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  • How do I customize my calorie/macro targets on myfitnesspal?

    I would like to customize to follow a different diet plan than the one they automatically create. Is there a way to do this?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • Where to get prime rib in Milwaukee?

    I was wondering if there's a place that isn't a super expensive steakhouse where I can get prime rib somewhere near the eastside of milwaukee or the northshore suburbs? The closest place I know if is like the Texas Roadhouse way out in Waukesha. There's got to be a better and closer option. Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - US Dining Out7 years ago
  • Lime Crime vs. Ka'oir vs Colored Raine lipsticks?

    I want to get a few avante garde lipstick colors, and these are the 3 brands that I've found that seem to fit the bill. I LOVE Lime Crime's black lipstick, but their other color options aren't quite what I am looking for. Ka'oir and Colored Raine both have the colors I really want. So, my question is: Which of these two brands is closest in texture, pigmentation, and quality to Lime Crime's lipsticks? They all claim to be highly pigmented and matte. I'm particularly concerned about the black lipstick. I want one that really goes on inky jet black like Lime Crime's does.

    Does anyone have experience with all three of these brands? Also, I've had a difficult time finding swatch pictures or videos online from someone with a similar complexion to me. I have a light complexion, not super duper fair, but pretty light. If you can direct me to some swatches to look at online that would be awesome too!

    4 AnswersMakeup7 years ago
  • Where to find a really opaque purple lipstick?

    So, I've been wanting a very unusual purple lipstick for a while. I want a purple that is not neon, and not pinkish. Like just purple. I thought about ordering lime crime's airborne unicorn shade, but I think it's a bit too light and a bit too pink. I tried OCC lip tar and hated it in some magenta color. So, any suggestions?

    2 AnswersMakeup7 years ago
  • How to add slides on a Prezi timeline?

    I can't figure out how to do this, or if I even can. I'm trying to make a timeline on prezi and want to include about 15 slides. The stock template has only 8. How can I add slides to include more events? I'm not good with computer stuff and don't find their instructions user friendly. Thanks!

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Suggestions for a skin care routine?

    I am 26 and have combination skin, meaning a combination of a little bit of every problem. I have a little bit of dryness, a little bit of oiliness, a little bit of sun damage, a little bit of fine lines, a little bit of breakouts, and slightly enlarged pores. My main concerns with my face are to make it look brighter, tighter, and reduce the pores. The acne and oiliness are less worrisome to me.

    Anyway, I have used a lot of products and I just have never quite found a routine that seems to truly make a difference. I'm willing to be spendy with skincare. My favorites so far have been Aveda and Clinique, but I just haven't found the right combination of products. I also like to do masks and chemical peels here and there.

    I was hoping that I could get some suggestions of specific products to use and how. Again, I am happy to consider high end products, and would actually prefer not to bother with drugstore stuff. I feel like I've already tried most of that.

    I would really appreciate if someone could even give me an example of a full morning and night skincare routine including specific products that might be helpful.


    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • Is there any good way to get berry seeds out of a smoothie?

    My typical smoothie consists of yogurt, almond milk, spinach, whatever fruit I feel like putting in, and always a good amount of frozen mixed berries. I like to make it with a thick frozen texture. I don't know if there is any possible way for me to get the berry seeds out. I've tried the gravity technique, where you let it sit in the fridge for 20 minutes. Supposedly the seeds are supposed to settle at the bottom. Mine did not, however my smoothie was starting to get melted, so I would not want to do longer than 20 minutes. I also tried to strain them out with a metal mesh strainer. The smoothie was too thick and just sat in the strainer. I don't know if there is anything else I can try or should I just live with the seeds?

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan7 years ago
  • If price weren't an issue, would you go with Bowflex Select Tech dumbbells or Powerblocks?

    Please only answer if you're familiar with the products/ brands and know their quality. I'm not sure which shape would be more practical, as the powerbocks have a blocky shape, not typical dumbbells. Both are the same price right now on amazon and both have good reviews. I don't know which I should get.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How to unclog kitchen sink with disposal and 2 basins.?

    Here is what happened: I (stupidly, I know) put squash peel down the disposal the other day. I realize no that the disposal can't handle that. I have a sink with 2 basins and a drain in each. Now, when I run water the sink in the basin with the disposal backs up. When I turn on the disposal, that basin drains, but all of the water and debris from the disposal spew up from the drain in the other basin. Then, the water takes very very long to go down. It is very close to completely clogged.

    Here is what I have tried so far with no luck: At first I tried to purge the clog out by running the disposal, and then scooping out the debris that came up on the other side of the sink. I got a lot out this way, but after doing this many times I am no longer getting much debris, and the clog has not improved. I also used draino with the drain that has the disposal in it.

    This is my question: Is there anything special I should be doing in this situation? Should I try putting draino or something similar down both sides of the sink? I'm going to be super sad if I have to call the landlord about this. They'll bill me an arm and a leg.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Thoughts on Hillman City area of Seattle?

    I am currently looking at homes in the Seattle area with my dude guy. We've been looking in the Beacon Hill/ Columbia City areas for easy commuting to downtown. We found a great house in the Hillman city area. The area seems what I call partially gentrified. Does anyone live in this area? Any thoughts on whether you see it continuing to gentrify, or get worse? I'm not in love with the higher crime stats, but I do love being in a diverse and eclectic area.

    1 AnswerSeattle8 years ago
  • Where to buy a house in the Seattle area?

    I am looking into buying a house in Seattle and am not real familiar with the city yet. I have looked into West Seattle and Shoreline so far, both are nice areas but not great for commuting downtown on public transportation, or for driving on the weekends. I'm now considering looking into neighborhoods that are near the LINK for train commuting into downtown. Beacon Hill and Columbia City look promising, but I am worried about crime and safety. What areas near the LINK would be nice? Are there particular blocks or sections of Beacon Hill or Columbia City that are good or bad?

    2 AnswersSeattle8 years ago
  • Working out with a sprained ankle?

    I sprained my ankle last Friday and was on crutches for a few days. I'm now walking on it, but barely and not easily. I've been wearing a wrap and gel splint and plan of keeping that up for at least another couple weeks. So, I normally do full body circuits when I work out. That's my thing that I like to do. I'm debating whether I should just rest up and not worry about it until my ankle heals, or if I should do upper body only workouts in the interim. It feels weird to me, but at the same time I miss the gym. What would you do in my situation?

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • Is Shoreline, WA a good place to buy a home?

    The Seattle area is very expensive. Shoreline seems like a nice area that is still close enough to commute to the city. The question is; is this area going uphill or downhill? Is it a good place to settle down?

    1 AnswerSeattle8 years ago
  • Getting rid of fleas?

    I came home from out of town and my dog came home from the sitter with a bad case of fleas. I immediately gave her a flea bath and sprayed flea spray on her bedding. I'm planning on taking her bedding to the laundromat today and spraying it down again.

    Here's the problem: I put the flea prevention drop on her just over one week ago - you're only supposed to do those once a month. I gave her a flea bath yesterday - you're only supposed to do those once per week. She clearly still has fleas now. What else can I do? I don't want her to have to suffer another week, nor do I want fleas in my home for another week! Is it safe to give her flea baths more frequently than once per week? I feel so bad for her.

    6 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • How do I delete a blog from blogspot?

    I want to delete one of my blogs from blogspot because I want to switch to tumblr. Help?

    1 AnswerGoogle8 years ago
  • What's the best styling tool for waving hair?

    I have mid length, fine hair and would like to style it wavy. I have a triple barrel waving iron (I think Revlon makes it?) and I'm finding it inadequate for the style I want. The waves come out limp, and it takes forever to do my whole head. I've seen several different styles of waving wands and irons, and I'm just wondering if anyone has some advice on which one I should try next? I'm trying to be frugal, but I will spend more for quality if it will really make a difference.

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Dressing a large wound on upper arm properly?

    I'm having my 2nd tattoo removal laser treatment next week on a tattoo that covers pretty much all of my upper arm. Last time, they gave me large absorbent dressing patches and a wrapping material to wrap my arm in. Unfortunately, it was almost impossible to use this because I just couldn't get the squares to lay properly on the area. I ended not being able to wear a dressing when I should have. I was wondering if there was a thinner wrapping material I would be able to use. I'm afraid gauze will adhere to the skin, but maybe something like that? There have to be other options out there. Is there anything available for dressing large burns? That would probably be suitable. Thanks for any help!

    2 AnswersInjuries8 years ago
  • Input from someone who has lost a lot of weight regarding excess skin...?

    I'm curious whether or not I should expect to have a lot of excess skin after weight loss. I've looked around online and seen conflicting information about what to expect. I'm female, I started out at about 240 pounds. My long term goal weight would likely be around 140-150 pounds (I'm going by body fat % rather than just weight). I'm 25 and have never had children. However, I do have fairly significant stretch marks. I'm losing weight at a steady, healthy pace. I'm eating enough fats to keep my skin healthy and I also do a lot of strength training. So, I am trying to do everything I can to help my skin - but I still don't know what to expect when I lose the weight!

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Low Carbers - Question about baking MIMs/ flaxmeal muffins?

    I would like to do a batch of a dozen MIMs in a muffin tin in the oven rather than the single serving microwave method. Does anyone know how long and at what temp I should bake them? Thanks!

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Is cold porcelain stronger than paperclay?

    I'm having issues with my paperclay and la doll clay pieces being too fragile. Any advice on cold porcelain?

    3 AnswersSculpture9 years ago