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  • does wine go bad if you heat it to 350 degrees?

    I decided to make dinner tonight and I preheated my oven to 350 degrees. When I went to put my dish in, much to my surprise, there was a bottle of moscato which my roommates apparently decided to store in the oven (the obvious place right?). Did I ruin it? What happens to wine when you heat it that much?

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits6 years ago
  • Better way to find Easter baskets?

    My son is special needs. He has a hard time with the concept of hide and seek and we think that making him 'find' his Easter basket would take the fun out of it. But we still wanted to challenge him to receive it. (We are doing Easter late this year so his brother could be with us.) Any idea as to how we could make it fun for him to receive his basket without having to hide it would be great!

    6 AnswersEaster1 decade ago
  • My parents just don't understand!?

    my parents just don't seem to understand. I like wearing dark eyeliner under my eyes. They think it makes me look gothic. My boyfriend lives out of town so I hardly get to see him in the summer so we talk on the phone for and hour at least every night and my parents say we don't need to talk that long. I want one thing and they make me do another. How can I get them to listen and understand my point of view? All I ever hear from then when I bring it up is their point of view and they just won't listen long enough to mine.

    15 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Does whearing Dark makeup make u gothic?

    I like to wear dark eyeliner and it makes me look better. The thing is my parents say it makes me look gothic. Nothing against gothic people but thats not what i'm going for. plus I wear lots of pink to off set it. Do u think all girls who were dark eyeliner are gothic?

    32 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago