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  • Can I be charged while having a underage drinker?

    So I am going to a party tonight with my friend who is underage so am I (17 in Canada legal drinking age is 19) he will be drinking with an open container in my car. I will be completely sober driving to the party but I was wondering if I can be charged for anything if I am sober and the alcohol is not mine? I live in B.C and I have an N (basically a license that allows for one passenger and isn't quite a full license) also can a cop pull me over for no reason if my driving is perfect or can they pull me over for just being a new driver?

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • How long before I see results in cardio endurance?

    So I have this soccer thingy tommorow and it's pretty important to me so I have been running for about 30min every day for about 2 weeks to prepare for it. My question is will I have better cardio now like be able to run longer and harder or is 2 weeks to little to really see a difference in cardio stamina?

    1 AnswerRunning4 years ago
  • Will smoking some weed make my cardio go to s**t?

    So I have this big soccer thingy in a week and I ve been preparing for it by doing about 30min of cardio each day for around 2 weeks just so my cardio isn t awful when I go to this soccer thingy. But school starts in a day and I want to get a good nights sleep( little bit anxious for first day back plus you know that feeling u get when u can t get to sleep it s annoying) so I m asking will a couple bong tokes make my 2 weeks of cardio just disappear? Or just a little bit thanks.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • What to do to fully indulge and live truly?

    So I will be graduating high school next year. Through high school I've realized that there is so much more to life then my little town. But I don't really want to go to university (I'm not against it just seems so repetitive and boring) I want to expierence things like drop LSD in Vietnam or have a 3 way with 2 Australian chicks. Do you think if I just go get minimum wage jobs in different countries and live off other people's hospitality am I truely living more then a person that goes to university? And gets some mundane job at the same place for the rest of there lives? What are your thoughts and expierence s?

  • Do you believe we have a soul?

    Weird story, so today I got a little horny and decided to "take a shake break" if you know what I mean. So I started too and came then I realized how weird is it that my body hasn't realized that I'm not having sex and that I'm wasteing energy so why did my body ***? When it knows that I'm not doing it to reproduce. Then I thought wow my mind has its own thought outside of the body does this mean there's something more then just instinct? Do you believe there is something deeper to the human expierence? And not soul in the religious sense just "conscious" in a way I guess. Sorry for grammar I don't care.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality4 years ago
  • which of these skis would you choose?

    So I am buying new skis this year and I really want a freeride, light, powder dominant but still all mountain playful ski that twin tiped. I ski in a west coast resort in B.C I weigh 140lb and dont prefer groomers more like big lines and powder.

    My choices are:

    k2 marksman ski 2017

    Rossignol soul 7

    Armada JJ 2.0

    Qst 99

    Qst 106

    Candide thovex 3.0

    Line mordecai skis 2016

    Sir francis Bacon 2017

    Wailer 112Rp2 foundation

    (Those are all my options according to where I live so dont suggest otherwise)

    Which of these skis would fit my needs best?

    4 AnswersSnow Skiing4 years ago
  • Why can't you have an all star team in soccer?

    Why can't you have all the best soccer players on one team? Did FIFA make some kind of rule? Like why can't all the best players just be bought and go to Real Madrid or wherever.

    3 AnswersOther - Soccer5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Physics homework?

    For number 2. It says 90m/s why wouldn't it be -90m/s

    Can you have negative velocity?

    2 AnswersPhysics5 years ago
  • If you where to do it again what would you do differently?

    What would you do in university differently? Would you go to university? Would you start a family later or earlier? Just in general what would you do? Hindsight is 20/20 my momma always says.

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Physics homework?

    No I have done the work just this is for marks and I want to make sure I have the correct answers. Please show work, also please explain how to do 7,8,9 and 10 I don't understand them. Thanks

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • Math help?

    Can some one answer these questions. And no I did the work I am just seeing if I got the correct answer. (No answer key for this homework)

    A student running at 4m/s suddenly slows to a stop in 1.5s. Find the average speed while slowing down.

    A student starts at point A and drives east at 50m/s. Another student starts at point B 170km east of point A and drives at 60m/s directly west. At what point east of student A's start point do the students cross? At what minute do the students cross?

    A child in a go-cart race travels a 400m track in 12.4s. The child who came in third traveled the same course in 13.6s. The second place child finished 4m behind the first place winner. What is the average speed for first place and the average speed for third place. What was the time for the second place child?

    (Show all work please)

    1 AnswerPhysics5 years ago
  • What to do after High school?

    I will be graduating high school shortly. Was wondering what the other route is besides university. What I don't want to happen is get a degree than get some shitty white collar job with a bunch of debt from my college years. Settle down with a family at 25-30 and watch my life slowly turn to sh*t. Travel, Trades, Entrepreneurship?

  • Trades vs University?

    Just started my Grade 11 year. Was thinking about my future and stumbled across trades which looked very promising. My thought process was why go to Uni for minimum 4 years get some shitty white collar job while in debt when I could get payed to learn. My main concern is missing out on the university life, seems like fun couldn't I go back to it in say 5 years or would I have already missed it?

  • Can I phone the police if my moms boyfriend ever touches me again?

    I was watching a movie laying down on my bed (stomach facing the bed) and he came in all angry, got in my face about ruining his and her night out (I guess they where on a date idk) He then put his hand around my neck in a choking position( on the back of my neck) I told him to get off and go away. He then proceeded to get in my face again and started talking about some **** (i don't remember i was mad at the time) then walked away.

    I see this happening again in the future and I just wanted to know if I got video evidence and called the cops what would happen to him.

    I am 16 male in Canada.

    I believe he got mad because I phoned my mom at 9 asking to be picked up from a friends whenever they where done there "date" which I don't get why that would make him mad in the first place.

    Don't give me that bull **** "oh but you should respect him" I have already made up my mind I don't and I doubt he will ever change that.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Why do I feel socially not in the loop after I smoke weed.?

    At parties I usually smoke weed but once I smoke it I just feel like every one is doing more socially advanced conversations then me like talking and just partying better. I'm usually a pretty outgoing guy but once I smoke I just feel not awkward but that everyone else is just socially advanced. don't get me wrong I feel good after smoking weed I just don't get why I feel this way socially any one else feel this way.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • Is it wrong to take NyQuil to go to sleep?

    I just took NyQuil to help me sleep better because I wanted to get a good night sleep for back to school so is that like abuseing drugs cause it s meant for being sick and I m not sick

    1 AnswerOther - Health5 years ago
  • Is there going to be a second puberty?

    So I am 15 now I can grow out a pretty dirty dirt stash and am somewhat muscular and am like 5'7" but then I look at kids in university and they have full beards and are chiseled and have facial features filled out also taller so is there a second puberty in your 20s that is scientific?

    5 AnswersMen's Health5 years ago
  • do i need french class to get into university?

    Im in grade 10 right now and i want to do business 11 but to do this i have to drop french 10 i was wondering if you actually need to have up to grade 12 french to get into some universities (name the universities that i couldn't get into)cause if not ill drop french and do business.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • If God created us in his own image.?

    If god created us in his own image and we exist then that means there is a god right? Cause if he weren't real we wouldn't exist.

    Damn made that connection. Blew your mind didn't it.

    Don't act like that didn't blow your mind cause it did.

    You can't play that off that was brilliant.

    Man my brain is amazing.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago