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  • did you know there are 600 plus references to the question why do atheists come to R&S ?

    sure i'm being facetious - but it is a little humorous . they call others hypocrites . hmm who is doing the pretense.

    as i stated elsewhere - i do not believe in aliens from other planets .

    Due to that fact i do not answer or even go to Q& A sections on the topics of aliens . I do not make fun of those who do i do not mock nor harras them. what would be the point - i don't believe in aliens from other planets . It leads me to the conclusion that most who claim to be atheist ,simply are not OR atheists are people who enjoy coming here to mock people who do believe in God .

    which leads me to the conclusion that being an atheist = not being a very nice person .

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • To Christians-Do you believe in the baptism of the Holy spirit ?

    I do -

    some say it was for a time in Jerusalem at penticost -but not now

    what would you base that on ?

    how do you reconcile Paul teaching us to desire earnestly all the "gifts of the spirit"and then say they are not for today etc .

    what do you as a christian say on the topic

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Did you know a true skeptic ,once his opinion has been generally accepted .......?

    THEN has to Doubt his own opinion and view it skeptically ?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • mormons - is it true you are taught that you will become God of your own planet?

    .this is odd but how can that be ? it is said by mormon schollars that the bible is 98.9% correctly translated(to english) and that you base your belief on the Holy-Bible .

    how do those who teach you explain that it is written that the one true living God has said - there is no other God before me and none shall be formed after me .

    i encourage you to search this out because in this single statement everything you have been taught - is falsified .

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Stumbled on secret sex tape ,what should I do?

    while fixing a notebook belonging to my ...................... I ,on suspicion,because I'm nosy- (lets be honest, no one stumbles on a folder with out first poking around ) i found a folder with a cellphone movie in it .3gp i think its called.

    while its low quality it is more then clear enough and it is the notebook owner having sex with a young girl - age undetermined- but without doubt under 18 (hope like hell not under 16 )

    now all the idiots will say "good on him" . the thing is there are more then one girl in pics on his notebook and they are ALL very young but i cannot know what age -but one in particular (thankfully not sex ones) is very young looking - im not good at guessing ages but if she turned16 it was probably 6 month ago kind of look. its scary and disgusting to find this on his notebook - they may be of legal age and probably are but he is being unfaithful And is the clincher - the guy is 70 .yes i had to see that and my skin is still crawling - wanted to wash my eyeballs with salt and vinegar- what the heck am i supposed to do with this unexpected bombshell?

    4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships9 years ago
  • banshee - can any one tell me a song that has the words "im a banshee" in the lyrics?

    have no idea what genre it is , maybe jazz/pop -its an older song strong loud beat stronger louder female voice

    1 AnswerLyrics9 years ago
  • do you think the president of the USA is a Muslim?

    I was skeptical - but now i am sure -he is and he will set things in motion to bring your enemy into your midst where they will rule over you from within.

    i watched many news clips etc ,you tube clips etc ..

    one thing that became notable was that when he -under the guise of wanting peace - quotes the koran , he does so with warmth in his voice and body language .

    the few times he has quoted the bible he did so extremely out of context and with a condescending tone .

    this man is anti - Christianity. but you voted him in - which says a lot about the heart direction of that nation.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Do you think "belief" is a matter of choice?

    I do .

    what is your opinion?

    the question is asked particularly in regard to religion and God .

    many people state the demand - "show me evidence and then i will believe "

    but if in the face of literally millions of testimonies given from every culture tribe and nation in the world given as testimonial evidence a person still "chooses" to disbelieve. why would they change that stance in the face of any other evidence .

    the bible states that the entire creation bares witness to God and that all are inexcusable and cannot say - we did not know - their own conscience testifies to them of God and folk choose to quell that conviction in order to pursue carnal pleasure .

    so i maintain that belief is a mater of choice and has nothing to do with evidence .

    what think you ?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Have you heard the testimony of Roman Catholic Nun, Sister Charletta?

    yes - no ? partly ?

    what do you think?

    your comments will soon show whether you've hear it in full or not

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • why is it that if you simply disagree with the RCC they accuse you of hatred?

    for two to reason together they begin by disagreement -on here i often get emails accusing me of "hatred " because i openly disagree with "some " of the teachings of the Rcc - how is disagreement -hatred?

    why the false accusation?

    note: question is in question section

    question is question format

    question is in correct category

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Catholics say they are not forbidden to make statues only to worship them- cntd?

    how do they reconcile this with this with the bible they claim to follow which states .. thou shalt not MAKE...

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do atheist ask for empirical proof and then refuse all testimony of it?

    It appears difficult to find many self proclaimed atheists who are honest on this point .

    Most Christians i know believe what they do not based on a theory,. but having acted on what is instructed in the bible (thus experimented) they have then received an observable and tangible result confirming to then empirically that the bible is true.

    However when they then testify to this, the atheist , in total contradiction of the science they claim to base their belief in,make a predetermined CHOICE to disbelieve the given testimony .


    The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation, experience, or experiment.[1] Empirical data is data that is produced by an experiment or observation.

    A central concept in modern science and the scientific method is that all evidence must be empirical, or empirically based, that is, dependent on evidence or consequences that are observable by the senses. It is usually differentiated from the philosophic usage of empiricism by the use of the adjective empirical or the adverb empirically. The term refers to the use of working hypotheses that are testable using observation or experiment. In this sense of the word, scientific statements are subject to and derived from our experiences or observations.


    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians : why do you direct loaded questions at Atheists?

    you know that no mater how clever your question may be - and some are very clever .they have chosen in advance to answer in folly .is it not simply casting the proverbial pearl ?

    if you present an atheist with good reasoned argument ,in the most part he/she will reply in mocking insult and not actually "see" the point you make . so why do it -is it not a perpetual bickering ?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • if All babies are born atheists-as some try to claim, then is it not a logical conclusion to come to that?

    -Atheism is responsible for all the bad things in the world that many atheists try to blame on religions.As to follow that reasoning all these things would originate from atheism .

    2nd question what does atheism have to contribute to society as a whole ?

    it offers me no hope

    no point

    no reason

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why do atheists often state their "source" as "atheist"?

    We can tell by your replies -its kind of clear -the pattern is - you don't beleive in God and any one who doesn't think what you think is an idiot and therefore needs to be insulted

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • AT Christians : why do you think masturbation is ok?

    Why do so many Christians buy into the justification of the world - God has made a way for you to be free from all forms of immorality . you don't have to be enslaved to fleshly desires .-if you do fail -there is forgiveness -but it is not Gods intention for you to fail and ask forgiveness in a perpetual circle of enslavement - it is his purpose and desire that you be free in such a manner that you wont even care about such carnal things .

    if you want this kind of freedom which IS promised by God -then begin to cal out to God believing ,be obedient to the one thing in your life hes presently asking of you (even if it seems to have nothing to do with this topic ) and see what he will do - it is in our inability that God is made fully able .

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • why do evolutionists claim evolution took Billions of years ....?

    so many billions in fact that they appear to be uncountable and go on ..umm forever

    and then think its strange that Christians beleive in an eternal God ?


    one gives you eternal order with purpose

    evolution gives us an eternal "OOPS i farted

    and it evolved into an intricately designed choc nutty bar "

    credit:question inspired by "thegoldengael" that post made me laugh so much !

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • how do Jehovah witnesses account for the fact Jesus is given a name above "every" name?

    the Greek word translated as "lord" means also "Master" you will answer to him not Jehovah but the master Jesus .

    source material on which question is based :Philippians 2

    Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

    and gave him the name that is above every name,

    10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

    in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

    11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,

    to the glory of God the Father.

    -AND Ephesians ch 1-....

    I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength 20 he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21 far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago