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Lv 44,778 points

Thomas C

Favorite Answers18%
  • After that show the writers need to be fired. Agreed?

    Once again tonight was, "what the boss's son-in-law wants the boss's son-in-law gets." They not only killed the momentum of their best wrestler going into the show in Randy Orton, but they shot it, stabbed it, impaled it, burned it, then urinated on the ashes. I can't believe that dropped the ball on that one. They needed a McMahon to betray Triple H and they didn't. They didn't even have Stephanie or Legacy come out at all! What was that about! Who thought up that?! What the heck are they thinking?!

    Then we have Punk wining again! Did the WWE NOT hear the the "Christian" chants the entire time?! Then they didn't even broadcast the tag match, which I was really looking forward to. Then, to make matters worse, they gave it to the undeserving team.

    The only good matches were the Hardy's match and Undertaker-vs.-Shawn Michaels and that's it. I feel robbed. I feel sick that I looked forward to today, that I actually BELIEVED Triple H would let Orton win, That I actually believed this would be one of the best Wrestlemania's I've ever seen. Really...what's the point in watching Raw tomorrow? They killed any good hype they might have gotten.

    14 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Finally a Randy Orton-vs.-Triple H match I know will be a classic. Agreed?

    If anyone has read my questions before you would know I'm not a fan of Triple H. Not the character Triple H, but more along the lines of the man Paul Levesque. I didn't want him back on Raw because with him out of Raw lets the other wrestlers have opportunity for the main event. That being said, if you would have asked me early yesterday if I would want another Orton-vs.-Triple H match I would have given you a resounding no. Then I thought about the storyline between Randy Orton and the McMahon's and how when it all started I could easily see Triple H getting involved. Naturally at that point I would have rather seen Orton-vs.-Cena again but then I thought about it more and how the WWE has laid a perfect plan. Here it is:

    1.)Triple H takes out Orton. The teacher once again foils the student.

    2.) Triple H gets drafted to Smackdown effectively crushing any attempt of revenge on Orton's part.

    3.) Orton returns! But it's not the cocky Randy Orton that came back. No, this is a dangerous viper who has only one thing on his mind. Destruction. Finally all that Triple H taught Randy Orton has come to pass. The student is ready to surpass the teacher.

    4.) Orton goes about picking apart all those close to his former mentor. His good friend Dave Batista, his father-in-law Vince McMahon, and his brother-in-law Shane McMahon. Orton saved the best for last. He went for someone that Orton KNEW would get to Triple H. Someone dearest to Hunter's heart. His wife Stephanie.

    5.) Now the Legend Killer is poised to take over his mentors spot as the big man in the WWE and the only one standing in his way is the man who helped the Viper become who he is today. Triple H.

    Triple H, your the next legend that Randy Orton will kill.

    10 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Orton won't go to Smackdown. Do you know why?

    Because he's the leader of The Legacy and the top guy in the WWE. It would be an absolute abortion to put Orton in the B-show when nobody is better than Randy Orton now. If Edge somehow manages to do this it will be Orton-vs.-Edge at Wrestlemania 25 which would be something nobody expected but I would look forward to.

    8 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Not again? Why is it always Triple H?

    I may not like Triple H, personally I think he's a clubhouse cancer, but I respect what he has done. But enough is enough! Come on Paul, let the younger stars get their shot!

    If you don't know Triple H was once again pushing to be in a Title match at Wrestlemania, and of course he got it. When is enough enough? Somebody tell me.

    15 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why would Vince disrespect Christian like that and put him on ECW?

    Christian is just as good as his "brother" (real-life best friend) Edge and yet here he is on the pee-wee league of the WWE. Then they put Natalya and TJ Wilson (who have been dating forever) on ECW. They're the Harts (TJ was adopted into the family)! They are THE FAMILY of wrestling. How could Vince be that retarded by putting them in lowly ECW. Christian should be battling for the WWE Title and Natalya should be going after the Women's Championship. This is bullcrap.

    17 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Anyone else agree that the ending segment was not Orton's fault?

    Seriously. He did everything right in the ending segment. His promo was great, his actions and emotions were spot on, he sold every single one of Shane's "punches," and he made himself look vulnerable. Randy Orton did everything he could to make the ending segment great...and it was until Shane came out. Anyone else agree?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Does Shane need to work on his fake punches and fighting?

    Seriously. Those were really weak and Orton had to sell that. I mean come on Shane, this is Orton's ascent into being the big man in the WWE and it's happening with this whole storyline leading up to his World Title match at Wrestlemania and you aren't selling it enough. Anybody else agree?

    By the way, I'm now positive that Stephanie McMahon wanted Randy to punt Vince and when Randy faces Shane at No Way Out she WILL betray her family. Oh, and that was an awesome promo by Orton.

    8 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Has Randy Orton just become the Steve Austin of this era in the WWE?

    Originally, Randy Orton was brought in to fill the void The Rock left. In fact, Triple H wanted Randy Orton to be the next Rock. But the longer Orton was in the more the plan fell and something nobody expected happened; Orton isn't becoming the new Rock, he's becoming the new Stone Cold Steve Austin.

    Sure there are differences. Randy Orton's style of wrestling is three-fold (technical, strength, and shoot wrestling), while Steve Austin was an all-out brawler. Randy Orton is attacks before he speaks while Steve Austin was known to be the guy who would bark and then bite. Randy Orton doesn't rely on the crowd as much while Austin fed off of it. But with all of these there are a lot of similarities. Both superstars finishing moves are devastating cutting finishers (Randy Orton: RKO, Steve Austin: Stunner). Both superstars have been given the nickname of certain kinds of snakes (Randy Orton: Viper, Steve Austin: Rattlesnake). Both superstars don't take authority well. Both superstars would much rather punch you in the mouth then look at you. Both superstars have blatant disregard for the rules. Both superstars have a presence about them that causes the other superstars to take notice, be fearful, and to watch there backs. Both superstars gained credibility through actions and hard work rather than sucking up to the crowd. I can go on forever but I think I've made my point.

    What does this mean? It means that Randy Orton is not just becoming a Legend himself but an Icon. Randy Orton is going to represent those of us who don't want to cheer for the crowd pleasing babyfaces. Randy Orton is becoming what Steve Austin once was; the top dog in the WWE. Who else agrees?

    14 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Any other Colts fans besides me happy that Edgerrin James is going to the Super Bowl?

    I am. As a Hoosier native who was raised to be a Colts fan (they moved here when I was one) and one who was there for all of Edge's season's played in Indianapolis (which he should have his jersey retired in) I am happy to see one of the men who made the Colts the winning franchise they are today go to the Super Bowl. I hope he gets his ring that the other two triplets (Peyton and Marvin) have. Anybody else agree?

    2 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Will the constant promoting of Triple H ever end?

    Seriously, they do almost as much to push him as they do Cena. Couldn't they spend that time to promote some of the younger Smackdown stars? Is Triple H that egotistical? It's obvious he is and if he was honest with himself he would admit that no matter how many titles he wins he will never be Bret Hart, The Rock, Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, The Undertaker, Sting, or Ric Flair. Anyone else agree?

    14 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Do John Morrison and The Miz remind you of Edge and Christian back in the day?

    Think about it. Both tag teams were/are heels but ones that everybody enjoys. Both tag teams were/are absolutely hilarious in their promos. Both tag teams are very talented. While John Morrison and The Miz have a long way to go before they are where Edge and Christian Cage are, but right now they are just as effective of a tag team as Edge and Christian Cage were back in the late 90's and early 2000's.

    Here is a clip of old Edge and Christian bits:

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why is Michelle McCool stealing AJ Styles move?

    Seriously, can't she get another one? AJ made that signature move famous and she's botching it up. Here's AJ's:

    11 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • What is the WWE doing with The Legacy (see details)?

    I just don't get it. Randy Orton NEEDS to be the leader of this group to give it credibility and for it to have a World Champion and yet they keep having him lose. They keep dropping members like flies until now there are only two, and you know Cody's probably going to get kicked on next week. What's the point? Why have Orton kick others out and have him lose in his match? Why not try to make the stable as strong as possible? This stable has so much potential and the WWE is screwing it up! They could have Randy Orton as the World Heavyweight Champion, Ted DiBiase as Intercontinental Champion, Cody Rhodes and Sim Snuka as Tag Champions, and more to establish what everybody, EVERYBODY (fans, media, and other wrestlers) want to see! We want another NWO. We want another Four Horsemen. We want another Hart Foundation. We want another Evolution. But no! They're too worried about promoting Cena's match that they crap all over a goldmine! Anyone else agree?

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Is the WWE ever going to give The Legacy their own theme song?

    Seriously. I like Randy Orton's song but it's his, and every stable ever in pro wrestling history has had their own theme song for their group; except The Legacy. I don't know what song they should use (if you have ideas go ahead and post possible songs) but I know it should be rock, or more preferably heavy metal since that is Randy Orton's favorite music and it is his group. What do you think?

    7 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • When Christian Cage comes back to the WWE which of these (see details) would you rather see?

    1. Theme Music (both are the same song but different):

    A.) TNA Song:

    B.) WWE Last Song:

    C.) Mix of Both:

    2. Nickname:

    A.) The Instant Classic

    B.) Captain Charisma

    C.) C-Squared

    3. WWE Roster:

    A.) Raw

    B.) Smackdown

    C.) ECW

    4. Character's Attitude:

    A.) Face

    B.) Heel

    C.) Undecided

    5. Sided With Edge or Against:

    A.) With

    B.) Against

    C.) Undecided

    Here are my picks:

    1. C

    2. A

    3. B

    4. B

    5. A

    6 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who else thinks Randy Orton will win the Royal Rumble and John Morrison will win the MITB?

    Randy Orton is the best pick to win. He's getting more and more over with the crowd and if you ask any pro wrestler (like Bret Hart) they say Orton is a legend in the making. Besides, Cena needs a strong opponent at Wrestlemania 25 and right now there is nobody better than Randy Orton at pro wrestling.

    I think it's time for John Morrison to get his push. Before his problem was that he really had no personality but now he does. You listen to J.R. and others and they keep calling him the next Shawn Michaels so I think it's time to put him into the main event spot.

    Anyone else agree?

    9 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • So now that JBL got the spot who else think Randy Orton will win the Royal Rumble?

    Seriously, they've been building Orton up since he returned and since Botchtista is gone you know the best challenger for Cena is Orton. Did you hear the crowd cheer for Orton? He is so over right now it would be idiotic for the WWE not to give him the Royal Rumble win. I can see what the WWE is doing with JBL and Shawn Michaels. Shawn is going to somehow cost JBL the title and kick start their rivalry. Christian Cage winning the Rumble would make no sense since they need to build on him being in the Title bout and they can't do that without him already being in. Cena, Jeff Hardy, Edge, JBL, Shawn Michaels, and Matt Hardy are obviously out since they are no doubt going to be in Title matches. The only one I see as competition is Triple H and I don't think he has the build plus most people (myself included) are tired of how many title bouts Triple H is in. That leaves Randy Orton, and he's a good pick to win the Royal Rumble.

    14 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Anyone else see Randy Orton as World Heavyweight Champion soon?

    I do. Think about it; all good heel stables leader's have been champions at the time of the stables peak. Here are some examples:

    1.) Bret Hart: Leader of The Hart Foundation = WWF Champion

    2.) Hollywood Hulk Hogan: Leader of NWO = WCW Champion

    3.) Triple H: Leader of Evolution = World Heavyweight Champion

    4.) Ric Flair: Leader of the Four Horseman (yes they were heal once) = WCW Champion

    You get my point. Anyways, it's the best thing for Raw right now because it will not only push Randy Orton as the top heel but the WWE can have Cena play the kind of role Sting played against the NWO (although for my part I want Orton to crush Cena). It pushes both wrestlers, the rest of The Legacy group, and the WWE more into the spotlight. What do you think?

    13 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Is Raw on next week or not?

    I'm not really sure if their going to have the week off or, since it's Monday and Christmas is Thursday, they will have Raw on next Monday. Anybody know?

    3 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Who else think it was incredibly stupid of the WWE to have Botchtista beat Orton?

    It was supposed to be a match to prove who was the better pro wrestler and anyone with any sort of knowledge of pro wrestling knows Botchtista has ZERO talent and isn't even in the same state when it comes to wrestling level compared to Randy Orton. Also the WWE totally just crushed The Legacy's momentum, not to mention it would be the perfect time to bring back DiBiase and cost Botchtista the match (and no that would be an incredibly stupid idea for the WWE to have DiBiase go against Orton now since he has no hype or big wins under his belt to make a rivalry with Orton credible). The WWE had a good PPV but screwed it up royally by have the whinny crybaby that is Botchtista win. Randy Orton is the best thing the WWE has going for them and it's time they start realizing it.

    9 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago