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I'm a marine biologist, a psychologist, an actor, a traveller, an optician, a dancer, a statistician, a parasitologist, a photographer, an explorer and a general nerd. I currently work in management for a national distribution firm of a well known brand of sports apparel. One on a line of many unlikely careers. I'm the height of adaptable eclecticism. I'm an inquisitive pessimist. I'm here because every now and again someone intelligent pops up.

  • Where can I buy Sobranie cigarettes in Brisbane?

    I'm not a smoker, but I bought Sobranie Black Russians and Cocktail Sobranies as gifts years ago duty free. I've never seen them in Brisbane, but figure I just don't know where to look. Any idea where I would find this brand?

    2 AnswersBrisbane1 decade ago
  • In Australia, what is the minimum order for a Tupperware Party to be considered a "Party Dating"?

    I had two party datings out of a Tupperware party that I held a few weeks ago, which allowed me to qualify for a very cool free gift. One of the parties went really well, but the other only had a few buyers. The Demonstrator says the second party doesn't count as it doesn't meet the minimum order, so therefore I don't qualify for the gift. However, I can't find anything on the website, or catalogues that says that the parties have to have a minimum spend. Have I missed a page of conditions somewhere?

    The parties were held within the required time frame, and my original party had the required minimum spend to get the gift. They are both legitimate parties. One of them actually did really really well.

    I'm completely okay with there being a minimum spend, but can someone tell me where this is advertised and what it is?

    Thank you,

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Birthday present for a 'very young' 19 year old girl?

    What should I get a developmentally (mentally / physically) young nineteen year old girl who is about to become my sister in law (unbeknownst to her) for her birthday??

    She loves pink and butterflies.. But it has been so long since I bought presents for young people, that I don't know where to start!

    Jewellery? Clothes?

    I'd say she's around the 15 year mark, developmentally speaking. Hasn't quite worked out what boys are for yet and likes 'girly' things.

    I'm not that girly... So I'm at a loss.

    Any clues????

    I'd like to get her something cool and funky and fun. Aiming for under $50 or there abouts.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • Internet browser - will only connect to https at times, and not other sites.?

    Anyone seen this problem and know how to fix it?

    My browser (both Firefox and IE) stop loading every so often and will only load https sites, but not other sites.

    I've installed the latest versions, run several bot/tracker/virus etc checks. It doesn't happen to the other computer linked to my router, and it happens to me when I'm wireless or plugged in.

    I've checked and reset the firewall several times, updated and tried different settings, and am now at a loss.

    I've searched on the web, but can't seem to find this problem anywhere else.

    Any clue?

    It's driving me insane, because when it crashes, the only solution is to restart the system. I can't just close the browser and open it again, because if I close it, the system seems to think it's still running in the background, though it doesn't appear in the task manager.

    Any other thing you can think of would be VERY much appreciated!

    I'm running windows Vista ... and while it wouldn't surprise me if this is one of it's "quirks", I'm hoping there is a more simple and repairable explanation.

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Papaya (Pawpaw) Seed recipe?

    I've just made a delicious pawpaw chutney out of a pretty ordinary pawpaw. But I want to know if there is another application I can use for the seeds?

    It's a yellow pawpaw, so I'm not going to bother germinating it, and I now have a large bowl full of seeds.

    I've heard you can use dried seeds as you would peppercorns. But I'm looking for something interesting that someone has actually made and enjoyed.

    Add them to a stew? Make a relish? Good in cakes? Anything.

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • New lights in Brisbane city?

    I have an impressive view of the Brisbane CBD from the western suburbs, and recently a new light went in - a tall slim thing that changes colour.

    And about two nights ago a flashing light with colours that appears to be some sort of disco-lighthouse has appeared.

    What are these lights?? Why are they ruining my skyline?

    The flashing, spinning, disco lighthouse light is actually really annoying..

    1 AnswerBrisbane1 decade ago
  • Why do people post questions about New Zealand in here?

    I've seen at least twenty that are asking about emigrating to New Zealand, travelling in New Zealand, work in New Zealand.

    Blimey! It's not a state of Australia!

    6 AnswersGeneral - Australia1 decade ago
  • Wedding at 2pm has an "After Five" dress code. I'm not seriously expected to wear a long evening gown. Am I?

    I'm heading to a wedding on the weekend, and the dress code is "After Five" which I have always taken to mean 'semi-formal'. A nice dress, or nice suit. Tie for men, heels for women. But this wedding is at 2pm, and it's in NSW (Australia) - where it's starting to get a bit chilly.

    I was hoping to wear a cute vintage-inspired frock I bought recently, and team it with some shiny heels, a shiny belt and a little clutch purse. But is that *too* casual? The dress would be considered very dressed up during the day, but it's not satin or sequined or anything.

    I could wear an evening gown, but I feel like a dork wearing evening wear in the middle of the day at a garden wedding.

    Any suggestions??

    3 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Getting Married and want to keep my maiden name. Am I a Ms?

    I'm getting married and my partner and I agree that my maiden name is a much more fitting surname to my first name, than his surname is.

    Do I become Ms Jane Doe? As opposed to Miss Jane Doe?

    And would we be addressed as Mr John Smith and Ms Jane Doe?

    I'm tempted to change to his surname just to make things simple in the long run, but I really prefer my maiden name.

    Opinions? Anyone out there kept their name and seen bizarre consequences?

    14 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • Can I wear two contact lenses on top of eachother?

    I was given a cosmetic pair with a colour pattern on them, but I also wear regular lenses. Is it possible to pop the cosmetic pair in on top of my normal ones, or will this cause interference or some sort of nasty sticky mess?

    I understand there will be a thickness issue and perhaps some minor optical distortion. But could it be a real problem. Has anyone done this?

    9 AnswersOptical1 decade ago
  • Why is Lamb fattier than Beef?

    I mean, they both eat grass, they both don't do much in a paddock.. Why do cows produce better muscle/meat than sheep?

    Even mutton can be quite fatty. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Where can I get mocktails in Brisbane??

    Heading out for a hen's night where the Hen doesn't drink alcohol. Does anyone know any decent bars when we can get her loaded on some tasty mocktails instead?

    We're in Brisbane city.

    1 AnswerBrisbane1 decade ago
  • Nikon D40x vs Nikon D200? User opinion if possible.?

    I'm drawn to the Nikon D200 for my next trip abroad, but I just noticed the D40x, which is about half the price...

    Given I'm looking to spend under $2500 for my first DSLR, which would be a better option in your opinion?

    (I'm a good photographer who loves her 35mm SLR, hates scanning photos, frames her own large prints, wants to go digital, but is conscious that a "great" camera may get nicked in Cambodia...)

    7 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Is my Sigma 28-90 F3.5-5.6 Aspherical Macro lens compatible with digital SLR?

    I'm on the hunt for a good digital SLR, but I really like the lenses I'm used to working with on my current SLR. Where can I find a list of compatible camera bodies to go with my current lenses?

    I've googled, but can't seem to find the right page. Can you help?

    5 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Does my 30 day visa include the day I arrive and the day I leave?

    I plan to enter Cambodia on August 2nd, and so far my planned departure is September 1st... Is that 30 days or 31?? What happens if I stay for 31 days on a 30 day visa?

    4 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between a flight SQ and MI at Singapore Airlines?

    I'm travelling via Singapore Airlines, and I've got a choice of two flights which are the same time and price, but one says "SQ5003" and one is "MI601". What is the difference??

    Air Travel1 decade ago
  • Term for someone who reads multiple books at the same time?

    Is there a term for someone who reads many books at the same time? Like 'multireader' or 'ambireader' or 'ambibibliophilist'???

    If there's a genuine word out there, I need it please!

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • Buy my Nikon digital SLR duty free or wait til I get to Cambodia and buy there?

    I've heard the shopping there is really cheap, but not sure if I should risk buying a Nikon Digital SLR when I get there. Anyone done something like this?

    3 AnswersOther - Asia Pacific1 decade ago
  • Can I buy my Cambodian visa at the airport?

    I'm off to Cambodia in August and someone tells me I can just fly on in and buy my visa at the airport when I get there. Is this true?? Has anyone been denied a visa when they're at the airport? Is there a big lane or something that has "people without visas" marked at the top??

    Can someone who has done this please give me a few pointers, I don't want to get there and have it go horribly wrong.

    2 AnswersOther - Asia Pacific1 decade ago
  • What's the best brand of sports eyewear?

    If I need sunnies for triathlons, what brand should I look at? I want something with a good versatile lens, lightweight with some features a variable fit and good look. Where should I start? I don't care about the brand icon, just a good product.

    6 AnswersOther - Sports1 decade ago