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I love music, computers and trains (real ones), buhwalking, travelling o far off places. I'm getting long in the tooth and grey of the hair so I won't reveal my age.

  • How do I know what speed the RA?

    M is in my laptop to change the sticks. My laptop is a HP with a AMD Turion 64 1.8 ghz processor and only 186 mb RAM so it runs like a snail. I want to put 2GB in it but not sure about the speed.

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks6 years ago
  • Unfriending someone on facebook. Thanks everyone.?

    Just wanted to thank those who responded to my question. Sorry I could not in fairness give a Best Answer to any one person as you all had the same answer. Thanks and it did help and yes the "person" disappeared as I thought they would when I refused to send money. I know that this person wouldn't have been allowed into the UK without a return ticket in the first place and then when I suggested contacting the Australian Embassy in London I was told that they didn't have time and just wanted money. Also the spelling and language were not of someone who claimed to have been to University. Payback of every last "dime" was promised but we don't have "dimes" in Australia and putting the $ sign after the amount of money is wrong. Anyone who is suddenly befriended by a much younger female (younger than my own daughter) is obviously being set up for a scam. I reported it to UK Police Fraud/Scams, whether they will track down this person is another matter. Anyway thanks to all and no need to reply to this.

    1 AnswerFriends8 years ago
  • How do I UNFRIEND soemone on facebook?

    I want to get rid of someone from my facebook friends list - how? If they were in the flesh I'd just tell them to F*** off.

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Does anyone know Joan Larry from Bilinga Qld?

    I suspect a scammer. I was contacted on facebook by a person claiming to be Joan Larry from Bilinga on the Gold Coast Queensland, she?? is apparently stuck in London with no money a her credit card allegedly was maxed out by someone who hacked it and used it on E-Bay. I kinda smell a scam here as she?? is now asking me for money to help her get home. I've never met her and she has no checkable informatioon on her facebook page like when she was born or anything. You read about all these scammers sucking people in with sob stories. No, I have not nor do I intend to send any money. Has anyone else had this sob story put on them? Does anyone know if this person saying they are Joan Larry is real - oh there are photos on facebook that could have been lifted from anywhere. I may be over 60 but I am not stupid.

    1 AnswerOther - United Kingdom8 years ago
  • Is there a SEX gene in women that turns off?

    Is there a sex gene that turns off in women that they are no longer interested in sex after 50? Can you turn it on again - I don't mean just like a light switch. Are women pre-programmed to lose interest once they are past child bearing age or after they have a hysterectomy or something?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships8 years ago
  • How long will it take?

    If a person with no job and no money is put in jail for not paying their taxes, how long will they stay in jail if they are put there until they pay their taxes plus interest?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • When was this released?

    I'm Going Back Again To Yarrawonga by Slim Dusty. Was it solo or did he record it with the Bushmen?

    2 AnswersCountry9 years ago
  • Prince Charles for PM of Australia?

    If you don't like Julia Gillard and you don't like Tony Abbot then that leaves Bob Katter (a wild card), Bob Brown (a self confessed gay) or Prince Charles. So who would you vote for as PM of Australia, Katter, Brown or HRH bonny Prince Charlie? Why?

    1 AnswerGovernment9 years ago
  • Are OBAMA jokes tasteless?

    I am sick of US friends sending me stupid OBAMA jokes. I have enough of stupid Julia Gillard jokes as it is.

    Personally I don't have anything against either of them but I just wish people would find something more productive to do with their time than bagging their country's leader.

    Do you think such jokes belittling political heads of state are poor taste? I never see any about the Queen of England but I think Prince Charles IS a joke.

    4 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups9 years ago
  • There's a spider on my monitor?

    There's a small spider about 2 or 3 mm in size crawling on my monitor.

    What should I do about it?

    A. Scream and run for the safety of the living room?

    B. Get a can of Mortien and blast the bugger to hell (if such place actually exists)?

    C. Ignore it and maybe it will go away?

    D. Ask it what it wants?

    E. Go get my wife and ask her to get rid of it?

    F. Email it to someone?

    I think it is one of those so called "money spiders". They are supposed to be good luck aren't they?

    6 AnswersMonitors9 years ago

    HELP!!!!! I have a small spider about 2 - 3 mm in size crawling on my computer monitor.

    What should I do?

    A. Scream and run for the safety of the living room?

    B. Get a can of Mortien and blast the bugger to hell (if such place actually exists)?

    C. Ignore it and maybe it will go away?

    D. Ask it what it wants?

    E. Go get my wife and ask her to get rid of it?

    F. Email it to someone?

    I think it is one of those so called "money spiders". They are supposed to be good luck aren't they?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • My cat alternates between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide?

    Sometimes she lets me pat her and she smooches me when she feels like it. Other times if I try to pat her she will lash out with the claws. I have learned to read her but how do I get rid of the dual personality? She came from an Animal welfare shelter and had been tormented by her previous owners with dogs. I have dogs and she is not afraid of them and they don't bother her either (I also have another cat and another problem). She is also very skittish - at the slightest movement or sound she will jump up and sometimes run away. The cat is a Manx cross as she has a stumpy tail about 5cm long. My other cat is a Persian cross and is older. She just likes to sleep all day and enjoys being picked up and cuddled, likes to sit on my lap while I am at the computer. She fights with the Manx for no reason (she has been here much longer than the Manx) - she will suddenly walk up to her or even follow her to the bathroom and give her a hiding for no reason. Is it jealousy or does she feel her place is threatened or is he just being a b i t c h?

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Are there any GENUINE sites to meet people in Australia?

    You hear all these reports about dodgy dating sites that fill there pages with fictitious people just to suck you dry of money, so are there any sites where you can meet people for any kind of relationship without all the BS and continual fees? Sites with genuine people who really do exist and who are genuinely looking to meet someone other than for marriage or to fill your head with religion.

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago

    She who shall remain nameless decided about two centuries ago to stick things to the wall with blue-tack. needless to say, over the millenia it has gone as hard as last week's rock cakes. Anyone know how to get it off without taking the paint with it?

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where to contact Zee Network in Australia?

    I know they used to be at Chatswood in Sydney some years ago but where are they now? Did they move to Dubai?

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Would you or have you done it with 2 guys at once? Girls only pls.?

    Have you ever had sex with two guys (or more) at once - not one after the other, but with front and back holes filled or did you do one oral? Did you enjoy it? Did it hurt? How did the guys feel about it and did they change places? How old were you when you did it the first time and how many times have you done it since? Why did you want to do it? Do you consider it a 'normal' form of sex? Do any of your friends know about it and if so what do they think?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is it true semen is full of vitamin C?

    I have heard that swallowing semen which supposedly is full of vitamin C can help with a cold. Anyone got any PERSONAL experience with this?

    14 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is it really cheating?

    If your partner has no interest in sex (other than occasionally briefly mentioning the subject) and has been this way for a lot of years but you still love them, what's wrong with seeking satisfaction elsewhere. Is it right you should be forced to go without just because your partner isn't interested? It has nothing to do with our relationship - it's a physical thing due to a MVA some yeras ago.

    What would you do when every time you suggest it you get the same response - it would kill me! (Which it wouldn't.)

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago