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Could my psychiatric problems be caused by an undiagnosed brain injury in the 80s?
I had a terrible accident in the 1980s when I fell off of a bicycle and fractured my jaw. They said it was as hard as being punched by a pro boxer. They did not diagnose any type of brain injury at the time, but I was never scanned or tested. Could it have gone undiagnosed all this time? Should I just skip the psychiatrist and head directly for a neuropsychiatrist?
1 AnswerPsychology9 years agoIsolating dog with hookworms.?
I found a starving puppy and he has hook worms. He was given a deworming treatment on the 8th and has a second dose due on the 12th. I have two other dogs who have been given Heartgard plus. How long should I keep this new puppy isolated from my other dogs to avoid the hookworms spreading to my two healthy dogs?
3 AnswersDogs9 years agoInvoluntary neck movement?
Over the last few years I have developed a very rare tic that causes my neck to jerk my head to my right side while my left eye does not move and it stays looking in a forward direction. It only happens once every couple of weeks. Do most people have small tics and is it something I should worry about if I have no other symptoms. Perhaps it's caused by stress? If it continues I will consult a doctor.
2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoMy Electric Meter Doesn't Work?!?
I just moved in to an apartment in January and I received my first bill which included the deposit. I didn't realize it at the time, but my usage was reported as ZERO on my first bill!
When I got my bill this month it was for $11, which really clued me in that something was wrong. I got the meter reading from February 9 and it is the same reading that the meter is reading today. ZERO USAGE! Now I had to take a close look at my bill and sure enough it read ZERO.
How is the electricity company going to handle this mistake? This is my second month here and my usage has been ZERO both times, so they can't give bill me for an average usage. I hope they don't try to blame me for fiddling with the meter because I wouldn't have a CLUE as how to do that. The meter is older than the meters for the other apartments, so maybe it's just worn out?
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoEuropean Public Restroom Manners?
What are the bathroom manners of Europeans like in restrooms with stalls? Do they just cut loose regardless of whether or not someone is in the next stall or do they patiently wait it out until everyone leaves the room like Americans?
1 AnswerEtiquette1 decade agoBurning and Itchy Palms and Soles of Feet w/No Rash related to Gallbladder?
I've been suffering for the last few months with the worst burning and itchy sensation on the palms of my hands and soles of my feet. There are no outwards symptoms of a rash and my skin is not dry. I don't know what the problem is, but I heard it may be liver related. I've recently had my gallbladder removed, so that wouldn't strike me as odd because the symptoms started after it was removed. Anyone have any experience with these symptoms after gallbladder removal? I'm going to see my doctor right away, but I'm curious, so I'm asking.
4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoPost Gallbladder -- pain while laughing????
I had my gallbladder surgery on February 28th. It's been almost 3 weeks and I still can't laugh. Everytime I laugh I have a pain near the lower incision where they pumped the air into my belly. I'd really like to laugh this type of pain normal and how long should I expect to deal with it??
4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade agoPhotographer Frank Horvath?
I found this guys work at
I've run the information written about him through a Hungarian translator, but it didn't give me much more information about the guy. I've also looked him up on Yahoo! search and can't find much more than copies of the same pictures. Does anyone know more about the mysterious Frank Horvath?
1 AnswerPhotography1 decade agoWho is a Christian pastel artist who draws live in front of an audience?
When I was young my school would often have an artist come in and draw beautiful religious scenes live in pastel with colored lights shining on the canvas for dramatic effect. Although I'm not religious I still have an appreciate for the art. It was very beautiful to see how he formed the scenes in those beautiful vibrant colors. I'm wondering if anyone knows of an artist in particular who performs like this.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat company makes peppermint candy balls that melt in your mouth...?
When I was a child my grandmother would buy cans of peppermint candy that would literally melt in your mouth upon contact. I cannot recall the name of the company, but the candy was delicious and I'd love to relive my childhood. They came in the shape of balls and the can container MAY have had hot air balloons on it. If you don't know the name of that particular candy can anyone recommend something similar? I am not looking for Red Bird Brand Peppermint Puffs...the candy I am looking for melts even quicker than the puffs made by Red Bird.
Thanks...I'm feeling a little nostalgic :)
3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoWhat is the strange mark on the lenses of my new glasses? (---)?
I just bought a new pair of glasses last week and I noticed on my lenses that there is a mark that looks like two parenthesis with a solid line in the middle. (---) It looks something like this. I've never noticed it on the lenses of previous pairs of glasses, but my mother said she noticed that her lenses have the same mark. What is the point of this mysterious mark on the lenses of our glasses?
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoGeneralizing Southerners As Racists?
I don't understand how people get away with arguing that all white Southerners are dumb racist rednecks, but it is a faux-pas to generalize people of other races. Personally, I don't generalize, but I am curious as to how people rationalize the argument that all white Southern people are ignorant racist hillbillies.
23 AnswersPolitics2 decades ago