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  • i don't know what to do anymore?

    i've been working at this job for over a year now and me and my boss have became really good friends where we can trust one another on not going off and tell other people what was said between us.the other day i had a few people try to get me to turn on him by telling me he said this and and so on. when i went to tell him that today and all that he could say to me was good. all though he told me in the morning that he trusted me. when i tried getting him to tell me what was wrong it was like he dint want to tell me and when he finally did i felt bad cause there was nothing i could do to make it better for him. he's just so afraid of people trying their back on him when he ain't there and he's getting to a point where he don't care no more and he wants to give up. i tried telling him i'm not one of those people and i would never turn my back on him no matter what and i'll always be there for him. i also told him that i didn't care about the company i cared about him. what do you think i should do

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • what would you do if you were me?

    about a month ago i was offered this job by one of my friends that pays a lot more than where i'm at right now. i told my boss about it since he is one of my best friends. he told me to go ahead and go for it he wont be mad at me for trying to better myself. then last week he didn't want to lose me and he would do anything to make me happy. well every since he told me this things have been up and down. yesterday was fine and today was bad. i went over to talk to him today and he told me bye he didn't care if i took the job or not. i do care about him but with him acting up the way he has been it's just pushing me away. i don't know what to do anymore

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • i have invested in bank cd's?

    i invested in cds a few months ago and i need to get some money out od that cd. do you think they will let me get some of the money out of it?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • what would you do if you were me i really need some help with this one?

    right now i'm qorking at this place where my friend is my boss and things are great now thst we went through our bad times.i can trust him no matter what and i know that he will never turn his back on me as i do the same for him. well my rough times are over but his is getting worse to a point where he wants to walk out. i've told him no matter what he chooses to do i'm always going to be behide him. and he knowa that this is true. i told him if he walks i walk. today one of my friebds was telling about this job that pays really well and i thought about going where he is. the problem is i dont want to leave my boss friend but i also would like to make more money. what should. should i stay with my boss friend who i love and would do anything for evn though there is a chance that he'll walk out or should i go where the money is

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • what one is better for me to use?

    my ac went out on me and i was thinking about getting a wall air conditioner or a portable one. was wondering on what one was better. i live in a trailer with my cats and dogs

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • does anyone know anything about tv's with lines channel?

    i'm trying to hook up my tv and vcr. siad something about line and i dont know much about that

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • what would you do if you were me?

    been working at this job for almost six months and i meet this guy that has only been working there for a month. last week they put us together 3 times and we worked really well with one another. helping one another out when needed and everything well now i was told on friday that we weren't going to be by on another no more. you think i should go to the higher up people and tell them whats going now or just wait and see what happens. cause he wants to be by me too.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • summoned to court what happens?

    what happens to people when they get a summons saying that they have to go to court. is it just pay that bill in a length of time or something else

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • what would you do if you were me?

    i started this job over 2 months ago. i became real close friends with nick in that time. we always looked out for one another and we know that we could trust each other no matter what. well two days ago he got fired from that place for no reason. he worked there for two years and hardly ever missed. worked his butt off too. i was going to quit that day as well but i choose to stay since i need the money since i'm on my own. there's this other guy that works there as well named brian and i told him that i could get another job what would he do. he told me that if i left then he would be screwed even more than what he is now and wants me to stay there with him. the only problem is that when i work there i keep on thinking of nick. and how i cant do it without him and if i can trust brain like i did nick. what would you do if you were me stay with brain and try not to think about nick or get out of there all together

    4 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • nascar driver appearances in indy this weekend?

    was wondering on if anyone know if there was going to be any drivers showing up. i like tony stewart,greg biffle and denny hamlin. and maybe i can find carl edwards and matt kenseth somewhere

    2 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • ferret keeps on getting out of cage?

    she dont have enough punds on her yet like the other one and was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to keep her from getting between the bars on the cage

    5 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • tony stewart dirt races?

    does anyone know where he'll be racing at this summer. i know about wisconsin and got tickets for that. i also know about macon but i'll be on my way for the chicago race and was wondering if anyone else know where he might be at this summer. more in the area of ill, missouri and iowa

    8 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • what would you do if you were me?

    my mom passed away in october and now i've been fighting with the family about the house. and i wasn't putting up to much of a fight since i don't plan on being here much longer. i was only staying here for my grandpa. but now they're saying that i have to many animals and i need to get rid of them. i look at my cats dogs etc as my kids. so now i've decided to get a lawyer and fight for them. do you think that i'm doing the right thing or should i pack up my stuff and get out of here now since they're in such a big hurry to get me out of the house

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • cost of living in north carolina?

    i've been doing some thinking about moving down to Concord nc. i've been there 3 times already and i like it down there. i'm a huge nascar nut i think that it'll be the place for me. i've been looking at some house and trying to see it i can make it down there. was wondering if anyone could help out out on the other things like gas, lights water etc

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • is kurt warner still going to be playing?

    i had told my cousin that i would take him to a football game down in st.louis this year. i'm a kurt warner fan been since he was with the rams. and i heard that ge may not be coming back to the cards and was wondering if anyone else has heard anything

    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • tony stewart racing in chicago?

    i'm going to the chicago race this year and i was only going to go to the saturday since i didn't know if tony was going to racing in the busch series. i seen that he did for the daytona and was wondering if anyone know how i could find out that he was going to be racing up there for the busch series or not

    3 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago
  • what all movies has robert pattinson been in?

    other than twilight and harry potter. what all has he played in. cousin is a huge fan and i'm trying to find her some movies with him in it

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • got a coulpe of question for ya regrading my life?

    my mom just past away about three weeks ago. and now i'm on my own the family wants me to sell the house now even though i have no where to go. they want me to get a smaller place and for me to get rid of some of my animals. i've been thinking about getting another part time job since the job i'm at now does pay pretty good. also one of my friends just got into a bad car accident that same week. erik krekel i don't know if any of ya heard of him or not. and i would like to do something for him. do you guys have any ideas on what i can do for him.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • going down to north carolina for the race next week and was wondering?

    what else there was for me to do. i'm going to be down there through the 8-13. huge nascar fan. i know about all the shops been there several times and is going back again. was wondering about zoos and horse back riding and maybe some more info on the dale trail or driver appearances while i was down there

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • does any know if tony stewart is?

    i'm going to be going down for the Lowe's race this october and was wondering if anyone know if they were going to be having the fan fest while i was down there. or if tony was going to be making any other appearances

    5 AnswersNASCAR1 decade ago