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I'm a Bible Belt Born American living in Oklahoma while I go to college to pursue a Bachelor's in English. I live with my boyfriend, 2 dogs, and 2 cats. I'm not your typical Bible Belt Born american, so don't think that I'm some redneck hillbilly. I believe in Evolution, love animals, hate ignorance, and freely spout my opinions of science and religion. Get used to it.

  • Nervous tic in my right eye?

    For over a week now I've had this incredibly annoying tic in my right eye. it's the lower part of my eyelid, and it does it every couple seconds, but occasionally it'll continue to twitch for minutes at a time. It's driving me NUTS. Has anyone ever dealt with this, and how did you make it go away? Thanks ^_^

    1 AnswerOptical1 decade ago
  • What hobby should I choose?

    My boyfriend suggested I try to find myself a hobby in order to deal with depression and anxiety. We don't have a lot of money right now, and so I am rather limited in what i can do. I also work nights full time and have a couple college classes. I like a lot of different things, but i just don't feel like DOING anything, lol. My boyfriend loves video games, and I enjoy them, but not to the extent that he does. I'm not creative enough to paint or patient enough to sew, and we don't really have an actual kitchen so i'm unable to cook much. We also live in a very small town (5 thousand people) and so going out and meeting people is also rather limited.

    Boy, I sound like such a negative nancy. I enjoy writing, reading, traveling, books, music, shoes, cats, candles, sex, aroma-therapy, giving massages, etc. Does anyone have any helpful suggestions?

    10 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Was satan really that bad?

    In my opinion, I think God is worse than the devil (or satan, whatever you want to call him.) In the Bible, God kills over 2,270,365 people.

    Satan killed 10. And it wasn't really just him killing them, because God commanded Satan to kill those people while he was still under God's rule.

    Are you quite sure that the devil is such a bad guy?

    My source, with citations from the bible.

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Japanese hard to learn?

    I am going to be taking a Japanese class while going to university because I have to be able to master at least 1 language besides English before I can get a doctorate. I'm not interested in taking any of the other languages, and believe that it is only possible to really LEARN a language if you are really wanting to and are interested in it. I love Asian culture and am looking forward to learning it. But my concern is about how difficult it is to learn? I know the written language can be extremely difficult. But how hard should I expect it to be?

    5 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • How can I switch to a new email?

    Okay, this story is a bit complicated...basically I have numerous emails through yahoo, hotmail, and one through gmail. They are all connected to me being in a relationship with my fiance. (The name of the email basically ties back to my fiance by being my pet name, etc.) My fiance has decided that he no longer loves me and wishes to break off our engagement and wants me to move back home. (I moved to another country to be with him.)

    So basically, is there a way that I can make a new email address without losing everything? All of my accounts are tied into my hotmail, and I don't want to lose everything. This includes shopping, paypal, tax information, etc. It would be highly annoying to have to change it all. Is there a way that I can make a new email, but have the emails from my old email address be automatically sent to the new one?

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • How long does it take to learn Danish?

    I am getting so frustrated!! I have been here almost 2 years and I still cannot carry conversations in Danish. It's the first language I am trying to learn (I only speak English, in other words), and I am finding it very difficult to remember anything for more than a day or so. I am also having trouble pronouncing stuff. Blar!

    I can count to 100 or so (with some help remembering 30, 40, etc), and I can say the alphabet and a dozen or so phrases. I also know a couple dozen words (maybe more, sometimes I surprise myself with what I know). But I can't seem to string it all together to actually be able to speak with anyone.

    I have the hardest time trying to understand people when they are speaking to me in Danish. I can follow along for a few words, and if you're lucky I can guess at what a person is saying.

    Anyway, I'm just wondering for any foreigners living in Denmark, how long did it take you to learn Danish? I'm not taking any classes because I am in university right now and I don't have the time or money to travel and take a class in it at the moment. Maybe next year or over the summer.

    3 AnswersDenmark1 decade ago
  • A question for people of all religions :D?

    Okay. I am a second year student at Roskilde University in Denmark. Instead of taking lots of classes and then taking tests like I did back in the states, in my new university in Denmark they only have you take one or two classes per semester, and then the bulk of your semester is spent writing a research project. My project this year is about Jonathan Swift (a very well known deacon from Ireland in the 1700s) and his satirical work, "A Modest Proposal".

    In this proposal, Swift offers the people a description of how poor, hungry, and horrible the life of the poor is. Mothers are forced to beg for their children, who cannot work because they are too young. Nothing is being done to fix it. So as a solution, Swift suggests that all children at about 1 to 5 years of age be sold as meat to the rich. Basically selling your children to be eaten by rich people. He offers excellent arguments for his solution, including statistics.

    What I am wondering is: What do you think about this? Would it be ethical in your eyes? If you haven't read it, you can easily find it online and it's only a few pages long. It's a masterpiece of satire, and it's a masterpiece because it could easily be put into practice. So what are your opinions on a very religious man suggesting something like this as a solution?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone (christians, atheists, buddhists, whatever) ever read...?

    Paradise Lost? If you haven't, you should. It's about how Hell came to be and the devil and satan, Lucifer, etc. It shows that the devil wasn't really a bad guy. And actually, in the bible, has the devil actually killed anyone? All I ever see is God turning people to pillars of salt or ordering people to kill their children or whatever.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do Christians have to pick on people so much?

    I was just watching a documentary on television about this man who was from England and decided to go around to some of the churches in the states. Many of these churches had people who actually traveled using the church's money in order to picket the funerals of soldiers who had been killed in Iraq. They also picketed churches that were known to have gay members. These people came off as absolutely nuts!! My fiance and I just couldn't believe that these types of people can walk the earth. I mean, why spend your entire life preaching to people and hating people for not believing in something you believe in?

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Hot chocolate with Malibu rum?

    Tomorrow for new years we are having a small party with drinking and dinner and stuff like that before we go shoot fireworks. I am not a heavy drinker (no beer, etc), but I do enjoy liquor as long as it is not overpowering. I plan on making a "Malibu Hot Chocolate" where you mix a bit of coconut rum in with some hot chocolate and add whipped cream. I don't have the time or patience to melt real chocolate, lol, so I am going to be using the powdered hot chocolate mix instead. If I use milk in the hot chocolate and then add the rum, will the milk curdle? Or should I just make the hot chocolate with water and rely on the whipped cream to make it a bit creamier?

    12 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • American holidays in Denmark?

    Are there any Americans living in Denmark that plan on celebrating Thanksgiving? I did it last year with my Danish fiance and all of our friends, and they loved it so much that they've begged me to do it again this year, lol. Since I'm so busy with work and school we'll be holding ours a little later (in December). How about everyone else?

    1 AnswerDenmark1 decade ago
  • so I got pickpocketed in Denmark?

    So I was on my way down to the metro and some retarded so and so managed to get into my backpack and steal both my wallet and my cellphone.

    Now, I don't want to hear about, "oh you should have done this and this to make sure nothing like that happened". Because I know what I'm supposed to do, but I was very distracted because I had never been to the metro and a nice danish lady was helping me find my way. So I was concentrating on her and forgot to keep my bag in front of me. There was no money in the bag, and I have cancelled the 2 cards that I had in there for 2 different banks. I also cancelled my cell phone and everything like that. Here are my problems:

    1. My CPR card was in my wallet. Does it cost money to get a new one if it was stolen? I made a police report and everything.

    2. My American driver's license was also in my wallet. If there are any americans in Denmark, how would you solve this problem?

    3. Can people use your cpr card and my ID and buy things and then have a bill sent to my home? Or is that pretty much impossible?

    Luckily the most expensive thing they stole was my cell phone that cost about 500kr, but I've already had it a year and I hated it anyway. I am mostly worried about my driver's license and if they can steal my identity after I've reported everything stolen. I come from a really small town in the states so I've never had to worry about this stuff before and I'm getting kind of paranoid.

    7 AnswersDenmark1 decade ago
  • Why aren't I having my period?

    (Asked this in women's health but no one ever answers there, so i'm sorry if this is in the wrong section :). ) Okay, I am 23 years old and have been having fairly normal periods since I started having them around age 10. They were infrequent when i was young, and then by the time i was 16 they were fairly normal and would happen once a month on around the same day.

    I just moved to a new country to be with my fiance last August, so that makes it about a year that I have been living here in Denmark. I had periods every month before my trip, and I had them the first couple months I got here, but they stopped entirely last November. I thought I might be pregnant, but took lots of tests and nothing was ever positive and I never had any signs of being pregnant. I occasionally have a tiny bit of discharge in a dark brown/red color, but not very much. Kinda like when you are spotting. Other than that, I have not had a period since last november. My mother said that when she was my age, she started skipping her periods as well, and she also had trouble getting pregnant with me. I will be making an appointment with the doctor, but I am wondering if I have been skipping periods because of the move, and being in a new place with new food and new people and stress and college and all sorts of other things? My fiance and I have sex (about 2 or 3 times a month or so,now) but we don't use protection. I am not concerned about getting pregnant because I wouldn't mind. But I just want to know why on earth I haven't had my period in almost a year. It's so strange. I don't feel sick or anything.

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why aren't I having my period?

    Okay, I am 23 years old and have been having fairly normal periods since I started having them around age 10. They were infrequent when i was young, and then by the time i was 16 they were fairly normal and would happen once a month on around the same day.

    I just moved to a new country to be with my fiance last August, so that makes it about a year that I have been living here in Denmark. I had periods every month before my trip, and I had them the first couple months I got here, but they stopped entirely last November. I thought I might be pregnant, but took lots of tests and nothing was ever positive and I never had any signs of being pregnant. I occasionally have a tiny bit of discharge in a dark brown/red color, but not very much. Kinda like when you are spotting. Other than that, I have not had a period since last november. My mother said that when she was my age, she started skipping her periods as well, and she also had trouble getting pregnant with me. I will be making an appointment with the doctor, but I am wondering if I have been skipping periods because of the move, and being in a new place with new food and new people and stress and college and all sorts of other things? My fiance and I have sex (about 2 or 3 times a month or so,now) but we don't use protection. I am not concerned about getting pregnant because I wouldn't mind. But I just want to know why on earth I haven't had my period in almost a year. It's so strange. I don't feel sick or anything.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Tips on how to get a job in denmark?

    Okay, I am a student in Denmark and I do not know any danish yet. I have only been here 9 months and since I am trying to study and keep my grades up I dont really have a lot of time to take danish classes yet. My fiance is danish and he and his friend plan on giving me lessons in danish this summer holiday, but even so I am not going to guarantee I learn it well enough to speak it by the fall.

    Anyway, I was wondering where I would be able to get a job? I do not live in Copenhagen (I live in Holbæk, west of Roskilde) and I cannot afford to travel on the train everyday because I dont get student help like danish students do, so my train tickets cost a lot more. I am not above doing cleaning jobs, but it seems like they all require knowing danish, or by the time we inquire, they are already snatched up. I really want to get a job, but it is becoming very frustrating!!! Can anyone help?

    7 AnswersDenmark1 decade ago
  • How do I get a worker's permit in Denmark?

    I'm going to university in Denmark and I need to get a job so I can support myself. How do I go about getting a worker's permit when I apply for an extension on my visa? Do I need to have a job offer before I can apply for the permit?

    3 AnswersDenmark1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite Danish movie or series?

    Personally I really enjoyed Blinkende Lygter and the series Riget. What about you?

    4 AnswersDenmark1 decade ago
  • What cartoons did you used to watch when you were very young?

    I remember things like David the Gnome, Eureka's Castle, the Smurfs, Garfield, and Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers. What sort of cartoons or shows did you watch as a kid?

    29 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite anime?

    BESIDES Naruto, DBZ, Deathnote, Bleach, and all those other silly little popular anime's that are shown on cartoon network in horribly dubbed english. I'm talking about your favorite anime that you watch in original japanese (with subtitles if you need it).

    27 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade ago
  • Am I pregnant?

    Hahaha. Kidding ^_^! Don't you just HATE that question??? For a change of pace, what colors or decorations has everyone decided on making their little nurseries for their new bundles of joy?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago