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Lv 31,873 points


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Hi there! My name is Ron, and I'm an I.T. Consultant working for a major financial services company in St Petersburg FL. Avid movie buff and amateur Hollywood historian w/a GINORMOUS collection so far. VERY open-minded and laid back and I don't believe in "taboo" subjects or topics - sky's the limit baby, so ask. " I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -Voltaire

  • Has anyone actually ever used Patch Perfect or CanadaGreen grass seed?

    Both products *claim* to grow anywhere. If you have used either of them, what was your experience? How well did it work?

    My back yard is basically a huge sand lot that attracts fleas as well as stray cats that use it as their litter box, but I need a cost-effective solution to thwart these pests...

    BTW, I can't afford sod, and we have water restrictions (fines are doubled for offenders) here in St Pete. Thanks for your help!

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • How does one reconcile science with faith?

    I consider myself a man of science. Throughout my life, I have alternately believed in God, but eventually, the scientist in me tells me there's no such thing and that God is merely a character in an old story and nothing more. I've grappled with this quite a bit to figure out if there is a middle ground where science and faith can at least meet halfway, but the issue seems to require an "all or nothing" type of answer.

    Before anyone quotes me scripture, I'm QUITE familiar with that book, since I come from a family where one side is Southern Baptist (I'm talking "olde time religion" kind of Baptist) and the other side is Catholic.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    IS there a middle ground or compromise between the two principles?

    33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • For The 35+ Crowd ONLY (multi part question)?

    First, a couple of observations:

    Since the late 70s, when I was in my single digits, it seems to me that society has gradually become much colder, more distant and ill-mannered while becoming less compassionate toward each other as time has passed.

    Schools appear to teach more advanced classes, yet our society seems to be more and more "dumbed down" each day - especially if you are to believe the images that the media presents of Generation Y.

    Finally, I need to add I'm not a fatalistic freak who focuses on the morbid. The glass is neither half full nor half's just half. With that said, my questions are:

    Do you feel some specific event or series of events in the last 30 years set in motion changes that have made society more self involved and desensitized?

    If so, what event(s) do you feel were behind the change?

    Given our current state of affairs, where do you think the country will be in 10 years? 25? 50?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Straight People Only?

    What are your feelings regarding gay marriage?

    Does a potential candidate's endorsement in favor of/opposing gay marriage REALLY influence your view of that candidate and whether or not you will vote for them?

    I'm interested in Conservative and Liberal viewpoints on this issue, particulraly those that leave religion out of the argument for or against it.

    22 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Death Penalty?

    Do you feel that the death penalty should be abolished or expanded? Why?

    I'm basically looking for arguments for and against the death penalty and what your general sentiments are about the issue.

    12 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Independents allowed in the election process?

    Two part question:

    Do you feel that there will ever be a day when independent candidates will actually be recognized on the national stage of Presidential campaigns?

    What, in your perception, keeps independents from becoming viable candidates in major political races?

    I'm asking because I haven't seen an independent candidate participate / be taken seriously in most major political debates, even though surveys show that most Americans tend to be political moderates rather than subscribing strictly to one political extreme or the other.

    For the sake of full disclosure, I'm a Libertarian who happens to think that both Dems and the GOP have good elements in each of their respective political philosophies, but neither party has all of the answers, nor do I agree with ALL the espoused values of each party. To me, Dems are TOO liberal, but the GOP (especially lately) are too mean-spirited and malicious because of narrow-minded religious rhetoric.

    What's your take?

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • work and school motivation?

    So here's the dilly-o:

    I have two I.T. degrees, and I'm almost finished with my third. I have 13 years of I.T. experience (no certifications), but the consulting gig I'm working right now (for a tech consulting group) isn't adding to my experience, since it's basically a glorified CSR position. I'm also worried that I won't be able to find a job once I graduate in July, and sometimes wonder what I'm doing all this for when I can't seem to find a well paying position (that would validate all the time, sacrifice, and expense I've given to pursue my career), despite my previous education and experience.

    My question is: how do I keep motivated to perform well at my present job and continue school, given that my concerns are very real and valid?

    I have already spent all my savings moving to FL where I thought opportunity would be better (but isn't), so moving again is financially impossible.

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago