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i posted a letter about not being able to sign in to you tube yesterday?
today I got on to youtube no hassle has anyone else had this happen?
2 AnswersYouTube7 years agowhat has happened to the home house that sends me back to the yahoo home site?
it used to be at the top near my name and e mail logo
1 AnswerAbuse and Spam7 years agoi am interested in a tablet that has g3?
how dos this work the ad says get on the net with g3 do you use it like a mobile phone and can you use pay as you go?
Laptops & Notebooks7 years agocan you partition a usbstick?
I want to use a part of my usb stick as a password opening store for passwords
1 AnswerDesktops7 years agoabout the visa changes in australia?
it says that it is favouring Australians dos this mean aborigines?as they are the only true austalians
1 AnswerEmbassies & Consulates8 years agodo all religoins beleive in eternal life?
the one that was drummed into me at school did and is this why they have so much control over every walk of society ?
5 AnswersMythology & Folklore8 years agoI have tried how do i change my keyboard to English from American I have been trying with no success?
I asked about the@ sign and was told the keyboard was set for America
4 AnswersOther - Computers8 years agoabout my new pc keyboard problem?
I have a new pc made for me by reliable source the mouse and keyboard are usb connected .when I went to sign in to yahoo the @ button was giving this ".after numerous tries I thought I would try the desk top keyboard, and noticed that the 2 key had the@ sign to log on .so now I use this key to sign in all key boards I use for the pc have this fault even when using the normal plugs to Access them ,can anyone throw some light on this problem? p.s. when I go into the keyboard set up it says the keyboard is working ok
2 AnswersOther - Hardware8 years agoSky + box i have been given a Sky plus box and no remote?
i have a remote but it has been with no batteries in it for a long says inside you have ten minutes to put new batteries in.when i got it up and running it seemed to be ok but the box wasnot responding folly to commands .i tried my remote for the box i am using ,and it responds correctly.will i have to leave the batteries in for a time till it responds? another thing how do iget a freesat card for this Sky box/
3 AnswersTiVO & DVRs8 years agoit is about religions and belief?
why is people calling atheism a religion? we have no churches no gods no priests,we do not try to convert anyone.we just are atheists
7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agoabout atheists and religion?
why do you the ones who answered my question about visits from atheists think i was meaning you had no friends ,i am sorry that is not my intention
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agowhen has anyone had a visit from an atheist at there door?
i have in my lifetime had visits and been stopped countless times by religious followers almost all my life.i have never once had an atheist stop me in the street or knocked at my door,to (convert)me .can you say why?
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years agowhat about time and space?
if time travel, mind reading and faster than light travel are possible why have we not seen any physical proof of these?for example faster than light travel,say the race had and sent out probes to find life,before it had faster than light travel it arrives here now taking thousands of years to arrive. before it got here they would have been able to be here already?time travel you are doing it just now but it only goes in one direction .mind reading there would be no crime ,accidental deaths or mistakes
1 AnswerPhysics8 years agoabout cctv footage who dos it belong to?
if some one is on these tapes can they get the tape?
1 AnswerPolitics8 years agoa new computer problems signing?
i have just up graded to a new computer and i tried to sing into yahoo .the computer will not recognise the @ on the Sign in from any key board i press alt @ then nothing happens?i am sending this on the old pc.
1 AnswerOther - Computers8 years agoabout crime ad government?
do you think tha there will be less crime if we get rid of the mps that have been convicted
1 AnswerGovernment8 years agoi just had an idea i thought i would?
what about having a one day ban on beliefs?i am tired of this and that questions about all beliefs i do not care what your arguments are
3 AnswersPsychology8 years agoabout signing up to a new password?
i recently asked about not being able to sign into my yahoo ,and got the answer that fixed it.the thing is when getting back was the new password i inputted the red flag came up so i rewrote the password and the same thing happened .i sussed out to press the red flag and it said the first letter had to be a capital then it could not be all letters ,i needed to put in a dash or something else .why can't they state this before the start of the sgn in?
1 AnswerLogin and Security8 years agoabout the spell checker?
i see it sometimes still comes on but not as long as before do you think it will go altogether?
1 AnswerYahoo Answers8 years agoi have been trying to sign into my account?
i changed my user name and password .got signed in ok as you can tell by my being able to write this.then when i go off line and later come back ,you have guessed i have to start all over again.i was getting trouble with my modem not long before this happened and it seems ok now .could this be the cause of this?
1 AnswerPassword and Sign In8 years ago