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  • What is my sexuality?

    I've been wondering this for awhile now. I'm pretty sure I'm bi but it's not the regular kind. I'm sexually and romantically attracted to women but only romantically attracted to men. I'm also attracted to transexuals. Is there a term for that?

    Thank you.

  • Why is Fox News such a bad news reporting network?

    I mean I know Reagan created the mandate to create Republican propaganda, but come on Fox! Even if you use your "our analyzers opinions are not meant to inform" excuse it still informs a whole lot of people who watch it! Come on! At least put "some" fact into anything you say! Give factual numbers, statistics, NO POLLS, no one-sided interviews, and at least look at how the other side views things!

    6 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • How would a Third-Party System work? (US politics)?

    I've seen a lot of talk on how people in general are sick of all the pandering, negativity, lies, twisted truths, finger-pointing, and rumor mills supposedly run and monitored by both Democrats and Republicans.

    My question to you wonderful people randomly coming here from the internet is: if implementing a third-party into the political stew were to calm down all the crap going on from both sides, how would such a system work? What would be its strengths and weaknesses? How long would it take to get used to considering there have only been 2 political parties for the past 160 years or so?

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is this a good start to my series?

    The following is an excerpt from a book series I've been trying to write since late 2009. I have planned absolutely everything that is to happen, all that needs to be done is to actually write the final draft of the first book. Here is the prologue for that first book. Does it intrigue you? Does it give enough information yet leaves out crucial points? Please do not copy this concept. This is protected under copyright law.

    "The Bright Light, a human-shaped being emanating a luminous light, has seen many things, traveled through the eons, watched civilizations rise and fall… and rise again. He comes from a time that is lost to memory, only from song and poem is his home even vaguely familiar. At some point, he is tasked with the safekeeping of the Timestream, a multitude of timelines bound together by a common Continuity Curve, because enemy forces intend to change it for their own purposes. If a Timestream cannot change in a matter that is natural to itself, the Continuity Curve collapses, causing non-existence everywhere the Curve connects, all timelines in that Timestream collapse, all time, memories, feelings, people, and their futures gain a fate worse than death. This is the first story, where everything starts… and everything else ends…"

    Copyright © 2012

    All Rights Reserved

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What is the origin of this troll comment?

    I've noticed it over several weeks of vids and its cropping up everywhere. Does anyone know where or how this particular comment began?

    *censored to prevent report*

    "What the f*** did you just f***ing say about me, you little b****? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the f*** out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before!"

    Any information I'll gladly use against other trolls who use this comment. Thank you.

    Also, not exactly sure if this is the right section to ask in. If this isn't the right one, please point me to the correct section to ask this in. Thank you again.

    2 AnswersQuotations9 years ago
  • (Hypothetical) What would happen if the Moon fell on Earth?

    I want this for a novel I'm writing that has scientific realism in it. Lets say the enemy has the ability to pull the Moon from a distance, and it lands 300 miles south-east of Midway in the Pacific Ocean, at an depreciation angle of 20Degrees, at freefalling speed. What are the various things that would happen? The enemy is able to survive any kind of blast, and are well away from the crash site. Any info or opinions are welcome. Don't ask how the enemy can pull it, that'd take more than the space for this question, and would get off track, I just need to know what people think would happen based on the conditions I have set. Thank you.

    12 AnswersPhysics9 years ago
  • Anyone notice the similarity between the words 'Santa' and 'Satan' ?

    Discuss, debate, and please keep stereotypes to a minimum.

    7 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • Is my series I'm working on good (excerpt inside)?

    This is a flashback from the first book, on the most recent draft (pretty long):

    “It’s almost time.” The Bright Light said, slowly manifesting itself into a humanoid shape, yet still blazingly white. The shape’s features were blurred, like an anti-silhouette, whereas instead of shadow there was light filling the shape. The face of the Bright Light was unknown.

    “I know.” Steven entered the hall to the Control Room. The Bright Light followed, gliding.

    He glanced at his PDA to where Yu was working diligently to continue locking down the systems there. “You okay?” he asked.

    Yu smiled, “Fantastic.” He glanced at Steven, then heard a noise at the door behind him, and looked that way.

    “It’s her?” Steven worried.

    “It’s okay.” Yu turned back to Steven’s view. “The Ides of March have come for us all.”

    Steven didn’t like the sound of that. He had reached the Control Room, and turned back to the Bright Light and asked, “Can we do anything for him?”

    The Bright Light shook his head, “I can’t reveal myself to the Antagonist. Not yet.”

    Steven exhaled through his nose in silent protest, then walked over to the Control Panel.

    Seeing Steven’s distress, the Bright Light tried to console him, “If this works, all their deaths will have been for something. Andy, Cameron, and if worse comes to worst, even Chang.

    “That’s a pretty big ‘if’.” He sighed, leaning against the activated Control Panel. “I still don’t know why I’m following your lead. I don’t even know who, or what, you are.”

    The Bright Light didn’t answer. He didn’t have to.

    Steven began powering down the General Lockdown, but it would take around 15 minutes to access the Wyyng.

    “Just tell me one thing,” Steven turned to face the mysterious entity, “If this all goes according to plan, will she be herself again?”

    The Bright Light took time to answer, and even then he was unsure, “At best… yes, you will be reunited with her former self… but she will not be completely the same.”

    He nodded, understanding what was at stake.

    “She’s here!” Yu exclaimed from the OCEC of the PDC. “You have to go! Now!” Then Yu shattered the camera-screen and apparently threw it into the cavern of the room beside him.

    “CHANG!!!” Steven screamed into the PDA, but all there was was silence. Not even static. And that was not the worst that was to come. “We have to go back!” he started striding towards the Main Chamber, but the Bright Light stopped him by physically getting in his way.

    “No, Steven, you can’t-!”

    “He’s going to die-!!”

    “AND IF HIS DEATH IS TO HAVE MEANING THEN YOU MUST WAIT!!!” the Bright Light actually went to point of yelling.

    This shut Steven up.

    The Bright Light regained composure and said, “I’m sorry for your losses, but we cannot change the present. We can only change the past; differently than ever before.”

    “And you’re sure it will stop the timeloops? The Cycle will be broken?”

    The Bright Light nodded, “This is the Last Cycle. But the real adventure lies ahead.”

    So now all Steven had to do was wait. As people die… for him.

    And that does it for my snippet. What do you think?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Strange growth on armpit?

    It stings, and takes the form of lumps of stretch-fat. It is fine when in the shower, its all smooth, but red. Then I put deoderant on and the place stings like crazy and over the next hour the area begins to swell into the lumpy-fat thing. It's only started since Monday.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • What exactly does the term "when your balls drop" mean?

    I know its a puberty term meaning the point when boys around the age of 11-13 start producing sperm, and the testicles get large and the scrotum and becomes limp below the now-easily aroused penis. But what does it mean in other context, like when someone tells someone else that "when your balls drop you can ..." as if they're not old enough?

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • How to act in a group?

    I've been invited to join an international fanfic group, and frankly, I'm nervous.

    How is it different from being in groups of people you actually know?

    Do I need to learn their languages?

    What if I can't finish on deadlines?

    How do I deal with the time difference?

    Some help would be nice.

    1 AnswerEtiquette9 years ago
  • I've joined an international fan-fiction project for tomb raider?

    In, I recently became part of a project to make a sequel to Tomb Raider: AoD. The project's called "The Lost Dominion" and features a continuation of the story and is more indepth of what happened to cause all this.

    I was interested, and am now officially involved in the project.

    I've never done something like this, and I am extremely nervous, almost to the point of cold feet.

    I don't want to show my fears to the team, as I'm not sure how they'll respond.

    How do I go about getting used to being part of the project?

    What if I can't get a deadline finished on time?

    Do I need to learn the languages of the other people? (I was raised to speak English, but many people in the project know German, Italian, and other European languages/dialects)

    How do I gain the confidence to get past the pressures of doing something this major and international?

    1 AnswerEtiquette9 years ago
  • What is this book I can't remember the title?

    It's a timetravel book about a boy who gets a time machine from his crippled older self who tells him not to do a certain thing. The certain thing happens, and he goes back in time to change it, causing paradoxes and doing things all over again until during one of the timeloops he lives to be an old man several times and goes back several more times to change things again and again. Eventually at the end of the book, he becomes a crippled old man who was the first one to give himself the time machine. Oh, and he showed his friend the time machine and there was something about a girl and something he wanted to protect other than the time machine.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Why aren't Humanists being noticed?

    I'm a humanist, and I haven't seen or heard any people in the media or in Congress being a humanist, can someone give me a list of known people who are humanists? alive please?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • Is it an allergic reaction or rash? Or even Poison Ivy?

    This isn't a serious reaction. There's no swelling or other symptoms that would make me seize up. It usually happens when my body experiences a sudden change in the surroundings, or in a very dry room. From a cold room to a warm room, or outside to inside, or humid area to dry area. The only noticeable symptoms are strange and random white bumps about half-a-millimeter in diameter on average. But they do not itch, they're only present during conditions in which some random item or reaction causes an itchiness in my upper back and lower neck, plus the parts of my scalp where there is definite dryness. This reaction also occurs during activities where I'm exercising in a dry room. Drinking water helps, and a shower drives the itchiness away for at least 6 hours, then it comes back again for about 15 minutes where I'm scratching like crazy at those areas I mentioned. My upper arms seems to blush more easily during this time.

    There you have it, this is my first Yahoo! question so I don't know if I did anything wrong, but I sort of am curious about this thing I have. I remember going on a trail that had poison ivy growing along the side, but I took precautions before, during, and after the hike. Do you think it could be that? The itching only covers my upper shoulders and the top/back of my head so that's why I think that's the least likely explanation.

    Oh, and I don't want to go to a doctor for this, is there a homemade remedy I could possibly use?

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago