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  • Does anyone know the name of this old war movie?

    The movie I am trying to remember is about a World War I destroyer which is put back into service after Pearl Harbor for convoy duty and sinks a Japanese battleship.

    Does anyone remember this?.

    2 AnswersMovies9 years ago
  • Why would Christ's message of love stir up so much anger with atheists?

    Why would you be opposed to a message like this? It is a message of universal peace and brotherhood. Forget about the distortions made to the message by man, or the emphasis on words over meaning made by others. Would you be willing to help others? Are you willing to give up a big screen TV so a child in another country can be fed decent meals or drink clean water? What are you willing to do rather than just criticize those who are at least trying?

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is it that if we teach our children how to read we are "teaching" them but, if we teach them to pray...?

    many atheists claim we are "indoctrinating" them? If you teach your children or bring your children up to believe that there is no God, aren't you indoctrinating your children in the same way?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians: From the Christian answers on R&S have you picked up any new insights into your own faith?

    Has anyone's replies given you a new way of looking at things or deepened your faith?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do atheists have a mind of their own or do they always just agree with what another atheist says?

    Why is it that it seems that every atheist response, no matter how silly, always gets thumbs up from other atheists? Why is it that I always see responses like one just a little earlier "I like that argument, I am going to use it." indicating that the person hasn't given any true thought to his own position and has to rely on others to tell him what to think and say? How could ANY logical person possibly put a reply as earlier say the "ten reasons 'I' do not believe in God", and then COPY AND PASTE the ten reasons "they" do not believe FROM ANOTHER WEB SITE?? And yet you claim to have logic on your side??

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is almost all of the continuing evil in the world because of atheism and/or agnosticism?

    Certainly every faith has extremists who do evil because they feel their "faith" dictates it. These type of people are responsible for things like the attack on the World Trade Center and bombings. These incidents are somewhat isolated, and not the evil of which I speak. The true deep ongoing evil in the world is from those who use other people for gain from the drug dealers all the way up to the corporations that virtually enslave poorer nations and destroy the earth's eco-structure for personal gain. It is this evil which has caused wars, starvation, the spread of disease, outright murder and genocide, etc. etc.

    Almost every faith has as its core the order of love of fellow man. Obviously if supposed adherents to that faith continue to violate the order of love, they are not living by the teachings of that faith. They, in fact, are spitting in the eye of God. They therefore are not Christians, or whatever faith they profess, they are in reality either agnostics or atheists. As a result, while all atheists or agnostics are not immoral, all those who do these evils are atheists or agnostics. How could anyone of these groups feel in anyway "morally superior" (as some atheists on these boards have called themselves) to those who are at least trying to undo the evil of the world?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which is a more "logical" way of life?

    If you accept the atheist philosophy ultimately, from your perspective, you are the most important being on earth (with perhaps the exception of a loved spouse or child). Your judgments therefore are slanted towards what is the best for you. Unfortunately it is this perspective that has lead to the greed and graft which has lead to the virtual enslavement of poorer peoples, the pollution of the rivers, lakes, oceans and ever aquifers, wars, hunger, disease, etc., etc., etc. Improper construction because someone wanted a few cents extra profit is what led to the Gulf oil spill. It is not by accident, nor is it too far of a mistake that militant Muslims refer to the United States as "the great Satan", not so much I think because of the government (except to the extent that the government supports these businesses) but rather the corrupt corporations that place profits above the people.

    True faith on the other hand is the ONLY bulwark against this corruption. When I say "true faith" I do not mean the hypocrites who go to Church every Sunday and then abuse people on Monday. Faith alone tells people that love of others rather than control of others is the proper way for us to live. Faith tells us we must conquer evil by doing good. No matter how huge the boulder in front of us we have to continue to chip away at it, even if all we have is our bare hands and a stick.

    So, which is actually the more logical way of life?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would you agree that if everyone lived according to the message of love...?

    ... taught by Christ (whether you actually believed in Him or not) that the world would be a MUCH better place? If so, what is stopping us?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What does this say about life after death?

    I posted this as a response to a question, but curious how people would fit this into their own personal religious philosophy. This is not made up... this happened. I know that none of the atheists of the group will believe this, but this is the truth.

    When I was a sophomore in high school I usually would come home to an empty house, both parents working and brothers involved with after-school stuff. I started to hear distinct walking up stairs... I could follow it back and forth along the corridor. I went up to investigate... the walking stopped as soon as I stepped on the top landing. I searched everywhere and found nothing. When I came back down I heard the walking again. This went on for almost two weeks, and I thought I was going crazy. One day when I came home my mother was there, ironing in the hall. I heard the walking, but my mother was just pleasantly humming to herself. She obviously didn't hear it so, convinced I was just imagining it, I sat down in the next room and watched TV. I could not hear the tv... all I heard was the walking. Finally I asked my mom if she heard anything. Her response was "YES!!! GO UP AND SEE WHO IS THERE!!!" Again I went up, again it stopped and started when I came back down. Finally I went up with a crucifix in hand and said aloud "In the name of Jesus Christ I order you to leave and never return." The walking stopped and was never heard again. There is absolutely no exaggeration in this.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Newly Born... are you really that moronic?

    I am pasteing one of your replies:


    Christianity is a sick primitive religious fetish that still manages to blend into our modern society using ONLY the marketable stories in the Bible, but not the real ugly ones! The Bible writers say that the GOD that they put together FORCED the Jews to eat their own children for dinner NOT AS A PUNISHMENT, but as a natural “WILL OF GOD!” God NEVER objected any cannibalism. In fact, God never issued any law against cannibalism. God Jehovah/Jesus/Trinity or what have you is on record forcing his especially “chosen” people to slaughter and cook their own children for dinner! The Bible God prohibits the Jews to eat PIGS, but NOT CHILDREN! There is a complaint about sacrificing children to God Moloch, but NOT TO THE BIBLE GOD! Today, Abraham would be in jail for the attempted murder of his son Isaac, and Jephthah would be on death row for having his own young virgin daughter sacrificed on the Altar of The LORD (Judges 11), but in the Bible stories they are the Heroes of the Fatith! Any religion back then was as primitive and savage as you can’t possibly imagine. The Bible God is totally powerless to teach the Jews any lesson without FORCING them to eat their own children for dinner, but even as of today the Jews won’t convert to Christianity. They know they got themselves into a mess of historical proportions for writing the Bible. No other evil hurt humanity as much as the Judeo/Christian/Muslim religion based on the Bible stories. IMHO, they ought to come up with a solution so we can all live in peace!

    Palestine was a “Land Flowing with Milk and Honey,” but after the Jews landed in the “Promised Land” the milk and honey stopped flowing! So the Bible writers began to promise that “God will make the desert to blossom like a rose!” The perennial carrot hanging from a string at the end of a stick is still working not only for religious Jews, but it is earning MILLIONS for the Clergy & Preachers especially since the “going to Heaven when you die” idea was put together!

    No smutty publication today is putting out anything as vicious as the Bible stories on cannibalism!

    Leviticus 26:29 - (without warning of any evil or any punishment God is anxiously saying to his Holy people) YOU WILL eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters…* (*this Jewish God is not suggesting that they eat PIG against his Law, instead he is FORCING them to eat their own “kosher” CHILDREN for dinner!)

    The tender BBQ rib slab of an 8 year old boy or girl flavored with some spicy Texas sauce would taste delicious to any Christian pedophile! The Bible writers say that to non Christians the Bible stories are “FOOLISHNESS” (1 Cor 2:14). Actually they are not foolishness, but PUKING SMUTTY CRAP that Christians are really afraid to question their pastors about!

    Deuteronomy 28:53-57 - Because of the suffering that your enemy will inflict on you during the siege* (*God is anxiously saying), YOU WILL EAT THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB, THE FLESH OF THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS the LORD your God has given you* (*the Jews won’t eat PIGS in obedience to God! But THEY WILL EAT their own children!) Even the most gentle and sensitive man* (*not a gay, or a “Godless” atheist, or an abortionist, but a FAITHFUL CHOSEN MAN OF GOD!) among you will have no compassion on his own brother or the WIFE HE LOVES or his SURVIVING CHILDREN, and he will not give to one of them any of the flesh of his children that he is eating…* (*Not sharing your favorite child dish with your spouse is a shameful “SIN” that will send them to Hell!)

    Jeremiah 19:9 I* (*God, NOT SATAN, but GOD!) WILL MAKE THEM EAT THE FLESH OF THEIR SONS AND DAUGHTERS* (Christians still claim that NOBODY can resist the WILL of this John 3:16 God! The Jews WILL BE FORCED TO EAT their own children for dinner no matter what, while at the same time gays must be stoned to death, along with PREGNANT ladies who are alleged to have committed the “sin” of adultery or promiscuity!)

    The Bible writers are excited to predict that when the “666” trademark of the ANTI-CHRIST will be set up, Christians WON’T BE ABLE TO BUY OR SELL FOOD or anything else without it. Will they start eating their own children again like in the good old Bible times?

    Ezekiel 5:10 - Therefore in your midst fathers WILL EAT THEIR CHILDREN*... (*this HOLY CRAP is ALL OVER THE BIBLE! Christians don’t see it because they are full of Jesus Christ)

    Any kind of government would allow their people to eat pork instead of their own children! It took Moses 2 men to carry a single cluster of gigantic size grapes to show the Israelites how plentiful was the Land of Palestine that they were going to invade (Num 13:23)! The Bible writers had well fed Jews in Egypt COVETING something that wasn’t theirs just before giving them the 10 Commandments with the “Thou shalt not covet!” stamped in them! As the Jews invaded the “Promised Land Flowing wit

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, and others: How does this fit in your understanding of the universe?

    Absolutely true (but I know that none of the atheists will believe that): When I was a kid and right up to my teenage years, my grandmother would call my mother every Sunday. It was just normal chit-chat. I remember distinctly though one Sunday when after her phone call my mother came down stairs and told my father about a dream which my grandmother had told her. In the dream, which she describe to my mother as being incredibly realistic, she saw her son Frankie who had died quite a few years earlier. Frankie told my grandmother (and I am quoting my mother): "Mom, you are coming home to me. Not now, but soon."

    The next Sunday my grandmother didn't call. She died suddenly during the Consecration at Mass.

    32 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why does it seem like atheists pick on the weakest aspects of those that believe?

    Why attack the Bible literalists but ignore those whose faith goes beyond just the words of the Bible? I have seen plenty of Christians explain what and why they believe, but I have yet to see any atheist explain what they actually believe about origin of the universe, life, cell diversification, intelligence, love. Are you afraid that your views will be criticized?

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are Atheists living with blinders on?

    For an atheist there can be nothing outside of our frame of existence. Therefore time must be linear. This means that there can be no premonition, no deja-vu, no prophesy. Any claims about "talking the the other side" (like John Edwards on tv), miracles, extraordinary events, moving objects with no propulsion, seeing ghosts or angels must be, by definition for them, outright lies. Yet all of these have been observed and documented so many times by people who gain nothing and who have no reason to lie. If any one of these does actually happen, doesn't that defeat the whole position of atheism?

    33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago