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  • Question about child abuse?

    You may find this funny...but here's the story. I have a child who has some anger issues, but is doing better. He has been sent home a few times because of his behavior from time to time. My attitude is this, if he is going to be sent home because of his behavior, I'm going to put him to work. One particular day, I had him shovel the sidewalk and driveway of my house.

    Recently, I had a court hearing to place a restraining order against their step father. He was up talking to the judge and brought up this incident about shoveling the drive way and actually said (in a court of law) "that, to me, is considered child abuse." My question to you is this: How in the hell is this considered child abuse...or is this just some pathetic attempt to look good in front of the courts?

    10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How would I get into the CES 2010 show in Las Vegas?

    I will be in Las Vegas during the time of the CES show. I would really like to attend but can't seem to find anything about how to get in (if I can...). Anyone have the know-how? Thanx!!

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Anyone Play the game Chuzzles???

    There is a trophy on the game Chuzzles that says you have to pass speed level 5 without getting a lock. Just curious if this is speed level 5 only or if you have to go through 1-4 without getting a lock as well. Thanx

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Etch-a-sketch?

    Does anyone know how an Etch-a-sketch work?

    6 AnswersDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • Having a problem with sinuses?

    I've had a problem with my sinuses lately. One side of my nose is completly stuffed up while the other one will allow me to breath from it. After a while, the opposite happens. Can anyone tell me what's up with this?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Who won the bet???

    Ok -here's the deal, I made a bet with my girlfriend. We went to Starbucks and I had ordered. I told them that I had wanted a tall dulce de leche with caramel drizzle and toffee sprinkles. I had neglected to say I wanted a frappachinno. The barista never confirmed this, or never asked whether it was to be a latte or frap, so on our way to the drive-thru, we made a bet that the coffee would be made wrong (I said it would be made right and she said it would be made wrong), she asked me if I had ordered it to be a frappachinno, I said no. When we got to the window, I said I wanted it to be a frap instead and they changed it, however, the original drink had already been made in accordance to what my specifications were, which was without specifying Latte or Frap. So, who won the bet????? When answering, please say he won or she won. Thank you!!!!!

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Evil Jokes?

    I'm going on an out of state gig this weekend with my band and I really need a really (and I stress REALLY) good joke to play on my fiddle player. Any suggestions???

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Guns N' Roses Ex-Drummer - Matt Sorum Cymbals?

    Anyone remember Matt Sorum?? Ex-Drummer for Guns N' Roses? If you do, read on...When he was with GNR, He had a cymbal that was just above and slightly to the left of his primary Hi-Hats. It was a flat cymbal with a pretty deep middle. It kinda sounded like a "low level" China Crash. Does anyone know what this is??? I was told a trash cymbal some years ago, but that lead didn't pan out. I would produce a pic of this cymbal but I can't upload it on answers. Please help. Thanx!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Entertainment1 decade ago
  • Drummer Jokes?

    I'm in a local band who one one of the guitarists makes a constant joke about...quite frankly, I am sick of it by now...but to this day, don't get it. Call me dense if you will, but maybe someone can help me understand what it means:

    Why do drummers put their sticks on the dashboard of their car?

    So they can park in the handicap spots

    Can anyone please explain this to me???? Thanx!!!

    4 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Kids staying home by them selves?

    I have a 9 year old daughter who is a couple of months away from being 10. I told her that I'll start considering it when she is 10. She is "oh so excited" (drama queen!) about being able to stay home by herself. I was just wondering...what's your advice/experience on the subject??? What are the laws nowadays about kids staying home by themselves?

    19 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • XBox and XBox 360?

    Is There a way to Transfer XBox Saved games to the XBox 360?

    4 AnswersGames & Gear1 decade ago
  • Making M3U Files?

    How do you make a M3U file to burn more songs onto 1 CD?

    3 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Water Heater?

    Does anyone know what could possibly be wrong with my water heater??? I've had my power company install a new transcoupler twice. New pipes have been put in. The water heater itself is only two years old, so, it shouldn't be going out on me...any suggestions???

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Creative Zen:M MP3 Player?

    Does anyone know how to get the album art onto a Creative Zen:M Player?

    1 AnswerMusic & Music Players1 decade ago