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Pee Dee Eye Eye

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  • Eyes often change color, trouble doing good eye makeup?

    I'm pretty skilled when it comes to eye makeup, but something always annoys the hell out of me. Sometimes my eyes change color as the day wears on, which can totally mess up my color scheme and make me look like an idiot.

    For reference, my eyes are blue-green that can change from forest green to steely gray-blue.

    Is there a color scheme that can satisfy this range? Or -some- kind of technique I can do so this doesn't happen? Many a style has been ruined because the weather suddenly changed or something stupid like that.

    1 AnswerMakeup1 decade ago
  • I am my mother's verbal punching bag - help?

    I love my mother dearly, and I try my best to be the most polite and obedient daughter I can be - but I'm at the end of my rope.

    My mother yells at me all the time - for big things, for small things, things that weren't even my fault. It's hard to be around her when she gets so stressed and shrill; I feel like I'm walking on eggshells because the slightest movement will make her move against me. It stresses -me- out to no end and I can't stand it. When she's like this she'll trivalizes everything I do, no matter how good it is, and just try to find something bad for her to scream about. Like two days ago, I won second prize at the district level poetry slam and all she could comment was how I didn't win first (I did last year).

    Don't get it wrong, she's not always like this. When she's not stressed she's fun and pleasant to be around with. Unfortunately she's like this all the time lately, only angry and looking for someone to beat up. And it doesn't matter how stressed -I- am, I can't complain or try to get her to empathize or else I'm an ungrateful whelp who can't appreciate all she does. It doesn't matter if I have two AP Exams consecutively + a job interview + car's broken so I now walk -everywhere-. I am always ungrateful.

    I don't know what to do. She drains me of everything and it makes me feel conflicted. She's taken all the bite out of me, so I hardly ever confront her or argue. But appeasement can only go so far and I just feel so tired of her tirades. What can I do?

    (P.S It's not just. She yells at the dog and her boyfriend plenty as well. But the dog can't argue back (neither can I) and Steve just rolls with it. But I'm about to burst.)

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • There's a 'vampire' in my cafe? How do I test his 'undead' powers?

    Already, it's the middle of the night, so I only feel that this is appropriate timing.

    I work night shift at a cafe in my neighborhood. It pays well, never mind that.

    So there's this guy that likes to enter the cafe when it isn't so busy and fairly late on the shift. He looks like an ordinary guy. Here's the kinch - he says he's a vampire. Now I know there's like this subculture and all that, but he doesn't look like he prescribes to it at all.

    Now, as you can see, I'm not too impressed by his claims. Plus I think he might be a bit mentally off (although he acts pretty normal on every other account). I'm a pretty smug person though, and I'd just love to find a way to test his super-awesome vampiric powers without getting me killed in an alleyway.

    What do you think? Should I be wary? Or should I have a little fun?

    9 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Why are most students liberal and yet so ignorant?

    i don't really care what someones political siding is, so long as it's educated. problem is, i seem to be surrounded by people who are liberal for extremely flimsy or transparent reasons. I've met some donkeys who can hold their own in an arguement, but most fall apart after the whole 'HOPE AND CHANGE AND LOVE AND GUILT", usually somewhere around taxes (which some don't even know what that is).

    I think it's a serious failing of the education system if students can't understand things like taxes and are liberal because Lady Gaga told them to. On the flip side, most conservatives and elephants I find to be fairly educated on the issues, even if I disagree vehemently with what they say.

    I think this question might answer for itself but all I can say is, why? Why is there seemingly such a failure to educate our kids that they'll choose liberal because 'it's nice'

    I just don't get it.

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What song do you feel defines the past decade?

    Well, 2010 has been done for a while, but it's fresh enough in our minds. What song do you think puts it all in perspective?

    Only one, remember.

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • In a hypothetical zombie invasion, is a dog helpful or hindering?

    There are different sources that say different things on whether or not animals are appetizing to zombies; plus they aren't real so it's not like we can test for that sort of thing.

    But say it did happen, and you didn't know if they did. Do you think keeping a loyal dog (a gaurd dog, or a pointer or some such; not a toy dog) would help you or bring you down?

    There's a lot of stories about post apocalyptic words with heroes and their doggy pals, so I just wanted to hear some thoughts.

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Why do people criticize hip-hop & rap, and then listen to rock that does all the same things?

    That's not saying all rock is bad, or that all rap and hip-hop are bad. But it really kills me when someone says that anyone can rap, and then listen to garage rock that pretty much anyone with basic (or not even) guitar skills and a crappy recorder can do. Or that rap always have bad lyrics and then listen to rock songs that have mindless lyrics.

    Or that rap is always about whores whores whores and is anti-feminist, and then listen to rock that is surprise suprise, about whores whores whores. I know hypocrisy is pretty common in people, but it just seems so blatant here that you would think people would know better.

    4 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • You just got turned into a vampire, what do you do first?

    Just an odd question that I wanted to see people respond to. Let's say you just woke up in the middle of the night and can't remember anything from the day before. And for the sake of convenience, you can choose where you are and what time and year it is (so long if it's at night, herp derp). You feel very dead for some reason and you also feel really really hungry. With some deduction you figure that you just -might- be a vampire.

    What now?

    15 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Being pressured to do something against my political leaning, what do I do?

    To better explain, the Day of Silence is coming up. Normally, I would support this in lieu of things like violence, lynching, stalking, etc. But I always advocate on that day to support -all- kids who are bullied and not just ones that are gay. This doesn't win me many friends at the GSA at my school, which is really radical and a bit socialist to boot. But that's besides the point.

    This year they're doing a campaign on the phrase "That's so Gay". Not anything like, say, being attacked or that. I'm a liberatarian, so I believe that words don't do squat and you're a baby if they hurt you. It's only when someone has malicious intent and/or aggressive can it do anything. You know, context. So I told them the truth, that I won't uphold the Day of Silence when it campaigns something I don't agree with.

    Here's the problem; they're not taking no for a answer. I keep getting harrassed by the officers on doing the Day of Silence, saying that I'm a neocon if I don't. I'm not too keen on being bullied by people supposedly advocating for less bullying but I don't know how to negotiate my way out of this without it ending badly. I tell it like it is, but the GSA has the administration in their pocket via the ACLU and threats to sue. Last thing I need for a busy year is something like that.

    Some of it might be personal, I think. One of the officers alternatively wants my body (even though I'm not gay or bi and have made it clear) or wants me dead (for not wanting her to want my body), and the other has made death threats to me before so saying things like "I think taxes need to be lower" or "Maybe you should stop being so negative"

    It's gotten volatile and I don't know how to get out clean. I feel like my reputation is on the line. What do I do?

    I forgot an important detail. I'm a pretty important person when it comes to school politics and government (God knows what that means). A lot of groups like to get me on board because I'm on Student Council and it gives them validation for whatever it is they're supporting. Every once in a while a group is defensive when I don't join, but it's never been like -this-.

    I actually already asked this on Politics and they had good answers, but I felt like you guys could give good insight and a way to more delicate dance through this situation. I stand for my beliefs, but my already polarized standing on Student Council is at stake. And I -really- don't want to stoop to their level, that is lower than dirt.

  • Need help finding a horror movie, can't remember?

    I saw it on Chiller once and for some reason they never listed it. I thought it was interesting if not a bit on the B-side, would love to know what it was.

    It was about an overprotective abusive couple who killed their son (accidently!) and the dad kept kidnapping boys to replace him because the mom was so guilty she still thought he was alive. Main character was in a wheelchair because they put them in there, I remember that too. Felt very surburbanite horror. Wish I knew any of the actors or names, it would be really helpful. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Being pressured to do something against my political leaning, what do I do?

    To better explain, the Day of Silence is coming up. Normally, I would support this in lieu of things like violence, lynching, stalking, etc. But I always advocate on that day to support -all- kids who are bullied and not just ones that are gay. This doesn't win me many friends at the GSA at my school, which is really radical and a bit socialist to boot. But that's besides the point.

    This year they're doing a campaign on the phrase "That's so Gay". Not anything like, say, being attacked or that. I'm a liberatarian, so I believe that words don't do squat and you're a baby if they hurt you. It's only when someone has malicious intent and/or aggressive can it do anything. You know, context. So I told them the truth, that I won't uphold the Day of Silence when it campaigns something I don't agree with.

    Here's the problem; they're not taking no for a answer. I keep getting harrassed by the officers on doing the Day of Silence, saying that I'm a neocon if I don't. I'm not too keen on being bullied by people supposedly advocating for less bullying but I don't know how to negotiate my way out of this without it ending badly. I tell it like it is, but the GSA has the administration in their pocket via the ACLU and threats to sue. Last thing I need for a busy year is something like that.

    Some of it might be personal, I think. One of the officers alternatively wants my body (even though I'm not gay or bi and have made it clear) or wants me dead (for not wanting her to want my body), and the other has made death threats to me before so saying things like "I think taxes need to be lower" or "Maybe you should stop being so negative"

    It's gotten volatile and I don't know how to get out clean. I feel like my reputation is on the line. What do I do?

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Speedrunning/Sequence-breaking tips for MP3 (Metroid Prime 3?)?

    I'm currently doing a 100% speedrun for Metroid Prime 3. I have it at sub four hours, but I feel like I can do better. There are definitely a lot of little speed tricks you can do, and I have the entire map memorized but it's becoming difficult to plot a good route for it. Any suggestions, pointers, or links would be really helpful. MP3 has a few glitches here and there, but it seems altogether much tighter then the last two games, unless I'm mistaken. There's not a lot out there like there is for the other Metroid games either, so it's a bit hard to find some help. I'd really like to get this onto to SDA, if I could, although that's unlikely.

    Thanks a lot guys!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Pedophobia?

    I have mild pedophobia, which is the fear of dolls and is NOT the fear of children. The china ones are the worst for me and the very thought of them -staring- at me terrifies me. My mother used to teasingly say she was going to buy a million dolls and make them all stare at me when I was being sassy. Of course, when I showed actual fear of this, she ceased.

    What I want to know is where did this stem from? I can't really recall a event or time that would inspire such fear so is it genetic? Is there treatment for people with pedophobia?

    7 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Is God powerful enough to create his own creator?


    Add on - And if so, what would happen?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • The Power of Fan-boy/Girl-ism In The Internet?

    We all know about them, I'm even one to some point; but here's a question that just might have no answer? Are Extreme Fanboys and Fangirls like the Pope? Do they have too much power in Fan-Communities?

    And even more so, is there a hirachy to the Fan-world? Is there anything to be done of this terribly tyrants, if they exist? These are questions that are probably harder to answer then:

    "Lawl, my parents hate me :( Plz help"

    1 AnswerInternet1 decade ago