any guidance.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • So If I download a game to my Xbox I still need the disk?

    That kindof makes it pointless...

    Yes I understand what people could do if they could play without the disk, all the same, I may share with 1 or 2 friends...and considering the games are like 60 bucks each...

    2 AnswersXbox1 decade ago