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  • Can college admissions see disciplinary actions from schools I don t list?

    History: I once went to a party at a college campus and, long story short, I m banned from that college. I was never a student there, I never attended classes. But I got a letter in the mail after the incident laying out "disciplinary actions" taken against me.

    Now, 4 years later, I m about to graduate with my bachelors degree and I m applying to grad school. There is a question on the application asking me to describe "disciplinary actions" taken against against me at "any school". I don t want to mention the incident (A)- because I was never a student there (B)- because it will impact my entry to graduate school.

    My transcript has no record of that college since I was never enrolled and no legal action was taken so my background check should be fine. But is there some reporting method that colleges use that I don t know about or do you think I m being paranoid?

  • What is the difference between retaliationa and self-defence?

    The other day at work, a female employee slapped me in the face with rolled up Saran wrap. It caught me off guard and I instinctively shoved her away. Although this is the first time I've reacted in that way and usually just walk away and talk to her later, I've expressed to her probably multiple times that I am very uncomfortable with people touching my face. It's a huge emotional trigger based on my history with my father repeatedly slapping me in the face; I've told her dozens of times not to do that between the half dozen times she's hit me in the face with rubber gloves, saran wrap, flicked my face etc. She does this to everyone and somehow doesn't understand that it is extremely offensive and particularly offensive to me.

    So she hits me and I shoved her. She claims that the shove was more of a hit with an open hand and she is telling people she might pursue legal action. I have apologized for scaring her and hurting her if I did, (she didn't have any bruising, it wasn't a hit). I told her it was instinctive, especially since her usual routine is to repeatedly slap the person in the face multiple times over and over. She said, verbally, to me and my employer on two different occasions that she acknowledge that it was extremely offensive to me for people to hit me in the face and she did it anyway not "expecting [my name] to react". I've never lashed out and hit someone since I was in elementary school. If I go to court over this... situation... what can I expect?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years ago
  • Can police drug test based on accusation or suspicion? Tricky one.?

    My friend and I are in an argument about what rights people have pertaining to drugs. We weren't sure how to ask the question in a specific way without being confusing, so we have come up with a scenaro:

    There is a student, Kyle, who is going to school or a job (whichever) and it requires a bi annual drug test. Unfortunately for Kyle, that would make it difficult for him to use anabolic steroids (AAS), a schedule III controlled substance. While most employers will never, EVER, test specifically for AAS because it is more than $200 per test (and there are as many tests as there are different steroids >100), blood work from his drug test will reveal that his testosterone levels are WAY over normal, which can only be achieved by using AAS. Now, at some point the authorities are notified that Kyle may possess AAS. The Police come and search Kyle's property and do not find anything. Can he be arrested or drug tested by the police based on this suspicion or blood work showing high levels of testosterone? Can his employer/school fire/expel him based on the blood work even though they never tested him for any specific drug? Can that person be convicted of steroid use even though he just had high testosterone on a blood test?

    **We picked steroids because the testing for it is more expensive than most are willing to pay for a conclusive "positive". Please do not lecture me about steroids on this thread; I know more than you know about them already because I am a 5th year medical student. This is a hypothetical argument that my friend and I had gotten into to find information on people's rights, not on the benefits and concerns of using steroids**

    5 stars to the best answer--

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • I broke my clavicle in July 2012; shoulder hurts now. Can I have it realigned?

    I broke my right clavicle in July 2012 due to a motorcycle accident. The doctor said that the bone was enough in-line that it did not need surgery (both the pieces of the bone were still touching, although not perfectly aligned with one another). He said surgery after a month is difficult because of ossification makes the bone hard to break where it has been broken previously because there is less collagen in that area once it is healed.

    He advised me not to have surgery if I didn't need to so I didn't. I work our regularly at the gym. That is not something I will ever be willing to stop doing, it's the only recreational hobby I have and the only thing I have time for while being a full time student and having 35+ hours a week at work. Aside from having trouble maintaining symmetry on my back and trapezius muscles, my shoulder on the broken side keeps popping and cracking and is giving me a little bit of pain. The pain is slowly getting worse and I'm afraid that eventually I will ruin my shoulder or have a blowout and have to have rotator-cuff surgery anyway.

    I had told my doctor before that I work out regularly and he said it wouldn't be a problem after the bone healed up, but obviously he was wrong. I'm hoping there is some sort of orthopedic surgeon or someone who has had the corrective surgery with the bone-screws after the bone has healed and give me some advice. I'm guessing the surgeon would have to "re-break" or cut my bone at the angle it was fractured before, realign it, and then install the screw(s) and/or metal plate for the healing process. I just want to know if the surgery can be done at this point. I don't care how hard recovery would be (even though I'm told the surgery recovery would be much easier than letting it heal naturally like I did before); I had spinal fusion surgery in 2008 so at this point there is no recovery process that is too extreme for me haha I don't want any of the answers to be: it would be too difficult to recover and/or- It just is not worth it. It is completely worth it from my perspective, to not have to constantly worry that something is going to knock your shoulder out of place (which has happened) or that your going to be working out and your shoulder randomly giving out (which has happened), all the while experiencing increasing shoulder pain for the rest of my life.

    1 AnswerInjuries7 years ago
  • What can I do with my Transfer Degree... Besides transfer?

    Hi, I'm 21, I've been going to a two year college for 3 years (starting my 4th) because I just kept changing my mind about my major. First, Engineering, then drafting, then criminal justice, now Nursing... I feel good about nursing and I'm sticking with it. I start my program this spring at a 4-year university, as soon as I get my Associate of Sciences (my transfer degree). For the past 4 years, I've been working at a market comparable to The Fresh Market or some other specialty foods stores.

    I'm kinda tired of food/service jobs, I liked my roofing and construction jobs over the summers, but I don't have time for it during the school year. There are worse places to work and my bosses are nice and work around my school schedule. I do want to make a little more money though. My boss told me I'm a great worker, but it's a small and privately owned business so the money to give out raises just isn't there. It's getting kind of difficult at this point running on a budget with NO flexibility. I can't save money because after tuition it all goes to food/rent/gas/car-maintenance. I'm basically a manager (titles there really run more on seniority) and have a lot of responsibility but minimum wage is $7.25 here, I get paid $8/hr. So I need to find another job now, bc I can't handle working 45-50 hours a week while in school to make ends-meet.

    Is there any job where employers might find an Associates of Sciences (not applied sciences) appealing? What kind of jobs should I look for? Would this help me in any health-care facilities? Or am I just going to have to tough it out for a few more years? *note that I'm looking for something that will be close to $10-$11/ hour. I'm holding out on student loans, credit cards, and borrowing money until I have no other choice; so please don't consider that an option in the answers. 5 stars to whichever answer is the most helpful, thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • How do you let girls down easy in bars?

    I recently turned 21 and have been going to bars and clubs with my friends. I don't want to sound like a complete ********, but here is the situation: Some nights I have a lot of luck and girls I think are pretty will talk to me and come home; other nights girls that I find less attractive find me and won't take any hints that I'm not interested. The pretty girls don't want to come talk to me while the other girls are still there. My buddies tell me to just be mean until they go away, but I don't want to do that because I'd feel awful about it for the rest of the night. How do I tactfully let them down if they can't read signals well?

    PS-Don't tell me to say that I'm gay, I tried that... then this one girl thought we were automatically best friends or something.

    4 AnswersEtiquette8 years ago
  • Is Student/Teacher dating prohibited?

    I go to a local community college and I was thinking about asking one of my teachers out after our final. I won't be in her class any more. I was wondering if it is common for teachers to be prohibited from dating students of the college, regardless of whether they are taking a class of theirs or not.

    6 AnswersTeaching9 years ago
  • Why is the IRS sending me crap on finals-week?

    I recieved a lovely letter from the IRS today, after the section where they asked how me and the kids were doing they told me I owe them a sum of $300 because my tax return doesnt match information from others. This is how the section reads, more or less:

    You owe $308 because your info doesn't match up, blah blah

    Amount Reported to IRS by others: $8785

    Amount Included on your return: $878


    Now my questions are, is this saying that I stated that I earned $878 total last year? I'm 99.9% certain that I put 8785 down, if I did and have my form to prove it, do I still have to pay back $308? (If so, that doesn't seem right and I'll cry) And if I did make that mistake, how is it that I wouldn't get awarded more money? I thought that if you made more money and it's taxed, then you will be refunded more money.

    **I'm young and new to "taxes", so please don't be very very technical with your answers because I will likely not understand it. I don't know very much tax-teminology and this form they sent me is riddled with confusing wording and faded, hard-to-read ink.

    8 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • How to get foot in the door- Firefighting?

    For about two years now, I've been turning in applications around my area in Tennessee at Fire Depts. I've got nothing from anyone except an interview at Knox Fire Dept after all my tests, but I didn't get the job. I have no experience, it seems like a catch 22: you have to have experience to get hired, and you have to get hired to get experience. I'd like to volunteer, but my financial/School situation won't allow it. I've been trying to find Fire Academies where I can receive Fire/EMT I training, but I can't find anything that doesn't look like a gimmick or online classes. I have always desired to do this sort of work, I really don't know what else to try- I'm 2 years into college and something either needs to happen with Firefighting, or I need to settle for something else- I really don't think I want to do anything else.

    3 AnswersOther - Education10 years ago
  • My parents are withholding MY money from ME?

    about a year ago it was time to sign up for government aid for school. somebody said that I could get more aid if i switched my savings over to my parents SS#. So I did, but then the form required me to give my parents savings amounts anyway. O.o I plan on driving a motorcycle to commute to work because of the recent gas prices and the Mustang gets 18mpg at best. My parents do not want me to have a motorcycle at all, which wouldnt be a big deal, oh well... But they wont put any of my money back into my SS# so I can withdraw it from the bank. While, I have my $60/month phone bill, $60/week gas fill up, have to buy my own food, and insurance; my parents aren't giving me any of my money back. Im really screwed if I don't get that money back and I dont know why they are trying to screw me like this. but the big question is "IS THERE A LEGAL WAY I CAN SOLVE THIS' or am i screwed bc the money is listed under their SS#? btw I make minimum wage and hours are cut as we are slowly going out of business. FML

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Is a Ninja 650r too fast to learn on?

    I considering learning to ride, I have never owned a bike before. I have two different people telling me two different things, 1. A 250r is an excellent choice for a learners sports-bike, but 650 is dangerous to learn on; 2. 650r wont be too hard to learn and I'll regret spending 2-3k on a 250r and feel like I should have more power after getting it. Any other opinions?

    4 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago