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Happy "single" mom to a beautiful 7 year old little girl... she is my sunshine!! I've been through marriage and divorce, lost love, heartbreak, and now onto hope! I will try my best to offer my humble advice and hope that I can offer you a ray of sunshine! :) Thought for now: "About all you can do in life is be who you are. Some people will love you for you. Most will love you for what you can do for them, and some won't like you at all." ~Rita Mae Brown~ Wildflower

  • Why do others try to keep it going and what to say?

    I dated a man for a little over a year and we were both heads over heels. We're both mature. I'm divorced with a child. He lost his family in a horrible car accident years ago. Our mutual friends both said they had never seen either of us so happy and got caught up in our romance, I think. It didn't end up working out. I know he had a lot to deal with emotionally and maybe it was that, maybe it was us, maybe it was me. He just quit talking to me. One day it was wonderful, he said he loved me, I had his heart, etc.. then never another word. I know he's "ok". I've asked around to know that much. I don't like the way he did it, but it's ok. Not every relationship, even ones with a good beginning will be the forever kind.

    I understand that. I didn't say anything to anyone at first, just giving him time to deal with it. But, day by day I accepted what happened and it's now been 2 months since he has spoken to me. I'm not dating, but others have begun to ask questions with not seeing us together in so long. So many react with that I should just keep holding on, waiting for him, that he'll come back begging me for forgiveness, etc.. It's been 2 months, without a word, he's not coming back and honestly, I'm not sure I'd be able to go back to what was even if he did.

    Why do others try to keep me from accepting what has happened? What should I say or what would you say? I truly care about him, love him in fact, and have tried to reach out to him so many times.. but 2 months, no response.. don't you think it's time to move on?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Calls from school when your child is sick, which do you prefer?

    I am a teacher in elementary school. We currently have everything from strep to stomach flu running rampant at the school. Generally, all signs point to your child getting sick (paleness, laying on their desk, dark circle under the eyes, complaining of not feeling well, maybe even crying. Our school and many others will not call parents until they hit a fever over 100 or vomit. Several parents and I talked about it and agree that we would prefer to know if our child is not feeling well and for us to choose if we need to take them home or not. If a child is a hypochondriac, let the parent handle the problem of too many calls from school at home. To be honest, I don't want a child spreading what they have between the time they feel ill and actually vomit or a high fever is recorded (because often they've had a fever and just haven't been checked yet).

    So parents, what do you say? Which would you prefer?

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • When others want you to be a taxi cab...?

    How do you tactfully decline?

    I'm a teacher at the local elementary school and very involved in my daughter's activities. I not only take her to events, but attend also. These are things like girl scout outings and meetings, t-ball, after-school reading nights, community events, etc. When I attend, EVERY time I have some parent asking if I can provide transportation (to or from or both) for their child. I don't mean to be rude, but I have reasons for not wanting to transport other people's kids. I have always said no, so it's not like some think I do it for some and not others. How do I tactfully decline and why do people keep putting me on the spot?

    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • What are some ideas for handling Christmas gifts with extended families?

    How does your family handle gift giving to extended family? For example, Do you buy presents for all of your cousins' children? Or their children? How about nephews and nieces? or great nephews and nieces?

    5 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • How much should a child be told when Grandma's dying?

    My daughter is 6. This past weekend, Grandma went into the hospital. After many tests, we have been told she has an inoperable aortic aneurism that is leaking blood. The surgeon says it is inoperable due to it's size and liklihood of rupturing. He has recommended taking Grandma home. He said he cannot tell us when it will rupture, but that it is a matter of time. I have been taking my daughter to visit Grandma and make as many memories as she can. I know she knows Grandma is not well, but is of the belief that hospitals and doctors make people better. I need advice on how much I should tell her now that we know the time may be very short.

    8 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • If "the other woman" wanted to see your emails, would you share?

    A couple years ago, this guy and I hit it off, and began emailing, talking by phone, txting, etc.. we had discussed meeting and where the future may lead us. It happened over several months (6 or more? maybe). Then, one night, I got an email out of the blue from a woman demanding to know who I was... long story short, he was living with her, planning a life with her, and lying to both of us. As we each confronted him, he tried to lie his way around things, till I got sick of it and started sending everything either of us said to her with copies to him so he knew that's what I was doing. I was sick of the he said she said game he was playing. Anyway, I quit seeing / talking to him wayyy back then. I guess she kept seeing him. Today, I got an email from her saying that she would like copies of our emails from way back then. She says she's ready now to see him for who he is and needs it to heal. I've moved on, but do have the emails still with my thousands of others I never delete hehe...

    PS asking in M&D because we're all in our 30s+ and been married and divorced.

    Thanks :~)

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What do you think this could be (urinary issues)?

    My daughter, age 6, began screaming and crying in the bathroom on Jan. 6. I ran in to see what was wrong, she was telling me it hurt when she urinated. I had her stand up and saw it looked like she had poured red koolaid in the toilet. I took her straight to the emergency room. While there, they had her give them a sample of her urine, (which then looked like the bottom of a coffee pot, brown with what looked like coffee grounds). They said she had a urinary tract infection due to bacteria, gave her antibiotics, and said they would send it off for culture (but knew that's what it was), and would call me if the results were abnormal. She seemed to get better while on the antibiotics, but still had pain and other symptoms. We followed up with her doctor Jan 19, per their instructions.

    At this appt, I asked what her results from the ER had said, they said "no bacteria present". So that does not explain the UTI. Her doctor referred her for an emergency ultrasound the next morning, looking for growths (cysts, tumors) or stones. They also took another urine sample.

    The ultrasound on her kidneys / bladder showed "unremarkably normal" they said though they did note her bladder was distended (although they had her urinate during the test and took more measurements after she did... when I asked if her bladder was distended after she urinated, meaning she had not completely emptied it, the nurse said she didn't know). Her urinalysis came back with lymphocytes and trace bacteria in it.

    Last night, she was urgently needing to urinate, I saw her straining like you would with constipation and asked her what she was doing, she said that "My pee is stuck mommy, it won't come out and I really need to pee!" I had her drink water and move around ,then she could go. I called her doc and told him, I also told him of her continued complaint that it hurts to urinate.

    His nurse called back saying he has said if she has continued symptoms this weekend, to take her to the after-hours clinic and tell them he has an order on file for a blood test for arthritis, specifically rheumatoid arthritis.

    I know this is ALOT of details.. I am a worried mom with a sick little girl who is getting little help. If you have any ideas about this, please respond.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is there a relationship between UTIs and arthritis?

    My daughter (age 6) is having problems with her urinary tract. In trying to figure out what is going on, I was given a message from a nurse that my daughter's doc had said if she had more symptoms this weekend, to take her into the after-hours clinic and tell them he had an order on file for a blood test to check for arthritis (the nurse said specifically arthritis, pause, rheumatoid arthritis). Anyone know more about this?

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Would you commit suicide with your spouse, if it were legal?

    Below I will post a link to an article about a couple who were married over 50 years, she was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and he was blind and becoming more deaf. She wanted to have assisted suicide. He didn't want to live without her. So, they both went to an assisted suicide clinic and laid next to one another, held hands, and ended their lives (with their adult children present).

    What do you think? Is this acceptable? Would you do so?

    Of course all this is based on the premise that it was legally acceptable in your area.

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is there a card for this? Or other gift?

    Thank you for helping me move to my new house, and I'm sorry you fell off my deck, and broke your arm.

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • As a parent, should I be concerned?

    This is my daughter's school supply list for this year, copied and pasted from the school website....


    1 package of regular #2 pencils

    1 Box Ziploc Plastic Bags

    Boys (Gallon Size)

    Girls (Quart Size)

    2 boxes of 24 crayons

    1 bottle of white glue (Elmer's school glue)

    1 pair scissors (Fiskars recommended)

    1 box of watercolor paints

    2 boxes of washable markers

    12 glue sticks

    1 small pencil box

    1 backpack

    1 coloring or activity book

    1 LARGE box of Kleenex

    2 folders with pockets (plain, no designs)

    Please mark all items for idenification


    Anyone else notice something? LOL..

    18 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Easily removable wall paper?

    Hi, I'm new to home remodeling.. I'm wanting to wallpaper a room in a rental house for my daughter. I saw advertisements for "peel and stick" stickers and murals for her room that supposedly are easily removable and do not damage the walls or leave a residue.. is there such a thing for wall paper in general (and not just stickers)?

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Should I replace the neighbor's dog?

    Basically, the neighbor had a little puppy running loose this afternoon. I am moving into the neighborhood, and so I had someone helping me haul stuff back and forth from my old house to my new one. In the process, the neighbor's puppy was run over by my guest. I feel absolutely horrible, it happened in front of my daughter who is also heartbroken as she had been playing with the puppy on and off during the afternoon. I had tried several times to "shoo" the puppy away or to make enough noise for them to come out and get it, but being new, didn't feel it my place to knock on their door and give them their dog. The neighbor has been very understanding of what happened, but has suggested twice that the puppy cost him a hundred dollars and that he can get another from the litter for that price. To be honest, I feel it was their responsibility to keep the dog safe (in a fence, pen, leash, etc).. It was a pit bull pup and I really don't feel they, of all dogs, should be running loose and am personally not eager to have another running loose next door as we just had a 3 year old killed by one in the same town.

    What should I do? Should I give him the money for the dog? Or just leave it at a very heart felt apology?

    25 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • If children are abused by the husband and the wife allows it... should her "charges" be less than his?

    Here's a link to a story where the husband beat the wife, and children aged 5, 2, and 10 months. What isn't stated in the story is that one of the children has intentionally inflicted burns on it's feet and that the 10 month old baby has internal injuries and officials are waiting to see if he survives. The father's bond was set at $100,000, while the mother's was set at $5,000. Also, this wasn't a situation where she didn't see it coming, they've had issues with him hurting the kids in the past, so she knew that he was an abuser.

    Also, the mother did not call the police, but did call the grandma to come get the kids who called the police once she had them in a safe place and saw their injuries.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What do you think about her...?

    A friend of mine (who can be a bit of a lil' devil with a heart of gold) asked me to show her my "moves".... lol.. I've heard she does wierd things when you rub her horns... what's your take on her... what should I do?

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How to fix new neighbor issues?

    I'm moving in a new house, that has been vacant for about a month... the neighbors are doing some work on their house, and do to equipment / workers in their driveway, have gotten used to parking in mine... or part of the way in my yard.. what should I do to politely ask them to quit... lol..

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you do if a friend starts a rumor about you.. and everyone believes them?

    and I'm not saying if the rumor is true or not.. lol...

    25 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Poll: Have you ever wished you were Lois Lane?

    and ... who's hotter? Superman / Clark Kent or James Bond?

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago