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How do I POLITELY ask my lovestruck friend to quit talking about his new girlfriend so much?
So I have a good friend who is very sensitive, had been going through a messy breakup and was really upset about it. He struck up a friendship with someone else online (I'll call her S), and the two became involved in a relationship. That was about two weeks ago, maybe three, and he will not stop talking about S. Literally every single time he talks to me, he brings her up. Sometimes he'll message me over Skype JUST to bring her up, or bring it up all the time in group chats we're both in. I understand he's ecstatic and completely smitten with S, and I'm very happy for him, but I am getting so. Sick. Of him talking about her 24/7.
The problem is, I don't know how to politely ask him to please tone it down without upsetting him. He's the kind of guy who wears his heart on his sleeves and the last thing I wanna do is hurt a friend. I also don't wanna come off as a rude jerk, because I know I can be blunt sometimes and that leads to accidental hurt feelings. What should I do? Should I try to subtly hint he might be going a bit overboard, or should I just outright tell him?
3 AnswersFriends8 years agoFriend I have recently had a falling out with is a troll, and concerned they may start to troll me?
Hi, I have a weird concern, but it's really bothering me, so bear with me. I am seeking advice for how to deal with a friendship issue online.
Okay, so I had a friend I met online a year or so back, he was always a pretty decent guy and although we had our differences, we had remained pretty good friends. However, one day he confessed to me that he was a frequenter of 4Chan, specifically the forum /b/. I have dealt with trolls from there before and it was quite an upsetting experience for me in which personal information and photos were leaked, and I have spent a good deal of time trying to cover my tracks and distance myself from that event, but he understood my feelings about the issue when I shared it with him and nothing more was said about it. It was merely something I knew about him.
Flash-forward to now. He has some very, very different opinions concerning the Nolanverse Batman films (he hates them), and he's best described as being somewhat nihilistic with an off-color sense of humor. So his response to the recent tragic shooting in Colorado, which I've chosen to believe is his form of grieving, was to make several extremely inappropriate and in my eyes disrespectful jokes about the subject matter and how much he thought the films sucked and the victims deserved it. I repeatedly asked him to stop, as I felt that his behavior over IM was uncalled for, and he refused. I then left and let him cool off for a day or so.
The next day, he IMs me to complain about how people on fb are complaining about his behavior. When I try to explain why and help him understand that, no, really, he was and still is being disrespectful and offensive, he dismisses me. I have since blocked him from my IM buddy list until this all blows over, as I've all but given up on trying to keep him from self-destructing his friendships and reputation online - I, unlike many others, recognize there is a person on the other end who could get hurt, and I don't want anyone to go through what I did with those trolls from /b/.
Now here's my concern. In the two conversations that lead to me blocking him, I'm pretty sure he was starting to maliciously troll me. He wasn't just kidding around - he was purposefully continuing even after I asked him nicely to stop several times, which leads me to believe he was out to emotionally hurt me. I'm actually scared that he will take his behavior to /b/, out me as the person they attacked years ago, and the whole vicious cycle will start again. I have a Youtube channel, a personal website and blog, and other important websites that I am afraid these trolls will attack and potentially get taken away from me. The damage this could cause would undo years of my trying to lie low and protect myself online, and it's just not something I can risk. I am afraid of someone I once considered a friend, all because of a stupid falling-out and immature behavior concerning a recent tragedy. I can't control his actions, obviously, but is there anything anyone can say to help console me about this problem, and is there anything I can do to protect myself further? As it is, I am already considering opening another Youtube account to protect myself should my current one go down, I don't allow comments on my blog/website, and I have my IM program set to only accept messages from my contacts. I'm just scared and I don't know who else to ask about this other than the internet, the people who would most understand how a serious trolling attack from a site like /b/ could devastate years of an online life and force me to rebuild all over again. Someone please give me some support, because I feel like I need it right now.
2 AnswersFriends9 years agoCan Anyone Help Me Find These Pokemon ROMhacks? (Pokemon and Creepypasta Experts only, please!)?
Hi, I am fascinated by Pokemon Creepypastas, and I'm looking for a very specific set of ROMhacks for a project of mine on creepy Pokemon Urban Legends. I am seeking these legends in the form of ROMhacks or flash projects, and I have not been able to find them anywhere. I know some exist because I have seen footage, whether someone hacked a copy of the game to do it or not! I am seeking an answer to if ROMHack versions of these legends exist, but a link would be even better. Please be serious about this; don't put Copypasta in this thread or anything because I really do need help with this.
These are the legends I am looking for playable, fan-made versions of, if they exist:
Buried Alive/White Hands (supposedly a cut battle sequence from Pokemon R/B/Y where a zombie appears in the Lavender Town's haunted tower and battles you. He has two "White Hand"s and a few other Pokemon he sends out, and if you lose, he supposedly eats your character alive. If you win the game supposedly crashes.)
Tarnished Gold (The Pokemon Gold version of the Lost Silver urban legend, following the rival's point of view.)
Blue Tears (A Pokemon Blue "Haunted Version" legend in the same vein as the "Lost Silver" legend.)
Bloodstained Leaf (A Pokemon LeafGreen "Haunted Version" legend in the same vein as the "Lost Silver" urban legend. I saw raw footage of it on Youtube, but could not find the ROM)
Easter Egg - Snow On Mt. Silver (This legend goes that there is supposedly a cheat code that causes an altered battle with Red in Pokemon G/S/C to occur. It causes snow on Mt. Silver, as well as gives the implication that the player, Red, and both parties' Pokemon all died on Mt. Silver during a snowstorm, as well as altering your Pokemon's sprites to appear frostbitten.)
Gary's Raticate (This legend is based on the implications behind Gary being at the Pokemon Graveyard in Lavender Town during the events of Pokemon R/B/Y. According to what the game implies, after battling the player on the SS Anne, Gary's Raticate was too wounded to be saved and died. The poor kid then had to bury his prized Pokemon. Apparently there is a ROMhack of this where you can play as Gary through this event somewhere, but I have never seen it.)
I am hoping by posting this here that someone really familiar with Pokemon ROMhacks and Creepypasta can help me separate the fan legends and stories from actual ROMhacks based on the stories. If you know where I might be able to find working ROMs or flash games based on these legends, please answer! ^w^
4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation9 years agoHow would I translate this phrase into Latin?
I am working on a video project and, for artistic reasons, I want the titles of the videos to all be common phrases related to the video itself, in Latin. I myself don't know Latin, but I do know some Spanish (I realize the two languages are quite different, but the latter has roots in the former), and well that's great for me and all, it's not the language I want. :) I've been able to figure out most of the phrases I want, but I'm not sure about one. I would like to translate the phrase "For the love of God" into Latin, but I'm not sure if there are multiple ways of saying this or not, and I don't trust online translators - that, and of all the translators I've tried, each one gives me a different or slightly different answer. Anyone really good at Latin want to translate this for me?
1 AnswerLanguages10 years agoCan I substitute imitation crab meat for tuna in a noodle casserole?
I am cooking dinner for my family and wanted to try something new tonight. I make a good tuna noodle casserole that everyone loves, however, I wanted to try using imitation crab meat in the dish in lieu of the tuna. Can I do this, and will it still taste alright?
For reference, I make my tuna noodle casserole in a very old-fashioned way, with celery, cheddar cheese, a milk and spice sauce (or cream of mushroom soup), noodles and canned tuna. Spices used include garlic and onion powder, salt, black pepper, and a little mustard.
6 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years agoWhich fast food place has the best grilled chicken sandwich for the money?
I'm always on the go and I love fast food because it's cheap, tasty, and a quick bite on the way to my classes, but it's obviously unhealthy for me. I am trying to make better choices as to what kinds of foods I choose at fast food spots, and I'm a huge fan of a good grilled chicken sandwich. My question is, what fast food spot (not take-out, not diner, and not a deli-style shop like subway) has the BEST grilled chicken sandwich for my dollar? I'm always disappointed when I go to a fast food place, order a grilled chicken, and it just doesn't taste right.
Before you answer, realize that I live in the Midwest and therefore don't have places like In-N-Out Burger, Hardee's, Carl Jr.'s, Jack in the Box, etc. I also don't have a White Castle or Chick-Fil-A near me. I do, however, have a Sonic, a Culver's, and a Checkers, as well as the ubiquitous McDonald's, BK, Arby's, Wendy's, etc. nearby.
10 AnswersFast Food10 years agoDoes there exist a GOOD Doctor Who video game anywhere?
Just wondering, because I very recently got into the show and I was wandering around online looking for some wallpaper. I came across a review of an abysmal Doctor Who iPhone game where you apparently run around opening doors (Just... why?). That got me curious as to if there are actually any GOOD Doctor Who video games of any kind, so I thought I'd ask here. :)
I'm aware it's a lot bigger of a thing in the UK than the USA (where I live), so I'm hoping some of you British Whovians can help me out - does there, anywhere in the universe, exist a DECENT Doctor Who video game, and can anyone point me in the right direction of it. If there isn't one, what would YOU like to see in a Doctor Who video game?
2 AnswersDrama10 years agoComputer Experts - Is taking ownership of the C:\ directory in Windows a bad idea?
Please only answer this question if you REALLY know the answer or are very knowledgeable about computers; I don't need half-baked answers to this because it's kind of concerning to me.
I'm curious about something concerning my Windows 7 laptop. I recently accidentally switched the ownership of my computer's C:\ directory to myself (I have administrator privileges) from TrustedInstaller. I didn't see anything bad happen and I even restarted, but I was afraid that doing this would cause programs to work incorrectly or not work at all, so I shifted it back to TrustedInstaller as the directory owner. My question is this - is changing ownership of a directory to your user account a bad idea; that is, can it cause major problems? If so, what problems can arise? If not, what potential reasons could someone have for making themselves the owner of a directory?
3 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoHELP! My Neopet won't take healing potions...?
Okay, so I happen to have a VERY stubborn Lupe who will not take any Healing potions except for a handful. I know that Healing Potion III works, and there was one other that worked but I can't remember what it was. And of course the Healing Springs Faerie HAS to be a complete jerk and just not give me anything but random elixirs and potions my pet won't drink. WHY is my Neopet not taking any potions except for maybe two of the many, many Healing Potions that exist? I heard it has something to do with the name of the pet and how many characters are in the name of certain items, but my pet's name has something like 13 characters, 15 with underscores, and it won't take Healing Potion I, which has 14 characters. What is going on, and what can I do to heal my picky Pet?
4 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agoIs ripping and burning cds really illegal?
Is it really alright for a person to rip music from one cd and burn that music to another blank one? I was under the impression that it was okay as long as you didn't sell the cds as your own work.
6 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agoIs this spyware or not?
Help! I think that my Windows XP PC has spyware on it, I did a full sweep and it shows nothing, but my computer doesn't shut down right. When I went to check why, I was told that a program that I had recently installed shut off the regular logon/logoff properties. It told me to check c:/windows/system32/bcmlogon.dll, but that did nothing. I found random stuff in the system32 file that I've never seen there or installed. So... does my PC have spyware, or is this a fluke? If it is spyware, what can I do to get rid of it? Can someone give me a list of spyware programs that mess with logon properties?
4 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago