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Lv 2707 points

Darryl Williams

Favorite Answers13%
  • Besides lava and magma, what humanity-changing things do you'd think you'll find deep in the earths core pending your survival.?

    Earth is not flat, we know that. Volcanos erupt out of nowhere for what reason, We dont know that. Why isn't there any pictures of earths core? We dont know that. How did lava/magma get in earths core in the first place? I dont know that and wont understand that in any scientific interpretation. There's a lot of things I feel that's being kept hidden as a secret and the things they teach and the articles I read about earth and life on it doesn't give me the feel of honesty as I listen or read. It's like whoever put important information out that some of us desperately need to know only tell us one thing that'll lead to another or just say, thats all they need to know or will know... It's never hard facts that'll help us learn more about life and history outside of humanity that's why im only asking for your opinions from the heart and not a book or teacher no matter how true it may seem or sound... They lie to us in a straight face and make us run with there lie and it's nothing we can do about it because we cant prove them wrong but my heart, mind, body, and soul can. I know that im very intuitive, im not always right but I feel the bulls××t in things and know it well when i see/hear it and im gonna end on this note people, Something is going on in this world that we cant see hear or feel as im sure its always been but im young and I wanna let you know to always pray, somebody is listening. It's a one-way connection between us and our makers. Our mind is powerful just as we

  • Could you believe that if you dont make it to heaven you are born again on earth?

    This seems like hell to me. I could live my life and mind my business but our creators, i feel in my heart, would not allow this and just because they aren't here does not mean we shall take advantage of it. I love everything and everyone on earth. But why are they winning. How? Will we ever find out the purpose of a human life.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • Whats so special about the north pole?

    Many have died trying to reach the north pole and only a few made it. Is it science bs or actually mean something more than what is being told for people to risk there life, going to the toughest point on earth to take a picture. What if, now hear me out on this, What if........ There's some sort of magic or something that happens like from the powers of earth or space or something. I understand life. I will never be manipulated by this thing called "life". It has no purpose but eat, sleep, work, retire, and die when my heart know there's not even purpose in those things either but survival when i know my creator outside of my parents want me to live. As for all his creations, we shall live and be hapoy for eternity. All this hate, and evil spirits thats taking over our world crushes my heart because their voice is heard more and our creator(s) may not hear us all the time but mentally and spiritually they are hear with us every step of the way lol its weird but I have had my experiences even though I smoke pot I could not make this up. I live my life, and try to stay happy, sound simple but all these evil things that surround me day and night does not help me sleep at night. I can't leave earth to maybe get help for us, I would risk my life for it, but all these people thats died here and dying now and all the other evil things thats happening hurts so bad. I dont have the answers. I want them, I wanna meet my creator, I want them to know what goes on here...

    2 AnswersOther - Outdoor Recreation6 years ago
  • Are we slaves to the planet earth.?

    After watching interstellar, I'd rather spend/risk my life touring space and wormholes than wasting it working 9 to 5's for the rest of my life to survive here. The "superior" monitor us daily when we dont even know it and IMO uses that useful data they collect for robots they're planning to release to the public in the future. Trust me, they will dictate and appear superior to us because it wont be **** we could do to stop it with the technology "they" have. Earth is hell people and if u give in to satan, u will be born again here. If not, ur spirit will rise and u will go to a place thats the exact opposite from earth. This place is not for me and i hope one day i get off this planet and live my life searching for help and answers for my people.

    4 AnswersAstronomy & Space6 years ago
  • Legal Advice? A store owner attacked me with a 40 inch sword and proven by the cops via store surveliance?

    Can I sue? My finger was severely damaged but I held enough pressure to stop the heavy bleeding even the paramedics that he left in wanted me to wait for an ambulance but I did not have health insurance at that time which was May 17, 2013 or 19th to the exact. The owner guy actually hurt himself really bad because there was so much blood, Maybe he was trying to frame me or something because as you can see in the video, according to the cops, I never did anything wrong. I just defended myself well enough to not even realize that we were fighting at first which is a crime after he came from behind the counter a swung it as if it was a back but I thought it was an all black stick to be honest until he tried to pull the sword out. I need me some compensation. Not now, RIGHT NOW.

    4 AnswersGovernment7 years ago
  • Why is everyone here on earth at least 2% evil?

    First off let me just say that you are crazy if you think 2% isn't a lot of all because I believe we are all capable of having evil tendencies at 0%. I am a very strong black male, physically and mentally, and it's a shame to wake up to evil, look out the door it's evil, get on the bus it's evil, go to work it's evil sometimes even go to church and it's evil there. I love everybody and everything on this earth from water to volcanoes. This land is precious to me and humans devalue it and consistently hurt each other physically and verbally and it just bring tears to my eyes because it's literally nothing me or my GOD can do about it. I don't just worry about myself, I worry about everyone and everything else here because nobody is perfect, so they say but I believe otherwise IMO, but we are here! We have to stick together, love each other, love this planet. Who needs money? People will commit every sin for it. We don't have to survive, We were meant to live. I don't know a single person who heart I believe is pure. I'm not talking down to anyone I just want people to change and i'm not judging. It's going to be like this long after you're gone an as well as me and it just brings tears to my eyes. Earth is a beautiful place, evil just took over but it didn't take over me. I refuse to do a bad thing and I mean that literally, if it bring anyone or anything mood down I won't do it beacues I want to see all my people happy, for my GOD to show him there's still hope down here.

    7 AnswersMental Health7 years ago
  • With Xfinity, Can I purchase additional channels I don't have such as sprout?

    So i've been an on-time paying customer for about 5 months now and today I get a letter in the mail stating that I will no longer receive sprout. My kids love sprout lol actually they're in love with that channel and I will be hurt financially if I would have to buy another package just to get that one channel. Thanks :)

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs7 years ago
  • Do ou think me or you can be the next Jesus Christ?

    Jesus is the son of god, or at least one of them and I am a son of god... I have came to a conclusion/theory that despite all the evil that dwell here on earth, Jesus Christ reached a certain or maximum level of consciousness that we today can not get to because of all the manipulation that's going on. I believe we all can walk on water and perform miracles but instead of us knowing how, Since being born, Our mind and brain is being altered (We are only able to access 10% of our brain... Yes! but Why... How???) by what's on this earth more than what's beyond TV's, books, music, etc. Theres more here to that and whoever's pulling the strings will continue to drive you in the opposite direction. I may sound crazy but I feel in my heart that at least part of this is true if not all.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What do yu think happens to your soul once you die?

    And why... Please be specific. Honest and most respectful opinions are very appreciated and will get the 10 pts.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Anyone else believe there is more to life than this...?

    We all do the same thing... Eat, Sleep, Work, Sin, Get high, Get drunk, Get laid, and wait to die. I will never understand why/how it works like that and who's covering the bigger story up like Where do humans come from and What are our purposes for being here or even how did we even get here? History itself contradicts itself and if history has been tampered with, Imagine how far you think this train run people. You can bring "science" in it as much as you like, That's what "they" expect you to do and I understand that but at the end of the day... Science is nothing but there "tool" for proof and if they say something is "scientifically proven" 99.8% of the population will buy it. You gotta have your own beliefs and stop buying bull because it "sounds true" or somebody said it with a straight face. I know I'm no saint but I fantasize each and every night about how my planet would be lol like I'm a god or something and everybody just love each other, care for each other, help each other, comfort each other at the same time knowing hat they could hurt people, lie, steal, kill but they choose not to because they just want to LIVE. There is no "politics", countries, none of that. Just land and air for us to all enjoy equally. Hope I made sense.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What do you predict the patriots defense will rank in thes categories?


    Sacks: Top 10

    Passes deflected:1rst

    Pass defense rank:1rst

    Run defense rank: Top 10


    5 AnswersFootball (American)7 years ago
  • Does anybody know how to watch full nfl games for free?

    I was trying to watch a few patriots games from last season but wasn't able to find any reliable sources. Thanks (Easy 10 points guys)

    2 AnswersFootball (American)7 years ago
  • What do YOU believe is on the other side of the black hole our universe is inside?

    Please be specific , Don't be shy lol I don't judge anyone & honest answers from the heart will definately be appreciated. Thanks

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space7 years ago
  • What did I miss ? What happened to earth ?

    It almost seem that 90% of earth's population curse , hate , disobey , lie , steal , kill etc but I know & I can feel this is not what its suppose to be. I was so blind… SO BLIND growing up & once I finnaly realized it , felt it in my heart I just wanna break down and cry. The things you hear/see everyday are so ridiculous & is going in the most opposite direction of at least trying to get better. We were gods beautiful creations at one point in time but if you put us all in a bubble , we would just be considered satans spawns if you would put a name on it because we are so easily manipulated. I just want to commit suicide so bad to take myself away from the place , could be somewhere worse than this… Could be paradise but it'll be worth the risk I just know that it's a sin & god made me stronger than to just take the coward way out , I can survive but I want to LIVE. This place is just not for me :(

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Does this make me crazy ?

    I never done anything worse than this in my life... Everyones calling me crazy because I swiped my sister 42' tv on to the floor after she refused to give me all of my belongings as I was moving out. I shouldnt have done it but I was tired if being pushed over & just wanted to get even before I left and thats why i left btw because I was her doormat for 8 months. I reacted out of anger & disappointment, does that make me crazy ?

    1 AnswerPsychology7 years ago
  • Was the govt shutdown a scheme to get the american public to riot so some marshall law could work or whatever?

    Me and a few friends of mine werereally debating about this, i could care less. I can not prove that that question is true but it is 100% possible because if the reason theyre saying it went into effect for was the case, there should have been one years ago when **** was worse, than it wouldve been necessary

    2 AnswersGovernment8 years ago