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my name is Evan. i live in a small town in Kansas. yes, i am gay.

  • what would happen in this case? (statuatory rape)?


    so i went to a club. a gay club. i'm 15. it was before club hours so i went to swim in the pool with a friend of mine who is 19. some guys say to me "heyya you're pretty cute. how old are you?" "old enough" i reply. "no old r u?" "15 almost 16" i say.

    one guy asked for my number. then i gave it to him. he txt me and a few days later ask if i could come over.. we had been talking dirty before then so i knew what was going to happen. he made a move on me and we had sex.

    a week later i went to the club again.. same time same place.. my friend who i went with said "don't sleep with that guy or THAT guy *points to guy i had sex with* cuz they're HIV positive"

    he then ask me 3 more times to come over..and i did. now he SAID he was 34 and KNEW i am 15

    i went to a mental institute for trying to commit suicide because i'd rather die than contract HIV. (we didn't use protection) the hospital legally has to file a report and did.. a detective called me and ask for me to come in and make a statement.. now i want to know.. because i wasn't legally allowed in the club, if i met him there would i lose the case? and if no, how long would he go away for? because i don't feel safe if he's only in for a month or 2.

    and yes, i am aware he was honest with me. i did willingly give myself to him. but he is 34. wouldn't that be statuatory rape? which would indeed be grounds for me filing a lawsuit?

    thank you in advance

  • who would win this case? (gay teenager vs 34 year old)?


    so i went to a club. a gay club. i'm 15. it was before club hours so i went to swim in the pool with a friend of mine who is 19. some guys say to me "heyya you're pretty cute. how old are you?" "old enough" i reply. "no old r u?" "15 almost 16" i say.

    one guy asked for my number. then i gave it to him. he txt me and a few days later ask if i could come over.. we had been talking dirty before then so i knew what was going to happen. he made a move on me and we had sex.

    a week later i went to the club again.. same time same place.. my friend who i went with said "don't sleep with that guy or THAT guy *points to guy i had sex with* cuz they're HIV positive"

    he then ask me 3 more times to come over..and i did. now he SAID he was 34 and KNEW i am 15

    i went to a mental institute for trying to commit suicide because i'd rather die than contract HIV. (we didn't use protection) the hospital legally has to file a report and did.. a detective called me and ask for me to come in and make a statement.. now i want to know.. because i wasn't legally allowed in the club, if i met him there would i lose the case? and if no, how long would he go away for? because i don't feel safe if he's only in for a month or 2.

    thank you in advance!(:

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Am i being too literal and bothered by the FCA at my high school?

    today, i went to school and there was the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes.. but because its a public school anyone can join) that were all wearing these shirts that on the back said "PURITY" in big letters (meaning not having sex until they're married). i though to myself and to one of my closer friends who was in FCA and was wearing one "ohh thats cool i like the noble choice you've made. that's great that you can commit to that" and i was being sincere... but then i noticed AAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL across the front of the shirts were the male and female symbols joined together (like the circles with the arrowey things). me being a gay teenage male (and NOT [by ANY means] sticking to purity) was more than a bit bothered by it. i live in Kansas and the school has nothing specifically said about antidescrimination based on sexual orientation but when it comes to me being harassed about being gay the administration sticks up for me. although they DO have an antidescrimination clause that includes not descriminating based on gender. it really bothered me because in my opinion it feels as if it's basically insinuating that i cannot ever get married and all gay people cannot be abstinent. that really bothered me. so am i being too literal and thinking too far into it? am i being bothered by something i shouldn't? should i just let it go? if not what SHOULD i do about it? but it did REALLY bother me all day. and it was a bit distracting.

  • Staph infections contagious? through sex?

    my boyfriend got a spider bite on his tummy and went to the dr and they said he had a staph infection.. yuck. WELL today is Wednesday and were spending the night Friday.. one thing to another BAMM alotta sex. my question is..if i have sex with him can i get a staph infection too? cuz he is goina cover it up with a bunch of bandaids and stuffs but either way.. ick.. but ya.. anyone know?

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • how do i get someone fired????????

    ok, so im talking to a guy. this guy is dating/sleeping with his boss... he wants to break up with his boss... BUT he supports his drugie dad and pays the bills, therefore he cant be without pay for more than a week. he works at taco tico..he wants to transfer to a location closer to where he lives so he can walk to work AND break up with his boyfriend so he can be with me and have more money.... now *I* have to try and get taco tico closer to where guy im talking to lives to be hiring so that we can guy can transfer locations, break up with his bf, boss not be unemployed, continue paying the bills, and start seeing me.. now herein lies the problem... how do i get someone from taco tico fired???:) in the nicest way possible...but im a gay guy im dramatic and know how to put on a good show and i know how to make a scene out of nothing... any suggestions, preferably without any MAJOR inquirey.

    5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • what's a good country for the foreign exchange program for me?

    im a teenage gay boy who is a freshmen in high school. im looking into being a musician after high school and i play the considering entering into a foreign exchange program and im not exactly sure which country would be most fitting for me. any advice?

    2 AnswersStudying Abroad1 decade ago
  • what HS classes should i take to become either a nurse or a musician?

    ok, so i want to become either an ICU nurse (becuase i really want to help people) or an oboeist or a music teacher. im REALLY good at playing the oboe and my tutor suggested i audition for state band as a freshmen. but ya. i'm not sure if im good enough to go pro and go into like adult symphonies and things so im not sure. i want to become an ICU nurse also (im male) because i love to help people. but i know i cant do both in college. so for HS (im a freshmen) im wondering what classes should i take according to my indecision?

    this year im taking


    Jazz improv. (on flute.)

    Fr. english.



    Physical Scinece.

    Fr. PE.

    I live in the USA but im not sure what classes and my schools freshmen/sophmore counselor is a TOTAL *****!!!! so im NOT going to go talk to her. but ya Yahoo. what classes should i take for the next year or 2?

    4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • gay (or bi) guys, do you use a condom?

    ... and for what reason?

    i in particular do not. i dont bother with that stuff just because i dont mind the possibility of catching HIV/AIDS.

    my theory is that i would rather live a shorter life and have fun and enjoy the things i love (ie. music, boys, fam, friends, smiling) while knowing my life span is limited due to stupidity, much rather than be safe, have less pleasure (idk just from what iv heard), and know im going to live a long, happy, and healthy life while hating that im always going to be alone cuz im to much of a $lut to get a decent bf.

    so gay (or bi) guys, do you use a condom?

    why or why not?

  • The Laramie Project in public high school drama?

    ok my question is how can i go about my public high school doing the play called the Laramie Project in out drama class. we regularly do one musical and one non-musical and one serious play to raise awareness about something. i want to do the play called the Laramie Project. im in the process of watching the movie as i type this so im not sure how it all ends out but i really want to raise awareness about the hate in this movie. i live in a small suburb of Wichita Kansas so generally people either think homosexuality is wrong or don't care about it. i want to do this play in my drama class but im not sure about how to do this. the drama teacher is VERY nice and accepting of everyone. but im going to be a freshmen next year so im kind of blind to how to suggest this play. i am a good friend of the drama club president but idk if he would do me that big of a favor considering the town where i live. i think it would be an amazing thing to do so how would i go across getting my public high school in a suburb of Wichita Kansas to do the play "the Laramie Project"?????????

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Leblanc(unknown2me) flutes vs Gemeinhardt?

    has anyone ever purchased a Leblanc flute? im trying to decide between a Leblanc solid silver, open tone holed, low Bb, offset G or a Gemeinhardt that has solid silver, gold plated lip, open tone holes, low Bb and inline G.

    (im interested in a low Bb and open holed flute)

    i prefere an offset G and really dont wana deal with gold plated but Gemeinhardt is a reliable brand (my teacher recomended it and i trust her completely) but the offset solid silver (which i much prefere but really its kind of arbitrary) is a brand called Leblanc which i cant find much information on? anyone know anything about this brand? anyone purchased it before? good experiences? bad?

    or should i stick with a nice Gemeinhardt? (that i see 2 slight faux-pas in[gold plated lip and inline G])?

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Maestro flute brand? (ebay)?

    ok im looking into buying a new flute. cheep and (somewhat) reliable. i currently own a SH!TTY flute that is so poor quality that it doesnt even have a brand name on it!!!! i love the flute i have but i bought it off ebay for 75$ and i got @least 150$ out of it minumum!! i learned how2play and make a beautiful sound but its time i need to purchase a new flute. im looking at a Maestro open holed low Bb offset G flute on Ebay. its 145$. which seems a little too good to be true. so has anyone bought a Maestro flute off of Ebay?? if so is it somewhat reliable? it looks appealing and nice but idk. theres only 2 pictures and im kinda bad@ebay and stuff. any negative or possitive experiences with this brand name??

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • good piccolo audition music?

    Im auditioning in the next few months for a program ran through a local college and im a freshmen in high school. im auditioning for first chair flute/piccolo and oboe. i have my oboe music picked out and i have my flute music picked out. im playing a fast and lyrical piece on oboe. and im playing another fast and lyrical piece where the tonguing is important but its really just slur order and occasional staccato on the flute. my question is what music should i play for piccolo? the piece im playing on flute just doesn't sound meant for piccolo so therefore im asking this... what music should i play that's (preferably) more of a light march? i don't mind buying a book but free would be amazing. im not terribly grand on the piccolo so i don't plan on playing JS Sousas piccolo solo but i guess if i REALLY had 2 i could... any suggestions??

    2 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • What should i wear to a pride parade?

    im a 15 year old gay male and i want to attend a Wichita gay pride parade about 2 weeks from today. what should i wear? im going shopping a few hours before so feel to get creative or get into detail. like should i wear a V-neck? or should i go buy a pride shirt and customize it with sharpie? any ideas??????????????????????

  • is this legal in schools?

    I live in a small town outside of Wichita Ks. and a town that one of my friends goes to had an issue at their Middle School which my friend is in. a 14 year old girl wore a rainbow shirt about 3 weeks from the last day of school. because the Mulvane school district have no specific clause about discrimination about sexual identity or sexual preferance or gender preference or anything protecting LGBT children the principle called this 14 year old lesbian girl into her office. the principle made the girl go home and change because the shirt showed gay pride. the girl went home and changed. my question is, is that legal for schools to do if it is a public school which does have an anti-discrimination code but it doesnt specify to the LGBT community?

    (on the last day of school many of my friend and many of her friends wore rainbow to school as well but it was their last day so nobody made them change)

    this infuriated me when i found out and i was tempted to send this principle an angry email right now even if the school year is over. but i didnt...

    any answers?

    is that legal for public schools to do????

  • Gay people in Wichita Ks?

    is there any other self respecting gay people in Wichita?

    i feel as if i am the only one here..

    im 15 but i feel so cast out and rejected living smack dab in the middle of the bible belt.

    any1out there feeling alone???

  • color guard scholarships?

    is there such thing as scholarships for color guard??? im a male and i want to major in oboe but my father and i want to know if you can get scholarships for color guard too?? anyone know?

    3 AnswersPerforming Arts1 decade ago
  • Color guard pros and cons? (male)?

    i need some pros and cons to color guard. im a male and my fathere says i can either play piccolo in the band or do color guard (because i play oboe and i cant march) so im supposed to look at the pros and cons of color guard for a male. any1?

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • such thing as a Pink cat?

    can i get such thing as a pink cat!?!

    i totally want one!!!!

    if not can i dip a white cat in pink easter egg dye??

    would the dye stay on??

    could i use koolaid?!

    if i made a cat pink is that legal?

    i mean we can dye our hair legally so what says we cant dye our pets?

    omg a pink cat would be sooo cool!!

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • can a guy do color guard in Kansas?

    i know kansas is one of the most red states but i really want to do color guard... i know im going to take crap for being a gay guy and i do as it is so im not sure if it would really escalade at all... so should i try out for color guard?? i mean i dont want to anger people in the community by actually being an openly gay guy in a small town so idk what do u think?