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Favorite Answers9%
  • Am I the only one who finds it strange/offensive that there is little discussion of these cases.?

    The black guy who shot the baby in the face, the couple who were victimized in New Orleans by three blacks and the two women who were raped by the black kids? What is it? Three months ago you could not go onto any part of yahoo without the whole zimmerman case being talked about and the line of a sweet little boy with ice tea was killed, pushed at you with a dozer blade. What gives folks? Why are these not stories which should bring concern and angst. After all, in these cases, the people did not do anything to bring about what happened to them aside from minding their own business. They were just victimized for being white and everyone knows it but will not admit to it.

    9 AnswersMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • WMD's In Iraq/Syria?

    So, to all of you who screamed that there were no WMD's in Iraq, has it dawned on you yet that you were wrong? Many of us told you back then that the weapons in Iraq were moved out of the country with the cooperation of the Russians, Turks, Syrians but you would not accept that. Instead, you railed on how we were wrong or just goofy Bush supporters and war mongers. You screamed of an illegal war. WHERE ARE ALL YOU PEOPLE NOW? WHY ARE YOU NOT SCREAMING ABOUT BOBO NOT CONSULTING CONGRESS AND TRYING TO GO TO WAR HIMSELF? Uh huh, you were wrong as usual, you are political hacks to the core and now you want all the rest of us to forget or let it go. In the words of Bobo's preacher who Bobo never heard, Doe's this not seem to be Liberal's Chickens, Comin Home, Ta Rooooost?

    Current Events8 years ago
  • Are We Lost? Divorce, Remarriage, Illegitimacy, Cheating, Etc.?

    Do you ever read some of the questions and answers in this section as well as others and think to yourself that we are lost as a nation? Seriously, some of the questions which people ask as well as some of the answers in here would lead a huge number of people to believe that this nations people no longer has a belief in God, has any morals or character. I admit, I am among the number who often thinks this after reading some of what is posted here. Do you ever find yourself thinking the same thing about what is said on here?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • 2nd, 4th, 5th Amendments?

    So many of you like to yap that the 2nd amendment was written in a different time. You say it is outdated. Okay, so do you realize that the 2nd amendment was written by the same people that wrote the other amendments and placed into the U.S. Constitution by the very same people at the very same time? Tell me why it is that you want to believe the 2nd amendment is outdated but you would not hear of how the other amendments are outdated or useless or so on. Tell you what folks. Maybe we would take your argument more seriously if you were to say the rest of the amendments are screwy or that is not what the original intent was, just like you try to argue about guns.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • We are so educated????? REALLY?

    Asking this in marriage and divorce because so much of what I am referring to comes from this section. Curious as to your take on this. Does it strike anyone else as strange that today, society is supposedly so much more educated and advanced yet so many people seem to be at a loss in regards to things that are so very simple and what I term common sense? Just looking at the questions and answers in yahoo Q & A, I wonder how we claim to be so much more enlightened given the things people ask and the answers they receive. I have to say that in my view, we have not progressed or learned, we have actually reverted and lost so much of what made society good. Am I the only one who thinks this?

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Guns and History What changed?

    Do you realize that it was not terribly long ago that we had firearms clubs in high schools, boy scouts and other such venues? It was not uncommon for most households to have at least one firearm and for young men to be taught to shoot at a young age. We did not have shootings like we hear about today. Ask yourself why that is. What changed. The guns did not change. Again, what changed? My view: To blame guns for what is happening, allows far too many people, far too many theories and far too many errant policies and programs to escape blame. It allows those who have done all they can to create a much worse society than we used to have to escape blame for their part in causing what is now taking place.

    5 AnswersCurrent Events8 years ago
  • You thoughts on Voter Fraud?

    No matter what party you belong to, or whom you support, does it not concern you that we may have a huge number of people voting who are ineligible to vote, voting it two different states, etc? If that is not troubling to you, why not?

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Your opinion on this statement?

    Martin Luther King said that we should judge people based upon their character and not their skin color. I believe that in many cases, it is the character or lack of it that people are at times judged on and not their color. I also believe that often times, people blame racism for their plight or problems instead of admitting the above is the case. Your opinions of this statement are solicited.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • To those who were against Scott Walker?

    Please tell me why you do not think that government employees, be they fed, state, local, should have to pay the same rates or percentages for things such as insurance, retirement accounts and so on that others must?

    2 AnswersFootball (American)9 years ago