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Question about completing a resume?
I'm a college student and just completed my first year of undergrad. As I start writing my resume for future internships, I had a little confusion about what qualifies as "professional experience." At the end of the summer, I will be working at a camp as a volunteer (my position is "summer staff"). I plan on majoring in accounting and since working at this camp is just volunteering and doesn't really have any application to professional experience, do I not include this as professional experience and under volunteer experience (it's with the same organization that I'm currently a volunteer)?
So, should professional experience be reserved for job shadowing, internships, and other jobs?
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment7 years agoMore GPA or where one went to college?
Who are employers likely to hire...
3.5-3.8 GPA from average public/state university?
3.0-3.2 GPA from top 25 private university, top 20 undergraduate business school?
How much does GPA REALLY matter when it comes to getting hired? Now, I'm not talking about going to work for Wall St. or anything, just an entry-level analyst position for a decent sized firm.
1 AnswerHigher Education (University +)7 years agoWhy didn't Barack name the new dog "Trayvon"?
17 AnswersPolitics8 years agoNot ready for college...?
I just feel so helpless and not ready to go off to college. It just kills me inside because I worked so hard to get into a top private school. I'm young for my age, and supposed to go to college in the fall. My parents don't understand. They see me "not ready to be on my own" and my anxiety as everyone goes through it, but it seems like everyone I've talked to is beyond excited for college and can't wait to go. I'm not worried about the academics, I just don't feel like I'm ready to be on my own. Any help?
3 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoQuestion about anxiety medication?
If I'm currently taking 25mg setraline, and I feel like my anxiety is coming back, my doctor said I can go up to 50mg on my own. When I first started taking it, it made me feel terrible (restless, anxious, depressed, etc.) so I want to ask, if I go up on dosage, will these same side effects come back before it gets better?
2 AnswersMental Health8 years agoCan constipation cause?
Can severe constipation cause...loss of appetite resulting in weight loss, nausea?
Can severe constipation cause one's digestive system to stop working properly causing weight loss?
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years agoWhat does this sound like?? What is my doctor likely to do?
I'm currently taking 25 mg of setraline/Zoloft and the pharmacist said that I shouldn't have any side effects. However, I've had a lost of appetite thus causing me to lose weight. After I would eat, I would have a sour stomach feeling like I was hungry. In the past couple of days, I have not been able to eat from very bad nausea and actually vomited once. My bowel movements are not normal. Can someone help me?
2 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years agoWhich one is worse for me?
Choice 1:
Calories: 550
Calories from Fat: 190
Total Fat: 22g
Total Carb: 81g
Sugars: 78g
Protein: 12g
Choice 2:
Calories: 520
Calories from Fat: 220
Total Fat: 25g
Total Carb: 73g
Sugars: 69g
Protein: 12g
I'm trying to gain weight...I know neither are "healthy," but which one is worse for me? Which is going to make me gain weight faster?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agoHealth question - stomach? Weight loss?
I recently just went on some medication that causes a loss of appetite for me. The week I was sick I was hardly eating, lost weight, and had to force myself to eat. Once I was on the medicine, my eating went somewhat back to normal. I'm not eating as much as I used to, but still eating meals. The problem is, that I'm very underweight and cannot afford to lose more weight. However, it helps with anxiety when I go workout (ride bike for 20-30 minutes then walk). Since I've been working out, I've lost more weight (UGH!). Anyways...after every time I eat, my stomach has a burning sensation like when I'm hungry again. My stool isn't normal. Should I call my doctor? Is there anything that this sounds like?
32 AnswersMen's Health8 years agoWill anti-anxiety medicine (low dose) cease anxiety while taking it?
If someone is taking 25mg Zoloft, will they still have some anxiety, or will it go away all together?
2 AnswersMental Health8 years agoIs a 17 handicap bad?
I'm 18 and usually shoot 88-90 on 18 holes. I would be able to shoot a lot better (3-4 strokes) if I improved my putting. I calculated that my handicap is 17 on the course that I usually play. Is this bad?
3 AnswersGolf8 years agoWhat about this kid that died?
A 16 year old was shot and killed in Chicago recently. Why aren't TM supporters making a big deal of this? I haven't heard Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson say anything. I haven't seen Jaime Foxx wear a t-shirt with this kid's face on it.
If the Zimmerman trial wasn't about race, then why aren't TM supporters angry about this kid dying?
5 AnswersPolitics8 years agoPeptic ulcer in stomach?
Does it sound like I might have a peptic ulcer in my stomach. Recently, I've been having a lot of stress about my anxiety, and not eating a lot. I would have to force myself to eat. Even though today, I've been eating for the most part full meals, the same "hungry" pain comes back in like 20-30 minutes. It isn't like a sharp pain, but just like the pain when you're hungry. It isn't a constant pain either. The past few days have been difficult to eat, and I've lost some weight. I've been having a lot of gas and burping a lot too even if I'm just drinking water but I could also be constipated. Does this sound like it could be a peptic ulcer?
1 AnswerInfectious Diseases8 years agoloss of appetite = weight loss, on medication?
Anxiety has caused me to have a loss of appetite and therefore, lose some weight (which in my case is awful because I'm already way to underweight). If I just started on medication, will this loss of appetite go away and I can gain some weight back? I can't take it if I continue to have no appetite because I already don't weight enough.
2 AnswersMental Health8 years agoAnxiety/Appetite Question?
I have anxiety and it's kind of taken a toll on my appetite. As a result, even though I'm hungry, I have no desire to eat. I really have to force myself to eat meals and I don't eat a lot. On top of that, it makes my stomach hurt because I'm not eating a lot. If I'm taking medication at a low dose (just started yesterday), will this eventually go away?
1 AnswerMental Health8 years agoIsn't this ironic?
How Democrats took over Congress in 2007 before the economy went to hell. The overseer of Fannie/Freddie was a Democrat (Barney Frank). Yet, somehow the state of the economy was Bush's fault? Can liberals explain how this was George W. Bush's fault?
5 AnswersPolitics8 years agoAnxiety issues and going to see a doctor?
I've always had little anxiety problems when big events came around but it was never that big of a deal. Like I never dealt with it on a daily basis, or even a weekly basis. I recently graduated and going to college away. It seems like every day I'm dealing with anxiety about going to the doctor, going on a trip by myself, and going to college. Just stuff that I've never had a problem with. When I'm not anxious about that, I'm having anxiety about my anxiety. It's making life unenjoyable. All I can think about was how hard I worked to get into such a good school and will let this anxiety get in the way of that. Or the fact that my parents payed for this trip and that I'm too anxious to go on it because I'm afraid I'll get anxious flying and anxious with staying with grandparents. I'VE NEVER BEEN LIKE THIS. I want to go see a doctor but my dad whose also a doctor just said that they'll ask you why you're anxious and give you techniques for coping with it. I've looked them up and most of them don't work. I exercise and practice deep breathing. It doesn't help. The last thing I want to do is get hooked on medication and rely on it to do things but it seems like that's the only thing that will help. Suggestions?
2 AnswersMental Health8 years agoAnxiety issues and going to see a doctor?
I've always had little anxiety problems when big events came around but it was never that big of a deal. Like I never dealt with it on a daily basis, or even a weekly basis. I recently graduated and going to college away. It seems like every day I'm dealing with anxiety about going to the doctor, going on a trip by myself, and going to college. Just stuff that I've never had a problem with. When I'm not anxious about that, I'm having anxiety about my anxiety. It's making life unenjoyable. All I can think about was how hard I worked to get into such a good school and will let this anxiety get in the way of that. Or the fact that my parents payed for this trip and that I'm too anxious to go on it because I'm afraid I'll get anxious flying and anxious with staying with grandparents. I'VE NEVER BEEN LIKE THIS. I want to go see a doctor but my dad whose also a doctor just said that they'll ask you why you're anxious and give you techniques for coping with it. I've looked them up and most of them don't work. I exercise and practice deep breathing. It doesn't help. The last thing I want to do is get hooked on medication and rely on it to do things but it seems like that's the only thing that will help. Suggestions?
1 AnswerMental Health8 years agoWhat will happen to the US economy?
The national debt keeps climbing and climbing and climbing. At what point will this affect the US economy? What happens? Or will the US just continue to add more and more debt?
2 AnswersEconomics8 years agoBest economics book or books (not textbook) to read before taking introductory economics class?
I'm extremely interested in economics to the point that I will likely pursue a major in it while in college. In the spring of 2014, I will take my first introductory college economics class. What would be the best books to read to help prepare? I don't want to buy textbooks.
1 AnswerEconomics8 years ago