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  • I have a Cricut personal electronic cutter and I need to know how to flip my letters to make them backwards...?

    Can anyone help me with this or let me know if it can be done at all. Thanks so much in advance=)

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • what is fun to do in Dallas, TX?

    My husband, 3 year old son, and I are going to Dallas in a week for my husband's work, but my son and I are going to be able to do whatever we want all day, while my husband is at work. Any suggestions would be great. How is the zoo there? We have a membership in our town, so we can go there free. We will be there 2 weeks, so we'll have time for many activities. Thanks for any suggestions=)

    2 AnswersDallas1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know if James and Chelsia from BB9 are still together?

    If there's a web address that tells the update, can someone add the link? Thanks so much=)

    1 AnswerCelebrities1 decade ago
  • More help with economics Please...?

    Professor Thomas de Lorenzo in his article, “The Antitrust Economists' Paradox,” points out that

    (Antitrust) regulation is generally recognized as a mechanism by which special interests lobby the government to create barriers to entry or other special privileges” … further pointing out that “research has shown … that the Civil Aeronautics Board cartelized the airline industry, the Interstate Commerce Commission helped monopolize the railroad and the trucking industries, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation sharply limited entry into the banking business, and occupational licensing created entry barriers into hundreds of occupations. Much of the history of regulation chronicles monopoly privileges procured through the auspices of the state, as Adam Smith pointed out more than 200 years ago in The Wealth of Nations. Oddly, antitrust regulation is still widely viewed as government's benevolent response to the "failures" and "imperfections" of the marketplace.

    Discuss how the government is in a better position to protect “the people” from the “other people (the monarchists, the monopolists, the despots, the capitalists???)” who would otherwise take advantage of “the people? Who then is to protect us from the government people? Who are these people and how do they benefit from the “protection” afforded by regulations? Are government employees more benevolent than other people?

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • Please help me with my Economics discussion question...?

    Professor Thomas DiLorenzo discusses in his article “Do Capitalists Have Superior Bargaining Power?” labor unions and the perceived disadvantage of individual laborers in bargaining individually for wages. He argues that that is a common and incorrect perception saying:

    “All employers want to pay the lowest price possible for the things they buy, such as labor services, and get the highest prices for the things they sell … But economic reality places limits on these pipe dreams. In labor markets, competition among entrepreneurs assures that there is a close association between worker compensation and the marginal productivity of labor … Workers therefore become more valuable to employers if their marginal productivity increases, which is caused by capital investment by employers (which makes labor more productive and hence more valuable), technological improvements, which are usually the result of employer investments in research and development, and improved human capital, which is

    2 AnswersEconomics1 decade ago
  • Need some help with comparable worth questions in economics...?

    Part I: Discuss whether the “Living Wage” proponents confuse the concepts of individual worth and the worth of an individual’s labor. Consider whether you would want your economics professor to repair your car or your plumber to do your heart surgery. Think of all the people you know. Is there anyone you would not pay $0.10 to do any work for you (you might even be willing to pay them NOT to work for you).

    Part II: Discuss the role of subjective judgment in the determination of the value or worth of an individual. How often and under what circumstances does that subjective valuation change? What is (are) the best method(s) to determine that proper valuation?

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • Economics Help PLease=)?

    Part I. Identify in the US economy the best example of an oligopoly and discuss

    1) how firms in that industry determine its profit maximizing price and output quantity; and,

    2) the relative efficiency of that industry compared to a purely monopolist and purely competitive industry.

    Part II. Identify in the US economy the best example of monopolistically competitive industry and discuss

    1) how firms in that industry determine its profit maximizing price and output quantity; and,

    2) the relative efficiency of that industry compared to a purely monopolist and purely competitive industry.

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • Please help me with Economics...I'm so confused...?

    dentify in the US economy the best example of a monopoly and discuss

    1) how the monopolist in that industry determines its profit maximizing price and output quantity; and,

    2) the relative efficiency of that industry compared to a purely competitive industry.

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • I need help with an economics discussion question=) Please=)?

    This chapter introduces us to cost concepts that will be employed in the next few chapters to analyze four basic market models. A firm’s implicit and explicit costs are explained for both short‑ and long‑run periods and total-, unit-, and marginal-cost concepts are addressed. These concepts prepare you for both ‘total-revenue, total-cost” and “marginal-revenue, marginal-cost” approaches to profit maximization. The law of diminishing returns is explained as an essential concept for understanding average and marginal cost curves. Analyze the general shape of each cost curve (AFC, AVC, ATC, MC) and the relationship they bear to one another. For example, explain the differences between the average and the marginal when a class with 40 students in it has a total weight of 6,000 pounds and a100 pound jockey joins the class versus a 350 pound sumo wrestler.

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have instructions on how to make the Custom diaper wipe case that is covered in fabric?

    I have looked everywhere for these instructions. I found them on Ebay, but it costs $4.99. I just can't see paying for something I may be able to get for free. I would think that they are on the net somewhere, but I've had no luck finding them. Thanks to anyone that can help=)

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My son is starting Mother's Day out in 2 weeks. Any advice?

    My son is starting a Mother's Day out program in 2 weeks. I need all of the advice I can get. He has never stayed with anyone other than family. It will only be 2 days a week, but I stay at home with him every day. What am I going to do? I think I'm going to be more upset than he is=(

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have the recipe for the Pizza Inn's Chocolate Chip Pizza? I'd love to make it at home.?

    They've closed down all of the Pizza Inns near here and my family absolutely loves the Chocolate Chip pizza. I would be so grateful if someone could share that recipe with me. Thanks in advance=)

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago