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  • where can I buy a samsung SGH-F480V touch screen pen in the uk?

    Ill assume it doesnt have to be specifically for this model, just an official Samsung touch screen pen. no high st mobile store sells them, so I am looking for any web store, thanks

    3 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Is my samsung toco mobile dialling out when using it as a usb modem?

    I tested it by getting someone else to phone me, and it doesnt ring when using via usb, but when on the net on its own, it will ring fine, as it connects via 3G. My sony ericsson did not dial up via usb, so is my samsung toco really dialling out to use the net when using the usb? Im not sure what settings i can change in any browser to make sure its not dialling

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Windows crashing- according to XP device manager i need drivers, but for unknown devices?

    The drivers in device manager are for a PCI device,

    ATM NETWORK CONTROLLER, and BASE SYSTEM DEVICE. any idea what they might be for? I only have a sound card and modem installed, and they work perfectly, even with the above found in system device list turned off. I am stuck, any help would be great. Looking for drivers on disc (xp and software cds) and on the net, i cannot find anything.

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • hot water tap giving unclear water, unless on full blast?

    The tap makes a gushing sound when turned on slightly, and the water is unclear. The water turns clear when left in the glass to settle, but does that mean its safe? If i want the water to be clear, and dont want to wait for it to settle, it needs to be on full blast. Is it safe? The plumber insisted it was ok, but i am uncertain.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • The difference between sunflower oil and vegetable oil?

    If looking at one particular brand, why choose the vegetable oil over the sunflower oil? Sunflower oil IS a vegetable oil, since its made from sunflower seeds, and according to some cooking sites, is the healthier and tastier option. I am looking at a lidl vita dor brand right now, their vegetable oil is dearer, yet it states is best used for salads. Confusingly, the sunflower oil label states it is ideal for salads OR frying, yet is cheaper-surely this is just confusing the customer. Why choose the vegetable oil at all if its less healthy, used in less situations and dearer? Neither oil mentions genetically modified ingredients. Most brands are the same, having both a vegetable and sunflower option. I guess the majority of the public will not care which they use, but there seems no reason to ever use vegetable over sunflower?

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Whats modern movies do you consider may become future classics?

    list as many films as you like, or even just one- with a short reason as to why you have chosen it would be great. anything at all, from being well known to an unknown gem that you think may one day be a future classic. thanks for your suggestions.

    9 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Help with drive dvd burning problem...?

    My initial problem was a single dvd rewritable disc would not verify after burning in my vista laptop, so i thought it was a bad disc. I also tried it in my xp desktop, and no luck, so then i decided to try more rw discs as a test.. my rewritable dvd discs do not verify in nero or ashampoo burning programs at all in either system.. but yesterday they worked absolutely fine and have no scratches. Is it possible one system could be burning bad data, effectively ruining the discs? It is only with rewritable dvds, cds and cdrws burn ok and verify, so its not a drive problem in both systems. They always burn completely, but the only way i can burn ok dvd rws that verify, is by burning one or two single files and no more, any more on either system and verification will fail. I have tried reinstalling xp and its just the same after a format, so its not a program incompatibility or failing drive. There are no viruses either.

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • the new Knight Rider series with Val Kilmer... is it as bad/good as the original?

    Ive only just found out there was a new series of Knight Rider! a modern remake, that started with a 2008 movie early in the year (with the hoff making an appearance), and continuing with its first series from last september to present. ill guess its only showing on satellite tv in the uk at the moment? I remember watching the original with the hoff when I was very young.. so if youve seen that and seen the remake with val kilmer as Kitt (its true-not sure if thats a good thing), give me your verdict! Is it anything like the original, or is it just 'not the same' with someone starring that looks like he's probably straight out of Dawsons Creek? lol... :(

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Your rock review on the new Guns n' Roses album?

    Ok, so without Slash, it can never be a true GnR album- a couple reviews have been quite good (kerrang, metal hammer to be expected) and the rest stating less so (Q magazines average rating also very predictable), but what was your own verdict?

    12 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Whats would make up your selection of favourite modern rock songs?

    If you had to create a list of your favourite modern rock songs, what would you include-anything from the late 90s onwards? For any of your tracks, by including a short reason for your best choices would be great to help others find new music-the best answer will be the one with the best reasons for their own selection!

    6 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • Where to get cd cover for 2nd hand copy of album Bellefire - Spin the Wheel, bought from charity shop?

    The album is by the irish girl group Bellefire, bought from charity shop. It is called "Spin the Wheel", which came out in 2004. Since its second hand it came without the front and back covers. I cant find the cover online from the usual backup image sites using google, so am wondering if anyone has the cover that can upload it or can point me to where I can find it? thanks for any help if possible

    3 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • why does the celebrity john barrowman speak in a fake american accent when on uk tv?

    John Barrowman is a glaswegian! I know he has lived in the usa for a long time, and was well known over there, long before he appeared on tv here. I know he decided to get rid of his glaswegian accent when us tv kept making fun, but he has admitted in interviews he reverts to his normal scots accent when around family. So why keep it up on tv over here in britain, only reverting back to his glasgow accent when telling jokes (such as yesterday on paul o grady!)? This puts him across as completely fake, when overwise seems like a genuine and quite a funny character. Does he hate the business that much, is it a bad habit, or is he just trying to put across that when working on tv not to take anything too seriously? What do you think?

    6 AnswersCelebrities1 decade ago
  • How much power in watts does your electric kettle use?

    Most seem to have a wide range, with some using as much as 2000w, others a mere 20 to 50w! Can this be correct? I have noticed my computer has been switched on for hours and the meter downstairs has been reduced by a mere 2p, yet when my kettle was switched on for 2 minutes, 20p was taken off it! can this be correct?

    12 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • How long can i keep uncooked, unpeeled onions, if stored in fridge?

    Some state they can be eaten within a month, perhaps even longer, if unpeeled, although within a couple of wks they may have lost some flavor etc, but will be safe to eat? Thanks for any info if true or not

    18 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • can i talk to people on msn hotmail messenger that have and email addresses?

    I heard and are microsoft email addresses, so wondered if i can use my standard hotmail messenger program to talk to people that are using one, even if i connect to it using a hotmail address?

    thanks for any info

    3 AnswersMSN1 decade ago
  • How can I play american PS1 videogames on my uk PS2?

    I am wondering what the best software would be to use for a non chipped playstation 2, to run PS1 and PS2 games from any other country? thanks if anyone has any experience of the best software to try out

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Cheapest flight for Inverness to dublin next summer?

    If i was leaving next summer, does anyone know from experience or otherwise, how much the cheapest single or return ticket would roughly be to dublin, leaving from the highlands of scotland (Inverness)? I am using a mobile so i dont think some websites show the prices properly. Thanks

    4 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • Is dts sound better than 5.1 on the average dvd movie, if you can select either?

    5.1 is more common, dts takes up more space on your average dvd. which is best through bog standard headphones? is anything missing with either heard through normal headphones, with just left and right audible? thanks

    3 AnswersHome Theatre1 decade ago
  • How do i get rid of burnt areas on wok, what should I steep it in, and for how long?

    I added veg to my wok, high temp and nothing sticking.. great-until i added some balsamic vinegar! Wok now completely black at the bottom! a bad move? How do i get rid of it, can i save my wok (stainless steel)! Lol

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • How long can i keep vegetables unopened and still sealed, in the fridge?

    I have supermarket bought carrots, brocolli and mushrooms, still sealed and never opened (3 packs), with a best before date of 5th sep! Im wondering if they will still be ok to eat as they are still in the fridge from purchase. I think the carrots may go off first? Thanks for any info

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago