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Lv 42,541 points

Adam C

Favorite Answers14%

My name is Adam C, from Greensboro, NC (by way of San Antonio, Texas, born in Lexington, Kentucky.) GO BIG BLUE! I'm 22 andI live in a house with my girlfriend/future wife. I'm a Carolina Panthers, Green Bay Packers, Oakland A's, New York Yankees, Charlotte Bobcats, Utah Jazz, San Antonio Spurs, Carolina Hurricanes and Detroit Redwings fan. Above all, I'm a Kentucky Wildcats fan! WOOT GO BIG BLUE!

  • History being made Sunday?

    Three quarterbacks, in one of the oddest NFL moments, will have a chance to be come the first QB's ever to beat 31 teams this Sunday. Brett Favre, Peyton Manning and Tom Brady have all beaten 30 NFL teams, along with a few other qb's, some HOF's, others journeyman who got a shot at alot of teams (Chris Chandler, for one). But no QB has ever beaten 31 or more teams in NFL history, and by some random chance, all three of them have a shot this weekend. Favre faces the only team he's never beaten, the Chiefs. Brady faces Washington, whom he's only faced once, and Manning faces the Panthers, who he is 0-2 against.

    Who do you think has the best shot at making history? Granted, all three could, but of those three, who is the "sure thing".

    12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Am I the best college football expert in the world?

    Last week, I picked five upsets.

    Penn State over Wisc

    Notre Dame over BC

    UK over LSU

    Louiseville over Cincinatti

    Iowa over Illinoise

    4 out of 5 upsets

    I am brilliant! (I almost decided to go with Oregon St. too, but I figured, no way Cal was going to lose that game trying to make a statement for #1. Gave em too much credit I suppose.)

    How weird is it that USF is going to be #2?

    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • So now that I was right about UK...?

    Do I get to brag all week? How close was I on the score too? I called it 38-35.

    3 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • If UK beats LSU Saturday...?

    Do I get to brag all week like the LSU people did? Will the lame USC fans never shut up? Will Florida fans secretly be fearing the UK/UF game?

    UK - 35, LSU 31 - bank it

    12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • (lighthearted) After 5 INTs', is Romo even more like Favre now?

    Oh come on, I had to ask it. I love Favre and Romo is a good kid. I just hope his career isn't marred by throwing the most INT's!

    11 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Should the Packers make a mid-season trade?

    The Packers still desperately need help on their O-Line and need more depth in their secondary. Do you think they should pull the trigger on a Aaron Rodgers trade? They could package Rodgers and one of their tight ends to a team needing a QB, like Miami, for a DB or another veteran on the line to help mentor the young guys.

    Then they could go after one of the many QB's in the upcoming draft who will be available. (Brohm, Booty, Harrell, Ryan, Woodson, Brennan, etc...)

    8 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Too early to call for McCarthy's head?

    You know, Green Bay played a sloppy game last night, and the officiating was horrible. But I still blame the loss solely on Mike McCarthy's shoulders. Watch the Packers post-game press conference from last night. (available on Mike McCarthy literally blamed the entire thing on his team, and everyone but he and his coaching staff. That's absolutely absurd. He blamed the penalties and turnovers on his players, and their sloppy play. I realize this is the NFL, but he's still the coach and its his and his staff's job to keep them disciplined! He then went on to make excuses for his shoddy play calling saying that the Bears played 2 deep the entire second half. He said, and I quote, "The Bears running defense was better than our running offense." DUH! Newsflash Mike McCarthy... when a team's defense is beating up your offense, CHANGE YOUR GAMEPLAN! They had 7 in the box nearly every down, with Urlacher and Briggs, yet you ran and screened right into them!

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Did any Chicago fans actually watch the game?

    Seriously, it seems all of the Chi posters on here are completely oblivious to the truth of the outcome of that game.

    The multiple Packer turnovers, the horrible play calling, and most of all the horrendous officiating. I mean, seriously, they can't even count to 12? They give the Bears a second chance to score on an imaginary rule about the man lining up over the center (as Al Micheals pointed out, his helmet was clearly outside the centers shoulderpads), and of course, the lack of official review from the booth on the last play of the game. It could have gone either way, but a few angles they showed looked like Driver had one hand on it in the air and two when they landed, which would've meant a tie, which always goes to the reciever and thusly it should've been a touchdown. What I think happened was that they saw how dominant GB was in the first half and turned the game off in the second, only to come in when it was 27-20. Way to support your team, guys.


    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • What in the world is going on inside the head of Mike McCarthy?

    That was one of the biggest bonehead coaching jobs I've seen in a long time. He made stupid challenges, made horrible calls, and generally looked like he had no idea what was going on. Favre was killing the Bears, and all throughout the second half they call screens and rushes up the middle? He calls the plays, he cost his team the game. And allowing that many penalties? That was just an awful coached game. I swear I think he threw that game. You don't play conservative when the opposing team comes back and ties it (after getting great field position from your conservative play, ugh).

    7 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Which is the bigger upset and why?

    Stanford's shocking upset over #1/2 USC or Appalachain State's unprecedented upset over #5 Michigan?

    15 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Shaq vs Kobe, come on?

    Why do people insenuate that Shaquille O'Neal was the sole reason the Lakers won the Championship? Basketball is a team sport and it was obviously the triangle offense that won the Lakers dynasty those rings. It was Shaq AND Kobe, a combined effort, and neither were more responsible than the other, regardless of what either of them or you crazy fans might think.

    Kobe Bryant is carrying the Lakers on his back right now, and has them in the playoffs, but it's obvious they won't win. What does that mean? It means one man can win games, but only teams can win championships. Shaq didn't win the Heat a Championship, either. Just like in LA, it was a combination of Shaq and a supreme gaurd in Dwayne Wade. It's disrespectful to Wade to say that the Heat won because of Shaq. So anyone who argues "look what's happened to Shaq as compared to Kobe" to prove that Shaq is a better player is obviously false. W/O Wade, Shaq isn't winning a title this year either.

    What is your take and why?

    9 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Can anyone give a legitimate reason why Bonds shouldn't be in the HOF?

    Before you do, read the following arguments. All innapropriate answers will be flagged.

    While steroids are and were illegal, they were not against MLB rules until 2004, and therefore any steroids Bonds or any other MLB player used should not be counted against him. Would you like it if you were arrested at age 34 for that time you endulged in underage drinking at your best friend's high school graduation party? Barry Bonds' single season Home Run record is completely legal by MLB's own standards, and therefore is 100% legitimate. Even if because of that single record, he should be in the HOF.

    Also, to single Barry Bonds out to send a message is borderline discrimination against anyone who would have success in a sport. According to most recent rumors, there are certainly hundreds, if not thousands, of players who have used Steroids in the MLB and who knows how many in other sport franchises and, if anything, Bonds was on a level playing field.

    24 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Why do people constantly have to bash wrestling fans?

    Listen, any fan with half a brain KNOWS that wrestling is scripted. You don't have to come on there, humiliate or embarass someone for your two measly points, just to tell us something that we already know.

    And those that DON'T know, why ruin the moment for them?

    When I was a kid, I thought it was real and amazing, too. Now I appreciate it even more that I've learned about the history of pro-wrestling and read the many books out there by wrestling superstars.

    So, please, stop patronizing us would you? (And tell me why you even feel it necessary to do so.)

    14 AnswersWrestling1 decade ago
  • Why do people keep comparing Kobe Bryant to Michael Jordan?

    Listen, you can't compare their careers until Kobe retires, anyway. It's completely pointless.

    Yes, Kobe IS the best player in the game right now, but even as good as he is, right now, he's nothing close to the greatest basketball player of all time, like Jordan is. He might be in the top 10 of all time already, though.

    Comparing them by age is pointless, too, because Jordan went to college, so Kobe has a three year head start. Kobe didn't win a National Title in college, and never will.

    Michael Jordan is the greatest player of all time and his career averages are ALL better than Kobe Bryant with the exception of 3pfg per game and 3pfg% per game.

    17 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Bernie Bickerstaff is finally gone! Who is as happy as I am?

    The worst coach in the NBA, who was hired only because of his skin color, is finally getting canned after this season! Bernie Bickerstaff was a horrible coach and if he'd spent half as much time coaching his young and inexperienced players as he did arguing with the referee's over calls that are thirty minutes old (I'm not even really exaggerating), then maybe the Bobcats would be fighting for that 8th spot.

    But since MJ has taken over, things are starting to turn around! Already names like Larry Brown and Lenny Wilkins are being tossed around as possible replacements next season for the Bobcats. Heck, if UK lets Tubby Smith go, I'd love to see him come into Charlotte where he can actually coach!

    How would you rate Jordan's take-over so farand who do you think should coach the Bobcats next season?

    8 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • To Tubby Supporters...?

    It's so interesting how many of the non-Kentucky fans are calling us Big Blue fans crazy for calling for Tubby's firing, or for him to resign.

    Well, this is today's Dan Wetzel column and he explains it better than any of us could.

    You have to understand the history of Kentucky Wildcat basketball and the expectations that fans in the Blue Grass state have. Kentucky basketball and Louiseville football are more than comparable to professional teams. In fact, both have better attendance than most professional teams of their sports.

    After you've read the column, give me your opinions on whether you agree with me and Dan or not.;_ylt=AnUDx7QToL...

    4 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Should Tubby Smith Be Fired?

    He is without a doubt the worst recruiter in the SEC. His players lack focus (as they showed in their loss to MSU today) and are complacent at times. That's a sign of horrible coaching.

    You know things are rotten in Lexington when bluegrass natives are calling for their once beloved Tubby's head.

    7 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Should Favre be traded?

    He's still better than over half the other NFL QB's, so I don't think he should retire mid-season, but it's just so crappy to see him go out for such a horrible team with such a horrible defense.

    If he gets traded, where would you like to see him go, or where SHOULD he go, and why?

    I think either Dallas or Minnesota are good fits for him, because they both start veteran QB's who are on shaky ground, and he's definately better than either of the two, and both are still roughly in the playoff picture.

    20 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Question for Yankee haters...?

    We know how everyone feels about A-Rod, and people go out of thier way to trash him. But why is there never anything bad to say about the AL MVP Derek Jeter? Spend less time trashing the rest of the overpaid Yanks and more time commending a "true" Yankee. Seriously, why not give Jeter his props? Do you love to hate someone that much? Can't you just appreciate the game of baseball? I'm an A's fan, but at least I respect the Yankees, and all MLB teams.

    12 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago
  • Talk about your robberies!!??

    Who in God's name though Jim Thome deserved comeback player over Frank Thomas? Thome ONLY had more HR than Thomas, while Thomas led him in all other major stats and played for a playoff team... CARRIED that playoff team.

    Thomas is not only comeback player, he's been considered as a candidate for MVP. Talk about your highway robberies. That was just rediculous.

    2 AnswersBaseball1 decade ago