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I despise my public school and all the immature kids in it. That makes me sound like a complete witch, but I'm misunderstood and I find it extremely difficult to tolerate and relate with my classmates. Also, I live in the liberal city EVER and I feel like slapping all these kids who are pro-socialism. Move to Europe. Get out of this great country. Obama and his administration are complete phonies. My teachers try to brainwash us with liberal ideas. Ballet is my favorite thing in the world. I only started when I was 12, but I've been taking 5 classes a week and going to summer intensives, and I've now graduated to an int-adv. ballet class with older girls. I LOVE 80s music and my favorite artists are (no particular order): Duran Duran Cocteau Twins Boards of Canada The Cure The Smiths Depeche Mode New Order The Beatles Beck

  • Do you think it is unreasonable to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools?

    I personally am offended that they halted the recitation of our country's Pledge in my public school. At the school I go to, the first 2 years, we went over the Pledge on Friday and Monday mornings during announcements. Nobody was particularly "thrilled," when we were encouraged to stand and recite (no force), but nobody objected. The next year, our principal retired and we also parted with the Pledge. I suspect we halted because of the dreaded "political-correctness" we all feel entitled to, all the time. (Since God is mentioned in it.)

    I'm going to clarify: I'm not a super-religious person, even if I am portraying that. I'm also not that outspoken--I am a fiscal conservative/libertarian and live in hugely disproportionate liberal area. I believe in God, yes, but I never talk about religion around others, especially the touchy liberals I know. Heck, I don't even go to church. I don't know that much about "my religion." (I was raised by moderately Christian parents.)

    What I find very aggrivating is this obsession with keeping the words "God," and "public," complete taboo. I understand the defense of "separation of church and state" (which isn't in OFFICIAL U.S. original documents, but we now associate it).

    "One nation, under God..." shouldn't be as controversial as it is. Our original U.S. documents written by our framers used the word "Creator" quite frequently. Therefore I do believe the role of God (however you'd like to phrase that) IS in fact intended to be a part of our country. Last time I checked, citizens were supposed to be loyal to their country. This is where saying a country's Pledge of Allegiance (loyalty...and patriotism...) comes in.

    I don't feel that because God is mentioned should we eliminate our Pledge from our schools. If I remember correctly, some 95% (give or take) of Americans believe in God. Are we supposed to silence mentioning of Him--even in public schools--for the sake of the 5% of the Atheists, at the expense of the other 95%?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Poll: Brown or Black accessories?

    Purses, shoes, belts, hats, etc.

    Which do you prefer?

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Poll: Stone Roses or Oasis?

    Which band do you prefer?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What is the ground fungus in our mulch that has black "dirty" spores?

    We got new mulch about 2 months ago for our front courtyard/garden and the side garden at our house. The fungus is flat and gold-brown, sort of crepe-y looking, and is covered with a ton of black spores that look like dirt. I was watering the plants today and I ran the hose on the weird looking spot and all the black went shooting up in the air in a huge cloud of black dust (spores). I looked around the rest of the gardens and found a bunch more in different sizes all covered in the black dust. I walked far away from the spores as they shot into the air so I wouldn't inhale them or anything like that. We have a dog and I'm worried that he'll eat it or inhale the is this fungus dangerous?

    I live in Michigan and it's been hot for the last months and we've only gotten some occasional T-storms and rain.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • I am in total despair?

    I just turned 14, but I've had a history with depression (on and off from ages 9-11, varying severity from12 to present). Also, I have had an eating disorder for 2 years (lowest BMI of 16.5 at a few different stressful periods in my life (5'4" and was 95 lbs). I took pride in how I was thin, and people complemented me ("that dress was MADE for you!" etc). My weight fluctuated about 8 lbs during the summer, which I tried to forget but I exercised compulsively at hrs per day and counted every calorie. I dropped the pounds vveeeerryyy slowly until Ihad skin and bone for my whole upper body, and I could hardly perform during my modern dance class, which involved rolling on the ground because I felt like the bones in my lower back and front hip bones were going to break. I also fractured my shoulder in that class doing a hinge backwards and slipped, landing on my shoulder.

    That waS a really stressful time. I never slept (insomnia) and during the weekends, I was at Nutcracker ballet rehearsal all day. So I got back to 95 lbs and it was impossble to get any lower. Christmas sent my spiraling into depression, like every year. I can't explain that feeling of sadness at christmas.

    I always skipped a lot of school because I hated it so much. I was misunderstood, tired, bored as hell, and couldn't concentrate. My teachers were and are incompetent. I found Zero reason and motivation to go daily. Now myteachers and classmates tease me for skipping, but I can't shout after my teacher openly yelled at me for not being here the previous day, "hey, it's not my fault! I'm only severely mentally Ill!"

    Anxiety is horrible too. I've had this for a long time. There's no reason to be nervous, but I always am on edge and scared something will go wrong.

    Now I am completely miserable. If there was a ruler of the universe, I don't know why I have been granted this misfortune. I gained 15 lbs. That's sucks for anyone. It is an absolutely horrific nightmare for an anoretic. Many people have commented on my weight gain. I could clock them right in the mouth when they say that. I hate my body with such an intense passion that I won't bother attempt to elaborate. My weight gain is a complete mystery. I eat less then I did at my lowest weight (now about 500/day vs 800/day then) and I've continued to gain. I'm also extremely active--I do ballet 7hrs/week, and I exercise on days off of dance. Sometimes I jog for 40 minutes before dance. I've been on Klonopin .5mg for about a month and a half, and recently started .25 my

    lamictal, both at nighttime. I've researched side effects and reactions to eachother and found nothing, but I noticed my suicidal and morbid thoughts have increased dramatically since the return to Lamictal

    I am so SICK and TIRED of living my life. I've been cryng in bed for the past 3.5 hrs and I have school tomorrow. I am so miserable. I'm desprate for advice or info on my weight gain, or med dosage.

    I really just needed to share this because I was about to explode.

    6 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Interlochen dance program? Any experiences?

    Either the arts academy or the summer program.

    I'm 14, in Cecchetti Grade 4 ballet (6 hours weekly). I also study modern (2 hrs weekly), which I know is a pretty big program there.

    I really, really, really love dance. I hate my public high school and the types of people and cliques in it, and I think an arts school would be great (minus the $45,000 price tag--yikes!). I love to learn. I have been denied the opportunity to really learn and expand for the past 7 years when I left my Montessori-based school (truth be told, I am pissed I didn't skip 2 grades when transitioning into public elementary school!!).

    Are the teachers/students/facilities nice? How welcoming is the environment?

    I've heard great things about the ballet program, as well as contemporary.

    Also, even though I can't go this year, what is the summer program like, if you have been?

    Thanks in advance!!

    3 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • Bizarre stomach pain? Help?

    Saturday morning I had a Bar Mitzvah luncheon where they served a few things that COULD have been contaminated (tuna salad, egg salad), but I'm a vegetarian so I didn't have fish, and mayo grosses me out. There I ate hummus, pita, fruit (typical foods I eat all the time) and drank some coffee, also had lots of grilled vegetables that were really heavy--beets, turnips, squash, carrots, etc., which I don't usually eat. Also, that night, I ate more beets in a salad I had before bedtime.

    On early, early Sunday morning, I woke up at about 3 am feeling like I was going to puke. I felt totally fine the day before, and it was only once I had fallen asleep I woke up feeling extremely nauseous and overheated. I fell asleep again, and again I woke up at 5 am I couldn't endure it anymore. I went into the bathroom and brought a pillow and slept on the floor. Also, I ate a ton of Tums and drank plenty of water. I got waves of extreme pain that felt like a huge lump in my intestines--but I'm NOT constipated, trust me. I had diarrhea and almost puked a few times--AND had those horrible, horrible burps that taste like vomit. I didn't have a fever or headache. I fell asleep for 2 hours and I woke up feeling sick, yet again, and then I had the worst bout of pain and I wasn't sure if I was going to have diarrhea or puke, so I just sat in front of the toilet. It was horrible :(.

    By 10 AM I felt fine. No headache, or fever, and barely any stomach pain. I skipped going to dance, but I had a party later that night that I went to. I had a snack, and went to bed at 11 PM.

    This morning (Monday) I was awoken at 2 AM by the same stomach pain and burps. I took more Tums, drank more water, had diarrhea, and slept on the bathroom floor just in case. It was hurting so much and I was getting extremely frustrated that this was happening all over again--and I had school the next morning.

    My mom let me stay home this morning because she thought I had a fever, but I didn't feel feverish. I also had to skip dance. I didn't have much of an appetite, but I ate some crackers, a pear, tea, water, rice cakes, and soup today. I've been feeling fine, but I'm scared this will happen AGAIN tonight, making me miss MORE school and dance.

    Some important things:

    -Saturday and Sunday night I did intense ab workouts. Coincidence?

    -I ate a lot of vegetables on Saturday

    -I ate before bedtime

    -This doesn't feel like constipation at ALL (there was acid involved)

    Has this happened to any of you? How did you treat it? Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Can you buy Agar and sushi nori at Whole Foods?

    I'm on a vegan cooking craze, trying to switch over from

    Vegetarian. I got an awesome cookbook from the library ("Tofu Cookery" by Louise Hagler--it's amazing and totes vegan!) and there's a recipe for tofu sushi...sounds great...but I need to wrap the stuff.

    Also, the gelatin substitute agar is mentioned quite a bit, and these both seem like ingredients you can get at Whole Foods (I occasionally go after school with my mom to eat at the hot bar and shop). Does anyone know what region of the store I can buy these?

    Vegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Where in Whole Foods can I buy nutritional yeast flakes?

    I read about it allll the time in vegan recipes as a cheesy substitute and I can't find it anywhere.

    I need the aisle specifics, please, if you've bought it before. Is it in the baking aisle, perhaps? Thank you.

    10 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Project Runway new season favorite?

    My favorite is Logan!!! The first episode I was all over him for being a studmuffin ( and I think he's a good designer ( )

    I'm so happy they're finally taking notice that he exists and is HOTT from last night's episode and the model episode following. The model episode was PACKED with drama, the one crushing on Logan was stolen by the crappy designer (Mitchell). They've only showed him approximately 3 times for a split second throughout the 3 hours of show so far, and now he'll be all over the place :o)

    Also, Shirin's design from last night was beautiful, oh my god. And it's only $55 for a handmade coat and dress!

    Who's your favorite designer/favorite outfit so far? Past seasons? Daniel V was my past favorite.

    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • How much debt (on avg) is placed on each 18 year old's lifetime for Obama's plan? Help?

    I remember seeing it on Sean Hannity (FOX news) in January (I think) but I can't find the number anywhere...I just remember it blew my mind and I'm trying to write my back-to-school essay and I need a few stats. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite Cedar Point ride?

    I was there alllll day Wednesday (7/8/09) for a swim team trip we do every year. Since our 7th grade class went right before school got out in June (6/11) I was kind of adjusted to the feeling of coasters....The class June trip sucked. It was raining, so all the rides were closed 1/2 the day, and MAYFLIES!!! Oh my gosh, it was SO terrible. Must have been *billions* of bugs on every surface (especially bathrooms....uegggh).We went on only 2 roller coasters...Mean Streak and ....I don't remember the other 9 hours. Mean Streak SUCKS. Honestly, I felt like my head was going to fall off. Additionally, I was in a group of 3 so I had to sit next to a stranger, which was awwwkwaaaaard....

    This time, my favorite ride was Raptor...we waited at the gate at 9:59am (park opens at 10) and sprinted to Raptor, pushing all the hillbillies and hicks out of the way (I was technically leap-frogging over them) and we were the 2nd people in line for Raptor. Oh my gosh. SUCH A FUN RIDE! I'd never been before and it was amazing. I kicked the sky! :)

    My other favorite was MAVERICK. We waited in line for 2 hours, and there was a guy lip synching to his iPod and dancing and everyone was taking videos to pass the Before the ride, I got SMBS (Swim Meet Bladder Syndrome--the feeling of having to pee before you dive off the block at a swim meet when you're nervous. SCARY!) Luckily, they launch the cart really quickly up the first hill--it's startling, even-- which cuts back on the nervousness before they throw you down the first hill at 95º!!! That would be inward. As usual, I had an out-of-body experience and my intestines felt like they were going to explode going down. But the ride was excellent and everything about it was perfect. People say it hurts your head, but I don't think so...

    I've been on Millenium last year out spontaniety even though I'm a roller coaster wimp. It was super fun even though the first ride is quite possibly the most terrifying drop with basically no seatbelt ever. I'd have even gone on Dragster, but the line was so long.

    The food's disgusting, but the creamery towards the park opening has amazing root beer floats (probably 342984039284903 calories)

    What's your favorite roller coaster? 2nd?

    Favorite non-roller coaster?

    Favorite food?

    Thanks for reading the longest post ever!

    2 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • Can you freeze mock deli meats and tofu for longer storage or will that harm the food?

    I bought a ton of Yves Deli "salami" and "turkey", as well as some packages of tofu, which are sealed in water. I'm wondering if it's ok to freeze the "meats" or if of will make to food all weird. I've frozen open tofu containers for a recipe, but can I just stick the sealed packages with water in the freezer, and thaw it out later? Or drain it first?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Vegetarians: Do you use chicken/beef stock or lard?

    Since the definition of 'vegetarianism' is a diet that excludes meat, is broth considered meat? That sounds silly, but I'd really like to know what all you vegetarians out there personally think. Ditto with animal fat (yuck...I'd never eat this but I'm curious)

    I know people have their own preference on how veg they'd like to be, but how do you feel about eating these things?

    13 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Will I still grow? Please answer?

    I'm 12 y/o, 5'4, and 105lbs. I got my period when I was like 10 1/2, and I haven't grown since then. I also have EDNOS (anorexia, but I still get my period). I take vitamins everyday, drink a lot of water, and exercise (on average) like 40 min. a day.

    WILL I STILL GROW?? I am constantly freaking out about my height and wanting to be 5'9''.

    My mom is 5'8 and my dad is 6'. And I'm assuming further ancestry has to do with it (my friend is DUTCH/Greek and 5'10 but her parents are about the same as mine), so I'll let you know I'm part Italian, Romanian, Welsh.

    Is my body just kind of taking a break and getting ready to grow again?

    Thank you

    6 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Ever get really weird/sad feelings about music?

    Last night I had a terrifying dream that Paul McCartney and Ringo died and I was crying about it in my dream (only Paul was a fish and was killed by made perfect sense in my dream, and I thought of it as a murder) and I woke up crying. I've also had other dreams about Bob Dylan and The Beatles and I felt really WEIRD then next day. Now I'm terrified of losing Paul and Ringo :'( I don't know what I'd do.

    Does this ever happen to you??

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is it possible I have a really serious medical problem?

    On monday I was adjusting my sportsbra and I realized this really weird cyst on my breast. I found out that it was really hard and I feel a lot of pressure when I wear a bra. I was so worried monday's only on the right side and I have no idea what it is! Can any doctor/smart people help me?? Message me if you need more info


    4 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago