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Lv 42,502 points

Stephen B

Favorite Answers27%

No one mourns the wicked; no one lays a lily on their grave.

  • Can anyone advise me about "Art Clay Silver" Shrinkage?

    I am making rings with Art Clay Silver, Low Fire, Slow Dry media. The media shrinks as it fires and cools. Does anyone know what size of ring I would make, with the wet media, to yield finished sizes of 6,7,8. Or maybe a % of shrinkage I can expect with this media? The media has silver in it and is expensive. Please, reply only if you have worked with this and have practical experience. Thanks.

    1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts9 years ago
  • How can a visitor to Chicago get an Illinois Handicapped Placard?

    I have one in California but need one for a visit I will be making to Chicago in January.

    4 AnswersChicago9 years ago
  • How should I store my hay stuffed scarecrow?

    I made him from hay, textiles and paper. I'm concerned that if I put him in an attic or shed he may begin to compost or even combust. If anyone has experience on this specifically how I can prevent it from combusting or rotting, Please let me know. Thanks

    1 AnswerChemistry10 years ago
  • What is the result of mixing Liver of Sulfur and Hydrochloric acid?

    My partner works with metals and make jewelry. He inadvertently mixed Liver of Sulfur and Hydrochloric Acid (both agents do the same thing, faux-oxidizing silver. I know the reaction released sulfur, we can still smell it, but wondered if anyone out there had enough "Chemistry knowledge" to know what resulted in the mixing container? The reaction wasn't volatile but did emit a strong sulfur odor and the liquid turned to a carmel color, murky brown. He kinda freaked and washed it down the drain. Any ideas of what he made, is it dangerous, will it dissolve our plumbing and how do you get rid of the sulfur smell?

    3 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • How can I determine if a gem stone I bought, is a ruby, as was stated by seller, and not Ruby colored Jade.?

    I don't have the proper magnification equipment to look for 'tell tale' bubbles in fauxe ruby. I created a piece of jewelry with this alleged Ruby, stated that the piece included a Ruby but have since learned that the seller often uses 'unclear terminology' and likes to combine words like "Ruby" and "Gemstone" which technically could be Jade, but leads one to believe it is a gemstone of the type Ruby. I need to know before I ship this. I understand that this retail niche has a lot of folks in it who don't know a their head from the head of a pin and I believe weather or not I have been 'wronged' It is my responsibility to make certain my claims are factual and if misrepresentations have been made, that the perpetrators are reported and if needed, exposed as frauds. I can get you to a high resolution image online if you think you can determine this visually....and more then 10 points await the best answer...merchandise from my shop if you want something for the best answer

    3 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • According the the singer, read the lyrics and tell the end of the story...?

    First one with the right answer, only need the letter of the answer (multiple choice).

    " I heard the other day that she got a letter; It told how Billy died that day. The letter said that he was a hero; she should be proud he died that way...." According to the singer, she's heard that Billy's girlfriend A.) Made a paper sail boat out of the letter and let it sail in the muddy waters off the Talahatchi Bridge. B.) She made a paper air plane out of it and flew it off of Choctaw Ridge C.) Used it for toilet paper first chance D.) Threw the letter away. E.) Tore it into a million pieces, threw it into the fire place and it magically got sucked up the chimney.

    3 AnswersLyrics1 decade ago
  • What should I charge to knot pearls in a necklace, per knot. Saying that my knots are quality and effective?

    Using silk and pearls of varying quality. Does the quality of the pearl matter or is 'a knot' "a knot"?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me if this is a Bee Hornet Wasp Nest?

    I have some kind of honeycombed structure just outside my patio door, about 16' above my patio. I've looked closely with binoculars at it, there are no insects entering or exiting from it. The Location is Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA. Apparently abandoned by the builder, can a hive-less colony colonize it in an instance of need? Should I worry about having it taken down. It's a residential dense area with pets and all that. Can someone who really knows their thing advise. If I send you a photo, can you determine what built it. Insects are just not my vocation, but I'm thinking it looks like honey bee. Think you can tell me what it is: See

    7 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • My partner lied to me to consolidate a fight?

    It's only my side of it, but 3:30 am he gets up comes back and starts chewing my *** out for leaving a cereal bowl out. There were reasons for not putting in the dishwasher: it was running. In the end it went bad and turned into a big fight....over a bowl. This kind of thing happens now and then, we're gay. So I pulled a blanket and a pillow to the closet where i retired. He comes up and tells me that "his prostate cancer has metastasized all over his body and he has six months to live. He did this the first time with the Prostate cancer after a fight, and when I one day approached his doctor about 'what was being done', was given the 'what are you talking about' look. "His prostate is fine". He was there but doesn't seem to remember. I've not gone swooning in yet, what do i do? I could swoon in and pretend and let it come apart in his face. I could tell him up. I could???? Help, he's clinically depressed but an unlivable Soul when like this. Maybe I should leave...

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • Jewelry needs you to suggest what you think its worth....?

    please see the two items at they are real items and will soon be for sale. I'm trying to make sure the items, their quality and price fit well. Visit the site and tell me what you think they would list for on a retail website for jewelry, hand made by owner....give good feed back and get something on display you like and the ten points....

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What would you expect to pay in an online store, for the items shown at the below URLs? and see the two items. top is a bracelet bottom is a necklace. We're trying to see if we under-priced as compared to COST and if these were priced below what you thought, would it make you think "Must Be Crap". Points to most helpful answer and if you can really be constructive and help....pick out something you like upto 20 as listed or take 20 off something more expensive. We're serious but we need to get opinions of folk that "know" that's you. please help us

  • What should I make for dinner tonight?

    No liver or organ meats.

    18 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Please visit the website i've listed and tell me 3 things:?

    1.) the items shown, are then attractive and reasonably something you'd consider?

    2.) Is the website attractive

    3.) are the prices low, right or high.

    Best answer gets something from the site (we decide togther what that will be, ok) and ten points. Cirtical feedback welcome.

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Will it be detrimental to the overall quality of my fluorite to break it up before tumbling it?

    I have 2, 1lb pieces of mine-run fluorite. Are these pieces too large to tumble “as is?” Should I break up the big chunks into smaller pieces for tumbling? If so, How would I go about breaking it up while maintaining optimal natural state (as far as crystal structures, natural fissures, mineral’s natural beauty, etc)?

    2 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • Numerically rank the Colorado river's length among all US rivers.?

    1.) Among all North American Rivers

    2.) Among rivers which flow westward from their source (i.e. drain into the pacific Ocean or the Gulf Of California. Scale: 1 being longest river, the higher the scale number the shorter the rivers. Did you know that both reservoirs (Powell and Mead) are declining in volume, due to drought, local fresh water needs and rights and the need to spill water to run hydroelectric turbines. It is estimated that Lake Mead's water lever will drop below spillway and power generation intake levels by 2020. Once this happens, as presently configured, water will no longer have any way to spill into the lower river, even though this low-water level is over 100' above the lower river level. Hoover dam will clot the river itself which will no longer flow below the dam. This would be catastrophic. If you're under 25, time to think about this and know what we face and what needs to be done to minimize such a disaster.

    4 AnswersEarth Sciences & Geology1 decade ago
  • What was the name of the canyon behind (up stream) from the Hoover Dam?

    This canyon is now the basin of Lake Mead, the reservoir created behind Hoover dam. Why all the questions about the Upper Colorado River Storage Infrastructure? Did you know that both reservoirs (Powell and Mead) are declining in volume, due to drought, local fresh water needs and rights and the need to spill water to run hydroelectric turbines. It is estimated that Lake Mead's water lever will drop below spillway and power generation intake levels by 2020. Once this happens, as presently configured, water will no longer have any way to spill into the lower river, even though this low-water level is over 100' above the lower river level. Hoover dam will clot the river itself which will no longer flow below the dam. This would be catastrophic. If you're under 25, time to think about this and know what we face and what needs to be done to minimize the impact of such a problem.

    1 AnswerGeography1 decade ago
  • How do I make Yahoo Mail my default email client in windows, using Mozill a Firefoxa?

    I wish to disable IE and have email 'links' clicked within documents, result in the launch of Yahoo! Mail in a new tab of Firefox

    2 AnswersInternet1 decade ago