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  • Would it hurt your feelings if you spouse says "your a burden on me"?

    I really dont ask him for much or at least i didnt think i did.. :( we both work, share the bills but he gets frustrated if i ask him to stop by the store for me. It really hurt my feelings. Am i over reacting.any opinions will appreciated. Thanks

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Would it hurt your feelings if your spouse said to you " your a burden on me"?

    We were arguing obviously and it really hurt my feeling. I mean we both work and share all the bills i really dont ask him for much at least i didnt think i did. I guess now im questioning that. How ever it really broke my heart.. am i over reacting. Any opinions would help thanks.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce5 years ago
  • How do I change my profile picture?

    I haven't been on in quite some time seems things have changed a bit. Just want to update my pic ty if you can help. :)

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products6 years ago
  • gun shot wound to the head?

    My close friend was found today by my sister. He had been shot in the head but was still breathing he had been that way for two days he is now in surgery but we are worried about major brain damage. What are the odds he might come out of this with out having to depend on someone for the rest of his life?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • gun shot wound to the head?

    My close friend was found today by my sister. He had been shot in the head but was still breathing he had been that way for two days he is now in surgery but we are worried about major brain damage. What are the odds he might come out of this with out having to depend on someone for the rest of his life?

    2 AnswersInjuries6 years ago
  • would you rather?

    lay an egg every time you cough?


    emit a small mushroom cloud every time you fart?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • can any one here make me laugh.. ?

    I really can use a laugh right now. any good jokes?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • i need some advice on my dog please.?

    Okay Saturday out of nowhere my dog who is 2years old started vomiting, and pooping blood, it was a bright red color and it was a lot so I stayed up with her all night monitoring her until the morning when I called a vet and took her in.

    He took some test it was not parvo which I pretty much knew that already cause she was vaccinated. he also checked for parasites and said he didn't see anything. Me and my husband were worried she had got into the trash and ate a chicken bone but the vet said it didn't seem that way since she didn't seem to be in pain when he touch her he suggested to me that it might be hemorrhage so he gave her an IV and 2 injections and sent me home with some meds for her.

    so we have been giving her pedialight and she has drank a little on her own but not a lot and has even eaten a few pieces of dog food but she is still pooping out but its not bright red anymore its really dark diarrhea it is really worrying me. she seems to be progressing but the bloody dark poop has me very scared. it has been since sunday am I exspecting to much for it only being 4 days. or do you think something else is going on. the vet said it could get worse before it gets better. but idk im still worried.

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • please this is a genuine question for christians?

    what answer do you give to someone when they ask. ' where did GOD come from" for me I just know in my heart he is and was and is to come. but for someone who asked me this I found it hard to explain with out them arguing it.. how can I answer this question so they might understand.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • was life much easier for you when you were a child?

    a lot of people say " life was so much easier when I was a kid" and I find myself saying in my head life as a child really sucked for me. (however it made me who I am today). it would've been nice to know that feeling though. sorry just a thought. :)

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • me and husband haven't talked in two day and we live under the same roof. advice please.?

    okay this might be a lot to read but I really need advice please.

    so I have been married for 14years i'm 31 and he is 34 the problem we are having at the moment is his family. his brothers who are 32 and 33 still live with his mother and his father is remarried so he doesn't live with them. his brothers are hooked on drugs and one of them gets a check from the government for who knows what but he get $700.00 a month. his mother is disabled and gets money as well.

    okay so in October my birthday came and my mother gave me $10,000 for my birthday. to me this is a lot of money so naturally I thought to save it and put it in the bank for our bills. well that didn't work out the way I planned it because his mother's house was in for-closer for 4 months back rent so me and my husband talked about it and we decided to help her catch up which cost us $4,000

    now we by no means are rich or have tons of money but every time his family sees us they have there hand out asking for money weather it be $5 or $20 don't get me wrong I love his family with all my heart and I would never want to see his mother on the streets but if we continue to help her we might be eventually. but her or her sons refuse to pay their house and when it gets close to the time when they know they are in trouble they call me or my husband.

    now we have nothing left to give them they have taken as much as they can from us and now we are barely caught up on our own bills. so my husband came to me 2 days ago and said my mother is going to loose her home if we don't help her. I said to him how, how can we help her we are struggling to support ourselves because of them, so now he said he wants to take a loan out on our car to help her.

    I got so angry and said do whatever you want! I can

    t deal with this anymore you will realize when we have no home ourselves what you are doing to us.

    I don't know why but I feel horrible, I really want to help them I really do but we can't even make our bills now.. and we both work

    so I want to make things right with him because we have literally not said a word to each other in two days because of this he comes home and I go in the room when its time to go to sleep I have been on the couch. I just don't know what to say or do cause I do stand by what I said we can't help them anymore we are just not on the same page and I don't know what to do. should I just agree to it so we can be over this and just work it out. I love him and hate to fight with him.

    thank you for taking the time to read all this.

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce7 years ago
  • beauty is nothing without brains agree/disagree?

    my friend say he doesn't care how dumb she is as long as she is hot.. that's funny but can he really be serious. I'd have to disagree with him I need some intellectual conversation sometimes.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • if you died and had the chance to come back,would you come back as yourself?

    I think my life turned out good enough that I would.

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago