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Grouchy older male, majors in Math, Electronics, Music, Education, and Chemistry. Most work in Radio Broadcasting Engineering, with some teaching on the side. Hold FCC license. I have cats as pets, and live in the country in south central Montana in a partially earth-sheltered home. Enjoy good discussions with people who know their subject, or who really want my opinions. I have many!! Also like wordplay. Favorite artist is M. C. Escher...that should say a lot!! Favorite composer currently is Orff. Currently reading books by Ben Bova and Jerry Pournelle on where we could have been with political statesmen who could see potentials rather than politicians who only saw 2 years into the future, and did not want to risk immediate popularity to plan for mankind's long-range future.

  • how big can i expect my 7 month old 1/4 lab and 3/4 pit-bull puppy to get?

    how much bigger is he gonna get??? he is barely 7 months and already up to my knees!!! he is approx. 55lbs. has both traits of lab and pit in any expression he makes or gesture. he is all black with one white toe lol :) i haven't been able to take him to a vet just yet, we have had him almost a month.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Mrs. Clinton broke down in tears in NH, and then won after.?

    Suppose she is elected, and speaks before the UN, and breaks down in tears when she does not get a good reception, perhaps booed.. How would that affect the US image worldwide?

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Does anybody else think Ms Clintons crying jag was choreographed to get sympathy votes in New Hampshire?

    It seems when she was polled as behind, she suddenly got this public "breakdown" on camera, and many women felt sorry and voted for her in support, and she suddenly was cured and her old self again.

    But it is something no man could carry off, but a woman, hoping to appeal to women, and to some men, easily could. Especially if she was a good actress. Most of us sympathize with a "poor woman in distress"; instinctive to humans.

    What say ye?

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is calling an illegal alien an "undocumented immigrant" like calling a drug dealer an Unlicensed Pharmacist?

    Thought for the day:: Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant'

    is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'!

    Should not those proposing Amnesty also include such crimes as drug dealing, as in the quip above? And those who steal your identity and run up bills in your name as "Resource Reallocation Assistants"? Murderers as "Population Control Operatives"?

    Why do we allow semantics to cover over those crimes that benefit those of certain political persuasions or with warped overall value systems.

    I seriously doubt it is true sympathy, but willing to listen to how it is explained, by someone believing such seriously. Or how you can justify one and not the other.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Who is delaying peace and prosperity in Gaza? And what should the US do?

    It seems that the Gaza Strip leaders will not allow its people to live in peace, but have to keep lobbing rockets into Israel.

    Israel took a big chance in a move toward peace by giving this land back, and what does it get? More and more attacks from close range. Just as was feared.

    Now that the civilians are being hurt; should the US stand idly by? Should we bleed Israel for being nice, taking a chance, and finding out it did not work, that HAMAS is more belligerent than before...give them an inch and they try for a mile?

    Should we help Israel to wipe out the HAMAS forces so they cannot disturb the peace that Israel hoped the concession would bring?

    Should we force Israel to give the Gaza people, including HAMAS, all the supplies they desire, and allow them to continue the semi-guided rocket attacks on civilians as well as military targets.

    Should they stop checking for suicide bombers?

    Curious what the thoughts are out there.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Does the melting out of old stumps in Greenland prove man-made global warming today?

    I saw on another comment forum a guy who said he saw on TV some old stumps in Greenland, dated 7000 years go, just melting through the ice.

    He said this was shown to prove global warming is so bad all the old ice is going also.

    Now, I am wrong to say that this really proves a natural global warming ending 7000 years ago with the trees of an ancient forest killed by the cold, and thus showing natural global warming even farther back, far enough before that a large forest had time to become established and grow up...a natural warm cycle warmer and longer than the present?

    Does this mean that the present cycle is man-made, as he claimed, and was not refuted, or does it mean what we have now is something that has happened before, and probably more so, since it was warm enough long enough to grow large trees in forest. Means the ice had to be gone, pretty much, for a forest to grow. And since it is only beginning to melt out, probably was hotter than now when it was growing.

    3 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Minorities need help, don't you think? What about these?


    We need to show more sympathy for these people.

    * They travel miles in the heat.

    * They risk their lives crossing a border.

    * They don't get paid enough wages.

    * They do jobs that others won't do or are afraid to do.

    * They live in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language.

    * They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day every day.

    I'm not talking about illegal Mexicans;

    I'm talking about our troops!

    Doesn't it seem strange that many Democrats and Republicans are willing to lavish all kinds of social benefits on illegals, but don't support our troops and are now threatening to defund them?

    What do you think??

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Oil is up!! Why do we not use our own?

    Talking with oil field workers in the West; they say we have 300 years of oil available all drilled and proven, and then sealed by orders of Congress. We could stop importing and go on our own, and should save lots of money. Who is blocking this, and how much money do they expect to make by making the citizens pay through the nose and enrich the rest of the world.

    Should we not be using our own oil internally at a price that allows our country to grow?

    Makes me to wonder whose side our government is on? Enrich our enemies while hurting our own citizens?

    Anybody got a better explanation?

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Hard to find a section that applies. What about all the wasted meat over a small bit of e.coli?

    I hear of millions of pounds of ground beef (why ONLY the ground beef??) that are destroyed, over a very few cases of e.coli infection from people who do not cook their meat.

    Why cannot this meat be made into burgers, cooked commercially to the proper temperature to kill all e.coli, and then donated to feed the poor and needy?

    Surely there is a better way than to waste it all to protect a few folks who are not knowledgeable to cook their meat to at least the minimum temperature to kill the e-coli?

    Is it really overall cheaper and better to waste the meat, pollute the world more, and leave people hungry who would love a well-done hamburger or two across the country?

    Remember, cooking well-done destroys all the e.coli.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are the Democratic Leaders really planning to bankrupt the rich to make the illegals affluent citizens?

    I received the following from a friend. Does anyone have evidence this is fabrication?

    Nancy Pelosi:

    "We democrats are going to address this issue after the election when we take control of the congress. We will return to the 60% to 80% tax rates on the rich and we will be able to take at least 30% of all current lower income tax-payers off the rolls and increase government income substantially. We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest."

    "We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long ways to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as 'Americans'."

    Should we start with Congress's high salaries, bennies, and investments?

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Are we missing the clues of the immanence of the next ice age chasing Global Warming scares?

    I was reading a new article in the national news postings on the melting of the North polar icecap, and they had a chart looking down on the north pole showing the losses of ice, the opening of the Northwest Passage, and decrying it and saying we needed to do more cooling, the usual panic attacks.

    Suddenly, I said I have seen these very same pictures before, and in thinking, realized that a very old, 40-60 years ago, Scientific American Magazine, a very reputable magazine of good science, had essentially the very same pictures, even to the asymmetry of the melting, and the thrust of the article was that this was the indication that the next period of glaciation was about to begin.

    Gist was, the sea opened up, higher water levels caused more warming, evaporation caused snows over the colder land, snows cooled the world by reflection, became glaciers, and the cycle started again.

    Did Scientific American Magazine publish false science back then, or are we missing something right now?

    6 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • NASA and the Goverment hold out on our safety every day? What do you think?


    NASA is sending down the drain a very expensive study, total erasure and gag orders, that raised some questions about air safety, because it might scare people and reduce the value of the airline stock owned by our congressmen and women?

    Is this what we pay NASA to do? Hide data that might offend Congress people in their pocket books?

    Are we going to do anything about it? Or bury our heads in the sand and hope nothing falls on us personally?

    Have you written your Congresspeople on the waste of funds and withholding of information you and I have paid for? Or do you feel it is better that we never know what they found out that was so scary? Halloween and all comming up!

    8 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Social Security and Illegals with duplicated numbers?

    I have read that Illegal Aliens are being issued Social Security numbers that often duplicate existing citizen's numbers. I also hear that there is great pressure to simply make Illegals legal as they are.

    What happens when "Juan" is made legal, and he has MY Social Security number? Does he then have rights to all my Social Security payments for him to retire on and get benefits on?

    I have understood that the government WILL NOT not even check for duplicates, since it might catch a lot of Illegals that way in a crime, and have to deport them. And my Congressman told me that searching the SS data banks was physically impossible. He had been told that by SS people!

    Now I know about any 2-year graduate of an IT course can set up data bank searches for duplicates in flash!

    I have also heard that Congress makes billions of "free" money off the Illegal's "contributions" on the duplicated numbers, money I will not see.

    Does this seem right and proper to everybody but me? Or not?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • I read there is a nominal 800-year lag between a global warmup and the release of CO2 from the oceans.?

    My question is this. We had the MWP, about 800 years ago, plus/minus, a good global warmup, even melting the Greenland icecap to a significant extent.

    I have yet to see anything published on what part of the reported vast and sudden buildup of CO2 is the delayed CO2 from the MWP, and how much longer this delayed CO2 is expected to continue to come up out of the oceans.

    Is there anybody who will comment on this, and maybe cite scientific proofs that a significant part of our present CO2 buildup is or is not related to the delayed CO2 release from the MWP, and therefore is not under man's control at all?

    Or a proof that the MWP warming is the one that did NOT release CO2, delayed by hundreds of years, like every other one has in the history of many global warming/cooling cycles?

    Anyone care to tackle this, with some reliable citations? And traceable papers? And the President of GM is not in my mind a reliable scientist!

    8 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • I was seeing vast fields of cattle as I drove recently, and something came to mind.?

    Down around Logan, Utah, there are huge cattle farms, and the methane pollution gets so bad driving has to be restricted. Saw the road signs on a visit there.

    Methane from cattle is a Greenhouse Gas, but I never seem to hear about it, to speak of. Computer models all say CO2, CO2 CO2...never figure in what all the herds of cattle worldwide are doing not only producing CO2 as they breathe, but adding very large quantities of Methane, enough in some places to apparently cause visible smogs.

    So, GW folks? Are so many cattle a problem, or not? What does the computer say? And what do scientists who deal with ALL the possible global warming gases say?

    And has anybody added in all the methane lost in oil wells, and unburned in the vast flare-offs going on now?

    Just curious, since it is supposedly a potent "greenhouse" gas, and yet I never hear of the computers figuring anything but about CO2. Wonder why?? Do I have a real beef?

    14 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • New info seems to contradict what others have said. Wonder who is right and if more will be "discovered"?

    Just reading today that the newest data fed to the newest model suddenly says "Global Warming: will be slower than expected". Second time the computer programs have had to be changed and more real data considered, and each time Global Warming takes a hit...deferred, they say, can't be wrong, just deferred...the COMPUTER SAYS SO!!

    How long will this keep happening, GW converts?

    Second issue is the natural Gas Flaring. I have been told on here it was all under control, no more flaring off, and now the satellite pictures show massive flaring, releasing "greenhouse" gases in great quantity. Natural gas flaring is not necessary, just seems to be an easy and cheap way of disposing of this resource.

    So who is right? Satellite pictures, or what the countries claim, and what those who build "recovery plants" claim? I sense that one of them must not be telling the whole truth!

    So, how do we take care of this massive waste of resources and source of vast amounts of "Greenhouse " gases?

    9 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Why do we not hear the Global Warming folks chastising the Saudis for flaring off so much Methane?

    I read somewhere that the Saudi flares burning off natural gas from their wells is the brightest single light on the planet. Must be lots and lots of CO2 and H2O generated by such a massive set of flames.

    Yet I never hear a peep about this waste of energy and source of "Greenhouse Gases".

    Many winters I hear of folks in the USA freezing because of insufficient supplies of Natural Gas for heating, yet we do not bring it over in liquid form so we have sufficient to keep our population warm at times. Or are our leaders counting on Global Warming to eliminate the need for heating?

    When a natural resource is being wasted, and "polluting" the atmosphere, where are the protests from the Climatologists, the Ecologists, and the Global Warming warning preachers? Does money talk that loudly to them?

    And why does the UN Consensus not hit terrorists who release gases too?

    Maybe we need a televised concert thrown downwind of the flared-off gas? Save money on lighting, especially at night!

    12 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Just read the news of a Green Greenland. Man apparently survived a warmup that melted ALL of Greenland?

    My question is how? I note that the estimates put this large climate warming peak back about 1-3 ice ages ago.

    Does anybody know HOW we ever survived such an intense warming period? Without the Consensus telling us what we had to do or die? Without Carbon Credits to large companies to bulldoze the jungles to save us? Without computers charting our way based on simplified data and guesstimates in programming?

    Do you suppose we could get more of value by promoting the researches of the groups involved as to what happened and how man survived?

    Seems from the report that Greenland was forested then and the Vikings only 1000 years ago raised vegetables in Greenland. Yet I have been told that the soils to be exposed by warming now are sterile and unusable.

    Or is it just simply not possible that we can survive this one without giving up our freedoms to certain politicians and our money to selected big international industries?

    5 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • IF Global Warming is in fact as bad as stated by the Consensus, why are we not:?

    1. Starting building inland cities above the ocean rise predicted and out of hurricane's ways that are of all new ecologically and aesthetically sound design, and move everybody from the old cities to the new, and abandon the old unsound and ugly and pollution-filled cities of now? Can be demolished for parts, or just kept as monuments to bad taste!

    2. Have the plans drawn up for utilizing the newly-uncovered land as fast as the ice melts, for agriculture to feed the hungry, and clean new recreation for those who need such. The Vikings didn't wait!!

    3. Put the push on to realize the plans of power from space, so we have all the clean power we need. We have the technology but are not using it. Ludditism infecting the Global Warmers?

    4. I hear of the population increases; why are we not preparing to move the excess people to the moon, or L4 and L5 colonies, to ease the crunch on the earth?

    COULD IT BE the Global Warmers do not actually want everybody to have a better life?

    19 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago
  • Where the rubber meets the road. I do all that is recommended to reduce all pollution.?

    In fact, everybody in the USA buys a new hybrid car and junks the old one, covers their roof with solar panels and collectors and fills their basement with batteries, grows their own garden and has a cow for meat and milk...methane comes only from large operations, I saw. Insulates to R85, uses only Ethanol in motors. And all the rest.

    OK:1. I'd like to see what the CO2 and Temperature curves do after WE do all this. 2. I'd like to have a real estimate of what it takes outta my pocket if I do this all tomorrow, 3. I'd like to know the payback time for me when everybody does this. Even Al Gore. When do I break even on my investment, including the interest charges, etc. and increases in taxes for all the new stuff and improvements.

    I kinda estimate the payback is not within my lifetime, the cost at about $250,000, and my taxes would go up 300% on the property and 1000% on the vehicle.

    Anybody have better figures? And know what all of the US changing would do the GW spec?

    4 AnswersGlobal Warming1 decade ago