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  • How much should I settle my car accident for?

    I was rear ended on 01/07/2010 and sustained a neck injury that I have been going to 2 doctors for. My medical bills now total $4,921. I am still seeing the chiropractor and plan to go maybe once a month for a while. My injuries are 3 vertebrae rubbing against each other and one pushed forward. I can prove these injuries with the X-rays that were taken 2 months prior to the accident for another medical reason and the X-rays taken post accident. I have never been in an accident and had to settle with an insurance company like this before. What dollar amount should I settle for???

    1 AnswerInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • I need help getting food for my daughter?

    I need to know where to look for some help...I have tried food stamps and I make just barely too much money and I do not qualify for any government assistance. I have run out of money and soon within a day or two will have no food or milk. Where can I turn to?????

    8 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Car accident...What should I settle for?

    I was in a car accident on January 7, 2010. I was rear ended while at a stop sign not very hard but it really hurt my neck. I have been seeing a chiropractor ever since then and still have pain and headaches. I am wondering what amount I should settle for or if anyone has had a similiar situation.

    3 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • Car Seats??? Which is the best, and why?

    I am going to buy a new car seat for my daughter, she will be 2 on August 17 and weighs about 26 to 27 lbs. The car seat we have is getting uncomfortable for her because it is a cheapie. I need to know what the best car seat is for safety, ease of use and installation. I do not want to spend over $180. Please help me!!!

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Anyone tried acai berry supplements?

    I keep seing acai berry stuff all over news, tv shows, and internet and was wondering if anyone has tried it? I am looking to try it to help boost my energy and help me lose some weight. I get tired very easily ever since I was diagnosed with brain cancer a number a years ago. I have been in remission for many years but still get very tired. If you have any other suggestion please let me know. Are there foods that can help? I am not supposed to have caffeine so that is out of the question.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago

    Ever since I was about 13 or 14 years old I have been praying, begging and pleading to God for someone in my life to love me. I want to be married and loved and want so badly to love someone. I grew up without a father and wanted to know how it felt to have a Man in my life. One night my boyfriend looked deep into my eyes and as I looked into his I saw my whole life flash before me and my future to look forward to. He told me he loved me! We talked about getting married, and then I found out I was pregnant with his child and he gave me the alternative of staying with him or keeping my baby. I chose to keep the baby. I sit around and watch all of my friends enjoy their happy life being married and some have children. My daughters father has never seen her nor does he want to (she's 1 1/2 now). I can't hardly hear someone say the word "dad" or see someone interact with their dad or even see a father hold his little baby without crying and feeling guilty of what I have done to my daughter! I am putting her through the same pain and heartache that I have experienced my whole life of not having a father that wants you! I always believed that God does everything for a reason and if you pray everything will be ok. IT IS NOT OK AND IT NEVER HAS BEEN!!! I try to be happy and then I am just reminded of how pathetic my life is! I want nothing more but to be loved and I do not think that is too much to ask. I truly believe that God "my saviour" hates me. I keep turning to him and praying but for over 16 years now I have been lonely. WHY DOES GOD HATE ME SO MUCH????? I am Catholic by the way.

    46 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why don't I ever feel full...I just feel overstuffed?

    I have been overeating for about the last year. I just can't stop eating, especially in the morning. I eat and eat until I feel uncomfortable and tired. All day long all I can think about is what I am going to eat next. I know some of you are thinking "just stop eating you idiot" and I wish it was that simple! I never actually feel full until I feel sick or uncomfortable from eating too much. Please help me with any suggestions or resolutions that may have worked for you. And no I am not fat just a little overweight from this eating problem.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Child Support Question? Would like your opinion!!?

    Ok here goes. I got pregnant and was given the option of having an abortion to keep my fiancee or keeping the baby. I kept my baby! He left me. Now I am getting child support and he is arguing it saying that it was my choice to keep the baby so it is my responsiblity to care for her financially. We just had a second hearing to lower his obligation financially and afterwards he said he wanted to see his daughter (who is 1 1/2 now and he has never seen her) for the first time and try to be a father. The child support did not get lowered as much as he wanted so now he says he is not going to see his daughter and he wants to sign away his rights. He is now getting a lawyer to get his child support lowered. My question is, should I let him sign away his rights or keep collecting money from him. And, after having this hearing that he asked for, can he get a lawyer and take me to court again and have child support reduced again???

    6 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Child Support Question? Would like your opinion!!?

    Ok here goes. I got pregnant and was given the option of having an abortion to keep my fiancee or keeping the baby. I kept my baby! He left me. Now I am getting child support and he is arguing it saying that it was my choice to keep the baby so it is my responsiblity to care for her financially. We just had a second hearing to lower his obligation financially and afterwards he said he wanted to see his daughter (who is 1 1/2 now and he has never seen her) for the first time and try to be a father. The child support did not get lowered as much as he wanted so now he says he is not going to see his daughter and he wants to sign away his rights. He is now getting a lawyer to get his child support lowered. My question is, should I let him sign away his rights or keep collecting money from him. And, after having this hearing that he asked for, can he get a lawyer and take me to court again and have child support reduced again???

    16 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Help, I have a child support hearing and need info......?

    Ok, so I have to go to yet a second child support hearing because the father of my child (who has never seen her and never wants to even though he lives 5 blocks away from me). I agree with him in the fact that the monthly amount should be lowered, but not as extremely as he wants it to be lowered. What information should and or can I bring with me so he does not get it lowered as far as he wants it to be. If he gets his way I am going to have to get a second job just to make ends meet. I already work 42 hours a week. If you have experienced this before please give me some advice. Thank you in advance!

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do I get my 15 month old to sleep through the night?

    My daughter did very well for a long time sleeping through the night all by herself since she was about 8 months old or so. Now she is 15 and half months old and she wakes up about 3 or 4 hours after I lay her down at night. She screams and screams until I walk in her room and then she will stop. I have to pick her up and take her into my room to sleep with me if I want to get any sleep at night. How do I get my little one to sleep, please help me!!! I have tried to rock her back to sleep and lay her down again and she will just scream!! Is it ok to just let her scream? How long should I let her scream before I pick her up again? If I don't get sleep soon I am gonna cry!! By the way I am a single mommy, no one else to take on any of this responsibility! Thank you for any advice!

    14 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Am I being completely ridiculous...or just stupid?

    I fell in love with my ex, he and I were together for about a year, I knew him from highschool. He treated me like his queen and I thought we were very happy together. We were talking about getting a house together and getting married and some day children. I got pregnant before our plans could take place. He left me, I had our child and she is now 14 months old. He has not seen her nor does he want to right now. I still love him and am waiting for him...patiently!!! His mother tells me he still loves me but I don't know what to think. He and I were both abandoned by our fathers and we told each other that when we had children we would never leave them no matter what. In the Bible it says is patient, love is I being too patient and kind or should I follow what I feel and continue to wait it out! He and I do talk, and have talked about us but just nothing is ever for sure...I just don't know please give me some insight.

  • Should I let her see my baby girl?

    Here goes, I had a baby with my ex, he has never seen and and says he can't be the father she needs him to be. There is a whole bunch of other drama in the middle... I have kept in contact with him and his mother and have begged him to see his little girl who is now 13 months old. He has told me that he does not want his mother, grandmother or anyone else in his family to see her either. His mom is the only person in his family that even knows of my baby. I called her for the 3rd time since I had my little girl and she actually said she would like to see her for the first time! I am very excited, but the father of my baby does not know his mom is coming to see her and neither one of us is going to tell him because he told me that he forbade his mom to see her. I don't know if I am doing the right thing because the daddy will find out eventually and this will upset him extremely!! Should I let her come and see her grandchild anyways? I think I should, but would like some reassurance!

    18 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Can the father of my child really do this to me?? And what can I do?? ?

    A little over two years ago I fell in love with a man that I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. We were planning on getting married in one year and having children around two years. I got pregnant before any of our plans took place and he told me either I have an abortion or he was going to leave me! I kept the baby instead of him! Now he told me he wants to sign away his rights because he does not want to be a father. He has never seen his daughter and has no intentions to see her at all. The only reason he wants to sign away his rights is because of the financial obligations of child support that he does not pay anyway because he got fired from his job and now gets unemployment. He is telling me he is going to get an attorney so that he will have to pay me less a lot less, so I told him that I would go after medical bills for my baby if he does this and now he says that his attorney will destroy me and he will owe me little to nothing. Can this happen and what should I do.

    12 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Where is God in my life?

    My life is a living hell and I am just has been this way ever since i was diagnosed with cancer and I want God in my life but I feel he has forgotten me. All of my worst fears are coming true and I even had a dream that I reached out to him and he let me fall!! I have been raised a Catholic but no longer attend masses because I feel like he is not there for me, ever!!!

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago


    11 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Where to find Free baby stuff???

    I am a single mother of one baby girl and would like to find free stuff for my baby!!! I have tried to search for some free stuff but end up having to answer questions and take all of these offers and crap before I can get anywhere. I just want free stuff and samples for my little one. I need all the help possible money is very tight. Her father left us high and dry!!

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Her Father Left us!!

    I am the proud mother of a beautiful baby girl that is going to turn one on August 17. Her father left me 2 weeks after I told him I was pregnant and to this day has never seen his little girl. I have begged and pleaded with him to see his daughter but he says he is not ready for the responsibility. He and I had discussed this and we both agreed long before I was pregnant that we would never put a child through this because both of us had been abandoned by our fathers. Now I am so lonely and the only thing that keeps me going is this little precious baby that I have. I keep praying that he will see her, will you pray for this with me please??? Thank you!!!

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Cell phones??

    I am going to buy a new Verizon Cell phone and wonder if anyone can suggest one for me? I don't need the whole music thing or anything teriibly fancy. I just want one that is durable, has a nice loud ring to it and has a decent camera. Would like the nav on it but not a must, I don't think I will use it.

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago